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One Thing About Us

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Sam和Taylor分享了她们在奥斯汀度过健康且充满乐趣周末的经验,她们强调了自律和平衡的重要性,并建议在享受社交和美食的同时,保持健康的生活方式。她们详细描述了她们如何安排时间,在健身、社交和放松之间取得平衡,并分享了她们在奥斯汀最喜欢的餐厅、酒吧和活动场所。她们还强调了在享受夜生活的同时,要保持安全和谨慎。 Sam和Taylor还分享了她们对奥斯汀当地文化的看法,以及她们如何与粉丝互动。她们鼓励粉丝们加入她们的Facebook群组,获取更多关于奥斯汀的信息和建议。她们还推荐了一些奥斯汀当地的美食博主和Instagram账号,方便粉丝们寻找美食和活动信息。她们的分享旨在帮助粉丝们在奥斯汀度过一个难忘且充实的周末。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss their guide for a fit girl weekend in Austin, focusing on a Friday to Sunday itinerary that includes wholesome activities and a balanced approach to going out.

Shownotes Transcript


What's up guys, it's Sam and Taylor and we want you to put your shoes on, pop open that energy drink and go. What is up you guys? I am Sam and I'm Taylor. Welcome back to the F word podcast on video or on Spotify or Apple. Just giving you that other friendly reminder that we are also on YouTube. If you are not up to date, this is the second episode on YouTube.

And I did also just say this to my Snapchat crew that subscribe to the YouTube, even if you're not going to watch it on YouTube. It still supports us, helps us get more of a reach out on YouTube on the discovery. So hit that subscribe button. Yeah, but you guys killed it with watching the first one. Yeah. So exciting. But yeah, just want to put that friendly reminder that yes, it is on YouTube. But anyways.

I don't think we have... Normally, I feel like we have so many announcements and things to cover. But I feel like this week, we're just... It's more casual. More casual. Catching up, I feel. Yeah. Last week, we had to pre-record early. So it's been a minute. Yeah, it has been a minute. But before we do get into the episode, obviously, I kind of want to sum up what we're going to be talking about this week. The topic of this week is going to be the Austin guide for you guys. Because we've been getting so many DMs. Because a lot of our YouTube...

specifically has been based around like Austin Texas what to do us going out all of that so we are going to sum up basically what you need to be doing if you were to book even a weekend from Friday to Sunday here and we're gonna give it give it all yeah and a fit girl weekend if if you will you know we're still going out we're still having fun but things that you would probably like you

You may not enjoy if you weren't like living the lifestyle we were living. Like if you like the vibe of what we do, this guide is for you. Yeah. If you're someone that likes to rally and go like every night in a row. If it's like a bachelorette party, I don't think this is the guide for you. But if you're just coming to hang out and you find yourself like-minded to us...

Definitely this is for you. So stay tuned for that. We get that question so much. We have stuff in the Facebook group about what to do in Austin as well. You should check out the Facebook group. It's a really good time. But for now, let's just get into our stuff. Let's start with a little weekend recap. Yes, I would love to do that. But before I do that, I want to do a taste test live of the cherry fruit.

Vanilla. Oh, I'll do it with you. Because I literally told them, I literally said on my YouTube that I was going to let them know that I was going to try it. So we have the Olipops. Y'all know we're obsessed with them. I have mine in a straw. Taylor's and I have hers in a straw. But we're going to do a live taste test together because I've never had this flavor before. Did you guys hear that? Maybe. ASMR. Oh, I like it. It is nice. I thought it was going to be a little bit stronger and I'm happy that it's not super strong on the cherry. I like it.

Yeah, it is really good. I would still say my number one is the root beer. So thank you. Um, all the props and does a little PR of that. Love that. Yeah. We need a drink when we record. If you're, if you're new, um, if you've been listening, that's not news. We need a beverage. But anyway, so we can recap. We didn't drink and it felt so nice. Yeah. Because the last few weekends we've been going out and drinking and now that we're approaching like the end of our call, call,

I think that it's just nice to have a little bit more discipline on ourselves for the last two weeks. That way I can really like narrow in on like what I really need to improve the last two weeks, whether it's maybe like bump up the cardio a little bit more and drop the macros. And it felt good. I feel so productive. Yeah. Also, we just have...

Like we're so busy in the sense that like even if like our day necessarily doesn't have tasks back to back, our mind is just split in like seven different directions. Like there's so many things to be thinking about to get done. So like I don't have the mental capacity to like also be hung over for a day.

Yeah, like I don't have the time. Yeah, like right now in this current moment, like literally like it is just there's so many things like it's so many different things that my mind just doesn't stop. So I'm like, I really don't think I can do the like honestly just like tell them what we've been working on because I feel like it's going to approach right and by the end of this week or hopefully next week we'll have kind of an idea of like timeline, but we are trying to plan a like meetup event one year anniversary and

And it's been a lot of work to get this done. We're working with a, um, like a planner. I forgot what, like what you would call them. And hopefully by the end of next week, we will have full details for you guys. Yeah. It's looking, um, I'm going to throw the date out there, June 17th. It's looking like that day. Obviously if it changes, if anything, it's going to get pushed back. It won't be earlier. Yeah. It'll be later. But if you live in Texas or in Austin, keep that date, um,

open in your calendar maybe start planning a little weekend trip to austin because it's looking like it's gonna happen we're finally figuring out some details but we are really trying to get it to happen on that date for our one year anniversary of the podcast so which is so crazy that we've been doing this for a year it's literally insane i feel like we've been doing this for like five months no i know yeah it's so it's wild um but and we've come we've come

The fact that we've done more than 52 episodes because for like two months we were doing two a week. Yeah, it was the grind. So we've... Oh my God. Over a million downloads. Once we can finally say we've done like over 100 episodes. Yeah. That's crazy. Guys, we're at like one million... Like over 1.3 million downloads, which like... Huh? What? What? Huh? Where did these numbers come from? Time is flying. Like that is...

That is fucking wild. But yeah, we just want to do like a big celebration, get to meet you guys, literally just party and have a good old freaking time. There'll be some fun exclusive stuff for you to get. It'll be worth it. We're partnering up with a few of our favorite brands for this event and they'll either be at the event or like their product will be at the event. So...

the tickets will be worth it okay it will range anywhere from like 40 45 dollars around that but you'll get a lot of stuff included trust me it'll be so totally worth it and we wouldn't be making any money off of it either like I wouldn't want you guys to think that it's like I mean if one day we have the audience that it would bring profit I mean I guess that'd be cool but for right now we are just doing this solely to like pay for everything we need to pay for break even maybe even just be short

short money um like if anything it's costing us yeah but we just want to have a fun time with you guys like yeah we literally just want to party and have fun like it's not just gonna be like a meet and greet like it's like i want to like get to know you and have a good time with you and

Like literally have a blast. The last few weeks in particular, I feel like we've met so many of you guys out, whether it's at the gym, in Dallas when we were in Dallas, just like anywhere we are, grocery store, you name it. And I love it. Like I love putting names to faces and connecting with you guys. And that's all I really want from this event. And hopefully if this event goes well, we will continue to do them like on

on and on and i'm like i got the chills saying you did get the yeah but yeah but that's but that's the goal we literally just want to throw like the coolest thing and it would be 18 and up so yeah yeah keep that in mind but um with that that is just like one thing we're really trying to work on that you know so much going on so the drinking just did not happen um for basically the last two weeks i'm gonna say we basically didn't drink for like two weeks like whatever um the cut feels great

Amazing. It does feel really good. Like shredded to the core. We are eating good. And I feel like I kept my butt. Obviously, my butt got a little bit smaller because that's like where I hold a lot of my fat. But my butt compared to last summer feels much bigger. Same. I feel that. I feel that my strength...

