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Buzzmix-Ep146-Tradwife欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, and welcome back to Buzzword Mix. In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Tradwife. Trad, t-r-a-d, which stands for traditional. 我会把它翻译成 “传统娇妻”. 如果你关注海外的社交媒体, 可能会在比如像TikTok这样的社媒上面看到了这样的一个越来越火的话题标签 #tradwife, the shares and videos with this #tradwife often show a curated look at women embracing domesticity. 与社媒上很多大女主独立女性的标签正好相反, 这些tradwife的标签通常展现的都是一些女性, 特别是年轻女性去embrace domesticity, domestic life, 展现出来这些女性自愿地回归到家庭, 去拥抱家庭生活; 不管是在她们的穿着打扮, 她们的理念以及她们传达的信息, 都在显示她们自愿, 并且非常享受这种traditional wife或traditional housewife的生活方式. So a tradwife in recent western culture typically depicts a woman who believes in and practices traditional sex roles and marriages. 所以在现在的西方社会里面, 一个tradwife是被定义成拥护并且践行比较传统父权制度之下的这样的性别角色以及婚姻形态. To put it in simpler terms, tradwife lifestyle is usually married in a straight relationship. 通常这样的tradwife, 他们的生活方式都是在一个异性恋的婚姻里面已婚的状态. The man works, the wife does not, 男人在外面挣钱, 女人在家里照顾家庭没有工作. The man is the head of the household and the final word on all things, financial, lifestyle and professional for the family. 男人是绝对的一家之主, 并且对于像家庭经济生活方式等等方面都有绝对的话语权. Kids are a part of the plan if not already in the family. 绝对不会是丁克, 即使现在没孩子, 在将来也一定会有要孩子的计划. So basically being a tradwife, you assume the traditional housewife or stay-at-home mother role and you do all of the household chores like cooking, cleaning, laundry, so on and so forth. Additionally, special attention is paid to the importance of raising children. 其实就是传统居家的这种家庭主妇, 全职太太, 甚至在英文里, 即使不是stay-at-home mom, 全职太太, 全职妈妈, 还有一个词叫做stay-at-home girlfriend, 全职女友, 也经常会跟tradwife一起被提及.