cover of episode Santa Claus reads, “THE CHRISTMAS BOOGEYMAN” and 2 More Scary Stories for kids! #SpookySanta

Santa Claus reads, “THE CHRISTMAS BOOGEYMAN” and 2 More Scary Stories for kids! #SpookySanta

logo of podcast Weird Darkness: Stories of the Paranormal, Supernatural, Legends, Lore, Mysterious, Macabre, Unsolved

Weird Darkness: Stories of the Paranormal, Supernatural, Legends, Lore, Mysterious, Macabre, Unsolved

圣诞老人:本期节目中,圣诞老人将分享更多恐怖故事,包括Laura Pauling创作的《雪人夜》和来自14岁英国女孩Lydia的《回忆死亡》。故事讲述了阿尔萨斯和洛林地区的传说人物汉斯·特拉普,他是圣诞老人的邪恶对应物,会惩罚顽皮的孩子。汉斯·特拉普的故事讲述了他邪恶的一生,最终被闪电击毙,并被诅咒在每个圣诞节与圣诞老人一起游荡,吓唬顽皮的孩子。 Lydia的故事讲述了她死后成为鬼魂的经历,她不记得生前的事,只记得被杀害的场景,并描述了她死后犯下的可怕罪行以及最终回忆起爱人的故事。故事开始于阴森恐怖的氛围,但最终以一个令人欣慰的结局结束。 Lydia: 我在去世几个月后才获得平静。我是那些不幸的鬼魂之一,无法回忆起死前的生命。这通常是因为死亡过于暴力。如果生前是一个马虎的人,死后很可能也是个马虎鬼。不幸的是,我唯一记得的关于我生命的事情就是我的死亡。我记得在一个房子里……橡木家具很旧,宏伟,而且有点险恶。我能听到自己在黑暗中喘息的声音。阴影在墙上跳动,月亮照亮了我纤细的轮廓。我躲在一张优雅的躺椅下面,默默地祈祷上帝。即使对我来说,我在不自然的安静房间里的粗重呼吸声也显得太大了。我趴在那里几分钟。过了一会儿,我的呼吸开始慢了下来。我感到身体放松了,开始背靠着墙。我躺了一会儿,现实就崩溃了,我意识到墙是软的,它正试图用胳膊搂住我。当我开始向前猛拉时,胳膊紧紧地搂住了我的腰,把我拉了回去。冰冷无情的笑声离我的耳朵很近,我感到一阵微风轻轻地吹在我的右脸颊上。我记得在挣扎,我记得那种绝望和孤立的感觉,因为我意识到,无论我多么努力地挣扎,我在地球上的最后时刻都不会被爱的人抱着,而是在一个无情、残忍的怪物的怀抱中。无论你做什么,都不要相信那些说鬼魂是为他们的死亡寻求正义的受困灵魂的故事。我的凶手被发现是隔壁邻居的儿子。我亲眼看着他被终身监禁,面对哭泣的陪审团。不,我仍然在这里,因为我已经忘记了爱是什么。当你死的时候,你的感觉也随之死去。我以我以前自我的冰冷而残酷的外壳回来了。自从死了以后,我已经犯下了一些可怕的行为。但我正在寻找我问题的答案。在他怀里的时候,我在想爱的人。他们是谁?白天,我会在公园里四处游荡寻找受害者。我意识到孩子们是唯一能看到我的人。我利用这一点来接近他们。然后,当我把他们解决掉时,我会沉溺于他们的恐惧和绝望之中。我知道我身体里还残留着一丝人性的唯一方法是,无论我杀了多少人,我都无法直视他们的眼睛。我知道这是懦弱的。我夺走了他们的生命。我至少可以给他们一个眼神交流的礼貌。我的杀手直视着我的眼睛,在我生命从我的眼中消失时微笑着。我从来不知道为什么,但我做不到。在当地的公园里,我看到一个有魅力的男人带着两个孩子走来走去。因为我不看人们的眼睛,所以我学会了从肢体语言中解读情绪。这个男人心碎了。他的肩膀塌陷了。他的皮肤苍白。呼吸急促,好像他一直在努力克制哭泣的冲动。从他握着女孩的手的方式,我可以看出他之所以能坚持下去,只是因为她们。我能看到汗水在他手指之间闪闪发光,他紧张地用手擦拭裤子。这两个女孩不能再不同了。一个苍白而黑发,另一个金发碧眼。这两个对我来说很合适。我已经想象到用我的双手撕开他们的肉,听到他们尖叫,就像我一样,在我下面。我跟踪着这三个人,他们漫无目的地沿着小路走着。通常情况下,我会试图把孩子们从他们的父母身边带走,但今天不会。这个人离崩溃的边缘如此之近,我想看看他的脸,当他的孩子们被撕成碎片时。最后,他们转过一个弯,到达了一片荒凉的草地。我准备好了。我走近那两个女孩,当她们跑上来拥抱我的时候,我非常震惊。当我到达的时候,我有许多反应。恐惧和困惑,但从没有快乐。她们跑着尖叫着,喊着,“穆西!穆西!”男人一听到这个,头就猛地抬了起来。在我抬起头的那一刻,我不禁看着他的眼睛。在他的美丽的深色瞳孔中燃烧着一种原始的损失。他的痛苦是如此明显和深刻,驱散了我心中所有杀戮的想法。我只是想永远凝视着他的眼睛,但不是看着我,而是透过我。“女孩们!”他咆哮道。“我们已经谈过这个了!”女孩们慢慢地开始跟着他离开公园,但她们无法阻止自己回头看着我。我朝她们笑了笑,挥了挥手,泪水不受控制地从我苍白超凡脱俗的脸颊上流了下来。我终于想起了我的丈夫和我的女儿们。当我感到这股爱涌过我时,我感到自己离开了,离开了我的爱人。但这并不是一件坏事,因为我记得我可以再次爱了。 圣诞老人:故事的最后,圣诞老人讲述了Laura Pauling创作的《雪人夜》,讲述了一群孩子在圣诞夜与雪人战斗的故事,最终用热可可融化了雪人的冰冷之心。孩子们用各种武器与雪人战斗,最终在热可可的温暖下,雪人记起了爱,恢复了善良。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Who is Hans Trapp, and why is he associated with Christmas?