Love it. Like I'm just feeling overall really good with like my working out and my eating and all of that Yeah, like we're in a good like we talked about this on live on the podcast live We shout out the podcast Instagram and go live there a lot. So we took a little break, but now we're back We're back baby to the podcast lives but um How a lot of you keep commenting like you guys look so happy like you're glowing like you're given like good like hot girl energy like goodbye and I'm like that is just the I think common the whole in our world because

There'll be times where like when we think about it, we're like this aspect in our life, like business wise or like let's say money wise, like damn, like that's not great right now. But like overall, we're still just like thriving, thriving. No, we really are. Like literally living our fucking best life. I just bought myself a new purse. Guys. Yeah. Like literally thriving. No, it really has been good. And like,

One thing that I've gone into is podcasts this week. Like, Taylor, you're probably proud of me for this. They're so good. Okay, they are really good. And you know what? Okay, I got really emotional listening to one this morning because I was like, holy fuck. Like, I enjoyed this podcast. I was listening to Call Her Daddy. I was listening to like an OnlyFans girl one. I can't remember the name. Kelly something. But I was like, holy fuck.

But I got like emotional listening to it because I'm like, holy crap. Like I enjoy listening to this and the fact that I can bring that enjoyment to somebody else. I'm like, this is so damn fucking cool. I wanted to start a podcast. You need to get on the Skinny Confidential. You would love it so much. I will. I will at some point. It's like the best podcast of all time. I'm trying to figure out what I like to listen to, you know? The Skinny Confidential is like better than Color Daddy. No. Okay. I'll give it a go. But what was I going to say? No Color Daddy tea, no shade. Yeah. What the freak was I going to say?

I don't know. I don't know. I just get, like, really emotional, like, thinking about, like, where life has brought us in the last few months just because, like, we've been through literally hell and back together. Like, living together, we experienced it all together. And like Taylor said, we are thriving right now. Driving. And a big part of it, just, like, a lesson for you guys, like, some people are just, like, chronically online. Like, it seems like the internet is literally the world. Like, influencer or not, I feel like even if just, like, you and your high school friends, like, talking about, like, lights on Instagram and, like, blah, blah, blah. Like, the internet is not real. Yeah. Yeah.

And even though it's our job, it's still not real. The internet is literally not real. No, seriously. What's real is like tonight we have like plans with friends to make dinner. Like that's real. Yeah. Like it's on Instagram and it's not real. I was talking to like a guy last night. We were texting back and forth and I was just saying, I was like, I honestly prefer to hang out with people that aren't content creators because it gives me such a great balance of like getting off my phone, getting off social media. And he made the remark of like,

Oh wow. Like seems like you literally record your entire life. And I was like. Thinking about it. I'm like. I think I record maybe 25% of my life. Honestly. And I'm able to still allow to give you guys that like perspective of like. You guys know me so well. You know everything that's going on. But there is so much behind. Or not behind the camera. That you're not seeing. Yeah. And not like.

secret things no not more so like like my own privacy day like when we hang out with our friends like i'm like filming the food but i'm not gonna be like guys say hi to the vlog yeah you know what i mean like it's like out of respect for them and also like my own like privacy yeah so i don't know i just feel like our vibe for like these past few weekends and every weekend for the whole summer is just living in like real life yeah and i think it's like a really beautiful thing and i would say like we are thriving and like i'll like i

I don't know. I feel like it's like common for people to like think it's trendy to be like, oh, like I'm so depressed and so sad. Like and say like trendy, like life's a mess. Like it's like trendy to be like self-deprecating. But like, fuck that. Like, no, thriving. Yeah. I'm good. Like, I feel like people feel guilty for being like, my life is good right now and I'm happy. Yeah. No, I agree. And...

that's about it i feel yeah that was our weekend um because we didn't really go out and like very very mental health very yeah looking inward on ourselves it really was it felt really freaking good and like i said today tonight we're having our friends over for taco night we're gonna like after this probably clean the entire apartment go to the grocery store get stuff from that and then like i'm vlogging the day but you're probably not gonna see much of like our friends over and having dinner with them you're probably just gonna see the food like taylor said

Yeah, we're both filming full days of eating because we're both so active on YouTube. Like you can literally see our whole entire life on YouTube. I mean, besides like the person that you said of our friends, like besides that, you guys need to go to our YouTube. Yeah. If you listen to the podcast. Because speaking of DMs, I've gotten like the DMs of like people finding us from the podcast. Bro, someone commented on your post. And I was like, I love this. Like if you found us from the podcast, please let us know because it

it really like it's a great compliment it makes my i mean maybe you don't mean it as a compliment but i take it as a compliment so it really makes me happy so if you found us through the podcast please tell us because no offense guys if you meet me and you're like i know you from tiktok i still love it and i still appreciate it but if you come up to me and you're like i love the podcast we just got like

like i feel tight with you i'm like you get it still love you if you're just from tiktok but i don't have to say that because if you're listening right now you listen to the podcast yeah so

I'm offending nobody. Yeah. Podcast. I just feel like, okay, you get it. Like you're tight. Yep. Agreed. And they'll bring up random things. And I'm like, yes, you listen. I know. I love that. I love it. Whether it's like the podcast or YouTube, like, and they say something that you're referring to something that's not on Instagram. I'm like, yes. Yeah. Cause what TikTok is like, Oh, I love your TikTok. I'm like, I don't even have to talk anymore. Oh my God. I literally don't have,

don't have TikTok. Oh yeah, the amount of times where like we'll meet somebody and they're like, oh my God, I follow you on TikTok. I'm like, no you don't. I was like, I haven't posted on TikTok in three months. What are you talking about? Unless they follow my new account, which like,

