cover of episode Unpopular Opinions Part 2! | Relationships, Food, Pop Culture, and More!

Unpopular Opinions Part 2! | Relationships, Food, Pop Culture, and More!

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One Thing About Us

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Taylor认为挑食很幼稚,25岁以上的人应该学习烹饪;不喜欢花生酱,认为杏仁酱更好;旅行通常比娱乐更让人感到压力;每天摄入超过300毫克咖啡因很奇怪;凤梨披萨是最好吃的披萨;纠正他人的语法毫无益处;喜欢低腰裤;瘦弱羞辱和肥胖羞辱一样严重;大多数古驰产品看起来俗气;红薯薯条比普通薯条好吃,但软塌的红薯薯条不好吃;所有酒精苏打水都很难喝;小费文化已经失控;喜欢甜瓜类水果;收礼物是一种贪婪的爱语;《绯闻女孩》不是一部好剧;沉迷于《老友记》或《办公室》很奇怪;利用孩子赚钱的家庭博主很恶心;男朋友不发你的照片是不正常的;男生不哭是一个危险信号;男生也可能是“Pick me girl”。Sam则认为25岁以上还挑食的人应该学习烹饪;不喜欢花生酱,杏仁酱更好;每天摄入超过300毫克咖啡因很奇怪;凤梨披萨是最好吃的披萨;用“ bestie”来纠正或贬低他人很虚伪;喜欢低腰裤;他人不应对你的触发因素负责;红薯薯条比普通薯条好吃,但软塌的红薯薯条不好吃;所有酒精苏打水都很难喝;小费文化已经失控;喜欢甜瓜类水果;收礼物是一种贪婪的爱语,但区分了礼物和表示关心的物品;男朋友不发你的照片是不正常的;利用孩子赚钱的家庭博主很恶心;男生不哭是一个危险信号;男生也可能是“Pick me girl”。 两人就这些话题进行了深入的讨论,表达了各自的观点和看法,并就一些争议性话题进行了辩论。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss how the week felt longer than usual after just one episode, sharing personal experiences and feelings about time passing.

Shownotes Transcript


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Sign up and download Grammarly for free at slash podcast. That's G-R-A-M-M-A-R-L-Y dot com slash podcast. Easier said, done. What's up, guys? It's Sam and Taylor. And we want you to put your shoes on. Pop open that energy drink. And go.

Hello guys, welcome back to another episode. I'm Taylor. And I'm Sam. Back together after a long, long week. Felt like so long, but it was only one episode. I know, it was only one episode, but then again, this was probably one of the longest weeks ever. Yeah, it did feel like a really long time. I was home in Miami, and I was with my boyfriend, and David kept saying like, Oh my god, it's already over, we're already leaving. I was like, I feel like I've been here for a fucking minute. Like, I was like, I...

I feel like I, like, moved back home. And he was like, no, it went so fast. I was like, I highly disagree. Yeah. I was like, I feel like I've been gone for literally a month. How long were you gone for? Eight days? Yes. Yeah, eight days. Gotcha. Yeah, no, it definitely felt longer than that. But we got a lot to catch up on. It was an eventful week. Weekend, I guess. Because...

been hanging with that same friend group and it's just been like everyday nonsense, especially with Taylor not being here and I was alone living in this house by myself with just two animals. I was going fucking crazy. Oh, and I didn't have a laptop so I couldn't really work. Couldn't do YouTube and YouTube is like...

a very big chunk of our work. So I couldn't do that. So I was like, whatever. And a lot of other miscellaneous stuff. So I was just hanging out with them like every single night going over to their place. And I had someone ask me on Snapchat how much I'm paying for rent at that place. And I was like, I was like, well,

I was like wait I like don't live here I thought like I made it pretty clear obviously they probably just don't listen to the podcast but I was like oh shit like or watch your YouTube we clearly live I know yes and I was like oh my god like this isn't my place like oh really sorry like I'm looking to move to Austin like whatever I was like oh wow like I'm here that much that's funny honestly the no work obviously like a blessing and a curse like not having a laptop brutal but a blessing and a curse because like we both like took a week off like

Yeah. Like, like a forced break. I just feel bad because, for example, like, the merch, like, there's a bunch of people that order merch that I just couldn't print out the labels and ship them out. That was, like, one really big thing that I wanted to get done while she was gone. And I couldn't do that. And I'm actually staring at some merch right now. And I'm like, damn, we gotta do that after this as well. But just, like, small, like, little things like that. Yeah. That I, like... Yeah, yeah, for sure. I hate when my, like, to-do list gets really long. Yeah. And...

I just feel, I get like a little anxious. I'm like, shit, like there's a lot of things I need to do. But obviously they're like small tasks, so I know I can get them done. What made me anxious being home is my email got so piled up.

Yeah, no, I hate emails. I hate it. It got so piled up. It was crazy. And it like still, I just like finally catch it up like yesterday and this morning. But I was like, Jesus Christ, there was so many to open. It'd be like 15. You know what I actually had to do this week was I had to go through all my entire, I have like three different emails for three different reasons. But I had to go through it and literally unsubscribe from so many random things.

yeah i hate the spammed they're not even spam because it's like when you buy something you automatically get signed up for like their subscription of emails their weekly newsletters and stuff i spent about like two hours just going through my emails and i'm subscribing for everything so i'm really hoping now when i go to my emails there's not as many because i wake up every morning and i have like 50 emails i'm like oh my god no i was looking so i ordered something from target uh maybe like

three days ago like let's say and like yesterday so that point would be like two days ago i'm like oh let me see the tracking right if i look target it should probably be like the first email considering i ordered it two days ago no it was like 20 emails down from literally in that two days all of the target emails i got after i got the order confirmation and i was like are we kidding i was like

I was like, I just ordered that, like, literally two days ago, and I have 20 emails from Target. There's a box, like, after you check out and you buy something, like, you put your email. Yeah, to uncheck it. You have to uncheck it. I never uncheck it. I need to start doing that. Ugh. It's horrible. But I got a new laptop now. I'm happy about it. Well, there was kind of, like, a dilemma with it. Like, I sent... When you go to Apple and they send it in for repairs, I had them just repair the issue, but...

