Well. . .it took a lot longer to get to part 2 of our relationship story. And mostly today is just a share on where we are right now. What it means and looks like to be married in midlife with kids. That the love will wilt if we don't tend to it. That it takes effort on both parts. Not only effort but also a willingness to look at our own shit, triggers and conditioning etc. That we all play a part in it. And of course, to have hard those conversations with some grace and tact.
A few of my tips of what has been working. And again, I by no means am an expert, just a woman in a marriage sharing my own experience. Life is a wild trip and I just keep unpeeling layers and learning more.
I would love to know what you think. What your experience is. Do you find this season of life hard? DO you have the whole marriage thing dialed or is there more that you want?
Part 1 episode LISTEN HERE EP.19 From the brink of divorce and back. Part 1 of my relationship story on how we saved our marriage. And learned to love ourselves again.
Join the conversation and I would love to know what you think over @frommartyrtomagic.
Xo Shannon