They probably don't. I'm like, that account doesn't exist. You don't follow me on TikTok. That account is gone. Like, you don't follow me. Am I playing footsies with you? Yes. I thought it was the mic thing for a second. Okay. So that was the weekend. Let's, let's, who's the pet of the week? Oh, I'm going to say macro 100%. We took him out on the paddle boards this week. We did take him out on the paddle boards. That's, I'm going to give an honorable mention to the fact that

that phineas has gotten better about about getting off the counter because when he's on the counter and i start coming to him he comes off he's understanding that i'm gonna tell him no one to get off so honorable mention for learning how to understand being scared of me and getting off the counter i had people swipe up when we were out on saturday people were literally swiping up on my story of mac on the pedal boards like he gets pet of the week he deserves it i was like

to know he like really was a crowd favorite on lady bird he looked great in his life jacket he did a really good job he was over stimmed though like for the first like three hours he would not sit down i'm like can you please sit down he was like watching everyone like freaking out like not freaking out but like he was just like like oh my god and then finally once all our friends like kind of showed up and all gathered that's when he like laid down and we were all standing around the paddleboard and he was just like in the middle but he was like sleeping guys

20 something year old men love a little puppy. Oh yeah. These grown men fucking die for macros. It's so bad. I'm going to say no not even to all grown men because our dads love macros. Yeah they do. Like a

A grown man loves a little puppy, even if they say otherwise. I know. Like, one of our good, like, guy friends, when I brought Macro out, he would not leave Mac alone. And I was like, you know what? I looked at him, I go, I'm leaving next month, and I'm going on, like, a vacation. Not a vacation, but we're going to Houston. And I was like, you're watching my dog. Yeah, he's like, we're leaving. He's like, leave Mac with me. Like, I'll take Mac. And it's like, you know what? One day you're going to have to babysit Mac. But they're a package deal of...

The pet sitter must be a package deal. And Mac and Phineas love each other so much. They cuddle now. Before, they'd play, but they wouldn't really cuddle. Now, they cuddle on the couch. They sleep next to each other. And Phineas gives Mac a bat, like grooms him. They're truly besties. So, they need to hang out. Yeah. They get separation anxiety. No, for sure. So,

Yeah, like Phineas is always crying in my room and he stops immediately when he comes out. Like he wants to come out and like be with Macro. So they're a package deal. If you pet sit the animals, you gotta pet sit both. I just realized I have like five names for Macro. Oh, I have a whole list on my phone of all the... I have Macro, Mackey, Mac...

what else do i call him i have a list on my phone of all the names i call this cat i think i call him like mr man sometimes i'm like mr man i poopy head you do call him poopy head or like poopy butt yeah poopy butt because he always had poop on the back of his butt and then it gets all over me he doesn't know how to wipe his ass well it's like a word in our apartment because like they'll be this sounds so um maybe not smell great or there'll be a little stain on the couch and we're like who has poopy butt yeah like animal

Show yourself. We call them animals. There will be like a little nub of poop just hanging from Macro's butt. I'm like, get this guy out of here. I have baby wipes to wipe his ass because he does not know how to fully poop. I don't get it. Yeah.

Yeah, I have a running notes list of names that I call Phineas. I can't say them because they're embarrassing. Wait, oh my goodness. But I call him like 20 things. Full freaking like 180 on this podcast and the topic right now. But we were just talking about the lake. We need to bring up that girl that literally screams future milk to us.

Oh, she's listening right now. For sure. She definitely is listening right now. I just looked at the hat and it made me think about it. Oh. Guys, we were paddling. Super random. But like when we were paddling over into the lake, this girl maybe like 50 yards away screams,

future male and like waves and we were so confused because we were like wait did we see her like drunk out while i was wearing the hat because i wear i wore the hat out one night and i wore it on the lake and i was like does she know us from the hat does she know us from the podcast yeah we had no idea no idea but then like an hour later she dm'd us on instagram i was like oh my god i listened to the podcast like i just like like i don't know yeah she was like sorry like i like i think she's like sorry like scared like she like apologized like no we just like didn't know if we like knew you or if you listened to the pod so we didn't know how to react yeah because we get we've

we feel bad when we like obviously can't put like the face she was also the person that's talking to us she was so far away on the water like we could not have had a conversation like she yelled like from across the whole river so it wasn't like we just like ditched her like she was far no but i loved it like screaming future mouth i'm like yeah yeah

Anyway. That was a good time. But yeah, that's pretty much like how our week has been. A lot of work, a lot of grinding, a lot of just staying on top of our shit. Yeah. And we want to meet a bunch of you here in Austin. So that's why we're doing this topic for you of the Austin, Texas itinerary, I guess you could call it. Yeah. Just our... If you watch our vlogs, it's very much what we do on the weekends. Yeah. Very much what we do on the weekends. Some things not...

um, like always, cause obviously we live here, but yeah, we made it more like not touristy, but more of like a visitor thing. Like when you want to get like legit everything done cause you're in a time crunch, but you're going to enjoy it. Yeah. So this is Friday to Sunday, assuming you come on a Thursday and you're having a little long weekend and this is centered around the downtown area. So you won't really need

to drive far to anything yeah everything is within like 10 minutes yeah uber so you can scooter everything's very very close before yeah before we get into this though i do want to like say great areas to stay um not like specific hotels just like areas itself south congress is great fifth or sixth street is great south or i just said south congress south lamar is also great and then um what's the street over near rainy do you know what that street's called

The one that our parents stayed on. Oh, East... Caesar. Oh, oh. Caesar. First Street. Yeah. Yeah. East Caesar. So any of those roads specifically are great to stay because you'll be close to everything that we're about to talk about. Yeah. And if you're going on the east side, like, you can still stay on, like, also on the east side of the city, like, pretty close. Yeah. If you're going to get, like, an Airbnb house thing. An Airbnb, like, house. Yeah. Like, on the, like, east side. So...

You just got off the plane. It's Thursday night. You're chilling. You wake up on Friday. What do you do? If you're staying in downtown, you should go walk to Alfred's and get a coffee. It is at the Line Hotel. So it's not by itself. It's in a hotel lobby. The hotel's beautiful. Yeah. Stay at that hotel if you can. Yeah. That hotel is awesome.

literally so pretty i really want to do a little staycation there i think it has everything there i think it'd be fun if we just like no i think we should like girls like hotel trip i totally agree we should do it yeah we should do it i want to experience this whole whole itinerary like we should just do it we should do it in vlogging we should um but yeah great place for a coffee so good their matcha is really good um and their specialty coffee it's called

It's so good. Not a lot of coffee. Definitely not a lot of coffee. Mostly oat milk. I don't even think like the, yeah. The matcha is not even like, they're both like equivalent. Yeah. But there's just not like a lot of physical, like the matcha is like a lot of matcha. The specialty coffee is like mostly milk. Yeah. You're honestly going for like the vibes. Yeah. You're not going for like a good high energy coffee. And it's a good place that you can walk around. Yeah.

After. So you can easily walk the streets. Yes. Like for a second. Whatever. Other good places to go in the morning. There is a Juiceland downtown on 2nd Street toward the...

west there's like honestly five juice lands there is one and yeah there's quite a few juice lands you can pick yourself up a wellness lot if you will yeah they also have coffee we've discovered that oh yes they do have coffee they have coffee um yeah those are two of our favorite spots to grab a drink also if you're near that whole foods on west fifth i'm adding this into myself there's a juice land and a la coloma coffee you could do both they're next to each other in the whole foods so yeah

And then you are going to go on to brunch. And now we're going to say...

