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Merrick Trane
Neo和Robo讨论了一次性咖啡杯对环境的影响,以及一些大型咖啡连锁店为减少一次性杯子使用所做的努力,例如鼓励顾客自带杯子,对一次性杯子收费等。但他们也指出,目前的回收利用系统并不完善,许多一次性杯子最终仍然被丢弃。他们还介绍了星巴克在咖啡杯回收方面的努力,包括与慈善机构合作,在店内和店外增加回收点,并逐步推出新的回收系统。 Merrick Trane 认为,咖啡连锁店应该对一次性咖啡杯征税,以此来鼓励消费者使用可重复使用的杯子,并认为这是解决一次性咖啡杯环境问题的有效措施。他认为消费者需要一些额外的激励措施来改变他们的行为习惯。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the environmental issue with disposable coffee cups?

Many disposable coffee cups are not recyclable, leading to waste and environmental harm.

Which country drinks the most coffee per capita?

Finland consumes the most coffee per person annually.

What are some coffee chains doing to address the issue of disposable cups?

Some chains charge extra for disposable cups and offer discounts for reusable ones, but not all collect and recycle old cups effectively.

How is Starbucks improving its recycling efforts?

Starbucks is working with partners to increase recycling outside stores and has introduced cup collection points for recycling.

What does Merrick Trane suggest to encourage reusable cup usage?

Trane proposes a fiscal measure similar to the plastic bag charge, where customers are charged extra for disposable cups to incentivize reusable ones.

What is fraud in the context of criminal activity?

Fraud is a criminal activity where money is obtained by deceiving or tricking people dishonestly.

How much money did fraud and scams cost globally in 2018?

Fraud and scams globally cost over £1.3 billion in 2018.

What is a phishing scam?

A phishing scam involves criminals sending fake emails pretending to be from a legitimate source, such as a bank, to trick people into revealing personal information.

What does 'sleight-of-hand' mean in the context of fraud?

Sleight-of-hand refers to using clever, deceptive skills to gain something dishonestly.

Why is fraud a significant issue despite efforts by banks and security companies?

Fraud remains a significant issue because criminals are clever and continue to find new ways to deceive people, leading to financial losses.

This chapter explores the environmental consequences of disposable coffee cups and the initiatives taken by coffee chains to increase recycling and reduce waste. It discusses challenges in recycling coffee cups and initiatives such as in-store and off-store recycling programs.
  • Many disposable coffee cups are not recyclable.
  • Coffee chains are implementing programs to increase recycling rates, both in-store and off-store.
  • Challenges exist in collecting and recycling used coffee cups efficiently.

Shownotes Transcript


This is BBC English. Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I'm Neo. And I'm Robo. Now I'm going to talk about our program about love of coffee.

But you have thought about the environmental consequences of all those disposable coffee cup. Oh yes, indeed, I carried a reusable cup with me, so I didn't have to throw one away. So if I put the cup in your survey,

Again, and this is a big problem with these bubble cups that many of them can be recycled so they're... I'm free when you use the shot. I'm very big

go shopping chains to about the problem we'll find a little bit more shortly but frankly a quiz for you which country driveth most coffee per captain so not the total amount of coffee but the range per person it is japan b

Say Finland, what do you think, Ruben? Oh, tricky. I don't think Japanese are big coffee drinkers and I produce a lot of coffee in Kenya. I suppose the USA is my answer, but I'm going Finland just because, well, we'll see which one is literally in the program.

A recent BBC EU and EU radio program, they discussed the topic of coffee cups. Some of big chains are now changing customers more for disposable coffee and give discounts if people bring their own disposable. However, not all of these shops actually collect old cups and sell them for recycle in a short time.

His jersey badge for Starbucks is so interesting and financial inside their shop. It's something that we are impressed during autumn it will be all of stores. It's also not just our stores in which this cup is not. So we do a lot of work outside stores in March to ship the cup recycle onto Google.

Working with a member charity partner, Hubbards, increased recycling and refraction outside of the stores because the two-year bulk up. "Job working in the stores improves the cycle, you know, after most people take their coffees outside of the store, so they are working on the cycle, refraction outside as well."

This will be set like beans at a collection point, which are clear market for coffee cups. And what about enable the screen cup install? Well, set something that rolling out install. Rolling out here means introduced over periods of time and is starting to happen but not finished yet. Not again. It's something that we are in process rolling out.

and will be off-store, it's all just stores in which it is coupled up. So we do a lot of work outside of our stores in Merchant to ensure that the perp cards can be recycled on the go. We are working with our mainframe, currently publishing the hub hub to increase recycling in the first year outside of our stores because the tools were not coupled up.

Not everyone, however, believes that coffee chains are doing everything that they can. This is Merrick Trane, a member of the Branding Planets. It comprises the switching to the Plancy Bag Charge. This was a law brought in from the shop to charge customers for Plancy Bags, which is pretty bad. If you think you have to pay

Extra for some way, we think a similar fiscal measure is indeed a natural measure to ensure people remember to bring the reusable cups with them. And of course, this is something that the coffee shop has been fighting to and now. He thinks that consumers need energy to have a member of the reusable cups.