They have, like, this one protocol where if there's any other damage that doesn't trigger the other damage that's already done, they need to repair it. So there's, like, a small-ass dent on the side of my fucking... Or on the corner of my camera, because, like, when I put my camera down... Or my computer down one day, it just, like, dented. But it didn't have anything to do with what actually happened. They wanted to charge me $600 just to fix a dent.

So I was like at that point I'm paying like $1,200 to get a new word. Yeah, like a repaired one. So I was like, you know what? I'm just going to get a new computer. So I got the Air, which I know people are going to ask, oh my God, what computer have? Guys, I'm like so done with like the linking shits. I feel like it's so high demand right now or I'm just like super fucking anxious about it. But like it's crazy. I think you're just anxious about it. It's so annoying. I just feel like because I link so many things, people just think they are entitled to ask me to link everything.

Like everything in my entire life needs to be linked. And it's just like, are you actually going to buy it? Or are you making me go out of my way right now to like,

find the link for you yeah i don't know and i got a lot of really positive feedback um on snapchat about it um because i guess i'm not the only one that's recently complained about this there's been like other content creators on tiktok complaining about like how followers demand so much of creators and like they can never fund for themselves which is true we've literally had this talk like this conversation like two episodes ago about how we're not like

Google. We're not like you're like we're not there to just answer every fucking question you have. Sorry I'm I sound so bitchy right now but it's just like it's been making me really anxious and yeah so if someone's asking those things typically I'm not answering just because I need to like get out of this anxious little like bubble I'm in right now. Yeah. So self-care. Self-care. Self-care. This past week I was just like bopping around Miami not

Like doing too much work. I was gonna vlog it all but I left my camera charger at home and I couldn't find another cord in my house that fit my camera. I brought my camera prepared to vlog and had no charger for it. So couldn't do that. So that kind of threw that out the window. I was like, okay, well, never mind. We're not vlogging. No camera. It would have been good for like the... It would have been cool to get like video footage

of certain stuff but also like some of the funnest stuff I did is wired to that though yeah but some of the funnest stuff I did too was like I went jet skiing all day with my boyfriend it's like I couldn't film that yeah so it's like like our I wouldn't have gotten the content I wanted to I did tell him though I was like this because we're having so much fun I was like this is the type of time I wish I had someone that was like

always filming me like when we're with Bradley and like Jacob's there filming everything like he would have gotten like cool jet ski shots like I wish I had someone that was like also on a jet ski for the sole purpose of like filming me with a GoPro like something because like I wish I had videos of that because it was fun like we literally got back and my mom was like you didn't take pictures I was like we were on a

We were on a jet ski. What pictures? Like my phone was like, how was I supposed to take a picture? I was riding a jet ski. So like, I wish there was videos of that, but yeah, I couldn't vlog. Um, so I couldn't upload, but I'm going to vlog this weekend. Yeah, me too. I'm only going to vlog one day. I really want, my parents are coming into town this week. So I really want to just like my whole family, not just my parents. And I want to enjoy it, but I'm going to vlog at least one day and I'm going to do tomorrow because it's like,

When they first get here and stuff. So I'm excited for that. But this past weekend was a lot of fun. I don't really don't even know what you did. Like, I know you went to the Keys and I went jet skiing. Yeah. But what night did you go out out Thursday? Oh, Thursday. OK. All right. Yeah. This is like all a blur to me. Yeah. I went out on a Thursday just like me and David just went around Brickell like ourselves paid fucking way too much money for drinks. And then when I met up with my friends from high school who I haven't seen in years.

I don't know, two, three years. Crazy. So that was interesting and fun. And that's what I did on Thursday. I got like...

really drunk for like absolutely no reason oh yeah same oh I was sober we had been drinking like a lot and I was like I'm sober and David was like what are you for real because like when we're paying a lot of like to pay all that money for drinks and be like I'm actually sober right now he was like what like actually like I'm kind of like feeling it and I was like I'm like I could drive us home like I'm I'm sober so I got fireball shots at the bar oh no and went from like

Like zero to a hundred. Yeah. Very quickly. Fuck. All right. Because I was like, I'm literally sober. Oh, and the bartender. So we got drinks from her the first time. Average drinks, like got a vodka cranberry. Just tasted like juice.

And then we ordered from her, like, the third time. And she clearly made it, like, three times as strong. Like, we both took our drinks and were like, holy crap. And I was like, I like her because she knew we were loyal to her. We kept coming back, like, tipping her. Yeah, I like that. And she hooked it up. Like, the last drink we got from her was, like, pure alcohol. I was like, she hooked it up. Yeah, no, I like when bartenders do like that. I did...

Quite a bit this weekend, but what I will basically say is that Saturday night was so much fun. If you guys have me on, don't have me on it on Snapchat. Please have me on Snapchat because I'm not posting my drunk like

funny spammy content on Instagram or TikTok. It's just not happening. It's going to go on Snapchat. But it was a lot of fun. We went to an app launching event in Austin, which we thought at the time was going to be kind of like an exclusive event where it was like tickets and like invite only. But then they ended up posting it onto Twitter

Where what Austin, which is a massive Instagram account. If you live in Austin or in the area, you definitely need to follow it. If you want to know all the events that are happening every single day, they are posting like 10 events per day, like, um, with all the information for it. And they posted on there and I'm not even kidding. When we got there, the line at this hotel, cause it was at like the Belmont hotel, I

and there was like three to four different stages. Like it was crazy, but the line to get into this event was literally half a mile long. Like, and it wasn't even like a narrow line. It was like clumps and clumps and clumps of people. And we're pulling up. We're like,

fuck, do we have to wait in this? So luckily we didn't have to wait into it. We went right into the front. We got in and it was open bar and I immediately run over to the bar because like I needed to keep my buzz going. We had pregames before and I was like, I need to get the buzz. Keep going. I think, and I'm thinking, oh, I can go up to the open bar and get two drinks for myself. Cause like this place is going to be packed. You're only allowed one drink at a time, which was really annoying. So I just was kept going up back and forth, back and forth. It caught up on me really quickly. Like I,

The event was only until midnight. We got there around 7. That's still a good, like, a good while. Oh, yeah, we were there forever. 100% we were there forever. And midnight came around, guys. I woke up the next fucking morning in my bed with my same outfit on. I was sprawled like a fucking starfish. And my lights were still on in my room. And I had 15 missed FaceTime calls from my friends because I just Ubered home by myself.

