The story follows Johnson, a man fascinated by spiders, who stumbles upon a sign for 'Ellsworth’s Famous Spider Petting Zoo.' Intrigued, he visits the zoo, only to discover it’s a trap set by an old man who breeds giant spiders. Johnson is locked in a barn with a massive spider and its offspring, leading to a horrifying encounter.
Johnson visits the spider petting zoo because he has a lifelong fascination with spiders, stemming from his childhood experiences observing a spider in his backyard. The sign advertising the zoo piques his curiosity, and he decides to take a detour to explore it.
Johnson is locked in a barn by the old man and encounters a giant spider, the size of a pit bull, which attacks him. The spider injects him with venom, paralyzing him. He then realizes the spider is carrying its young, who begin to feed on him as he loses consciousness.
The old man breeds spiders for research purposes, supplying them to colleges. He takes pride in his work, claiming that breeding the best spiders produces superior results. However, his experiments have led to the creation of a monstrous spider, which he uses to trap and kill unsuspecting visitors.
The story explores themes of supernatural retribution and the consequences of trespassing. A surveyor’s clerk enters a mysterious wood despite warnings and experiences bizarre, terrifying phenomena, including shifting paths, moving trees, and ghostly figures, ultimately being ejected by the wood itself.
The clerk becomes disoriented and trapped in the Fairy Wood, where he encounters moving trees, ghostly figures, and a shifting landscape. He is eventually ejected from the wood by unseen forces, finding himself back at the starting point, shaken and confused.
The inked-out sentence on the postcard reveals a warning about a shortcut through the wood, which the clerk initially cannot read. Later, it becomes clear that the wood is enchanted and dangerous, and the sentence serves as a subtle hint of the supernatural forces at play.
The story serves as a cautionary tale about curiosity and the dangers of underestimating seemingly harmless situations. Johnson’s fascination with spiders leads him into a deadly trap, highlighting the potential consequences of indulging in morbid interests.
“ELLSWORTH’S FAMOUS SPIDER PETTING ZOO” and “TRESPASSERS WILL BE PERSECUTED #WeirdDarknessDarkness Syndicate members get the ad-free version. on the next LIVE SCREAM event. on the next WEIRDO WATCH PARTY event. THIS EPISODE: It’s #ThrillerThursday when I share fictional stories of horror and sci-fi! Tonight I’ll be sharing the classic short horror story “Ancient Lights” by Algernon Blackwood, but first, the spine-tingling tale “The Spider Petting Zoo” by Peter de Niverville. CHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…00:00:00.000 = Disclaimer and Show Open00:01:58.274 = The Petting Zoo (Ellsworth’s Famous Spider Petting Zoo)00:28:46.361 = Ancient Lights (Trespassers Will Be Persecuted)00:44:37.523 = Show CloseSOURCES AND REFERENCES FROM THE EPISODE…“The Petting Zoo” by Peter de Niverville:“Ancient Lights” by Algernon Blackwood: Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library. = = = = =(Over time links seen above may become invalid, disappear, or have different content. I always make sure to give authors credit for the material I use whenever possible. If I somehow overlooked doing so for a story, or if a credit is incorrect, please let me know and I will rectify it in these show notes immediately. Some links included above may benefit me financially through qualifying purchases.)= = = = ="I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46= = = = =WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2024, Weird Darkness.= = = = =Originally aired: September 06, 2019SOURCES PAGE: