【Geek Time】-“极客”时间,和“科技宅”Brad一起聊神秘有趣的“黑科技”“高科技”“硬科技”。欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~Hi everyone. And welcome back to Geek Time.欢迎回来【极客时间】。Hi, Brad.Hello.I know that I always ask you what we're gonna talk about, but can I propose a topic today?Right, what do you have in mind?NFT.OK.Something I see everywhere now, but I just don't understand. Would you say NFT is a big topic in English speaking world as well?I would say it's really big, it's all over in the news these days. You see it just about anywhere, on Facebook, on YouTube, you'll see just tons and tons of videos and news stories about people buying NFTs.But please tell me that people in English speaking world also don't understand, most of them…Most of them really have no idea what it is, like a lot of them like the boomers are just like what is this NFT stuff.Boomers are old. Ok, first things first, NFT in Chinese is called非同质化代币。同质就是同样的 I don't know, maybe同样的性质的代币it still sounds very technical, in English, it's… Non-Fungible Token. Fungible means…?Not replaceable.Not replaceable token, token is almost like a little coin, right, that you use; and they are art pieces, could you give us a, like a very general, description of what is a Non-Fungible Token? Non-Fungible Tokens can really be any type of file format. They could be like jpeg art, they could be movie files, they could be music files, they could be 3D printable files, just about anything, but it ends kind of like involves just a bunch of data that you can sell.But it's not replaceable because you have one file, and this file can only be used by like one person at a time. Ok, so let me put it in an even simpler way, if you Brad were an artist, you made a digital creation, like a painting, digital painting. I wanna buy that painting, like I wanna buy the NFT of that painting, basically I buy something digital and then there's a file that shows I own the digital version of that painting or that digital painting. Right, you would own like a license afore, right, so you wouldn’t own like the copyright to it.Like original owner, the original creator of that, they would own the copyright to that idea, but like you could own depending upon like the base kind of, like the contractual agreement with the NFT, you could either just own it and have it for your own use or maybe even use it for like a license to be able to sell things containing that graphic or art.所以就是原著者/原创者还是有著作权,还是有版权 copyright.But I have, depending on how much I pay, depending on the contract, I will have some form of ownership either I can just have it to myself or I can use it for commercial use to make money.Yeah.And usually you said only one copy, but it's not just one copy, is it?You can own one copy, you could own 10 copies of it, basically like the person who makes the art or whoever makes the NFT can make as many copies as they want, and so like the value of that can be really based on the number of copies, maybe there's only one copy of it or maybe…And that is very, very expensive, if they're like millions of copies, then it's really cheap. Exactly.I see.So say I pay you the money, I got the copy. What do I get? I don't just get the picture, I get a file?It's a file, it's like a block chain file, so you get something that's like the art, but also it comes with like a block chain that shows like your ownership of it.Block Chain就是区块链。Another topic that we can really go into, but essentially I just get like a digital file that proves the ownership, ok.