cover of episode 神鱼详解他的“四钱包”投资管理法则


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神鱼:长期持有优质资产的关键在于心理层面的管理,需要建立一套系统来确保在非理性状态下依然能够保持相对理性。提出了“四钱包”投资管理法则:冷钱包(核心资产,60%以上)、温钱包(周/月度资产管理,20%-30%)、热钱包(消费和少量投机,少量)、法币钱包(生活储备,年支出4%)。通过这种方式,即使在非理性状态下,也能保证长期投资的稳定性,并分享了自身在投资中的经验教训,强调了开放心态和持续学习的重要性。 裴才:长期持有优质资产的前提是认知,对资产的信仰决定能否长期持有。缺乏认知和信仰容易导致恐慌性卖出,分享了自身在莱特币和比特币投资中的经验教训,强调认知先行,并提出了一些辅助策略,例如控制仓位比例,使用冷钱包等。 董真:长期持有优质资产需要具备扎实的金融知识和对复杂系统的理解,并克服短期交易的冲动。卖飞后重仓的关键在于认识到自身的局限性,及时认错并调整策略,强调了克服短期交易冲动的重要性,并分享了自身的一些经验和教训。 Odyssey:长期持有优质资产需要理性认知和情绪管理,买入和卖出是双向的,需要在买入时就构建好认知和情绪框架。卖飞后重仓更重要的是心理建设,要直面错误并重建信心,关注资产的垄断性,并分享了自己的一些经验和教训,以及对未来的一些展望。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the 'Four Wallets' investment management strategy introduced by Shenyu?

Shenyu's 'Four Wallets' strategy divides assets into four categories: 1) Cold Wallet (60%+ of assets) for long-term holding with barriers to prevent impulsive selling, 2) Warm Wallet (20-30%) for managing assets and providing stable cash flow, 3) Hot Wallet for spending and speculative investments, and 4) Fiat Wallet for converting crypto to fiat, ensuring financial independence with a 4% rule to cover annual expenses.

Why does Shenyu emphasize the importance of separating wallets for different purposes?

Separating wallets helps manage emotions and prevent impulsive decisions during market volatility. The Cold Wallet creates barriers to selling, the Warm Wallet ensures stable cash flow, the Hot Wallet allows for speculative spending, and the Fiat Wallet provides financial security, reducing the need to liquidate core assets.

What role does emotional management play in long-term asset holding according to Shenyu?

Emotional management is crucial for long-term asset holding as it prevents irrational decisions during market fluctuations. Shenyu suggests creating rules and systems during calm periods to maintain rationality during FOMO or panic, ensuring that impulsive actions don't significantly impact the overall investment strategy.

How does Shenyu define a 'good asset' for long-term investment?

A 'good asset' is defined by its future growth potential and key inflection points. Shenyu emphasizes the importance of making a forward-looking judgment based on current knowledge and comparing it with other assets to determine its long-term value.

What is the significance of the 4% rule in Shenyu's Fiat Wallet strategy?

The 4% rule ensures that the Fiat Wallet's assets generate enough interest or returns to cover annual living expenses, providing financial independence. This prevents the need to liquidate core assets in the Cold or Warm Wallets during emergencies or market downturns.

How does Shenyu handle speculative investments in his Hot Wallet?

The Hot Wallet is used for speculative investments and spending, such as buying NFTs or trying new products. Shenyu limits the amount allocated to this wallet to minimize risk, and any profits are quickly transferred to the Warm or Cold Wallets to secure gains.

What lessons did Shenyu learn from early Bitcoin investors who sold prematurely?

Shenyu observed that early Bitcoin investors often sold prematurely due to fear or lack of understanding, leading to regret. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining an open mindset and learning from mistakes, as emotional decisions can hinder long-term growth.

Why does Shenyu believe that long-term holding is more challenging than identifying good assets?

Long-term holding is more challenging because it requires emotional discipline, the ability to withstand market volatility, and the willingness to hold through price fluctuations. Identifying good assets is relatively easier, but maintaining conviction and avoiding impulsive selling is harder.

How does Shenyu use decision logs to improve his investment strategy?

Shenyu maintains decision logs to record his thought process, emotions, and reasoning behind major investment decisions. He reviews these logs periodically to analyze mistakes, learn from them, and refine his strategy, ensuring continuous improvement and better decision-making.

What is Shenyu's approach to re-entering a position after selling an asset prematurely?

Shenyu re-enters positions based on the asset's monopoly potential and long-term value. He emphasizes the importance of admitting mistakes, reassessing the asset's fundamentals, and gradually rebuilding the position as the asset demonstrates renewed strength or innovation.

  • 将资产分为冷钱包(60%以上)、温钱包(20%-30%)、热钱包(少量)和法币钱包(4%的年支出)
  • 冷钱包用于囤积核心资产,设置障碍以避免冲动交易
  • 温钱包管理周期为周或月度的资产,提供稳定现金流
  • 热钱包用于消费和投机,盈余及时转换为核心资产
  • 法币钱包用于生活储备,确保财务独立

Shownotes Transcript

本期内容为 E2M Research 在推特 Space 举办的 AMA,参与嘉宾包括 神鱼(推特 @bitfish1)、Odyssey(推特 @OdysseyETH)、Zhen Dong(推特 @zhendong2020)、Peicai Li(推特 @pcfli)。本次 AMA 深入探讨了 Web3 加密货币领域中的两个关键问题:如何长期持有优质资产和卖飞后如何调整心态并重仓。

嘉宾们结合实际案例,提出了多项操作方法和策略:神鱼通过“四钱包”法则分配资产,规避情绪化决策;在核心资产(如比特币、以太坊)投资中,采用分批买入和冷钱包锁仓的方式,以确保长期持有。同时,对于试验性资产(如 NFT),采用小额观察仓的策略,用于探索市场潜力。交流中还分享了应对市场波动的心理建设经验,例如通过构建规则限制非理性行为、在价格回调时敢于调整策略。这些实操经验为投资者提供了面对加密货币市场波动的理性框架和长期策略支持。

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00:00 开场及嘉宾自我介绍

02:1 好资产如何定义?发展曲线和关键拐点是核心

03:10 长期持有需通过情绪管理与"四钱包法则"实现

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34:14 卖飞后如何调整心态并重仓?关注垄断性与长期视角

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37:48 为什么垄断性是卖飞后重仓的核心判断依据?

44:56 神鱼分享决策日志:记录情绪与认知的反思工具

55:51 为什么重仓与卖飞后重仓比发现好资产更难?

01:02:00 卖飞后的心理障碍:直面错误与重建信心的难点