Dabao became popular due to its memorable advertising campaigns, such as the slogan '大宝天天见' (Dabao, see you every day), which resonated deeply with consumers. The brand also targeted a broad audience, including men, with its affordable and accessible skincare products like Dabao SOD蜜 (SOD cream). Its marketing strategy, featuring relatable actors like Huang Lei, helped it gain widespread recognition and loyalty.
The name '三露' (Sanlu) refers to the three original products Dabao produced:粉刺露 (acne treatment露), 增白露 (whitening露), and 除毛露 (hair removal露). The name reflects the brand's early focus on addressing specific skincare concerns, which helped establish its reputation in the Chinese market.
Lao Gan Ma maintained brand loyalty due to its founder Tao Huabi's strong personal brand and the trust consumers placed in her. Despite a temporary decline in quality when her sons took over, the brand regained its reputation after Tao returned to oversee production. The consistent use of her image on the packaging and the brand's no-loan, no-investment business model also reinforced consumer trust.
Mr. Lee's Beef Noodles faced challenges with trademark disputes, which led to a rebranding from '加州牛肉面大王' (California Beef Noodle King) to '李先生牛肉面大王' (Mr. Lee's Beef Noodle King). Despite this, the brand maintained its popularity by standardizing its recipes and expanding its presence in high-traffic areas like train stations, ensuring consistent quality and accessibility.
Using human faces in logos helps create a sense of trust, familiarity, and approachability. Brands like Lao Gan Ma, Mr. Lee's Beef Noodles, and Nan Cheng Xiang use founder or representative images to humanize their products, making them more relatable to consumers. This strategy also helps in building a strong, recognizable brand identity.
Wang Zhihe is a historic brand known for its fermented tofu products, with origins dating back to the Qing Dynasty. The brand's exact founder is unclear, with debates over whether it was established by a scholar from Anhui or a native of Tianjin. Post-liberation, the brand consolidated various small workshops under one name, becoming a symbol of traditional Chinese fermented foods.
【本期主播】鲁西西 会飞的能猫(老许)布莱恩
天南地北的能人(chī huò)也是来了不少,
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01:50 大宝护肤品的回忆杀~
11:40 护肤品的正确“入口”姿势
18:40 防晒霜的选择与国货品牌印象
22:50 王胖子驴肉火烧的转型与发展
47:00 李先生牛肉面大王的历史与特色
57:40 王致和品牌历史与文化
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