So bad. Do not recommend doing this. But I felt so bad for all my friends the next morning. I was like, holy shit, guys. I'm so sorry. Like, I can't even imagine the fear that was going through all of you trying to find me. That's wild. Because none of them had my location. I hate sharing my locations with people, which is an unpopular opinion. Honestly, like... I love sharing my locations with people. I'll already say, because the topic is unpopular opinions. Unpopular opinions part two. Yeah, like, I hate it. Like, you don't need to know... Well, like...

certain friends like i share with you yeah because one you're my roommate you're my best friend but like like okay my close friend i'm like you don't need my location okay 100 but i like sharing my location like i think it's weird that people are like sharing your location with your boyfriends like toxic as if you're like stalking each other that's fine and it's like no i need david to have my location for me it's number one a safety thing i know he knows where i am

At all times, he knows where my phone is. 100%. Like, if I lost my phone, like, he has my location. Like, little things like that. To me, it's a safety thing. And if you're someone I'm constantly hanging out with, I want to be able to see if you're, like, on my way. I want to be able to be, like...

Why are you? Are you close? I don't like looking at someone's phone and their list of fucking friends is like 30 to 40 people. That's how David is. You're toxic. Like if you're a person like that, I'm not, I'm not even kidding. You're toxic. Why do you need to know where everybody is? It's like, you're so consumed by other people's lives. That's just my opinion. Interesting. I want to like get into the episode.

Yeah, I do too. But I want to see one more. Like all the stuff. Yeah, I know. I do want to say one thing though. We do have a snitch listening to this podcast right now. Oh shit, yeah we do. Yeah, and like I'm sorry but like

you listening to this right now, you're not a girl's girl. Like you're not a girl's girl by any means. You listen to the podcast, you live in Austin, Texas, you go to the same gym as us and you tell people what we say. Like I'm talking about a boy, like an individual boy, like that's in my life. And you're going to him saying what I'm saying. Like that's, that's not okay. Like we're girls around here. Like I don't like when girls like talk about other girls to like win. You know what I'm saying? Like you're doing it to like,

like win the guy which not that's not even the scenario like i'm not trying to like win a guy but i'm just like i hate when girls bash on other girls yeah two guys like i can't stand it so if you're that snitch listening like stop like i'm gonna talk about my life and all like but god damn um do we want to do like a high and low do you have one um

Not really. Not really either. Yeah, I don't really have one. I had like a good week. Yeah, I had a really good week. Yeah. Okay, cool. I say we just get into it. Me too. I want to get into it really bad. Oh, I'm like in the mood. We're doing hot takes again, but non-fitness related. Just, um...

Yeah, we need to do a part two. All things, a little part two. Also because we don't have on video our last interview. Oh, yeah, we don't. So now we have unpopular opinions on tape. But yeah, we're doing a little part two of things totally non-fitness related, just our life. I have a couple good ones. Cancel us already.

These mine are pretty like definitely gonna ruffle some feathers but in like a not so serious way Oh, yeah, if you get triggered by any of these like that's your own problem. Sorry um, i'll throw out my first one. This is my Number one. I don't know how unpopular this is But I think picky eaters are so childish if you order something and like take the tomatoes off a sandwich You're a child

Yeah, no, there's like a certain age that it hits where you gotta like transfer over from being a picky eater. I can't stand it. Like chicken fingers from french fries and you're 24 years old. Yeah, and being like no tomato, like no lettuce, like thinking it's cool to be like, oh, I hate vegetables. You don't like vegetables, you're 25. Just learn how to cook. Like if you're 25 years old and you're like, ew, Brussels sprouts are gross. Yeah. Are you for real? Yeah. Like, like, come on. I just...

I hate it. Nothing bothers me more than a picky eater, especially being like just immediately saying something's nasty without like trying it. Yeah. Or like 100% or just like fruits and vegetables. Like, oh my God, I hate it. I hate it. Yeah. I'm going to jump into mine, which is a little bit controversial compared to like what she just said, but I don't like peanut butter. Peanut butter is disgusting and almond butter is superior. I do like almond butter better. Okay.

Okay, see, but I literally like cannot like if you were to put something mixed with peanut butter and then something mixed with almond butter, I would know immediately which one was the peanut butter one. Oh, yeah. It's I don't like it's so nutty. It's so like, I don't know. The consistency is just different and I just don't like it. It's disgusting. Yeah. I mean, that's something that I just like I don't get liking one or the other like I

Like, because you like other types of butters and almond butter, so you're not liking peanut butter. I'm like, what? But I know it's so good. I don't know. It's like, I like peanut butter, but I don't understand like the obsession. Oh, neither do I.

Oh, like when people buy the jars of Jif and are just eating it straight from the thing. Oh, you would hate the guy with the 35 pound jar of peanut butter? No. Trace Oates. You know what I can't stand or I don't understand doing it is... Oh my God, what is his name? I'm going to blank on his name. I follow him on Instagram. This is so bad of me. Hopefully. Oh, yeah. Nathan Freffer...

This guy from Rogier. Or I don't know if he's still with Rogier. Right. Yeah, I know who you're talking about. He, on TikTok all the time, dips Cheez-Its into peanut butter. I think that's disgusting. Yeah, I don't know. He's like, it's his daily snack. He's made it very known on TikTok. That sounds like a dog treat. Like peanut butter and cheese. Cheez-Its. Yeah, but I feel like that's something a dog would really like. Yeah, I know. I watch it. I'm like, I'm going to throw up.

Okay, my next one is, I think, very controversial and I don't think a lot of people agree with this. I think most of the time traveling is more stressful than fun. And I think... No, that's like so normal. Yeah, but you know, like I don't care to travel. Yeah. Oh, like you don't care to go somewhere? Like...