Obviously, if you're someone like us that is a gym rat and likes to pack up their food, we typically, when we travel, pack up our breakfast. So if we're doing that, you don't necessarily have to do the brunch options. You can just go get the coffee. We don't really go get brunch. I've only ever gone brunch, I think, twice since I've lived here. And that's because I've had people in town and I'm showing them around. But a good place to go for brunch is Paperboy. So you can go there. That is on 11th Street. 11th Street.

It's on the east side of the city. So, yeah, I don't know how else to explain that besides east. Go down 11th and then the east side. Birding on scooters are going to be your best friend. And if you don't feel safe doing that, obviously Ubers are a great choice. Or those little bikes. You'll see them. The city bikes? Yeah. Or the wheels? No, like the bikes. Like the guys that ride the bikes. Oh. In the carriage. Oh, oh, oh. Those are so good.

So good. Yeah, so good. So those are a great option as well. And then there's also like those go-kart things. So it's like you literally get into like a golf cart, but it has like doors and wheels on it. And those are another great option. Yeah. So yeah, you can go to Paperboy, get your brunch, get your food, whatever you desire, dress cute if you will.

And then I didn't even include this on Fridays, but I meant to. If you want to work out, go to LiftATX because they do a weekend special for their day passes. And I believe it's $10 for three days rather than, I think...

ten dollars for one day or something i didn't even know that yeah so they do like a weekend special for the day passes so grab one of those go to lyft friday saturday it's a good time yeah and also so that restaurant is on the east side so it's lyft atx so if you want lunch after i mean brunch like after the gym or before the gym it's pretty close yeah and on your way back into the city so you just did all of that

Now, this is a good day to just kind of vibe around the city. Look around. Get your steps. Get your steps. Yes. Good places for window shopping. South Congress. South Congress is literally there's a street downtown. Congress go all the way down it.

you'll reach all of these stores they're all very like high-end stores some like there's like a mix but like for one big stretch there's like a lululemon a nike uh georgiana a georgiana like the jewelry we get there's a kendra scott there's alan's boots if you want to go look at yeah there's there's kind of expensive but like not super expensive cowboy boots go to alan's boots yeah there's more i can't think of all the stores off the top of my head but they have a lot of like nice stores

Yeah. Oh, they have a Love Shack Fancy. They have a Reformation, you know. And then on the weekends, too, they have a lot of, like, farmer market style pop-ups as well. Like, there's this one truck that has, like, a bunch of hats that he just, like, displays on the back of his...

um truck like in a parking spot like on the road so you see a lot of that as well um like more like thrifty stuff yeah there's also a lot of cool like murals and paintings for like photo ops um there's a big like austin one there's the like i i love you i love you so much yeah i love you so much there's quite a few like there's a few cool like photo ops um and just an overall you can spend a lot of time walking through the stores there's little boutiques there's like a

There's like a secondhand consignment shop of like kind of higher end designer stuff. It's a pretty cool place. It's really pretty.

yeah lots of walking around getting steps that whole vibe shopping yeah and then you can lead yourself back into downtown and when you come back to downtown definitely check out second street that is another great street there's this one strip i'm like not even kidding i think it's two blocks of just like cute store one after another specifically luxe

boutique is like more of a souvenir store and fingers crossed but we're hoping to get our future milf hats eventually one day in their store because we talked with the owner there or the manager and they agreed to it but we just need to figure out like production of the hats and stuff but that is a great little souvenir place to go and then when you continue walking down those the strip there's like these new stores i didn't even realize existed one of them opened up like

what last week oh my god it's so cute i can't think of the name but you'll just see them it's literally right next door they're all down one street on second there is a francesca's the urban there's an urban outfitters there's a sneaker store there's a sweet green yeah um there's there's just so many little there's another like it's like austin rocks like another souvenir place again more murals on the wall for photos

Really nice area of downtown to walk because obviously there's some parts of like any city that may not be the best for like walking around. But this is like a really nice part to walk around. Like it's very pretty. All of that. That's our favorite street.

yeah and then street is second street of course so hopefully you spent quite like a bit of time if you did go to the gym walking around and all that and that will kind of bring you on to going to dinner and specifically fridays i feel are like always super booked up so make sure if you're planning your time to come here with a reservation like a month in advance specifically abba that is our favorite restaurant in austin i've gone there i want to say four times

and I'm always blown away by their food. It's so good. It's Mediterranean. Their pita bread is the best pita bread I've ever had in my entire life. And all their dips. I'm drooling. It's so good. The falafel. Definitely make a reservation. It's nice, but not too nice. It's like couches, lounge area. It's a lot of couches, so you can sit outside on a couch. Literally, if you're sitting in a backyard, eating on a table. But you don't need to...

It's not like casual clothes, but it's also not like you need to be dressed like to the fucking night. Yeah. Like you could just wear like cute top, cute pants. Yeah. Like you don't need to be wearing heels. Of course you can. But you also could. Yeah, you could. There's so many places. Also, if you want to grab a little pretty cocktail beforehand for everything that we said, basically downtown, aside from venturing a little bit into the east side.

in earlier in the day you really won't need a car for any of this like easily really quick scooters or you can send it and walked yeah we've walked south south congress from downtown like you can really just walk if you want to um some nice places wax myrtles is a good place it's on the fourth floor of the thompson hotel i think that's what it's called really pretty good vibes yeah for a photo op really nice view of the city i feel like that's very important like it is a nice

If you want a nice picture. I feel like any rooftop bar specifically that we've been to that has been amazing is also lined up with a hotel. Yes. So that is lined up with a hotel. It's inside a hotel. You got to enter the hotel, go up the elevator. And then another one is Zanzibar. Zanzibar is really nice. Which is also inside of a hotel. And then P6.

Yeah. Which is also in a hotel. It's in... P6 is in the same hotel as Alfred's. Yeah. So, if you're looking to stay in a hotel, make sure you line it up with those rooftop bars because, like, that's perfect. Convenient. Irene's is another good place for a drink. For, like, a cute drink. We got a mark there once and it was really good. Pretty much every freaking restaurant has pretty drinks. Like, you can find them at so many places. Yeah.

um make sure like if it's on the earlier side of a friday and you're getting it like before dinner you probably shouldn't have trouble just like sitting at the bar pro tip for these austin places okay we're about this is the real tea of the whole episode me and sam have learned if you're in a big party this won't work but if it's you one or two friends on your trip

And they're like, oh, it's a two hour wait. You need to always ask if you could sit at the bar. And like that's common for a lot of restaurants, but really, really common here. Yeah. And like you need to emphasize on it. You can't be like, oh, is there room at the bar? Like if they say no, like just take a sneak peek at the bar. If they say no, walk right past them because the bartenders are more than happy to take you. Yeah. They're really in no control of whether or not like a bartender delights.

does or doesn't want like the people the people so that's just like if you're going before dinner and you all you really want is a drink and they say it's a wait you need to ask to sit at the bar yeah um pretty much everything works for that even true food kitchen has pretty drinks yeah it does have pretty drinks like that's just like a healthy food restaurant like not like mocktails too really good mocktails they just have pretty drinks um yeah

And then obviously we said dinner at ABBA. That's also on South Congress. Mediterranean food. So good. Yeah. So that was a busy ass Friday if I do say so myself. Yeah. And if you're like us, we can't go out two days in a week. So that's why this Friday night is casual. It's chill vibes. You know, maybe a marg or two. Yeah.

