【Geek Time】-“极客”时间,和“科技宅”Brad一起聊神秘有趣的“黑科技”“高科技”“硬科技”。欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦Welcome back to Geek Time. This is Geek time Advanced. We were talking about cosplay, LuLu, and you mentioned that you've cosplayed before, any chances you're going to tell us what you did before?Are we still on that? OK. I’m not going to be very specific because I actually did multiple characters. Maybe in the future, as I’m doing more videos now, maybe in the future I will do more, but usually it's this kind of really dark femme fatale characters and with some animalistic elements, but that's all I’m going to say now. Just wait for my future videos. Alright, look forward to that.So anyhow, let's get into more cosplay talk. Mhm. In the basic episode, we talked more about the costumes; but it's not just the costume, it’s a lot of props like weapons, other items like accessories...all of these.For sure. Especially nowadays with like some people are getting into like old style blacksmithing and everything like that. They're like building like realistic versions of weapons.But a lot of times people just use foam and plastic and things like that to make their weapons look realistic. People are adding like LED lights to make their weapons light up and things like that.Yeah. There's a lot of different variation people are using like realistic weapons and some of them…Actually, I don't know about YouTube, but on Bilibili, recently, there are few people who are just like you said there. I’m not sure if they're blacksmith, but they are these craftsmen. They're really into this and they are trying to make these very realistic looking like katanas or like sword from specific anime. And some of them not just light up, they can, for example, they can when you pull it out, it has it like there's fire coming out. It's really cool.I’ve seen something like that. There's a particular YouTuber that does a lot of videos like that. He's made an actual version of Mjolnir which is Thor's Hammer. He put a magnet on it, and so if he puts the hammer down on something metallic, it will magnetize to it and people won't be able to lift it. But he's got a special ring that when he puts his hand on, Mjolnir, disengage the magnet and he can lift it up.So people are really like what's going on? Wow. That is really smart. I love that, it is really smart. And also the light saber is one of those that has been made over and over again.Yeah, they haven't like done like the actual representation of like the ones we see in the movies. But they've done ones with like battery packs that you get kind of like in the extended Star Wars universe. But they have like all these things. There's an anime called Attack on Titan. And they have these swords that the blades can come off, because the blades often get stuck in things. And so you have like a pack of like seven different swords, but you have to use the same handle over and over again. And someone made like swords that can do that. And so if you carry like a pack of these sword blades. You can just cut something and then retract the handle and get a new blade.I see. I mean there's so much creativity and so much like craftsmanship in this. I’m thoroughly amazed, but that brings actually one question.Remember last time we said a lot of people would dress up and the whole gear and they would go to like a Comic-con, wouldn't that be really dangerous if everyone's like wielding real sword and katana?Some people do bring real weapons and it depends on the policy of the location that they’re holding the convention in, but they often do something called peace bonding and that means you like put something on the sword. ..【Geek Time】-“极客”时间,和“科技宅”Brad一起聊神秘有趣的“黑科技”“高科技”“硬科技”。欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