When everyone's like, when you ask a lot of people about their life, their life goals, what's something you want to do before you're 30? You ask someone things like that and they're like, travel the world. I have no fucking desire. None. None at all. No desire. Don't care. Don't care at all. Now, maybe my sister's in Spain right now. And she was like, it's just because you haven't been somewhere. Yeah, that's facts. And I was like,

But I just, like, don't care. Like, traveling and then being, like, in a hotel and being, like... Oh, when you travel, though, you're on a travel fucking high. When I went to Australia, when I came back from Australia, I was, like, continuously going. If I do it again, like, if I go somewhere, I'm going to end up, like, never wanting to come home. Like, I don't know. I've just never been a travel, like...

person and i feel like travel is so people like wanderlust like i'm gonna travel the world like europe girl summer like what i literally don't care yeah i got a good one i personally don't care um my next one is going to be there is literally no reason you need to be consuming more than 300 milligrams of caffeine per day if you consume like 800 milligrams of caffeine per day and you're bragging about it that's fucking weird

I don't know what to tell you. I've gotten in like so many arguments with people at the gym. They're like, oh my God, I've had like both X, Y, Z amount of caffeine. I'm like, like why? Like you're not cool for that. And I hate when people brag about like the amount of caffeine they've had in a day. I don't understand it. If you're having more than like 300, 400 milligrams of caffeine, you need to really like reevaluate and maybe bring that down, bring that tolerance down a little bit. That's what people like thought we were doing when we'd say we like

drink celsius yeah and it's like pre-workout i'm like it was literally like we'd have like half a celsius and half a scoop like we weren't even doing anything crazy no but i'd agree i feel that's only unpopular in like the fitness world like i feel like the average human is like duh but like a gym bro's like yeah no i can't stand it i like i these are also ics too i'm just like like why are you bragging about the fact that you like had 800 milligrams of caffeine i

My next one is that pineapple pizza is the best pizza. You know, there's that debate. Does pineapple go on pizza or does it not? I don't just think it does go on pizza. I think it is the best pizza. I have been obsessing with warm pineapple lately. I've been putting pineapple on my tacos. So I'm definitely going to agree on this one. I think pineapple pizza is the best pizza. There's a pizza place in Miami called Local Pie Pizza.

I don't know. You can try to go get it if you live in Miami. They do a Hawaiian pizza. I can't eat it anymore because it has ham on it. But it's pineapple, ham, and toasted coconut. And you're going to be like, ew, disgusting, right? No, you don't understand. It's so good. And I totally get it. I was like, that's gross. That's weird. Like, I feel you. Best pizza I've ever freaking had. I don't know how to explain it. It's amazing. Pineapple pizza on pizza is the best pizza. And I will never, ever change my mind. I just, I love it. Yeah. It's the best.

My next one is correcting someone's grammar is not beneficial in any way. I am one who has horrible grammar, very illiteral. Is that the right word? Illiterate. Illiterate. Very illiterate. That was actually, that was funny. Yeah. I thought you said that and didn't, that was funny. Yeah, whatever. So fucking like,

If you're going to correct me, whether it's in person or on social media, you're not benefiting me in any way by educating me. If anything, it's like making me feel stupid. And it's like, I'm not going to learn from that. Like, and also at the same time, it's like, if I'm doing it, I just don't think it's ever going to stop. I'm sorry. And I don't really care if I'm saying the wrong there or the wrong your opinion.

you are like whatever it is i i want i don't care and i just think it shouldn't be so normal to try to correct someone for their grammar being friends with you made me realize to like think again on like how people may like say something wrong or like something because people like learning disabilities are like actual things huge change and um like

Someone once DM me something about... Really? Yes. And I just deleted it because I was going to get really heated in the DMs. And I was like, I'm going to get literally canceled because I'm going to be mean to this person. I was like, so I need to get this out of my speech because I'm going to be mean. But it's like... Oh my God, no. It just really pisses me off. Because one... Just think...

for a second one why does it matter they're clearly not doing it on purpose yeah i'm not like oh my god i mean do you get what i'm saying like they're not doing it on purpose and like typing wise i make typos all the time because i'm not like writing a school paper yeah like when you use wrong like two like two o's versus one oh yeah that's someone's in your tiktok comments like it's shut up but

Is this like a school paper? Like, I was just typing. Like, relax. Yeah, it's like... And I hate using, like, oh my god, I have learning disabilities. Like, I hate fucking, like, having to announce that to the world because I'm not trying to be, like, a victim in any way. No, but it's fair. I'm just like, it's literally the fucking reason why I am not the best at it. It's literally fair. I think it's also to assume...

what's what's really annoying to me is to assume intelligence by like speaking ability oh yeah that's i think i think that's like really fucked up yeah because some people like i don't know that just has nothing to do with your intelligence yeah so 100 yeah no that actually like angers me especially when people just do it on tiktok to the average person with like the your and stuff just to like the

They think they're calling them stupid. And I'm like, should we just use the wrong word? Did you get the meaning of it? You did. You understood. I have another unpopular opinion. And I'm going to jump right into it because it made me remember.

calling somebody else like your bestie when you're trying to like correct them or like put them down bestie but this like ain't it or bestie like maybe try this instead or like bestie no i'm not your bestie like don't try being nice right now by calling me your bestie like i can't stand yeah okay it's like why are you trying to call me your bestie if you're like going against something i'm doing or saying or trying to like correct me or make fun of me

you know? Yeah. I never thought about that, but I definitely see that happen. I feel like I may have said that before, but like not to strangers. Oh no, it's I'm saying to strangers. Yeah. Well, I mean saying weird stuff to strangers weird all day. Yeah. Um, this next one, this is so funny cause they're all not related at all. I know they're not. Um, mine is low rise pants all day. I love low rise pants. Um,

I think you would look good with low rise pants because you have a shorter torso. No, not at all. I would look like a fucking muffin top. No, I love low rise pants. I think they look so good. Low rise slash mid rise. Like my white fox jeans are my favorite things in the whole entire world that are low rise. Um,

I like high-waisted bikinis, like, high on the sides. But that's, like, it, like, and I, like, I'll wear high-waisted things. But I think low-rise and mid-rise things look so cute. And I also hate when I say that and people are, like, must be nice to be skinny. Like, bitch, stop being so hard on yourself. Why? Like, what? Like, some things, like, has nothing to even do with, like, skinniness. It's, like, body proportion. Yeah. It's proportions. That's why low, short torsos wouldn't work.

No, I think because a high rise is going to cut you off so high up. Yeah, then I would see. It's all about like the type of clothes you're wearing. If I'm wearing high waisted pants, I have to wear like a basically a bra shirt. Like I can't that corset shirt I gave you literally goes down to my vagina. I'm not kidding. Like I can't wear like long shirt. Long corset. Victoria Paris was literally posting about the low rise stuff like the shorter torso people. You should watch the videos. Okay, maybe I will.

