1. 邮件正文 1.1 request 向对方要资料)/信息 l Would you be able to provide xx at your convenience?) / would you be able to provide us the following information, if any? l Would you please send me the xx (by Oct 13th)? l May we have the copies of xx?) l When you have a moment, could you please xx (e.g. go to the below link and fill out the form with your banking instructions)?) l We would be very grateful if you could provide us with xx (e.g. a quote for 。。). l Could you please provide us with an update on the xx project? 事件通知 l Please kindly note that…请注意 l We would like to kindly inform you that… 请对方检查/批准 l Please review and )make edits in )track) changes where necessary. l Could you please confirm) xx (e.g. the calculation after your review / it all looks accurate))? Could you check/recheck/)approve )xx (e.g. the payment calculation)? l Attached is xx. Could you please review / (take a look at the) xx and let me know if you have any comments? I would like to receive your feedback by xx (e.g. EOB) next Wednesday) so that I can xx (e.g. make any changes you feel are necessary).