【luluxjg2】> 走进一代文豪笔下的精彩世界> 体验莎翁剧作里的悲欢离合,嬉笑怒骂> 深入解读时代背景,主题隐喻,搞懂文化梗> 学习深远影响英语表达的“莎派”语言> 听主播精彩飙戏,演绎经典片段Drunk and standing up maybe in the rain. Now that sort of explains why a lot of the plotlines seem a bit overly dramatic.我读莎士比亚的时候, 觉得他有的时候里面的语言超级夸张, 超级戏剧化.That's the only way you could keep their attention.Imagine Shakespeare's writing for group of normally men who have been drinking all day. If they didn't like the play, they will be more than happy to start throwing food and start fights.And back then remember that all men would carry a sword or dagger.Wow, 所以大家去想象莎士比亚那个剧最开始在莎士比亚还活着的时候上演的, 这种场景绝对不是我们今天这种很有文化的感觉, 而是当时很多老百姓站在底下, 然后也都喝醉了, 大部分都是男的, 他们如果看不到那种打斗或者很精彩的这种很dramatic的剧情就会往上丢东西.我们现在只是说 boo就是嘘人家下台, 他们那时候直接就东西砸上去.I would say probably the closest equivalent is imagine being an actor and you’re performing in front of a group of gangsters who are very angry and very drunk.I see. so that probably would give you a better idea of how Shakespeare's plays were originally performed.Yes.Now back to our course, our album.How do we introduce his play in this course? 那可能很多小伙伴就想问, 刚才说的这么精彩, 让我也开始对莎士比亚的剧有点兴趣了. 在我们的莎士比亚扫盲班里,到底是怎么样分析这些剧的呢?Because we're assuming that you're not drunk or violent as you listen to our course, we're a little bit more gentle in introducing Shakespeare's plays than it used to be in the past.But we don't assume you know anything about it.That's right.We're gonna really break it down to you. First, starting with each play’s background.首先我们是选了10部莎士比亚最有名或者是最有特点的剧, 不同时期的都有, 像大家都耳熟能详的, 比如说是Romeo and Juliet《罗密欧与朱丽叶》, the Merchant of Venice《威尼斯商人》, 还有像Macbeth《麦克白》 都在里面. 首先我们会介绍background, 它的背景.Yeah, that's right.So we'll describe the background, and describe a little bit of the history as well. So for example, with Romeo and Juliet, we discuss what it would have been like for Elizabethan women or women during Shakespeare's time;And for the Merchant of Venice, we talk a little bit about the history of Venice, and also relationships with Jewish people.And then usually 安澜 will walk us through the plot line. 接着就是安澜带着我们走整个的故事线, 每次都很为难安澜, 因为这个剧都比较长, 安澜会用比较简单的语言给我们总结一下, 把这里面的情节, 我也会在旁边帮大家梳理所有这些人物和剧情.Yes, I will break down the plot. I'll try to keep it as simple as possible. I'll be focusing on the main plotlines, and making it as easy as possible for you to understand what the story is. 经常听我们节目的小伙伴都知道我们是英语占绝大部分. 不过在解释莎士比亚这个剧情的时候, 因为有很多的名字, 所以我也会适时的在中间补一些中文, 这样保证大家不迷路. 这个课程里面每一部剧我们都是分为上下集的, 上集讲完了这个故事和背景, 下集我们就会讲theme.