cover of episode From the Big Bang to God: The Universe’s Biggest Mysteries

From the Big Bang to God: The Universe’s Biggest Mysteries

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The Michael Shermer Show

Kelsey Johnson
Michael Shermer
Kelsey Johnson: 本人童年经历坎坷,通过对星空的观察和对宗教书籍的阅读,最终走上了天文学研究的道路。宇宙的奥秘激发了本人对自身存在意义的思考。在知识论方面,本人认为我们对知识的认知存在局限性,应该保持谦逊,承认自己可能犯错。在对大爆炸理论的探讨中,本人澄清了大爆炸并非字面意义上的爆炸,而是指宇宙早期极短时间内空间的剧烈膨胀。宇宙的膨胀并非膨胀到某个外部空间,而是自身时空的膨胀。宇宙是否有开端是一个开放性问题,因为我们无法观测到宇宙大爆炸之前的状态。人类的认知能力存在局限性,可能无法理解宇宙中所有事物。对“虚无”概念的理解需要精确的定义,否则难以进行深入的讨论。“超自然”和“超常现象”等词汇只是用来解释我们无法用自然手段解释的现象的语言替代物。数学原理可能独立存在于人类认知之外,是宇宙的底层语言。宇宙的净值为零,这引发了对宇宙起源的思考。在费米悖论方面,本人认为外星文明可能在达到科技成熟期之前就自我毁灭了,人类应该引以为戒。如果宇宙是“块状宇宙”,那么自由意志可能不存在。我们对时间的本质缺乏了解,现代物理学为我们理解时间的本质提供了新的视角。宇宙的精细调节可能是由于人择原理、多元宇宙或对生命定义的局限性造成的。如果能统一量子力学和广义相对论,将有助于解释宇宙的精细调节问题,弦理论是其中一种可能的解释。人类对高维空间的感知能力有限,但通过训练或许可以提升感知能力。最后,本人呼吁人们重视对宇宙的探索,保持好奇心和创造力,避免陷入日常琐事的困扰。 Michael Shermer: 本人认为人生轨迹具有偶然性,微小的事件变化都可能导致完全不同的结果。社会科学难以预测个体未来的发展轨迹,因为个体行为受多种因素影响,存在很大的不确定性。人们对知识的获取很大程度上依赖于对权威机构和专家的信任。科学界的同行评审机制和证据的汇聚有助于提升人们对科学结论的信任度,但仍需保持一定的怀疑态度。“为什么存在而不是不存在”这个问题的答案取决于对“不存在”的定义。自由意志的问题与宇宙是“块状宇宙”的假设有关。宇宙的精细调节问题引发了对宇宙结构原因的思考,既有神学解释,也有科学假设。如果能统一量子力学和广义相对论,将有助于解释宇宙的精细调节问题。费米悖论探讨了外星文明的缺失问题,并提出了几种可能的解释。最后,本人赞同作者的观点,呼吁人们保持对宇宙的好奇心和敬畏之心。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Kelsey Johnson become interested in astronomy and the mysteries of the cosmos?

Johnson's interest in astronomy was sparked by her difficult childhood, marked by poverty and her mother's struggles with alcohol. She spent much of her time outdoors, observing the night sky, which led her to ponder existential questions. Additionally, her early religious exploration, driven by a desire to find meaning and escape her circumstances, also contributed to her fascination with understanding her place in the universe.

What does Kelsey Johnson mean when she says the Big Bang is a 'terrible name'?

Johnson explains that the term 'Big Bang' conjures an image of an explosion in space, which is not accurate. Instead, the Big Bang refers to the rapid expansion of the universe from a very small, dense state. This expansion happened everywhere simultaneously, not in a specific location, and involved the fabric of space itself expanding.

What evidence supports the Big Bang theory?

The Big Bang theory is supported by several lines of evidence, including the cosmic microwave background radiation, the abundance of elements in the universe, the expanding nature of the universe, and the horizon problem. These observations converge to provide strong support for the theory.

What is the significance of Euler's equation, according to Kelsey Johnson?

Euler's equation, which is E^(iπ) + 1 = 0, is significant to Johnson because it elegantly connects the most important numbers in mathematics: e, i, π, 1, and 0. This equation suggests a deep underlying relationship between these fundamental constants, which Johnson finds almost metaphysical in its beauty and simplicity.

What does Kelsey Johnson believe about the concept of 'nothing'?

Johnson teaches her students about three types of 'nothing': an empty universe with no mass or energy, a universe without even space-time, and a 'philosopher's nothing' where even abstract concepts like mathematical principles do not exist. She emphasizes the need for precise language when discussing the concept of nothing, as it is often misunderstood.

What does Kelsey Johnson think about the possibility of extraterrestrial life?

Johnson believes that if extraterrestrial life exists, it should have colonized the galaxy multiple times over by now, given the age of the universe. The fact that we haven't observed any evidence of such life leads her to consider several possibilities, including that life may be rare, that aliens are here but hidden, that they exist but haven't communicated with us, or that advanced civilizations tend to destroy themselves before they can colonize the galaxy.

How does Kelsey Johnson explain the block universe concept?

The block universe theory suggests that time is a dimension like space, and the entire history of the universe exists as a 'block' where past, present, and future are all fixed. Johnson explains that this theory challenges our notion of free will because if everything is already determined, then our choices may be an illusion. However, quantum mechanics offers interpretations, such as the many-worlds hypothesis, that allow for alternate universes to branch off with each decision, potentially preserving some sense of free will.

What does Kelsey Johnson think about the fine-tuning problem in the universe?

Johnson acknowledges that the universe appears fine-tuned for life, but she argues that this observation doesn't necessarily imply a creator. She suggests several alternative explanations, including the multiverse theory, where many universes exist with different parameters, and we happen to be in one that supports life. She also posits that our definition of life may be too narrow and that other forms of life could exist under different physical conditions.

How does Kelsey Johnson view humanity's place in the universe?

Johnson believes that humanity's connection to the universe is vital for fostering curiosity, creativity, and awe. She worries that as people spend more time on screens and less time outdoors, they are losing touch with the natural world and the existential questions that the universe invites us to ponder. She sees this disconnection as detrimental to our intellectual and emotional growth as a species.

Shownotes Transcript

Journey to the frontiers of human knowledge with astrophysicist Kelsey Johnson as she explores mind-bending questions about the cosmos. Rather than just celebrating what we know, Johnson delves into the profound mysteries that remain unsolved—from the Big Bang to black holes—and examines how these uncertainties intersect with philosophy, theology, and human understanding.

Kelsey Johnson is a professor of astronomy at the University of Virginia, former president of the American Astronomical Society, and founder of the award-winning Dark Skies, Bright Kids program. She has won numerous awards for her research, teaching, and promotion of science literacy. She lives in rural Virginia with her family, including two very large dogs. Her new book is Into the Unknown: The Quest to Understand the Mysteries of the Cosmos.

Shermer and Johnson engage in a wide-ranging discussion covering fundamental questions about knowledge, existence, and the nature of our universe. Their conversation spans from the origins of the cosmos and the mysteries of dark matter to the possibilities of alien life and multiple dimensions. They explore philosophical concepts like free will, the mathematical nature of the universe, and the intersection of science with theology.