Victoria Parrish was literally going off about low-rise things with like bodysuits and stuff, but I just like low-rise pants and I don't like when people are all like, must be nice to be skinny. Like, try it. Because I think you still look cute. This is me jumping into another one that has everything to do with what you just said. Skinny shaming is real and it should be treated as equally as fat shaming.

I think just talking about the way someone's body looks is weird. 100%. And when, see, I don't experience this, like, at all anymore, but when it was when I was, like, very underweight, I experienced it all the time. Like, eat a burger, stop doing so much cardio, like, all that shit. Like, all of it. But it's, like, it has triggering. It is. And it, like, has a very big effect on, like, how you feel about yourself when you look in the mirror. So, like, I just think commenting on anyone's body is weird. Yeah. Yeah.

I also hate tying along with that when I tell people, like, I really struggle gaining weight. And they're like, must be nice. Oh, yeah. It's like, no, your body should function, like, properly. Yeah. Like, either, like, struggle losing weight, bad. And obviously, society-wise has more implications. Like, being, like, obviously. Yeah.

But, like, I just think that that's such a weird thing to say. When someone's like, this is a struggle I have with, like, my health right now. Yeah. And someone's like, must be nice. What do you mean, must be nice? What? Like, I'm literally, like, it's actual, like, struggle and, like, not a good thing. Yeah. Like, damn, like, must be nice. Like, no, it actually isn't. Like, being very underweight is not...

It's not fun. Like, it's just weird to like,

A lot of these topics to social media has not helped any of these in any way. Like a lot of these are like big issues, like unpopular opinions, like because of social media. Oh, when you know it's really bad on TikTok. What? Like a video of Olivia Ponton and someone being like, well, that's it. I'm not eating today. Yeah. No, that happens a lot. So when I got followers on TikTok, it's because I would like dance in my backyard and I was very thin and like.

this is like not good but the videos would go viral because I like had abs and people would comment about how my body looked yeah I'm not saying that's correct that's just genuinely what happened um uh and I would get so many comments being like that's it I'm not eating today and like a lot of people would like stick up for it and be like that's such a horrible weird thing to say like they were just like how does the way like

someone just looks like someone just looks like that on a daily basis like that's just how they look and to be like well you're triggering my eating disorder like how do you feel about that it's like i would just exist i was just like no literally existing i have one that kind of like ties into that and that is fuck where is it someone else is not responsible for your triggers

And that can be for like literally anything, whatever your trigger is, obviously give or take the situation. But like if you have a trigger and it like, like you're just scrolling on your Instagram and like that comment that has been made on your poster, like Olivia's poster, just like anything like that, that triggers you. That's not their responsibility. That's your own responsibility. You probably shouldn't have social media. Yeah. Yeah. That's facts. Yeah. I agree. Um,

It's just funny to me how different these go. But like this has nothing to do with what we were just talking about. My next one. Ever since like the Gucci belt was a thing, I don't like Gucci and I think most Gucci is tacky looking.

Some bags. Not the slides. I want the slides so bad. Okay, I do like certain slides, but not all of them. And I do like certain bags, but not the vast majority. Like there's way other designers that go on the website and I like most bags. I think like the Gucci Marmont bags, like anything with like the double G like that in gold, I think it's very tacky.

I'm sorry. If you own that, that's just how I feel. I wouldn't spend my money on it. I don't like it. And it's ever since the belts were a thing. The belts were hot. The belts were like the thing everyone wanted. I wanted one, right? Everyone wanted one. Ever since that, they give chugi. Chugi. I don't know. Yeah. I have a really random one, but I feel like this is pretty known about me in that sweet potato fries are way better than the regular fries.

Yes, 110%. Like, it just goes, like, the name of sweet, sweet potato. They're, like, sweet. I don't want sweet. No, but, like, when you dip them into, like, spicy ketchup, oh, my God. They're savory. I had the best fries the other day. Oh, my God, from BJ's Brewhouse. If you have that where you live. Oh, my God, I got fries there the other day. Outstanding. I would literally fuck up sweet potato fries right now. I had them on my plate, and I was like, the fries are so good. And I had already ate them, right? Food came, like, two minutes ago, gone.

And my mom was like, do you want some? Did yours come with fries? I was like, oh no, it did. I just, they're gone. I ate them. You know what the thing is though? I can't cook sweet potato fries on my own as good as I can if I were to get them at like a place. That's fair. Like I want like, this is so bad. Okay, this is also another unpopular opinion. I'm gonna vomit. A soggy sweet potato fry is like kind of gross. No, like not when they're like too, like when they're like kind of crispy on the outside, but then like when you bite into them, they're like really moist.

Okay, at least crispy on the outside. Yeah, stop talking about it. That's gross. But like when they're like nice and like... The listeners are turning out. They're like, eh, wrong. Okay, I have two more like kind of food related ones. Well, the first one's a drink. The second one's a food. I think all alcoholic seltzers are gross. Some are just the least gross. So if I'm like, this is good. I don't think it's good, great. I think it's good for a seltzer.

Right. I think alcoholic seltzers are disgusting. I think they make you feel gross. Like someone who like drink of choice all day can drink a seltzer is like weird to me. And that's most people like most people like like a white cloth. Like if you go to the store and buy a case of white cloth and drink them, that's psychopath behavior. That's gross. Yeah. I mean, I don't like them either, but I don't mainly don't like them because they make me so bloated. And I just don't think they taste good. Like it genuinely weirds me out that someone's like,

What I'm going to drink today is this whole case of like trulys. That's gross. You know, that is gross behavior. I'm I don't get it. I don't get it. I would rather drink literal beer for the taste than a seltzer. That's disgusting.

I have a good one, controversial one, because there's people in this type of industry that may hate me for saying this, but I think tipping is getting out of hand. Oh, a million. That is so... I love all over TikTok right now is the videos of people being like... I just saw one today. It was like POV, like you're at your grandmother's funeral and the funeral director turns the iPad. No, I fucking hate that iPad. And here's the thing. I got very used...

