cover of episode Have Yourself a SCARY Little Christmas With These #RetroRadio Christmas Tales! #WeirdDarkness

Have Yourself a SCARY Little Christmas With These #RetroRadio Christmas Tales! #WeirdDarkness

logo of podcast Weird Darkness: Stories of the Paranormal, Supernatural, Legends, Lore, Mysterious, Macabre, Unsolved

Weird Darkness: Stories of the Paranormal, Supernatural, Legends, Lore, Mysterious, Macabre, Unsolved

专注于加密货币和股票市场分析的金融专家,The Chart Guys 团队成员。
Darren Marlar
E.G. Marshall
Joe Clark
Scott Bishop
Darren Marlar: 本期节目将播放一些黑暗、诡异和恐怖的旧时广播剧,内容涵盖圣诞节相关的各种主题。 E.G. Marshall: 节目将讲述一个发生在圣诞节的奇迹故事,展现人性的转变和救赎。 剧中人物: 故事背景设定在圣诞节期间,讲述了工厂倒闭引发的冲突以及主人公Jasper与家人关系紧张的故事。 Jennifer: Jennifer希望Jasper扮演圣诞老人,因为教堂缺少圣诞老人,这推动了故事的发展。 Jasper: Jasper起初冷漠,但被Jennifer的诚实打动,决定扮演圣诞老人,并最终获得了内心的平静和家庭的和睦。 Narrator: Jennifer的出现给Jasper带来了奇迹般的改变,也揭示了圣诞节的意义和人性的温暖。 Scott Bishop: Scott Bishop讲述了一个关于寻找真理的梦境故事,梦境中的人物引导他去寻找象征意义的“面包之家”。 Sonia: Sonia支持Scott Bishop寻找“面包之家”,并与他一起踏上旅程。 Hermione: Hermione是一个强势的女性角色,她对Herbert的行为感到不满,并最终被Herbert谋杀。 Herbert: Herbert是一个性格懦弱但最终采取极端手段摆脱Hermione控制的角色。 Marion: Marion是Herbert的新恋人,她与Herbert有着共同的兴趣爱好,并最终与Herbert结婚。 Narrator: Herbert成功逃脱了罪责,但故事结尾暗示了Hermione的计划和对Herbert的掌控。 Parson: Parson预言自己会在死后回到船上,并最终以奇迹的方式实现了预言。 Captain Cobb: Captain Cobb对Parson的预言表示怀疑,但最终目睹了奇迹的发生。 Mr. Willebrand: Mr. Willebrand是Captain Cobb的船员,他见证了Parson的预言。 Narrator: Parson的鬼魂出现并治愈了小Davy的残疾,展现了圣诞节的奇迹。 Mary Winslow: Mary Winslow为了逃避追捕而隐姓埋名,最终在圣诞节期间被Fontaine找到。 Fontaine: Fontaine是一个私家侦探,他找到了Mary Winslow,并最终帮助她摆脱了困境。 Joe Clark: Joe Clark是一个赌徒兼杀手,他与Mary Winslow之间发生了复杂的关系。 Narrator: Mary Winslow最终摆脱了Joe Clark的控制,并找到了新的生活。 Dan: Dan是一个天真烂漫的小男孩,他和George一起探索洞穴,并最终发现了另一个世界。 George: George是Dan的朋友,他与Dan一起探索洞穴,并最终与Dan分开。 Lady Alicia: Lady Alicia是一个被囚禁的女子,她通过Dan和George的帮助最终逃脱。 Captain Blackton: Captain Blackton是海盗的头目,他最终被Dan和George的善良所感动。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Jasper Crown initially refuse Jennifer Swallow’s request to be Santa Claus?

Jasper Crown initially refused Jennifer's request because he was bitter, lonely, and did not want to be bothered, especially during the Christmas season, which he hated. He also did not believe he would fit the role or enjoy it.

Why did Jasper Crown place the ad for the Santa Claus suit in the newspaper for ten years?

Jasper Crown placed the ad for the Santa Claus suit in the newspaper for ten years to ensure that if anyone found the suit, they would know it belonged to him. He wanted to avoid any doubts or suspicions about the suit, which he valued deeply as it symbolized his transformation.

Why did the parson on the Ruth I. Brown predict that he would return to heal and preach after his death?

The parson on the Ruth I. Brown predicted that he would return to heal and preach after his death because he was deeply religious and believed in the power of faith and miracles. He was certain that his faith would allow him to return and fulfill his mission.

Why did Herbert Carpenter decide to kill his wife Hermione before leaving for America?

Herbert Carpenter decided to kill his wife Hermione because he was tired of her constant control and planning. He wanted to be free to pursue a new life with Marion, whom he had fallen in love with, and he believed he could cover up the murder by framing it as a death that occurred while they were away.

Why did Scrooge change his attitude towards Christmas after the visit from the three spirits?

Scrooge changed his attitude towards Christmas after the visit from the three spirits because they showed him the consequences of his past actions, the joy and warmth in the lives of others, and the bleak future he faced if he didn't change. This revelation made him realize the importance of compassion, generosity, and human connections.

Why did Mary Winslow, disguised as Candy Porter, decide to leave Pete's Cantina and disappear again?

Mary Winslow, disguised as Candy Porter, decided to leave Pete's Cantina and disappear again because she recognized Joe Fontaine as a potential threat. She was certain he was a detective who had come to take her back to the States to face the consequences of a crime she was innocent of, and she feared for her life and her fiancé's reputation.

Why did Dan Embry choose to stay in the cave instead of returning home with George?

Dan Embry chose to stay in the cave instead of returning home with George because he fell in love with Lady Alicia and wanted to stay with the pirates. He believed that the cave was a better world where he could live out his dreams and adventures, and he was afraid that once he left, he would never be able to return.

Shownotes Transcript

Over five hours of Old Time Radio Christmas episodes on the DARKER side of the holiday!Darkness Syndicate members get the ad-free version. on the next LIVE SCREAM event. on the next WATCH PARTY event. & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…00:00:00.000 = Show Open00:01:56.000 = CBS Radio Mystery Theater, “A Very Private Miracle” (December 24, 1974) ***WD00:46:13.339 = American Weekly, “Christmas Eve Ghost” (December 21, 1933) ***WD (LQ)01:01:36.189 = Dark Fantasy, “House of Bread” (December 26, 1941) ***WD01:26:22.779 = Escape, “Back For Christmas” (December 24, 1947) ***WD01:56:00.049 = The Whistler, “Decision” (December 24, 1947)02:25:35.529 = CBS Radio Mystery Theater, “A Christmas Carol” (December 24, 1975) ***WD03:11:45.079 = Lights Out, “Uninhabited – Christmas Story 1918” (December 22, 1937) ***WD03:41:36.279 = Suspense, “Holiday Story” (December 23, 1948)04:11:27.739 = The Whistler, “Delayed Christmas Present” (December 26, 1948) ***WD04:42:15.749 = Escape, “The Cave” (December 24, 1950) WD (LQ)05:11:55.728 = Show Close(ADU) = Air Date Unknown(LQ) = Low QualityWD = Remastered, edited, or cleaned up by Weird Darkness to make the episode listenable. Audio may not be pristine, but it will be better than the original file which may have been unusable or more difficult to hear without editing.Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library= = = = ="I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46= = = = =WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2024, Weird Darkness.= = = = =CUSTOM WEBPAGE: