cover of episode EP.5 [CN] Yenwen Feng(冯彦文)- 当AMM遇到去中心化永续合约:永续协议 / When AMM Meets Decentralized Bitmex: Perpetual Protocol

EP.5 [CN] Yenwen Feng(冯彦文)- 当AMM遇到去中心化永续合约:永续协议 / When AMM Meets Decentralized Bitmex: Perpetual Protocol

logo of podcast 51% with Mable Jiang, Presented by Multicoin Capital

51% with Mable Jiang, Presented by Multicoin Capital

Shownotes Transcript

还有两周就是永续协议( )主网上线的日子了,因此这一集里我们邀请到永续协议的创始人冯彦文与听众见面。


我们还回顾了永续合约广受好评的在Balancer Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool上的公开募资,和当时一些其他的募资选项的对比。最后彦文与我们分享了台湾去中心化金融项目和以太坊社区的情况,并讨论了他认为东方项目在运营时遇到的一些瓶颈和他认为的问题所在。




永续协议 Discord 频道:


冯彦文推特: Center EP. 350: Balancer - The Automated Market Maker Protocol for Programmable Liquidity



重要声明:Mable Jiang或嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法,并不代表Multicoin Capital官方的观点。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。Multicoin Capital有时可能会在此节目中讨论的某些代币或公司中持有头寸。


As the mainnet of Perpetual Protocol  ( is going live in two weeks, we invited Yenwen Feng, the founder of Perpetual Protocol to be on this episode.

In this episode, we first talked about Yenwen's history as a serial entrepreneur. We discussed why he wanted to work on decentralized perpetual swap product, and how he got inspiration of the product design. We dived deep into the product design of the perpetual protocol, especially on its virtual automated market maker part. 

In our discussion on their choice of Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution, Yenwen expressed his interesting thoughts about the L2 space. We also reviewed Perp's widely applauded public sales via the Balancer Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP), as he compared that choice with some other available options at the time. At the end, Yenwen shared about the Defi and the ETH community in Taiwan, and discussed some of the bottlenecks he perceived among the projects in the east.

Overall, this was a very interesting discussion!


**Other relevant links  in this episodes:**Epic Center EP. 350: Balancer - The Automated Market Maker Protocol for Programmable Liquidity

Perpetual Protocol Official Discord Channel:

Perpetual Protocol's Official Twitter:

Yenwen's Twitter:


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**Important Disclaimers: **All opinions expressed by Mable Jiang, or other podcast guests, are solely their opinion and do not represent the opinions of Multicoin Capital in any way. This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Multicoin Capital may hold positions in some of the tokens and/or companies discussed on this show.