"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is the Goblin Mode. Now if you have been following TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter lately, chances are you have seen this new trend?今天的buzzword里,咱们就来聊聊最近在国外的社交媒体很火的一个词, the Goblin Mode--哥布林模式.To understand what that is, we need to understand the original meaning of the word “goblin”.In European folklore, goblin is a general name for evil and malicious spirits, usually small and grotesque in appearance. 在欧洲的民间传说里就提到这样一种长相怪异丑陋的像精灵一样的类人生物, 他们被叫做Goblin哥布林; 如果你喜欢奇幻题材的影视游戏, 肯定也见过goblin这样的存在. Now in many of the stories, they are described as a subterranean species, so they live underground. They don't really socialize with humans apart from causing them trouble, and they pay zero attention to how they look. 关于哥布林的形象怎么说, 就是颜值一言难尽的那种. 他们很多时候生活在地下, 和人也没有什么良性的互动. Now you might be asking, but how is goblin related to us? Picture this: it’s Saturday afternoon, and you have hundreds of things to do, but instead of doing them, you're in your pajamas, you make yourself a comforting bowl of instant noodles and devour them, splashing soup over your chin and your bed sheets while your dog looks at you in disgust. 比如你可以想象在某一个宅家的周末, 你穿着睡衣, 刚狼吞虎咽下一包泡面, 泡面的汤汁滴的你睡衣还有床上到处都是, 连你们家狗子都在一边嫌弃你. You've just binged an entire web series and are preparing to start another. 你刚 “肝”完了一部狗血的网剧, 马上连“肝”下一部.You feel a bit like a slob. Look at yourself in a mirror, you're just in “Goblin mode”.那么恭喜你, 完美达成了你的 “哥布林模式”. So this Goblin Mode, which is taking the current pandemic-ridden world by storm, is a state of being that is defined by behaviors people got used to during deep lockdown days.所谓的“哥布林模式” 就是因为这几年断断续续长期的疫情宅家, 我们已经很习惯的那种居家生活, 躺平摆烂的状态. ... 字数有限,全文文稿请关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦"