cover of episode EP.3: [CN+EN] Eric Chen - 聊聊与Injective看似无关又息息相关的那些事儿 / On All the Things that Directly Related to Injective

EP.3: [CN+EN] Eric Chen - 聊聊与Injective看似无关又息息相关的那些事儿 / On All the Things that Directly Related to Injective

logo of podcast 51% with Mable Jiang, Presented by Multicoin Capital

51% with Mable Jiang, Presented by Multicoin Capital

Shownotes Transcript

和Eric Chen 是今年疫情期间认识的,但这位年轻的创始人在行业里已经摸爬滚打好一阵子了。从中学时代自己装电脑开始了解到比特币挖矿,到后来大二结束辍学创业,Eric 一直在用实际行动挑战传统亚洲家庭里的“聪明孩子” 的定义。

这一期是特别的一期,因为Eric 在《伍拾壹说》诞生之际,提议做一期51%是普通话,49%是英语的播客。本播客前半段是普通话,和Eric聊了聊他的成长与入行经历,并且基于Eric生活在国外 + 中国人的身份,我们也讨论了加密世界东西方市场形态的异和同;后半段是英语,Eric 探讨了他对加密市场和行业技术发展的一些观点。

这一期里我们没有涉及Injective Protocol本身的进展,因为Eric觉得自己平时已经聊的太多了。然而我们对于订单簿vs自动做市商、二层网络、跨链、defi协议的护城河等的讨论,都是与Injective Protocol息息相关的。



关于 Injective Protocol

Injective Protocol 是全球首个 Layer2 衍生品 DEX。Injective 点对点的去中心化衍生品协议可以在以太坊上实现快速安全的永续合约、期货、杠杆和现货交易,集成可验证延迟函数(VDF),用以杜绝交易作弊和不良交易的去中心化交易协议。



重要声明:Mable Jiang或嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法,并不代表Multicoin Capital官方的观点。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。Multicoin Capital有时可能会在此节目中讨论的某些代币或公司中持有头寸。


I got to know Eric in the post-COVID era, so I never got to meet him in person. In fact, we never met each other even in video, but we still became good friends online.  

Eric was an untypical "smart Asian kid" - he managed to put together his own computer in middle school, and learned to use that for Bitcoin mining; later, he dropped out of college to join full-time in crypto, and founded Injective Protocol afterwards.

When I first launched 51%, Eric Chen suggested that we should do an episode 51% in Mandarin and 49% in English. In the first half of this episode (Mandarin), I chatted with Eric about how he got into crypto and how he founded Injective. We also talked briefly about the difference of market structure in the east and in the west. In the second half of the episode, which is conducted in English, we discussed general things that are directly related to Injective, such as CLOB vs. AMM, layer 2, crosschain, and the defensibility of defi protocols.


Post-credit scene question: Other than Injective Protocol, what are the things that Eric feel most excited about in crypto?


About Injective Protocol

A secure, fully decentralized layer-2 derivatives DEX that unlocks the full potential of borderless DeFi.



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**Important Disclaimers: **All opinions expressed by Mable Jiang, or other podcast guests, are solely their opinion and do not represent the opinions of Multicoin Capital in any way. This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Multicoin Capital may hold positions in some of the tokens and/or companies discussed on this show.