Hans Trapp is a legendary boogeyman from Alsace and Lorraine regions of France. He accompanies Santa Claus to punish naughty children during Christmas. While Santa delivers gifts to good children, Hans Trapp delivers beatings to the naughty ones.

What is the origin story of Hans Trapp?

Hans Trapp was a rich, powerful, and cruel man in the 15th century who lived in Alsace. He was involved in lawlessness, debauchery, and allegedly worshipped Satan. After being excommunicated by the Catholic Church and ostracized by his community, he went mad in exile, dreaming of eating human flesh. He was eventually struck dead by lightning while attempting to consume a child he had killed.

What happens to children who encounter Hans Trapp?

Children who end up on Santa's naughty list may encounter Hans Trapp, who roams the Earth during Christmas in a scarecrow disguise, scaring children and sometimes even threatening to eat them.

What is the story 'Remembering Death' about?

'Remembering Death' is a story by Lydia, a 14-year-old from Cromford, England. It tells the tale of a ghost who cannot remember life before death but recalls the violent manner of their demise. The ghost, unable to feel love, preys on children until they encounter a grieving father and his daughters, which triggers a memory of their own family, leading to a moment of redemption and departure.

What is the plot of 'Night of the Snowmen'?

'Night of the Snowmen' by Laura Pauling is about children who discover that the snowmen they built have come to life and are attacking them. The children prepare to defend themselves with makeshift weapons, but the snowmen overwhelm them, freezing them in place. A young girl saves the day by offering hot cocoa, which reminds the snowmen of the joy they brought and causes them to retreat.

Why does the girl in 'Night of the Snowmen' offer hot cocoa to the snowmen?

The girl offers hot cocoa to the snowmen in hopes of restoring their memories of the joy and love they represented when the children built them. This act of kindness thaws their hearts and causes them to return to their yards, saving the children from being frozen.

What message does Santa Claus emphasize at the end of the episode?

Santa emphasizes the importance of spreading the word about the Spooky Santa podcast to friends and family. He also encourages children to write their own scary stories and send them to him for future episodes.

Weird Darkness announces its upcoming live stream on December 28th, focusing on chilling nighttime stories. The broadcast will feature tales of shadow people, sleep paralysis, prophetic dreams, and night terrors, along with a giveaway.
  • Weird Darkness live stream on December 28th
  • Chilling nighttime stories
  • Shadow people, sleep paralysis, prophetic dreams, night terrors

Shownotes Transcript

Ho ho ho, kids! If you like the stories Santa is telling, tell your friends and family about the Spooky Santa podcast so they can listen too! STORY AND MUSIC CREDITS/SOURCES…“Remembering Death” by Lydia, age 14 of Cromford, England“Night of the Snowmen” by Laura Pauling:“Hans Trapp, The Christmas Boogeyman”: music used with permission of the artists. Spooky Santa theme by Midnight Syndicate ( All other music by Nicolas Gasparini (’S RECORDING TOOLS…* MICROPHONE (Neumann TLM103):* POP FILTER (AW-BM700):* XLR CABLE (Mogami Gold Studio):* MICROPHONE PRE-AMP (Icicle):* SOFTWARE (Adobe Audition):* HARDWARE (iMac Pro): always make sure to give authors credit for the material I use. If I somehow overlooked doing that for a story, or if a credit is incorrect, please let me know and I’ll rectify it the show notes as quickly as possible.***Spooky Santa™ and Weird Darkness® are creations and trademarks of Marlar House Productions and Weird Darkness, LLC. Copyright © Weird Darkness, 2023"I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46