The story revolves around a man who unknowingly brings a Martian time trap to Earth, which traps him in a repeating ten-minute cycle, leading him to face the psychological torment of boredom.
He assumes it is a weapon when the Martian uses it in a threatening manner, causing a burning sensation in his brain, leading him to shoot the Martian.
He realizes the artifact is a time trap, designed to repeat a ten-minute cycle endlessly, trapping him in the same interval of time.
He tries to destroy the artifact by using a knife, hammer, and even throwing it out of the window, but each attempt fails as he is reset to the beginning of the cycle.
He battles intense boredom, which he perceives as a dangerous enemy that could drive him to insanity if he cannot find ways to occupy his mind.
He learns about a neighbor, Mary Jeffers, and uses repeated phone calls to gather information about her, eventually convincing her he is an old friend. He then physically enters her apartment by climbing through the window.
He believes the Martian device will continue to operate indefinitely, potentially for centuries, as it draws energy from the space-time continuum and has no moving parts to wear out.
The protagonist succumbs to the psychological torture of the time trap, overwhelmed by the weight of endless memories and the inability to rest or escape, leading to a mental breakdown.
"The Beast of Boredom" by Richard R Smith was originally published in Infinity magazine, April 1958. SNYPSOS: After killing a Martian, a man takes a strange artifact back to Earth. He soon realizes it's a very unique weapon - and he is it's victim - and there may be no defense against it.