"英文小酒馆致力于打造沉浸式英语学习社群,无论是微信社群、有声节目、线上活动和课程,我们都全心全意为爱好英语的你带去一份专属于英语的快乐。公号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。" Hello again and welcome back to America Under the Microscope. 欢迎你又回到【闲话美国】. Hello, James. Hi, Lulu. So what are we going to talk about today? I wanna ask you a question, what's on TV at 7:00 pm every night in China? That would be 【新闻联播】, that would be the news. That's not very exciting. In the United States, usually around this time, we would be basically our Game Show hour where there will be two of the biggest Game Shows. Game Show, this is usually with contestants and people competing for a prize. Correct. So these are shows where the contestants are regular people like you or me and they are playing for prizes usually money. 就是这种综艺答题型的节目或者竞技型的节目Game Shows. There're some really long lived Game Shows in America, right? Yeah, we're gonna talk about three of them today. We're gonna talk about these because these are household names in America. They are known by everyone in the country. So even if you don't watch it, you've heard of it. And they are constant references of these Game Shows in American TV shows or movies. Yeah, they'll show up everywhere. 大家看美剧或者说美国电影的时候, 经常就会听见有人提, 其实是一个文化梗。I bet one of them is Wheel of Fortune. It is. The first one we were gonna talk about is Wheel of Fortune. Ok, let's talk about the big three. Yes, so let's start off with Wheel of Fortune (Since 1983). So Wheel of Fortune is basically Hangman game…Guessing Words. It is. Hangman是一个猜单词的双人游戏。由一个玩家想出一个单词或短语,另一个玩家猜出其中的每一个字母。出题玩家一般会画一个绞刑架,当猜词的玩家猜出了短语中存在的一个字母时,出题的玩家就将这个字母存在的所有位置都填上。如果玩家猜的字母不在单词或短语中,那么出题的玩家就给绞刑架上小人添上一笔,直到7笔过后,小人被吊死,游戏结束。So you have three contestants, and then there's a big wheel, like a really big wheel. On each turn one of the contestants will spin the wheel. It will land on a money amounts like $100 $200 $500, something like that. And then they guess letters to try to guess… to put into the phrase and they try to guess the phrase. So if they guess a letter correctly, they can spin again to get a higher amount, then guess another letter and so on and so on.And if they guessed it wrong, then it’s someone else’s …Then it goes to the next player. If they spin the wheel and lose a turn, it goes to the next player. If they guess wrong like they try to guess the phrase like maybe the phrase is like they should guess like the end of the movie and they say it's the end of the book. Wrong guess, it goes to the next player.Okay, so whoever has the correct guess, how much money is this person collecting? However much they spun and guessed correctly. So it accumulates, so they guessed two letters and each letter was 500, they now get $1,000. Okay. I'm getting a bit confused. Yeah, but don't you get an extra point for guessing the entire sentence? You get to keep the money. Everyone else who didn't guess it loses the money from that round. Okay. So how many rounds are there? I mean, how many phrases are there? Usually there's four or so, because it doesn't take that long to guess the phrase and whoever has the most money at the end will do the final phrase all by themselves. And they'll win a grand prize, usually something like $25,000. So it's not a huge amount of money. Do they do this every day?Yes, Monday through Friday.