Or a mocktail. We do the mocktail most of the time. Or I personally do. Recently we did... Sometimes she gets like a bottle or a glass bottle of wine. Sometimes I get... If I get a drink, it is like not like a real drink. Like it's like, does this have alcohol in it? Yeah. You know what I mean? It's like...

It's like is this lemonade or is this alcohol? We don't know Like you barely because I'm just like a sucker for a pretty drink man. No seriously like so yeah I think if I get a drink and we're doing like the mocktail vibes, it's probably 2% alcohol. It's actually sad Yeah, I'm not me paying like $15 for like a lemonade but And obviously to like budgeting for this trip We're not saying you have to do absolutely everything like you're not gonna be missing out like obviously these things are fun, but

But if you're going to be trying to budget, bring food with you. You don't need to be eating out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you just want to eat out for one meal every single day, you can totally do that. But just pick wisely. I would say dinner, honestly. Like when we travel, we try to eat out once a day if possible. And we try to do like dinner because dinner is more of like end of the day. You can get dressed up, look cute, enjoy the rest of the night with your friends. And yeah, definitely.

we i'm pro pack up your oats and protein yeah it's also super easy just go to the grocery store yeah buy something when i came to visit one time with my boyfriend david like i got trader joe's frozen meals and like literally they have like red lentil pasta like frozen at trader joe's and in my hotel i made like red lentil pasta yeah it was like high protein like

Like, I mean, obviously frozen meals, not like the most fucking nutritious thing of all time, but you can literally buy frozen meals in a bag of like steam microwave broccoli and make a meal in your hotel. If you want it, it would, it's just cheaper.

Hey guys, we wanted to talk to you about some of our favorite supplements from Organifi. My favorite is going to be the Harmony, which is made for healthy hormones. It is a cacao flavor and I have been just mixing it with water and adding it to either coffee or chai and it is so good. Yes, it looks, I don't even like chai, but she made a little chocolate chai latte moment and it looked so good.

And my favorite has been their Vanilla Complete Protein for craving control and satiety. It is a plant-based protein that tastes good and also has a pretty decent amount of protein, which it's hard to find a plant-based protein that does both. So I'm a big fan of the Organifi Vanilla Complete Protein.

They don't just have these though. There's so many more options to choose from. The Organifi Superfood blends make it easy and enjoyable to add more variety and nutrition to your day. And like we said, you can add it to water and just stir with a spoon and enjoy it anytime for more energy, nutrition, hormone balance, and peace of mind. One of my favorite super easy ways to enjoy their complete protein is just putting it in a shaker cup with some oat milk and then using it for protein cereal. So just shake it up and then use it as milk for your cereal. So good.

Please go to slash uncensored and use code uncensored for 20% off your entire order. That's slash uncensored and use code uncensored to receive 20% off your entire order. So now it's

Saturday. Sorry, guys. A notification just came up. It is our podcast agency. So it's their fault. No, I'm kidding. But Saturday, another another coffee. OK. Yeah. You're living off of caffeine at this point. You're starting your day with a coffee. Don't go to Starbucks. Yeah. Don't go to Starbucks. Just because if you're traveling, why go to Starbucks, man? Like enjoy those like super cute things.

like coffee shops and take advantage of it if you love taking like those cute little like active wear set like photos with a coffee do it that we're huge like we do that on the weekends romanticize your life listen to the hot girl episode and romanticize your life okay going to the get a coffee is going to be like a real event um joe's coffee downtown really like that place they also have it on south congress the reason i like it is because you put the milk in it yourself you

Yeah. And it's probably the cheapest coffee shop we've been to. Very cheap. Very good vibes in there. Very like gay pride flags on the wall. Everyone's so nice. Very good energy. Cheap coffee. You put the milk in yourself in your iced coffee so you can make it perfect. Yeah. So I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was very cheap. Alfred's is expensive. But Joe's is a nice little coffee shop. And then obviously you can head to the gym.

Yeah. And if you go on a Saturday, you are most likely going to see us there. We love Saturday lifts. Yes. We put lift ATX down for gyms. That is the closest to downtown. And obviously you just, you already know that's my favorite gym ever. Love the people of the owner. So like literally all the free promo in the world. But if you want to make a drive and you're like, I'm a gym person, I'm coming for the gyms. We'll drive 40 minutes to a gym. Factory gym is a pretty cool place.

Yeah, but it's not 40 minutes. It's like 20. Oh, whatever. If we're in traffic though, if like, if you're like, I'm coming for a gym, like I will, yeah, I will like pay the Uber, like, like to like get to a cool gym. That's a cool gym. That's like a day event though. I feel. Yeah. Yeah. Um,

Factory Gym ATX and Los Campanones. Yeah. Those are far. But like if you're a gym person, I know some of you literally like travel for gyms. Yeah. And if you're not a gym person, there's a Gold's downtown. There's a Lifetime. You got gyms. You can do the Gold's downtown if you just need like a quick little day passport.

Especially if you already have a gold. Why waste the money? Why waste the money? A day passes somewhere else. I know y'all gym people. Yeah. Love your new gyms. Exactly. And then Saturday. You already know where to find us. Do we need to talk about this? Yes, we need to talk about this. Are you kidding me? No.

They do not know because we, yeah, you see us out there. You see us on the lake, but how do you get the boards? Where do you go to get into the water? You know what I mean? We got to simplify it. Right. Okay. So Lady Bird Lake, Lake Austin. Yeah.

um yeah google it you can find it um so there's multiple ways to do this but we're going to tell you pretty easy our easiest one because we just now this summer started bringing our own paddle boards we bought them well we got gifted them from our parents for christmas but last summer we were renting paddle boards so this is what we did literally all of last summer yeah so look up is it called austin high school

Yeah, I would just say the high school rowing team. Yeah, it's like Austin High School Rowing Doc Rowing Team. Like, it's, like, called something like that. There's not many in the city. It will pop up. So, it'll come up. Like, it's... There's not, like, a million high school... Austin High School Rowing Team. Yeah. So, like, you'll find it. They rent paddle boards there. I think it's, like, 40 bucks for the day. Yeah, it's $40 for the day. For the day. Which...

rent Maya one when she came. Yeah. I'd say it's worth it. If you have two people share a paddleboard. Not everyone needs their own paddleboard to go where we're going to go. I mean if you want to like literally do the paddleboarding and go all down the river you can do that too. But you can also just rent the paddleboard to do a paddleboard. We always use one for the two of us.

hop on and just paddle straight until you find the massive group of people yep you will see it it's not very far or hard but like if you are bringing like a lot like for us we don't drink every single time we go on the lake but if you are gonna be drinking and you want like a full cooler bunch of snacks and all that it may be a little bit of arm work to get yourself over there but for the most part it's not bad it's not bad at all you'll reach a little sandbar you can hop off your paddleboard you could stay on you can tan it

It's a good time. It is such a good time. Also, if you're like, I just want to be a part of it, but I don't want to run a paddleboard. I want to stand on a sandbar and I'm not doing a paddleboard. Here's how you get in to do that. You go to Zilker Park. And all the way, if you're staring at the park in the far right corner, you can go down...

