邮件开头 1. 寒暄I hope l I hope you are doing )well), and had a great weekend. (周一) l I hope your )week) is going well. / I hope you are having a great week).(周中) l I hope you are having a great day.)(任意一天) l I hope you had a great holiday. / I hope you enjoyed your holidays.(国家法定假日后) l I hope the xxevent) /your xx meeting went well. 2. 开头opening line l I am writing in reply to xx.) l I am writing with )reference) to 关于xx. l I am contacting you regarding xx. l I am )reaching out)联系 because xx. l I am writing to confirm / (inform) you that) /check/ 相对正式 l Just to confirm/(let you know that)/check/(update you on)/(follow up on xx)相对随意 l I just wanted tosee how everything was going. l It was a pleasure speaking with you / it was my pleasure to meet you / it was great to see you on Tuesday.