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Weird Darkness: Stories of the Paranormal, Supernatural, Legends, Lore, Mysterious, Macabre, Unsolved

Darren Marlar
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Darren Marlar 讲述了费城实验的两种主要说法:一种认为实验是虚构的,由卡尔·M·艾伦伪造证据所致;另一种说法则认为实验真实存在,并由参与者邓肯·卡梅伦和阿尔·比列克亲身经历,他们声称参与了实验并经历了时间旅行。Marlar 还介绍了对费城实验的科学解释,例如去磁技术和圣艾尔摩之火。关于时间旅行的可能性,Marlar 讨论了黑洞理论以及计算机模拟如何帮助科学家理解时空旅行的可能性。 卡尔·M·艾伦(化名卡洛斯·米格尔·阿连德)伪造文件,声称目击了费城实验,并声称美国军方试图掩盖此事,最终导致研究员杰萨普自杀。其伪造行为被揭露后,费城实验的真实性受到质疑。 邓肯·卡梅伦和阿尔·比列克声称参与了费城实验,并经历了时间旅行,他们声称在实验中被传送到了2137年和2749年,并描述了未来世界的景象。但他们的说法存在争议,其真实性受到质疑,因为比列克的真实姓名和背景信息存在不一致之处。 爱德华·达奇根,一位曾在费城实验期间在同一船坞服役的海军士兵,他认为实验中所谓的“隐形”和“时空转移”是虚构的,并提出了去磁技术作为对“绿色光芒”现象的解释。 科学家们对时间旅行是否可能存在争议,但对黑洞的研究可能会帮助我们理解时空旅行的可能性。计算机模拟表明,宇宙飞船可能在特定条件下穿过旋转黑洞而幸存下来,但这仍然是一个有待进一步研究的领域。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Al Bielek come forward with his story about the Philadelphia Experiment?

At 60 years old, after watching the science fiction film "The Philadelphia Experiment", Al Bielek began experiencing flashbacks that he recognized as memories, not visions. He claimed these memories were of his involvement in a real-life Philadelphia Experiment and a subsequent journey to the future.

What were Al Bielek's claims about the Philadelphia Experiment and his time travel?

Bielek claimed he and his brother, Duncan Cameron, were aboard the USS Eldridge during the experiment. When a device was activated, the ship vanished and returned with crew members suffering various ailments, some even fused with the ship. Bielek and Cameron jumped overboard, allegedly time traveling to 2137, then 2749, before returning to 1984. They were then tasked with destroying the device on the Eldridge to prevent an expanding hyperspace bubble from consuming Earth.

What are some of the reported paranormal activities in Pluckley Village?

Pluckley Village is reputed to have 12 apparitions, including a dying highwayman, a Victorian lady, and a phantom headmaster. Knocking sounds and flickering lights are reported in St. Nicholas' Church, attributed to Lady Daring. A red lady searches the graveyard, a white lady appears in the church, and screams echo in Daring Woods. A Tudor lady calls for her dogs at Rose Quartz, a ghostly battle reenactment occurs at Fright Corner, and a watercress lady haunts Pinnock Bridge. The Black Horse Pub reportedly has moving objects and vanishing clothing, attributed to Jessie Brooks. The Blacksmith's Arms hosts three ghosts, and an old lady sits in the Daring Arms. Screams are heard at the former brickworks, and the miller's ghost appears at the former mill site. A horse-drawn coach haunts Maltman's Hill, and a phantom walker and burning smell are reported at Elvie Farm.

Why is Pluckley Village considered the most haunted village in England?

With more reported ghost sightings per person than any other village, Pluckley was recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records in 1989 as England's most haunted village.

What did Sean Doherty and Lauren McDougal experience during their investigation of Pluckley?

Upon arriving, they lost phone signal and Lauren's Fitbit malfunctioned. A black cat followed them for a mile and a half. While investigating the Black Horse Inn, they heard barking dogs despite the pub being closed and no one being around. They heard more unexplained barking near St. Nicholas' Church and encountered the same black cat with a friend upon returning to their hotel.

Why is the Zuni belief in witchcraft tied to the concepts of life and human origin?

The Zuni believe witches existed alongside humans, not as separate supernatural beings, but as those "of a different breath". They were believed to sustain themselves on the unexpired lives of their victims, needing to continually kill to survive.

How did the Zuni traditionally deal with accusations of witchcraft?

Witchcraft was considered the only crime. The council of high priests identified witches, and the Baal priests carried out executions. The accused were tortured until confession, sometimes revealing their power source for leniency. Despite Spanish and American attempts to suppress it, the belief persisted, with documented cases into the early 20th century. The last known public trials were in 1925, though the belief continued underground.

What are some historical examples of unexplained atmospheric phenomena?

Three "perfect suns" were observed in a row over St. Malo, France, in 1797. A small, funnel-shaped cloud emitting flames and scorching leaves was witnessed in Monroe, Georgia, in 1888. A light streak that stopped instantly and spun, dissipating its light, was seen and photographed at Pinnacles National Monument in 1973. A large fireball, as big as the full moon, was observed off the Brazilian coast in 1922, illuminating the sky and sea for several minutes.