Um, when I had less bills to pay, um, money was flowing and I didn't really have as many responsibilities everywhere. I go out 20, 20, 20. And now I'm like, hold on a second. Like, does this thing right now with this iPad, like, like, like when people are like, it's like, if you go to frozen yogurt and you make the whole yogurt, like yourself, like, right. Like you, you literally do all of the work and it's like, do you want a tip?

what oh you know what i can't stand too is if they don't have the ipad and they ask you if you want to leave a tip oh yeah we were at that we were at a like a food truck yeah and like we ordered food and like obviously like keep in mind we're at a food truck so we know they're doing the work like they're putting the work into making the food but when you ask me yeah how much money you want to leave for a tip i get so uncomfortable no i think tipping should be like for like

and, like, bartenders and stuff who, like, don't get... Their wage is reliant on tips. Yeah. Like, they're not getting paid a wage. And for people doing a service for you, so haircut, wax, maybe you get, like, your car washed, like, a special service where, in that case, I think you're genuinely tipping for the, like...

Like, if you go get, like, your nails done, I think a lot of girls, like, I know most girls are, like, terrified of, like, saying they don't like their nails. I don't think you're just, like, entitled to a 20% tip just because you did it. Like, I feel like you should be off, like, you're, like. Oh, 100%. Like, I give my, like, hairstylist a 20% tip every time because I, like, I like her. She does a good job. Like, I think she does, like, a more than good job. I think she does a great job.

But, like, if someone does, like, a really shitty job, not that you shouldn't tip them, like, anything, but, like, I don't think you're just, like, entitled to a tip. Yeah. I agree. There's been a lot of times I've left the nail salon. I do leave the 20% tip, and then I'm like, wait, fuck, like, these are bad. But I think at, like, every, like, I feel like it's going to get to the point where I'm going to go, like, to Zara. And they're going to be like, do you want a tip? And I'm going to be like, what? I did see a TikTok someone made about how they went to a grocery store, and it was, like,

It was one of the quick checkout, grocery checkout things. And they asked to leave a tip. Or it asked for a tip at the grocery store. I was like, are we going to be going to the grocery store and leaving tips now? Because look, the truth is, like I said back in the day, I had less bills. I'll smash the 20%. Listen, I have bills to pay, the economy, everything's expensive. I don't got 20% to be given out at the grocery store. Or at the frozen yogurt that I made yesterday.

Myself. Like that. It's good. Like literally like they're so fine. Those so many things where it's like when you're at like the funeral director, what I found really funny. Yeah. That one is like, cause it's always like, and they turn the iPad. And I'm like, dude, that's literally what it is. That iPad is literally like traumatizing. When the options, I feel like normally before the options were like 10, 15, 20. Now they're like 25, 25, 30. I know. And I'm like, whoa. I'm like, what the? Yeah.

like hold on a second what happened to the 10 15 20 like why do we just jump to 25 30 yeah whose idea was that no no yeah tipping culture is a little bit out of hand i'd rather things just be like the price yeah i don't know except at a restaurant i get a restaurant um and you should tip at restaurants

not tipping at restaurants is super weird yeah hope you're enjoying the show thank you so much for listening we're taking a quick break to talk to you about one of our sponsors better help as you know we're always talking about taking care of your body on this show but it's also so important to take care of your mind and more specifically your brain there are plenty of ways to support a healthy brain like learning a new language or taking a power nap but there's also better help online therapy

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That's slash f word. Now back to the show. Anyways, my next one. So random.

um i love cantaloupe and i think it's one of my favorite foods this is so random slash all melon like cantaloupe honeydew watermelon like when you get a fruit salad people leave those and don't like them i love them i think they're like the best fruit and no one likes cantaloupe and like honeydew and all that and best fruit is a little bit of a reach okay not like well i like all fruit but like when you get a fruit salad it doesn't normally have like all fruits in it it's like

Grapes. Melon, grapes, strawberries, like things like that. Like a basic grocery store fruit bowl in that selection of fruit. We're not counting like mango. We're doing like the basic grocery store fruit bowl. I pick it in that. Like I put it in top in the basic grocery store fruit bowl. I put that in my top. Like I'm eating it before I eat the strawberries. So yeah. I don't have any more food ones left, but I have one because we kind of talked about this last night and I

We were, like, hanging out with our friends last night. We were just talking about, like, first dates and shit. But, like, this is one that, in my unpopular opinion, receiving gifts is a greedy love language. Okay. Like, if your love language is receiving a gift. I think that can go different ways depending on what your expectations are for the gift. Yeah. Yes and no. Because I think for some people, like, if your thing is, like,

I was at the grocery store and I know this is like your favorite gum. Yeah. So like I saw the gum that's your favorite gum and like got it for you at the grocery store. Yeah. Like to me if you accept like if gifts like that 100% hold like value I think that's like

I just think it ends up leading, like, in relationships to, like, a really unhealthy expectation because, like, you buy one expensive thing. Then the next time someone buys something or the guy buys something for you, it's, like, it's got to be even better and more expensive. And it just... I feel like it keeps getting, like, piling up. It's, like... I don't know. Like, I just...

if I'm in a relationship, like the small things like, oh, I was at the gas station and I got myself a Celsius. So I bought you a Celsius or like something like small like that. But like the greedy, like needing gifts and stuff for like validation of like love is just not, I don't, I don't like it. Yeah. Yeah. I think there's a difference between like a gift and the like

I thought of you, so I picked this up. Yeah. Yeah, there's a big difference between us two. And I think the second one, like, I thought of you, so I picked this up, is way more meaningful to me. Because anyone can spend money. If someone has a loaded bank account, them buying you something expensive just because it's expensive isn't really thoughtful. Yeah. Like, if they buy you a...

Like Tiffany necklace. Every girl freaking likes that. Like that's not special. Yeah. They can buy that for literally anyone. It's just because they have the money. Yeah. But you said if they were like,

Celsius was on sale so I got you them. That's thoughtful. 100%. I'm not going to say who it was but I saw someone on Instagram that literally just got in a relationship and was saying how he wanted to buy his girlfriend a designer bag already. I'm like, you're doing that because you have money. You're not doing that because you love her. You just started dating her. I have a hot take that I didn't write on this but it's very similar. Yeah.

