Well - it just needs to be said. You are beautiful and our bodies do so much good for us. We need to recognize and acknowledge that instead of just berating and saying it's never enough.
If you are like me, and many women I know, you have struggled at some point in your life with body image and body related self esteem. We are raised in a society especially as woman that we should look a certain way and anything other than that is unexceptable.
We all have such unique ideals, standards and relationships with our bodies.
I hope you are coming to LOVE and appreciate the vessel that helps us do most things on this ground we walk on. And learning that perfection in all areas in life but especially our bodies does not exist so start to let it go. That our bodies are forever changing as we age and if we've had children. Learning to embrace the imperfections and beauties of our unique and ever evolving vessels instead of punishing it for never living up. My wish for you is that you come to know how unique, wonderful and innately beautiful you are. Let's drop the shame and step into our greatness. Do the things we want to do, exactly as we come right now, in this moment, in this body. May you feel healthy and happy and all the rest. And may our daughters not struggle as much as some of us have. Oh and may we be walking examples to other women that our curves, soft bits, longer, shorter, uniqueing shaped bits are perfectly imperfect. Flaunt it, love it, be grateful for it. I love you, Shannon