Yes, we need a note, which is a little push, a reason, in case he's thinking of laws make them charge more. But he says the coffee chains really want this. They are, they said, fighting it as an oath. Fight something to an oath and against it completely and try to stop it. Let's hear MP Mary Crane's again.

If you think you are having paid attention for something without crisis, we think a similar physical measure is indeed a nice place to encourage people to remember to bring their reusable cup with them.

And of course, this is something that coffee shop have been fighting to and now time to reveal our vocabulary. But first, let's have you answer to this question: Which country drinking the most coffee per capita? Japan, Bikini, or say Finland?

What do you think, Bob? I took a bit of a guess of Finland. Well, congratulations, you guys were correct. The Finns went for amazing entertainment every year each.

Now, on vocabulary, we have a couple of relations but opposite words. Sometimes disposable is designed to be used once or a few minutes in a certain way, and reusable is designed to be used again and again. We think we throw out weight and busy things in the progress, perhaps choose something new.

and even new way to doing things. New idea of needed infrastructure is usually physical structures that need to make people work. For example, rare risk factors include trains, stations, and signals. Energy is small push

something to not to carry the recipe because of the due or in fact I'm trying to send now to keep hold of my news.

Which question is our last impression today? Tofully choose nails means to make a strong effort trying to stop something or shift it. Look forward to your company next time. Search BBC Learning for new facts. Fact 2: Nails Disposable but use once just for meantime and they throw away.

BBC Learning English Hello Hello BBC Learning English Hello I'm Sam and welcome to 6 Minute English This is a program where

In just 6 minutes, we discuss interesting topics and teach some relaxing English vocabulary. Join me to do easy job. Hello, today we are talking about fraud.

Fraud is a criminal activity of getting money by decreasing people or shrinking people by doing something dishonest. There are many ways to do this, and much of it happens online this way. We are talking more about this in a moment. But first, a very honest quiz question for your answer, Rob. According to your key finance,

An organization that represents the Brazilian banking industry. How much money did criminal deals, re-fraud and scam ring last year? Was it A. 1.2 million pounds B. 120 million pounds C. 1.3 billion pounds Well, I imagined it quite a lot, so I said 120 million pounds.

Wonderful, if you write an Instagram, now you just mentioned a reward scam, which is an evil way to make money by tricking someone. We may think we will never be scammed, but already millions of people have fallen for fake memes, porncars, and letters that make journalists and us give it a give.

or update our financial details to fall for some means to believe something that we check or learn to be true. This year, for example, certain people in the UK filing for fraudulent or fake email, requesting that people update their direction details for paying their TV lessons.

This payment will be sent to France's BBC. This is some BBC's writing to Craig M. "Your annuals on the BBC from the Invitational Reporter, Sarah Ramsey, explains why it was ready to be disabled. It's slightly

Hannah a fraud, a criminal, a liar, and a zephyr-yuked pocket. And we have email and Hannah is looking completely convinced. All the white ghost under red font. It's just a set of magic dragon.

But since I failed and I needed to pay it, it was replaced. So some great language is here. He said this game was a sleight-of-hand fraud. Sleight-of-hand means the use of clever skills to gain something dishonest in the case.

for learning. As she's criminal, get me to meet frankly, it looks I'm under rougher pocketing. Rougher meaning searching something in order to steal from it. Steal from pocket very dishonest. Now, like in case fraud case, the people who commit frauds gain financial information by placing

and fishing using a rod, line, or hook, but by sending an email, then it looks like it came from your bank asking for confirmation. Slashing email machine, but we'll find the details online and change our password regularly. But sometimes criminals are very clever in what we do and it's very to be fooled.

You and your programs also heard about this from social media in general. Jack directly asked what does he call the type of fraud. He said fraud is one that boosts truth very carefully, and this has been achieved.

What appears later shows you know we are getting some information from you. What you really look for is a window to into someone, again that unlock just some more part of the thing of their personal data. And from that a good friend will be involved and build a second chain to some people can be critically devised. Talking about soft info.

That means it's clever and often completely so it can confuse us. Yes, the criminal needs just a small piece of information about us, a game that can eventually open up our identity and impose our personal debt.

be very bad, especially if someone loses all their hard-earned money. It can devastate. Of course, banks and security companies are working hard to beat criminals, but it still remains a problem.

And Erlin asks you, Rubo, according to UK's Financial, how much margin did criminals steal from fraud and criminals last year? And I said 100 billion is a lot of money.

It's even more in 2018, criminal sexing stills, one time to billions fraud and scam, and just the UK global, it's even more. Well, it's certainly a serious issue. Hopefully, we haven't deceived you with the vocabulary we're discussing today.

A lot have been talked about fraud. It's a criminal activity of gambling by deceiving people or tricking people by doing something. Next, scum. Scum is a legal or dishonest way to make money by tricking someone. People who are scammers will talk about the facial labor fraud.

4. Something you believe someone that you trick or lie to be true. When we hear about slaps on our hands, which means of use cleverly to someone dishonest. And 5. Raffle, which means searching someone in order to steal someone's attention.

meet someone by email or online to get their personal data by pretending to be from your bank. Finally, we discuss in a social. When something is so fancy, it's clear and often complete. I like our program. Same, let's hope. But now we're reaching another program. See you next time. Bye. Bye.