cover of episode 《小酒馆·大世界》-移民之间还有鄙视链?搞小团体还是你们厉害


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可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ But having said about that, you also lived in South Korea, right?South Korea is an interesting one. So I lived in South Korea for about three... a bit over 3 years. So how are the communities different in China, the sense of community different in China, in Korea and also in New Zealand if you have to compare the three. So there's a few things which sort of come to mind. So in China, when you say sense of community, I think people dancing in the 广场in the square at nighttime.广场舞。Yeah. So when you say Chinese community that's what I think about. When you say Korea, I think having a good old protest about something, Koreans they love to protest and it's a really good opportunity to get out and have a sense...that's my... it's a sense of community there. I see. In New Zealand, the sense of community. It's probably for most like typical traditional Kiwis, a sense of community is around watching a rugby game or a sports event. Sports events. So it's not really on trading dear meat for crayfish. I mean the mainstream would probably be around rugby. Everything's around rugby. But New Zealand is becoming more multicultural. It's perhaps a bit is fairly becoming more multicultural, so it's no longer just about rugby and shaving sheep. Let's not stereotype. I didn't do the stereotyping here. It’s interesting that you mentioned multicultural. So New Zealand obviously is an immigrant country. So do you see more multicultural elements over the years in the sort of local community in New Zealand?Hugely.So where I'm living now Hawk’s Bay region, in 2018, we had around 150 Korean permanent residents; today or this year is a census year, we've got over 600 Korean families living here permanently. Chinese numbers, I don't have exact data, but we would estimate maybe a three and a half four thousand Chinese live here.New Zealand like the projections, government projections would suggest that we by 2040, so it's still quite a few years away, but the 2040 we expect that 1/4 of our population, 26% of our population will be Asian. I see, it's certainly a very popular destination for people who want to emigrate. For example, I know quite a few friends who immigrated to New Zealand. When you talk about immigration, obviously you talk about assimilation. 这种融入当地文化的意思. Do you think new immigrants in New Zealand assimilate well? Is it easy or do they even want to assimilate based on your observation?So certainly the people immigrants they come to New Zealand, they want to assimilate, they want to become part of the mainstream community, in New Zealand, they can do it. I think overall while there is certainly racism in New Zealand, it’s racism in every country, I think generally speaking, your average Kiwi is quite open to people from other countries and other cultures. I have a number of Chinese friends that came to New Zealand and they were determined to assimilate, meet local people and effectively become a New Zealander. They could be Chinese New Zealanders, but they wanted to become a New Zealander. They wanted to understand the culture, they wanted to embrace it, and they very successfully did so. You also have a lot of migrants, and we see this with the Chinese community, with the Koreans, with the Vietnamese, with almost Americans are particularly bad at it to be honest, where they just want to transplant their culture from their home country and their prejudices from their home country and their problems from their home country and just replicate it here in New Zealand.Is it one of those sort of immigrants that they just become very insular? They just keep within their community and they also kind of are showing prejudice against the locals.That is a definite issue in my role as consul. I've been criticized, well, the embassy has received criticism because they asked an non Korean take on the role. I've experienced Chinese people in the local community complaining,