合同谈判话术 客套话: l I am glad to talk with you today to discuss the detail of your order. l I’d be happy to answer your questions. l I hope this meeting will be productive.) 求同存异: l I can see that we have a conflict )here. Maybe we can find a way around it. l I understand you can’t meet (my shipment deadline). However, we need to come up with some options that will get my delivery there faster. Let’s brainstorm. 以退为进: l If you can make a concession让步, I think we can discuss this further. 各让一步: l Let’s meet each other halfway)/make some )compromise).妥协 委婉拒绝: l I think we need more time to consider this request. l I’ll have to check with my boss. I’ll let you know as soon as I got the answer. l We really want to cooperate with you again. However,) with what you are currently able to offer, we may have to decline this time.) l I appreciate all you’ve done to make this deal work. Problem is, I may not be able to accept the terms you’re offered. l Your offer is tempting). However, I will have to consider my options. 转移话题: l We seem to have a deadlock) here.僵局 l I suggest that we can take a little break.