And basically walk slash doggy paddle your way to the sandbar. Yeah. But the only thing with that is you literally cannot bring a single thing. Yeah. You can't bring anything. You have nowhere to like rest your belongings. Yeah. If you brought a bag, you have no, like you can't put it on some stranger's paddleboard. Yeah. So like you're leaving everything in the car. That is like if you're just reckless and you want to. Or you're meeting somebody out there. Or you're meeting someone. Maybe you have like a singular floaty. Yeah. I don't know. You could do that. It's not the easiest little, like.

Like you're going to done it. We've done it. Like it's, it's not like a far swim or anything. You might be like, Oh, the ground, like, Oh, something touched my foot. Like, you know, it's like whatever, but you could get in like that too. Yeah. You could, if you wanted to. And the rowing dog place is honestly just the easiest, biggest, like easiest to see.

part of course yeah no i agree and like we said you'll probably see us out there and if you do please say hi to us yeah we love it um it's honestly part of our brand on and offline like our friends they're like how do you know them i'm like we met them at the lake yeah like our friends are just like of

Of course you met them at the lake. A few of my guy friends will message me and they'll text me and be like, so what are you doing this weekend? And I'm like, oh, I'm going on Lady Bird. They're like, oh, I honestly shouldn't have asked. I already knew you were going to be on Lady Bird. I'm like, yeah, don't even bother asking. You know where to find me. Yeah. I'm going to throw in another option for you on a Saturday. This is, again, a little more outside the city vibes. Getting a little out of the area. You can also rent a boat.

yeah if you're like coming you're like you're like i'm coming with mom and dad they don't want a paddleboard yeah you can rent a boat on either lake austin or lake travis lake travis is far lake austin is close you can do either really fun time you can just look it up like lake austin boat rental lake travis boat rental

really fun time um you can go wakeboarding too i don't know if anyone's like a fan of that but we did that about two weeks ago um you can rent it renting a pontoon is our favorite um our favorite boat tour rental on lake travis is instagram atx boat tours yeah great we

You know what I'm going to do though? After this episode, I'm going to sit down and follow all of like the boat rental places and like all of like the like other like small business company things that like we've used. So that way you guys can easily access them on Instagram and find them. I follow ATX Boat Tours. Yeah, I know you do. I got to follow them because I don't. ATX Boat Tours is just like really good. Like we had a good time.

So I recommend them for Lake Travis. It's a cool thing to see if you have the transportation means to like get to Lake Travis. And obviously renting a boat is going to be more expensive than the paddle boards. So you got two options. It's going to be really hot here when you come visit. So it's definitely worth it to be on the water. Yes. Like it's only really like one day type thing to be walking through the city because it does get hot. Yeah, definitely. You need a day on the water. And now it's time to get fucked up.

so you can totally drink on ladybird most people are it is a good vibe everyone wants to be friends with everyone if they're playing beer pong on their powder board they will let you like hey can i have a beer they'll give it to you it is just everyone's vibes like it's amazing um but you also don't need to drink we don't drink often we already said that yeah but after we do

i've never been to this place but sam has oh my god this is my favorite place ever i still haven't been because you know we just haven't we're gonna go soon don't worry we have to go soon they sell it's on what's that road called barton springs i'm literally gonna look it up right now because i don't even know i think it's like barton springs road burns like there's a restaurant that sells these purple margaritas yeah it is barnes springs road yeah barnes springs road they limit you to two

So they do a point system. So when you go there, you get six points and each drink on their menu, it doesn't say it on the menu how much points the drinks are, but the waitress will let you know when you are ordering like, hey, okay, like you've hit four points, you've hit five, you've hit whatever it is. So you're limited to six. These purple margs for like one is three points and the average drink on their menu is one point. So these drinks, they're purple marg. Like you get it. It's a big marg. It's purple. It is...

So strong. For the average female, I don't even think you could probably get to six points because I had one and I was so drunk and I had already been day drinking the entire day. And so like the mix of like the day drinking and that purple marg, I was toast. And then I had to have everyone come back to the apartment and

um and pre-game here to before we went out and i don't know how i survived oh my god they pre-gamed at your little teddy studio yes oh geez um so i've never been i still have to go but that could it's really really close to ladybird and they have really good uh mexican food too so you're not only getting drinks but you're getting food yes um but you can also just come back eat whatever food you're gonna you're probably gonna want quick food okay yeah a sweet green uh velvet taco

Fresas. Fresas is a drive-thru. So obviously we do not promote drinking and driving. Do not fucking do that. If you go behind the car after drinking, like I'm going to personally show up to your house and like be very mad at you. That's why all of these are literally so fucking close. Yes. So if you can't go through the drive-thru, you can go up to their like little like order window. Whether you, I don't know, Uber there or whatever. But Fresas is so good.

Yeah, don't get Chipotle. There's so many good, like, grab-and-go taco places, torches. You can get so many cool, like, Mexican grab-and-go things that aren't. But there's also your basic, like, sweet green cava, like, whatever. Get something quick because we're going out. Mm-hmm.

you're probably going to be on the lake from around 1 4 5 p.m so like one to like we usually leave around like 4 30 because it takes like 30 minutes to get back yeah and we don't day drink out there often i feel like every day drinking you might be more tempted to be like party all night but like when we're sober we're like we're going home yeah so you know um but you want to get back because you want to be able to eat a good meal okay we don't go out

empty stomach. Do not do that. You get ready. Going out in Austin, I feel like it starts early. It could start early, but I was also going to preface like attire because I feel like going out in like Miami, very different than what you need to wear to go out in like Austin. I feel like let's say you're going out in Miami, you're wearing like

the coolest like fashion nova like bright colored like skimpy like dress like heels like and it's like in austin like we went out in jean shorts and cowboy boots yeah like it everything here is very casual and i love that yeah so you can get a little more dressed up but there's no need to be like miami level dressed i mean do you if you want but you don't you don't really do it like you don't like there's so many casual so so casual like we could go like sam's wearing an alfie shirt and like sweatshorts

And that place we went on six, that was like the grass. Yeah. I can wear that there. You could literally wear that. Rustic Tap. Rustic Tap, you could literally wear that. Like, no one would bat an eye. Yeah. Like...

