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The Suggestible Brain

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The Michael Shermer Show

Amir Raz
Michael Shermer
Michael Shermer: 本期节目邀请了世界知名的暗示与暗示性科学专家Amir Raz博士,探讨其新书《易受暗示的大脑:我们如何形成想法的科学与魔法》中关于暗示的科学与魔法。节目中讨论了暗示的进化起源、大脑成像如何捕捉暗示的力量、催眠、冥想和安慰剂的心理学原理,以及暗示在社会传染和邪教中的作用。还探讨了暗示在管理ADHD、抑郁症和焦虑症等疾病中的应用。 Amir Raz: 本书探讨了暗示的科学与魔法,以及暗示如何影响我们的思维方式。作者结合自身作为魔术师的经验,阐述了科学家和怀疑论者对魔术的兴趣,以及魔术中使用的许多心理方法对心理学研究的启示。书中还讨论了暗示性测试的可靠性、暗示性在不同领域的表现差异,以及暗示如何影响人们对信息的判断和行为。此外,还探讨了暗示在催眠、冥想、安慰剂等方面的作用,以及如何利用暗示来提高心理韧性和抵制操纵。 Amir Raz: 暗示性是人们对暗示的反应能力,它并非简单的轻信,而是人们接受信息的一种方式,其程度因人而异。暗示性在不同领域的表现不同,有些人可能在某些方面容易受暗示,但在其他方面却很顽固。暗示性是可以量化的,其可靠性甚至高于智商测试,但人们对暗示性测试结果的期望却与智商测试不同。人们的理性程度并非一成不变,而是取决于具体的领域。在大多数情况下,人们是理性的,但在特定领域容易受骗,这与社会认同和对专家的信任有关。暗示会改变大脑的神经生物学,影响人们的生理和思维方式。易受暗示性并非弱点,反而具有进化优势,因为它能帮助人们更快地学习和适应环境。人们对信息的判断受到多种因素的影响,包括信息来源的背景、身份、财富等,这些因素会影响神经生理活动。科学家容易被简单的魔术技巧欺骗,因为他们倾向于寻找可重复的模式,而忽略了魔术师可能使用不同的方法达到相同效果。人们容易关注那些受骗的人,而忽略了受骗人数占总尝试人数的比例,这是一种选择性偏差。人们容易被引人入胜的故事所吸引,并忽视故事的真实性。米尔格拉姆实验和津巴多实验都揭示了人们容易屈服于权威和社会压力,但两者侧重点不同,米尔格拉姆关注的是服从权威,而津巴多关注的是角色扮演的影响。舞台催眠和临床催眠有所不同,舞台催眠是娱乐表演,而临床催眠是针对特定问题的干预措施。为了忘记数字“4”,人们需要先记住它,这涉及到元认知过程。催眠状态下,人们可能会忽略某些信息,这与元认知和大脑状态有关。一些药物、冥想等方法可以诱导类似催眠的状态,并激活相同的大脑区域。角色扮演可能会让人们沉浸其中,忘记自己是在扮演角色,这与社会反馈和环境有关。在催眠状态下,人们可能会通过不同的方式来屏蔽或忽略某些信息,例如避免直接注视或使用隐蔽的注意力。注意力是调节情绪和行为的重要因素,可以通过训练来提高自我调节能力。催眠状态并非虚假或单纯的社会顺从,而是真实存在的一种意识改变状态。邪教、群体歇斯底里等现象表明,人们容易受到暗示的影响,而信息过载和信息来源的复杂性加剧了这种影响。抗抑郁药的效果可能被高估了,暗示在治疗抑郁症等心理疾病中扮演着重要角色。暗示是人类神经心理学的一个基本方面,可以被用来改善身心健康和抵制操纵。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why are scientists and skeptics fascinated by magicians and magic?

Magicians are skilled at deception, creating illusions, and detecting falsehoods. Their techniques often overlap with psychological methods used in skepticism, making them valuable for understanding human behavior and detecting manipulation.

How does mentalism differ from stage magic in its impact on audiences?

Mentalism messes with the audience's sense of agency and free will, raising existential questions about choice and control. It taps into deeper psychological and emotional responses compared to the more visual and physical illusions of stage magic.

What evolutionary advantage does suggestibility provide?

Suggestibility allows humans to learn from others' experiences without having to experience everything firsthand. It enables faster adaptation and navigation of the world by trusting and acting on the suggestions of others.

How does suggestibility manifest in different domains of life?

People are suggestible in various domains, such as feeling sleepy when told they look tired or hungry when reminded it's lunchtime. Suggestibility is not uniform across all areas of life, and individuals may be highly suggestible in one domain but stubborn in another.

What role does social proof play in suggestibility?

Social proof influences suggestibility by shaping perceptions based on the status, credentials, or appearance of the person delivering the suggestion. Factors like education, wealth, and charisma can significantly impact how a suggestion is received and acted upon.

How does brain imaging help understand hypnosis?

Brain imaging reveals how hypnosis affects attentional allocation and brain states. It shows which areas of the brain are activated during hypnotic suggestions, such as blocking visual attention to specific objects, and helps identify the neural mechanisms behind altered states of consciousness.

What are the limitations of using hypnosis for mind control or manipulation?

While hypnosis can influence behavior, it is not a tool for absolute mind control. Cults and mass hysteria demonstrate how powerful social narratives and group dynamics can be, but hypnosis alone cannot create unbreakable control over individuals. It requires a combination of factors, including trust, authority, and social pressure.

How can suggestibility be leveraged for mental health benefits?

Suggestibility can be harnessed to improve mental health through techniques like hypnosis, meditation, and cognitive training. These methods help regulate attention, manage pain, and build emotional resilience, offering alternatives to traditional treatments like antidepressants.

Why do people often misremember or misinterpret magic tricks?

People misremember magic tricks because they are led to believe something extraordinary occurred, even if it didn't. This is often due to the performer's skillful use of suggestion and misdirection, which creates a narrative that overrides the actual events.

What is the 'hidden observer' theory in hypnosis?

The 'hidden observer' theory suggests that during hypnosis, a part of the brain remains aware of the reality while the conscious mind is under suggestion. This hidden observer can be activated to regain awareness of suppressed information, such as recognizing an object that was previously 'unknown'.

Shownotes Transcript

In The Suggestible Brain, cognitive psychologist Amir Raz delves into how suggestions can influence everything from wine preferences to memory and emotional reactions. As society grapples with misinformation, Raz’s research spans across cognitive psychology, sociology, and culture, emphasizing the profound impact of suggestion on both personal and collective levels. Raz’s expertise, merging magic with neuropsychology, unveils actionable insights for utilizing suggestion to enhance mental resilience and defend against manipulation.

Dr. Raz’s career includes roles as Canada Research Chair and Director of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Brain and Behavioral Sciences. A speaker and author, his insights on suggestion have been widely recognized by media and academic audiences. His work, grounded in extensive research and engaging storytelling, highlights the interconnectedness of suggestion with consciousness, memory, and identity.

Shermer and Raz discuss: the evolutionary basis of suggestibility, how brain imaging captures the power of suggestion, and the psychology behind hypnosis, meditation, and placebos. They discuss historical influences like Milgram’s obedience studies and explore suggestibility’s role in social contagions and cults. Raz also shares insights on psychedelics, neurofeedback, and using suggestion to manage conditions like ADHD, depression, and anxiety.