Food education is not just about teaching children how to eat but also about cultivating scientific, artistic, and gratitude education. It helps children develop future survival skills, a love for life, and a sense of reverence for nature and life.
Chinese schools lack a systematic approach to food education and often lack professional guidance, such as having dedicated nutritionists. School canteens and snack shops sometimes prioritize profit over nutritional value, leading to unhealthy food options.
Japan integrates food education into daily school life through practices like having students participate in meal preparation and distribution. They also emphasize gratitude education, with students thanking those who provide their meals. Additionally, schools have dedicated nutritionists who oversee meal planning and preparation.
Common eating issues include picky eating, overeating, and anorexia. These issues often stem from both physiological and psychological factors. Addressing them requires a supportive family environment, gradual exposure to new foods, and sometimes professional intervention. Encouraging children to participate in cooking can also help change their attitudes toward food.
Ma Xiaoguang believes that growth hormones should only be used when there is a proven deficiency, as their misuse can lead to long-term health risks such as metabolic disorders and thyroid issues. He emphasizes that a balanced diet and adequate exercise are more sustainable and safer ways to support healthy growth in children.
Ma Xiaoguang suggests that parents should focus on creating a balanced and supportive food environment at home. While occasional indulgence in junk food is acceptable, the emphasis should be on teaching children about the importance of nutrition and encouraging them to participate in cooking and meal preparation to develop healthier eating habits.
Pre-made meals and takeout often contain high levels of salt, fat, and preservatives, which can negatively impact children's health. Ma Xiaoguang advises parents to minimize reliance on these options and instead prioritize home-cooked meals, which allow for better control over ingredients and nutritional quality.
00:05:58 马老师分享自己在家庭教育中的食育教育
00:10:33 儿童减重,家庭的支持至关重要!
00:13:10 国内学校食育教育的进步与不足
00:15:33 国内学校食堂和小卖部存在的营养问题
00:22:24 日本的校餐:食育不仅是营养知识的传授,而是融入生活的综合性教育
00:27:17 对学生饮食的严格管理是对孩子天性的磨灭吗?
00:28:40 中国家长:做饭哪有学习工作重要?!
00:29:55 做饭是一件融入了科学教育与艺术教育的事儿
00:33:56 马老师:跟孩子讲道理之前,先改善和孩子的关系
00:35:49 法国学校的食育教育:兼具营养管理和优雅生活文化的熏陶
00:37:40 阿俏分享门诊见闻:父母对孩子食育教育的两个极端
00:40:00 孩子五花八门的吃饭问题,和家庭环境息息相关!
00:45:58 马老师:分享让孩子认识食物、爱上食物的趣味小游戏
00:54:07 孩子的挑食偏食问题:生理与心理角度的分析与建议
00:59:20 青少年的厌食问题:审美引导和家庭氛围值得关注
01:04:45 怎么帮助孩子长高?生长激素并非毫无风险!
01:10:35 面对外卖、预制菜横行,马老师的看法与建议
**欢迎听众来信!:**[email protected]
Found You - Declan DP
咖啡情调 - 小笨喵Rye
咖啡日常 - 巧克力盒子
咖啡时光 - A乐君
safe at home - Andre Previn
sea dreams - 鄢语
autumn in New York - Larkster Quartet
这样就很好 - 雾会散去雨会停
清新 欢快 假日 旅行 - 张辉
陈小龙, 卢丹娜.《给妈妈的第一本食育书》. 机械工业出版社. 2019
【官方双语】日本的校餐@LWIF-哔哩哔哩】日本的食育基本法)法国食育教育书籍《French Kids Eat Everything》)