Tara Calico was a smart, accomplished and athletic college freshman who biked into the New Mexico desert one morning in 1988 and never came back. A year later, a peculiar photograph appeared in a parking lot over a thousand miles away in Florida. The search for Tara would enlist the help of investigators across an ocean only to eventually reveal corruption back home. Whatever happened to her resulted in a sprawling mystery that remains unsolved to this day.
This week's sponsors:
SkyLight Frames - To get $15 off your purchase of a SkyLight Frame go to SkylightFrame.com) and enter code STRANGE at checkout.
Lumi Labs - To learn more about microdosing THC go to Microdose.com) and use code STRANGE to get free shipping and 30% off your first order.
EveryPlate - Get your first box for just $1.49 per meal by going to EveryPlate.com/podcast) and entering code strange149 at checkout.