Hello beauties and Happy International Women's day. I thought this was the perfect episode for today.
Coming at you from my car again. I have a few solo episodes from the archives that I will be releasing over the next few weeks. And as I am on the road a lot and this is where the inspiration hits, so don't mind the background noise but sometimes we just have to record when inspiration strikes and time allows.
I am so inspired by the women in my life. Who choose the brave path of constantly learning, loving, and showing up in a big way. Sometimes this is a huge leap and other times it just means taking some time for yourself and asking for what you want.
I wouldn't be where I am today without the support of all of the amazing women in my life. Make sure you celebrate yourself and all the women in your life today. We thrive when we share, pick each other up and help each other along the way. We hold so much power, so don't forget that.
You are amazing my friend.
Please share this episode if it resonates. Rate and review the podcast. It means the world to me.
And msg me IG @frommartyrtomagic)
and of course, have a wonderful day.
xo Shannon