Bret and Nirmal are joined by Ivan Burazin and Chad Metcalf to debut Daytona, an open source "codespaces equivalent."
Daytona is a development environment manager designed to automate all the tedious steps a developer needs to perform to set up their development environment. "Essentially, it transforms any machine into a codespaces equivalent."
Where Daytona is actually starting in the enterprise is focusing on large dev environment solutions and management of those, and then trickling down to individual developers. So there are two very similar solutions to a problem of many developers and their varying ways that they set up their environments for development, but they're coming at it from two ends of the spectrum.
**Be sure to check out the ****live recording **)of the complete show with demos from March 7, 2024 on YouTube (Ep. 257).
★Topics★Daytona website)Daytona on GitHub)Why Daytona OSS'd)DIY Guide)
Creators & Guests
Ivan Burazin) - Guest
Chad Metcalf) - Guest
Bret Fisher) - Host
Nirmal Mehta) - Host
Beth Fisher) - Producer
Cristi Cotovan) - Editor
(00:00) - Intro
(06:33) - CodeAnywhere
(07:50) - Introducing Daytona: Revolutionizing Dev Environments
(13:54) - Demo
(21:07) - Daytona's Automation Magic
(22:49) - Comparing Daytona with DevPod
(25:15) - Daytona's Roadmap and Beyond
(27:01) - Dev Environments and IDEs
(39:52) - AI with Daytona
(44:05) - Getting Started with Daytona
(44:35) - Getting Involved in Daytona
(47:00) - Features About to Ship in Daytona
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