I think guys, a lot of guys, and maybe girls too, but my experience obviously I date guys, so guys, that have money specifically use gifts as like leverage for when they're shitty. So my ex-boyfriend would be shitty, like would be shitty, but he'd be like, but I like

got you that ring and like brought you flowers and like did this it's like buying me things doesn't make you not shitty because like i just said you can buy things like swiping your credit card that's where you can do for literally anybody but that's not that's not what i'm talking about and they like use it as like leverage like how are you gonna say i'm shitty when i buy you those concert tickets i'm like bitch because concert tickets didn't that's not what matters yeah like i'm talking about the way you like treat me and i think people

Like, guys hold that over your head. It's kind of with the same saying that's, like, money doesn't buy you happiness, where guys, like, think money can buy you happiness in a relationship. Like, the more you buy for the female, the better. And it's, like, that's not the case. Yeah, and there's so many direct... So, like, this is, like, a super specific, like, example of the money doesn't buy happiness. Like, my ex-boyfriend is, like, filthy rich. Like, famous family.

filthy rich okay like we'd go to their house in the keys it's like a mansion it is crazy beautiful you know we did all the time in those on those trips fight i would literally cry like we would literally fight the whole time i went to the keys with david like and it's like grandmother's old house like small like nothing fancy nothing fancy at all like

Best weekend ever. Like, you know what I mean? Like, and it's like, just because you bring me to like your mansion. Yeah. I don't care. Like, it's fun one time. And then it's like, I'm literally coming here to like cry. Yeah. Like, I'd rather go to a lesser home and have a fun time. Yeah. That's so true. That's like, you were having like a...

sentimental moment realizing you were so much more happy. Yeah. Well, it's just like, you know, like, and it's not like it was like a bad, like, it's like the cutest little like house. It's just like, like it's two different, like it's two different vibes. Um, but yeah, I think guys like hold, um, like gifting over your head, like a lot.

I have another one that goes into kind of the same topic. And this is mainly because my birthday was last month and I came to the realization I don't like receiving cards. I don't, I just, I would so much rather someone do something different than just like buy a tacky card and write love.

Like love mom and dad. No offense mom and dad listening but like I know like you're trying to be thoughtful with it. Okay I feel bad because I feel like my parents are listening to this but like. No well I think it's also an outdated way of doing things because before to send someone a message you had to mail them something. Yeah. You needed to put a card in an envelope and mail them something. Text me. Yeah. Like and someone might be like that's less sincere. I like a handmade card.

my boyfriend will hand make me cards it's really sweet and like to me like that's cute because like like you got out some like you like drew it yeah you like you like put effort into it and like that's cute or like you wrote a very long note and like gave someone like a note and it's like sentimental like a card from the store yeah i i just don't i don't like it i would rather you like if it's my birthday and you want to like show me some type of like

through, like, an item or something, send me balloons. Yeah. I like balloons better than a card, okay? Yeah, and then, like, what do you do with the card and then you throw it away and you feel kind of guilty? Like, there was a time when I feel like I'd try to keep, like, a lot of cards. Oh, I would hoard them. And then, like, I had a bulletin board in my room and, like, when I'd get little, like, cards and stuff, I'd, like, stick them on there. And then it got, like, full. And I was like, one time I feel bad because this person, like, gave me, like, a Christmas card and now I'm just going to throw it in the trash. But, like, what am I supposed to do with it? Keep it forever? Like, I don't have...

What, a filing cabinet for cards? I just think they're outdated. And, like, you can text me, and I promise I don't think that that's bad. Less personal? It's, like, A-okay. Yeah, like... And then, okay, if there's something in the card, I get, like, if you're giving someone a gift card or money, you need to, like, put it in something.

Right? Like, if someone's giving you, like... Yeah, like, of course. If someone's giving you, like, money or a gift card, you're, like, wrapping it basically in the card. But I feel like times have changed so much where you can do, like, so many different things. Like, you can Venmo them. You can send them a virtual gift card. Like... Yeah. I don't know. But...

I guess the older people are sending me the cards anyway. I don't mind when the card is like used as like wrapping but like a card on its own I just find a waste of paper and money. Yeah, agreed. Even if it's like $2 for a card. I don't know. I just like think it's so cheesy. This is so bad of me but like

I just like don't fully read like the pre-printed like card. Me neither. Like if it's like a card that's like pre-printed labeled writing, like I don't really read it. I just read what was written by the person, you know? Yeah, I agree. I have one. I don't even know your take on this or if you even like

Whatever. I wrote that Gossip Girl isn't a good show. Do you watch Gossip Girl? I never did. I think you know this. I didn't really watch many of those type of shows. Okay. People are diehard Gossip Girl fans. I don't think it's a good show. It's not a good show. And I literally feel like if people are still listening, because I know we're pretty late in that episode, they're going to be like, oh!

Like I would tell people that like all my friends would be like watch Gossip Girl and this is what would happen. I'd be like season one was bad. And they're like, no, you have to get to season two. Like season two is when it's good. Like that's when it's going to pick up. And I'd be like, okay, watch season two. And they'd be like, no, no, no, no, no. But season three, like season three is the good. And I'm like, I don't want to watch a show that I want to be good from the first episode. I want to watch the first episode and be hooked. And they just kept telling me to keep watching it. I was like, no, it's bad. It's not good.

And people love Gossip Girl. Extra points. Also, I think not a good show. I think being obsessed with friends in the office is weird. Yeah, it's like not your personality trait. It's literally people's personality. Like it genuinely is. Like people buy like the... Like they wear... I don't get it. Like the friends thing being your personality is weird to me. Yeah. Yeah. I have like a few about like boys. Okay. Like all in the same like section. I don't know why. But...

My first one, after seeing that it was National Girlfriend Day or whatever, I was like, being okay with your man not posting you is not okay. I was going to put that on here. I was going to put that on here, but I was like, I feel like... I wasn't sure how popular or unpopular, but I was going to put that on here. It's weird. I don't like when a girl's like... I literally had this conversation two days ago with someone. I can't remember who it was. And...

Oh, yeah, now I remember who it was. And she was like, ha, like, my boyfriend didn't post me, but I didn't care. I'm like, bitch, what? You don't care? Like, obviously, National Girlfriend and Boyfriend Day, whatever, that's stupid. That's stupid. But, like, in general, like...

Oh, no, your man should post you even if it's like once every six months. Like occasionally if he doesn't use social media, but if he's using social media religiously and he's reposting like someone getting drafted to the NFL or like where the fuck are you on his social media? Here's my thing. If someone again like uses it, some people literally haven't posted in like five years. If they use Instagram, you should be able to open someone's page and tell who their significant other is. Yeah.

