1. Put in a good )word)说好话 l I will put in a good word for you with the recruiter). l Please put in a good word for me with the supervisor). 2. Restructure 整顿 整形 l The company is restructuring its accounting department. l She was laid off裁员when the company restructured sales) department. 3. Troubleshoot)故障查找 动词 l Follow the error messages to troubleshoot.) l We need to troubleshoot and strengthen the whole team. 4. Delegate)委派 l We were delegated to clean up the data.) l He was always overburdened with too many trivial) 琐碎的tasks because he found it impossible to delegate. 5. Differentiate)区别 l We need to differentiate our product from our competitors’. l This model helps us to differentiate two different variables). 6. Highlight)强调 l Let me highlight important information from the meeting. l Could you highlight your past experience? 7. Pay attention to注意 l Please pay attention to an email from HR about themandatory) survey. l Could you pay attention to details when preparing the report? 8. Evaluate评估/评价 l The market situation is difficult to evaluate. l End of year, every e)mployee )needs to objectively) evaluate their work. 9. Carry out 贯彻,完成 l The project was carried out over a two months period. 历时2月 l Make sure those candidates) are competent) to carry out the work. 10. Revamp) 改革/改造/修补/改进/翻新 l We are revamping the management system and we would like to hear your thoughts on that. l The whole process needs to be revamped.