cover of episode Mozi, Ev Williams' New Social App, U.S. Military Prepares for Space Wars, and Altermagnetism Discovered

Mozi, Ev Williams' New Social App, U.S. Military Prepares for Space Wars, and Altermagnetism Discovered

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Discover Daily by Perplexity

Isaac: Mozi社交应用由Twitter联合创始人Ev Williams创建,旨在促进真实世界的会面和有意义的互动,而不是无休止地浏览内容。该应用采用完全私密的方式,没有公开资料、关注者数量以及与陌生人的互动。它直接连接到用户的手机联系人,允许用户分享旅行计划,并在朋友访问同一城市或参加同一活动时收到通知。它甚至包含饮食偏好和家庭信息等个人详细信息。为了避免创建另一个消息收件箱,Mozi将用户重定向到他们手机的常规消息应用程序进行通信。 Sienna: 美国太空部队公布了一项全面的商业太空战略,旨在更好地整合行业专业知识和技术。该战略侧重于四个主要领域:与行业合作伙伴的合作透明度、运营和技术整合、风险管理以及确保未来技术。太空部队认识到,与商业伙伴密切合作对于保持对竞争对手的技术优势至关重要。中俄两国都在太空战争能力方面取得了显著进展,对美国太空部队构成了威胁。中国自2024年初以来已部署了970多颗卫星,旨在支持潜在的军事行动。他们还研制了反卫星导弹、电子干扰机和机器人抓取卫星。与此同时,俄罗斯已经展示了其能力,例如Nudol反卫星导弹系统,该系统在2021年的一次试验中产生了大量的轨道碎片。这些基于空间的威胁的快速发展突显了太空部队新战略的重要性。 Sienna: 研究人员在锰碲化物中实验性地证实了变异磁性。使用先进的X射线技术,他们证明了尽管锰碲化物表面看起来像经典的反铁磁体,但它却表现出独特的磁性特性,这使其有别于传统的磁性材料。变异磁体由指向与其相邻磁矩相反方向的磁矩组成,类似于反铁磁体。然而,使它们与众不同的是,承载这些磁矩的晶体的每一部分都相对于其相邻部分旋转。这种细微的差异会对这些材料的使用方式产生重大影响。变异磁性材料可能显著提升电子设备的处理速度和能源效率,例如更快的计算机内存系统、更强大和紧凑的微处理器以及传感器、执行器和用于量子计算的自旋电子器件的改进。

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In this episode of 'Discover Daily' by Perplexity, hosts Alex and Sienna delve into cutting-edge developments in technology and space. They explore Mozi, a revolutionary social networking app created by Twitter co-founder Ev Williams, designed to foster genuine connections and real-world meetups. Unlike traditional social media platforms, Mozi prioritizes privacy and meaningful interactions over content sharing and follower counts.The show then shifts focus to the U.S. Space Force's new Commercial Space Strategy, aimed at maintaining space superiority in an increasingly contested environment. Alex and Sienna discuss how the Space Force is adapting to counter advanced space warfare capabilities developed by China and Russia, including anti-satellite missiles, electronic jammers, and robotic satellites.The main feature of the episode centers on the groundbreaking discovery of altermagnetism in manganese telluride. This new form of magnetism could potentially revolutionize electronic devices, offering unprecedented processing speeds and energy efficiency. The hosts explore the unique properties of altermagnets and their potential applications in quantum computing, data processing, and advanced sensors, highlighting the significant impact this discovery could have on future technology.From Perplexity's Discover Feed):

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