Why do some ufologists believe that some unexplained atmospheric phenomena could be UFOs?

Ancient texts mention Vimanas, advanced flying machines capable of appearing as clouds. Descriptions of Yahweh's movements in the Bible often involve various types of clouds, suggesting possible cloud chariots. The unexplained nature of some phenomena, like the three suns, the flaming cloud, and the fireball, leaves room for interpretations involving cloaked extraterrestrial craft.

What is black patch delirium, and what are its symptoms?

Black patch delirium is a specific type of delirium experienced by patients wearing eye patches after eye surgery. It's associated with visual hallucinations similar to Charles Bonnet syndrome, but also involves a more general state of delirium, possibly influenced by sensory deprivation and medication.

What were the findings of the study on Romanian orphans and the effects of sensory deprivation?

The study found that children raised in institutions with severe sensory deprivation, especially lack of touch, suffered stunted physical and cognitive development. They exhibited cross-eyedness, smaller head size, low IQs, and higher rates of ADHD. However, younger children placed in foster care showed significant recovery, demonstrating the brain's plasticity but also the existence of critical periods for development.

Why do Chaplain Lance Brown and his wife Karen perform home cleansings at Yokota Air Base?

They perform cleansings, or anointings, in response to frequent reports of supernatural activity at the base, often shared in the Yokota Ghost Hunter Club Facebook group. They aim to help people cope with unsettling experiences, whether caused by spirits or other factors like anxiety or past trauma.

Shownotes Transcript

“TIME TRAVELING BROTHERS OF THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT” #WeirdDarknessRadio WEEK OF DEC 08-14, 2024==========HOUR ONE: Allegedly, in the fall of 1943 a U.S. Navy destroyer was made invisible and teleported from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Norfolk, Virginia, in an incident known as the Philadelphia Experiment. Records in the Archives Branch of the Naval History and Heritage Command have been repeatedly searched, but no documents have been located which confirm the event, or any interest by the Navy in attempting such an achievement. But then, those who came to this conclusion probably didn’t interview Duncan Cameron and Al Bielek. They were onboard the ship when it happened. The two sides of the Philadelphia Experiment. (Time Traveling Brothers) *** While it may look picturesque during the day, worthy of a post card, the town of Pluckley in Kent, UK is known as a place where you will often hear something go bump in the night. (Paranormal Pluckley) *** A man has a frightening experience after checking into a hotel. But then, what would you expect if the rumor is that the place is haunted? (Haunted Malaysian Hotel Room)==========HOUR TWO: According to the song, silence is golden. And it really can be; there are plenty of times when we just want to shut everything out and relax in peace and quiet. But silence isn’t always all it’s cracked up to be, either, and too much silence can drive you mad. It all starts with being able to hear your own organs working, and after about 45 minutes, you’ll start to hallucinate. Silence—and other types of sensory deprivation—can do some weird things to the body and mind… and to the planet. (The Disturbing Effects of Sensory Deprivation) *** A U.S. Air-Force chaplain is called to duty not against a human enemy – but a spiritual one. (Air Force Exorcist)==========SUDDEN DEATH OVERTIME: It is one of the most controversial cases of Chilean ufology. Beings that would have announced earthquakes, natural disasters and the fall of the Challenger. For more than two decades there has been speculation about the existence of the famous Friendship Island, however until now there is still no certainty of its possible location, nor of the truthfulness of the contacts with the extraterrestrial inhabitants of that island. (Extraterrestrials In Chile) *** Human history reports strange sightings in the skies with the appearance of three suns, unnaturally shaped clouds, and fireballs in the sky. Do all of these ancient eyewitness accounts have a natural explanation, or could we be seeing reports of extraterrestrial visitations in centuries past? (Flying Saucers In The Clouds) *** According to oral tradition, a pair of witches came up from the underworld bringing the Native American Zuni people two gifts… and one of those gifts was death. (Zuni Witchcraft)==========SOURCES AND REFERENCES FROM TONIGHT’S SHOW:“The Philadelphia Experiment Hoax?” by Shannon Corbeil for“Time Traveling Brothers” by Ian Matthews for Honest To Paws:“Extraterrestrials In Chile” posted at Infinity Explorers:“Paranormal Pluckley” by Sean Doherty, Lauren MacDougall, and Will Rider for Kent Live:,,“The Haunted Malaysian Hotel Room” from Paranormality Magazine“Zuni Witchcraft” by Kathy Weiser for Legends of America:“The Disturbing Effects of Sensory Deprivation” by Knowledge Nuts, Debra Kelly for List Verse and Allison P. Davis for The Cut:,,“Flying Saucers In The Clouds” by A. Sutherland for Message to Eagle:“Air Force Exorcist” by Erica Earl for (link no longer available)==========(*Over time links seen above may become invalid, disappear, or have different content. I always make sure to give authors credit for material I use whenever possible. If I have overlooked doing so for a story, or if **a *credit is incorrect, please let me know and I will rectify it immediately. Some links may benefit me financially through qualifying purchases.)=========="I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46==========WeirdDarkness®, WeirdDarkness© 2024==========To become a Weird Darkness Radio Show affiliate, contact Radio America at [email protected]), or call 800-807-4703 (press 2 or dial ext 250).