it's super casual so if you're packing and you're used to like miami clubbing vegas clubbing la clubbing not like that it's not like that like you could literally just like wear wear something comfortable because you don't need to force yourself to be uncomfortable in some outfit because you're not everyone's gonna be wearing that so just just comfy um but

You have to get a pregame drink for Tequira Mucho for us. Yeah. If you don't go there, like, you're honestly, like, disrespecting us in a way. So it's right on West 6th Street. West 6th Street is a place you can go out. So Tequira Mucho is right on the road. Yeah. It's convenient. Easy access. Yep. You just walk right over. You don't have to, like, get a drink and drive somewhere else. You're already on the street. There's...

clubs, call them what you want on that whole road of West six. And then West six, as you go East turns into dirty six, you have to go like through the city. So it's like, you're going to like,

Like, just, like, walk right into it. You'll see when it's, like, when you get into Dirty Six because they literally block off the road. Yeah, they'll block off the road. But you want to stay on the west side. Safer. A more, like, younger crowd. Because, like, I got my phone pickpocketed from me, like, three times. Yeah, we got a tap by a homeless man one time. Not to scare you. But, I mean, it's a downtown city party scene. Like, it's as safe as it's going to get. I know. But, um... So, I...

To me, there's no one recommendation of a bar because it all depends on the vibes. Yeah, because sometimes Buford's is the most bumping place. But then sometimes you go, it's kind of empty. And everyone's somewhere else. So honestly, you don't have to pay cover at any of these places. So just see the vibes. If you like it, leave. If you don't like it, stay. We've had fun at different bars every single night just depending on where...

the fun is. Yeah. And also before going back to Takira Mucho's guys, finesse your drinks there. Okay. We, every time we go there, we sit at the bar. We love the bar. The bartenders there are amazing. You want to make sure you are leaving Takira Mucho's with a buzz because if you're going out to sixth street without a buzz, you're not, you're going to already start off with like, not like the best time. Cause like,

Maybe like at least for me, like if I'm not like buzz, like maybe in a sense, my like social interactions are a little bit awkward and I just don't want to talk to strangers. And I get overwhelmed. Like I will really quickly be like, let's leave. Yeah. No, same. I get really tired really fast. So if it's past 10 p.m. and I'm not feeling it, I'll be like, do you want to go home? And I'm like, yeah. But I take care of mucho. There's these guys. They look like they could be like your sweet, like uncle, Hispanic father, Hispanic. They're true.

truly great they're amazing nice like we love them um sit on the bar all the way to the right we've probably sat in and if i walk in there and you're sitting in my seat yeah our seats are the ones all the way to the right somehow every single time we go those are open at the bar those are our seats i'll be like excuse me you're in my chair no i won't do that i won't do that i don't want to scare you

They're always... We always sit in them. We do. And then we show up in the same bartender help... Well, actually, there's two of them. There's two. There's one that's around like 40 years old and there's another one that's like 60 years old. And they're always both like serving us. They're great. They're fantastic. I recommend the pink margarita or if you want something a little fruitier, the mango mommy margarita but on the rocks, not frozen. Unless you like a frozen drink. They're so good. But you can get it on the rocks. You're making me want to like have one in my hand right now. I'm like, should we go...

Should we get like frozen marks to go for our taco night? No, we should. No, no, no.

um so yeah great pregame spot um if you're with guys and they're like why are we here oh we love bringing the guys to kira um the drinks are strong it's a good time it's a good photo op like embrace the tourist you know what i mean yeah embrace the tourist vibes yeah bring your boyfriend there yeah and so also if you don't want to go out on west six you can also go out on ramey street that is going to be right over the

Yeah. Just right over. And Rainy Street is like outdoor, even more casual than Wessex. Yeah, because people usually on Rainy are day drinking and they continue from the day. I wouldn't say like day, but they start at like 3 p.m. and they stay there. Yeah, and it's very outdoors. You know, in summertime.

yeah like throw your hair up yeah so once you get there it's probably already me bumping on that side and it's a lot of fun same thing just yeah like hop from bar to bar if you're you know checking out the place like checking out austin downtown for the first time bar hop literally like every time you finish a drink yeah go to the new place that's what we do all the time um there was two really good bars but they close which would be the ones that we recommend but they don't exist anymore what is the first the one we went to that was it clover

I thought it was called Clive. Oh, yeah. No, it is Clive. It is Clive. Yeah. That place is really cool. It was cool. It's like three stories. But again, it's where the vibe is. Yeah. Because there's also places I've only gone once and at the best time and I've never gone back. It's just. Yeah. It just happened to be where like the people. So like just literally bar hop to every single bar. I'm not even kidding. That's the easiest way to do it. Find a place you like and stay. Leave. Yeah. Doesn't matter.

Unbarlievable is always bumping, but it's so packed. Like, you are shoulder to shoulder. It's hard to move. So...

it's bumping there's always people there there's a slide the slide is good to do one time yeah i would go down the slide just to go down the slide the music there the music choices there are really good yeah they're blasting taylor so if one time it was pretty fun yeah but i would yeah you keep it to my feet i keep thinking i would go down the slide for the video for the picture it's fun yeah but it's very packed in there um there's a place at the end expensive bougie drinks

They're not going to get you that hammered. No, they will not at all. But they're pretty and they're bougie and they're expensive. So if that's your vibe, you can go to the Tipsy Alchemist. I think that place is like a one and done type thing. Like I went there once and I probably won't go again. If you're like touristy, like you want the cool pictures, like you want an Instagram story that looks fire with your like beautiful, bougie, like martini, you can go there. Yeah. But like...

That's what that place is Like that's on Instagram a lot But like And it's not like The place isn't even that pretty But like the drinks Just look nice Like you You look bougie But don't forget To bring your Mio out Okay guys Don't forget Just because you're traveling Doesn't mean you Can leave behind your Mio No It'll go through security It is so small Yeah get those ranch waters While you're out And put that Mio in there Yes

Period. They already know. Yeah. Already know. You can spend your money on like one or two fancy drinks. But then after that, get that ranch weather, get that vodka soda, whatever you prefer and put that meal in there. Yeah. That is our go to. You do one to two nice drinks. No one cares about the calories. No one cares about the sugar. Then you go easy. Yeah. And you do your tequila soda, your ranch water. Exactly. But with that, things kind of end early. Yeah.

It's not really like a party till four or five a.m. Yeah. No, definitely not. I mean, you can. You can get away with doing it. The place is close at two. You've done that. Buford's. You stayed out until like three in the morning.

I stayed out until the bar closed at 2 and then I had an incident. So then we stayed on the street for like 30 more minutes and then I got home at like 3. But the bar closes at 2. We stayed at the bar until it closed. And it was like 2 p.m. and they were like 2.10 and they're like, you have to leave actually. And I was like, okay. So we're like in the empty, like whatever. So the stuff closes at 2. So it's not, again, like if you went to like Miami, LA, it's like, oh my God, party until 7 a.m. Yeah, but you've been going, going, going all day. So there's really no need to take you going. We love our sleep. Yeah, and just so you know what to expect.