100%. I think you should literally open it and be able to tell. I'm like, wait, let me double check on my Instagram. Yeah, no. My Instagram is a little bit different, I feel. No, but even on my... Okay, but I was kind of like that. Yeah, you can tell right there. But at first I was like, I wanted to be a little bit more private, whatever. And then I thought about it. I was like...

You know what? I would feel a little bit bad unless he didn't want to be on the internet. Because obviously if you date someone with a following, I can totally see a boyfriend being like, don't post me. Because they like don't want the like attention of it. But like he's not really like that. And I think if it was opposite, I would feel weird if my boyfriend had a following and like kept me a secret. Yeah. I would feel a little weird because I'm like, why can't like...

Why can't people, like... I know. ...know about me? Especially with, like, big... Like, why do you want to look single? Yeah. Especially girl... Like, girl influencers that have, like, a 90% male following and don't do it because of money or, like... Oh, yeah. ...follows. I'm like, okay. Like, I've seen way too many girls that have a guy following and, like, don't really post their boyfriend. Yeah.

Because of that reason, I'm like, that's not okay. That's not okay. If someone's going to follow you, it's because they support you. And they'll support you no matter what, whether you're happy or not happy in a relationship or anything. But I feel like you need to be posting your stuff. I'm not saying crazy, because that is cringe. But maybe once a month. It just shouldn't be...

I'm avidly not trying. Like if your boyfriend's always like posting for Valentine's day or like posting for your birthday or posting for this is cringe. Like, no, it's not like, don't, don't be a little happy Valentine's day. Like why not? And it's like, I think people are quick to be like social media is cringy. Like, okay. Yes. A little bit, but also that's just kind of like the way of life. Like that's what life is right now. Like that's, that's how it is. Yeah. Um, speaking of social media, this is my last one. Um,

um family vloggers are so effing disgusting family vloggers that use their children literally as props and money like for money like who's the the parents income would not exist without their like four-year-old is disgusting and there needs to be like

like labor laws against that for how much your child can work to be your primary source of income it's gross and disgusting and i think it's weird if you have an account and your kid is someone that i would like recognize on the street like if you have like a three-year-old and i would like recognize your three-year-old from tiktok that's literally freaking weird that's super strange i

especially the young girls on tiktok like there are parents that have literal young girls like three four-year-olds and the demographic of their following is like men yeah and they know you can see your analytics it's not a fucking secret and the videos will have like 30 000 shares 50 000 saves and their analytics are like 90 dudes you're just posting your daughter for

creepy dudes on the internet and you're okay with that? Like, and you just do it for the money. That's weird. That is weird and gross. Yeah, no, I definitely agree on that one. I just, you're passionate about it. I'm so passionate about it. I think it's so weird. If someone's content wouldn't exist without the kid, it's weird. It's, it's so weird. I'm, I'm so passionate about it because I feel bad for those kids. And I do believe that,

That one day they're going to add the same way for child actors. There's laws of how much a child can work that one day, because since the times are changing like this and kids are literally working on the internet, there will be laws put in place. And I think parents will get legal action from kids when they're older. Oh yeah. Um, and parents are going to have a real harsh reality when a kid's like 16 and they're really fucking pissed about, um,

The way that they worked and were putting on the internet as a kid. And I think that there will be lawsuits. A hundred percent. I really do. And it's almost like they're having kids to put them on the internet.

Like they just keep having more kids to like put it on the internet and the kids will do like brand deals. Oh, like when I have a kid, when I have a kid, like I'm not like vlogging like a day in my life anymore. Like that's not happening. And I don't think some people are like, you should never post your kid ever. I think that's a little bit unrealistic. Cause like I said, social media is just the times we live in. You're going to like post your kid sometimes, but it just shouldn't be literally the reason that you have content is for your child. Agreed.

Back to the boys. One of mine, I have two more boy ones. And his first one's, if a guy doesn't cry, that is a massive red flag. Like, you're not tough. Yeah. If you don't show emotion, like, in any way, like, that's a red flag. I think there's something going on, like, in your life that is causing you not to, like, cry or whatever. Like, I don't know what it is. Like, I couldn't tell you because, one, I'm not a boy. But, like...

I think it needs to be normalized that guys cry. And yeah, that's just my input. Is there your last one? No. Okay, that was my last one. I have one more. Okay. Another boys one. Boys also can be a pick me. Oh, yes. It's not girls being just pick me's. Like, I'm in a situation right now where this one guy called me a pick me and I'm like, no, you're the fucking pick me. Like, no. No.

I just think like, why is it always girls? Like, oh, she's a pick me. That's very true. I've never really heard that take. Yeah. Like what? Fresh hot take there. Yeah. It got me so heated the other night. I was like, I'm not a fucking pick me. You know what I think it is? I think it's also guys, like the same type of guy that's like,

oh, I'd never do that. Like, that's gay. Yeah, yeah. But, like, okay. Like, calm down. 100%. Like... Like, oh, or, like, when guys, like, oh, like, we want to do, like, something fun and, like, not, like...

Or they're just like, no, like, where's the bitches? Yeah, yeah, yeah, no. Okay, Mr. Tough Guy. No, it's fine. It's the same. It's literally the same energy as, like, a pick me. Yeah, 100%. Like, it's a different form of pick me. Yeah. But it exists. More or less, right, it's like, you're not cool. Yeah. Like, you're not cool because everyone else is, like, down to do this fun, wholesome activity and you're like, where the bitches at? Yeah. Like, it's not cool. Yeah, no, I agree. So, so bad. But.

But yeah, that was a lot of fun. That was a lot of fun. I had a great time. I had such a great time. I realized while we were doing this that we're matching our nails. Oh, cute. She's wearing blue and has blue nails. I have pink nails and I'm wearing pink. Cute. Okay, well. Merch, baby.

Well, not yours, but... That's that. I hope you guys enjoyed that. I hope you guys... Let us know your opinions. Like, comment on the episode post. I want to know what you agree, what you disagree. Comment your hot takes. I'd love to know. I'd love to hear them. Yeah, last week I got a lot of DMs after our hot takes last week, so... Fill me in on your tea, too. Yes, fill us in. Okay, and with that... Bye, guys! Love y'all. See you on Friday. Bye. Bye. Bye.

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