欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is JOMO. 如果你一直有听我们【新词特饮】这个板块的话, 可能还有点印象, 之前有一集我们讲到过FOMO这个词, FOMO, the fear of missing out. 中文把它翻译成 “错失恐惧症”.Now FOMO refers to feeling or perception that others are having more fun, living better lives or experiencing better things than you are. 这种所谓的 FOMO或者 “错失恐惧症”主要指的就是在社交媒体横行的今天, 我们随时随地都会觉得别人正在过着比我们更精彩的生活, 我们很担心会错失这样的人生经历. 今天的Buzzword就是把FOMO前面的F改成了J. So what then is JOMO? Let me ask you a question, have you ever felt a sense of joy, happiness when you knew you were missing out on an invitation to a party or the latest social media posts and influencer trends because you were “unplugged”? 大家有没有经历过那种最近什么网上流行的新潮流, 但是你没有赶上, 因为你没有关注社交媒体而错过这些潮流, 你有没有感受到一种特殊的轻松和喜悦?If so, then you have probably experienced “JOMO” – the joy of missing out. “错过的喜悦”, 我还看到一个翻译叫做 “错过之欢”. In many ways, JOMO can be considered the opposite of FOMO. 刚才我们也说了FOMO这个错失恐惧症更多的是跟anxiety焦虑, 还有其他各种的负面情绪连接在一起的. It's easy to blame technology and social media for FOMO. However, in fact, FOMO is rooted in our innate tendency to socially compare ourselves to others as we seek to better understand who we are and our place in the world. 很多人就会把FOMO怪在社交媒体上, 但实际上网络也好, 社交媒体也好, 不过是一个手段. 而这种不断的想通过和别人比较, 来寻求自己在社会中的定位, 这是我们人类与生俱来的一个天性.