Yeah. Like, yeah, that's like pretty much the best going out.

seen and what to do and like yeah yeah you'll have no like problem to getting transportation to go home ubers maybe like on the later side will be a little bit more difficult but those bikes those little like go-kart things yeah hop into all you have to do is benmo them give them cash so it's like thirty dollars a ride and if there's like three or three or four review depending on which one you're going and it's not that bad yeah so they're on bikes with like little like seats in the back you guys have seen them sometimes they're like

festivals New York is really like with those yeah so guys will bring you under like ten dollars a person and at that point it's honestly probably the same price as the uber so like you might as well just take it and they're pretty fun they like blast music it's a good time yeah it is um so now you wake up and you're hungover and it's sunday sunday's our favorite day but obviously when you're hungover and you're on a travel vacation you can't waste the hours away okay so get out of freaking bed if you're hungover and enjoy the rest of your time in austin

Yes. So we have on here brunch at snooze eatery. There's a bunch of these. There's like three. Yeah. So pick one. Yeah. Honestly, two with one of these, you're going to probably wait for a while. So if you can make a reservation like the day before, if you can, because we waited a little

while we did wait a little while um we got it like a starbucks before um and i said don't go to starbucks we live here so it's different yeah but you can get a coffee at your brunch place yeah um another good coffee spot that we forgot to say revival yeah that's another sunday place if you aren't doing breakfast go to revival it is owned by the same girl as takira mucho

it's a great great place we got the fruity pebble matcha that was really good i dream about it really cool spot also a tad expensive but like you're supporting like a woman known a small business a hispanic a hispanic woman owned business so support it like pay the extra money for your fruity pebble matcha it's a really good place really cute pink vibes um and then after that if you need something to do go to a farmer's market

Very wholesome girl vibes. There's like quite a bit of farmer's markets, but like the bigger one, if you want to go to a really big one, is the Mueller one, which is you're gonna have to hop in a car to get to. That's a fun time. But then the one on... Second and something street. You'll see it. It's in the middle of the city. Yeah, you just want to kind of like enjoy your morning. Take it slow. Look at all the like the local like Austin...

stuff it's cool it's cool to look at all the businesses to try some samples to walk around and get your steps and again i know some of you well maybe not listening but to the average person it's like hung over on a sunday you think i'm getting ass to a farmer's market yeah but you girls know the yeah you know the vibe you know the vibes out of bed drink a little bit of like electrolytes hydration things yeah yeah yeah um

Yeah, and that's like a whole freaking weekend. Yeah. You're booked. You are booked up. And obviously too, I know we're talking about this on the podcast, but make sure you join the Facebook group because I have a full PDF on everything we just talked about, like written out based on like your favorite taco places, favorite lunch places, breakfast places, gyms, all of that. So check out the PDF, join the Facebook group, and you will not miss out on a single thing. Yeah, I also want to give a shout out to an Instagram account that's going to help you a ton.

on this trip to Austin. 512 Bites. Okay. This girl. She is godsend. There's so many Austin food bloggers. You can look like literally go to Austin food blogger. You can find so many. But she's like a really big one. She has guides for everything. If you want a place to eat,

Really easy way to find somewhere to eat go on Instagram like like I said There's also many other girls you can find so many like literally the food options on Instagram the food bloggers here endless But that's just like a really easy account really short name. You can memorize it look at all follower. We both following um We don't even like no I feel we should like meet her I know we talk about her and like like really good account like quality content, okay? Yeah, she does a visual person when it comes to food. I'm a visual person

and i need to see what that food looks like before i go there yeah if not then like i don't know what the vibe is she organizes her guides by area and by type of food so you can find what you want of course um that's a good resource and then yeah is that that's pretty much it recommendations we have oh we never gave like a dessert place oh yeah salty donut that's my go-to for donuts she loves the voodoo donuts i

I don't know if they have... You said they have a vegan donut at Salty Donuts, do they? Yeah, they do. But the thing is, Salty Donuts runs out really fast. Yeah. You have to kind of go in the morning. Voodoo Donuts is really good. Amy's Ice Cream is really popular here. There's a place called The Baked Bear near True Food and Trader Joe's. And Delights. So good. Delights, the low-cow ice cream. Delights is so good. If you're coming to Austin, you need to actually try that. Yeah. Why didn't we think about desserts? Desserts are a big thing. I know. It didn't even cross my mind.

But yeah, those donut places. Voodoo Donuts is like downtown. It's actually on 36th. So, but yeah, it's okay. Yeah, just be careful.

If you do go down 36, you just need to know and be aware that there are going to be quite a bit of homeless and then, like, bottle girls, bottle service girls that are, like, coming up to you and, like, trying to get you to go into their, like, little, like, club thing. Yeah, that's mainly what it is. A lot of promoters in these bottle girls and these, like, bouncers are, like, really coming up to you and being, like... Like, touchy and, like, looky. It's really...

Just being like a group of girls or just like even like two girls, like it's scary. It's uncomfortable. So just be careful if you do go there because there are some venues there that are actually fun. Like the Vulcan Gas Company. Yeah. Like we went there once. Like that's a fun time, but you're not going to catch us walking down the street. Yeah.

But that is like literally a full weekend in Austin and there's so much to do that we haven't even done yet. But that is such an easy rundown of just like the downtown area because obviously we've only been here for a year. Like if you're if you're talking you want to make a big trip like their cities like 30 minutes like 45 minutes away that you can do so many other things in these cities. Yeah, they have full other like days. But if you're coming for a quick weekend, you're

This like pretty much covers the downtown central area of all these young 20 somethings just like trying to have fun. Yeah. Um,

eventually you make maybe we can do like another one later on once we know like more things to do outside the city but that's like a rundown of a pretty easy weekend if you're coming especially if you're coming on June 17th and need something to do yes of course plan that trip around June 17th plan the trip around events mm-hmm if it's happening again if and then you can do everything else yeah so

And that is pretty much what we're going to be doing the whole summer. Yeah. Keep a lookout on the Instagram. Make sure you're following the Instagram so you can be up to date and the Facebook group up to date with the event that is going to be... Oh, my God. Potentially happening next month because that's where all the details will go. Yes. But other than that... Make sure to subscribe and like this video. I appreciate if you watched it on YouTube. It means a lot to us. We love our little setup. Our table should be here soon. If you...

Did we say it on here? It came in the mail. It's shattered. So it should be here soon. And our mic stands. Yeah. And I'm saying this so late. I meant to say it at the beginning. Sorry, the audio last week was messed up. Technical difficulties. Yeah, we're hoping for fingers crossed that we'll meet up. Fingers crossed this one's good. It's good. It's fine. Yeah. Like it's just going to get better and better. Yeah. Thanks for watching. Listening.

Whatever you do, whatever you prefer. We love you guys. Love you so much. And we'll see you guys next week. Bye. Bye. See you on Friday. Bye. Bye. Bye.