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What's up guys, it's Sam and Taylor and we want you to put your shoes on, pop open that energy drink and go.
Hello guys, welcome back to another episode. I'm Taylor and I'm Sam and this is big throwback energy of the podcast because I'm at my home in Miami and Sam's like in Texas and we're recording separately. Yeah, it's I was just thinking that too. But at the same time, I was like, wait a second. We also did this during like winter break, but I mean, I'm still in Texas. So I guess that's like a little different.
Yeah, it's, it feels weird. It's definitely weird, but it's only one episode. Don't worry. Next week will be totally back to normal, back in the studio, all of that. But yeah, I came home. I'm in Miami because my boyfriend's here. Like my whole family's here. Like my sister, my niece and nephew, it was my dad's birthday. It was my grandma's birthday. Lots of like family things and things going on here in Miami. So I came home. Yeah. People were freaking out in my DMs. I did a Q&A the other day.
so many people being like where's Taylor I'm like first of all guys look at her stories she's clearly tagging Miami Florida like where do you think she is and then no and then second was people were freaking out about being like what about the podcast are you guys gonna be podcasting G podcast before like what's going on I'm like do y'all not remember we literally used to do zoom recorded podcast episodes all the time
This is only one week. It's not like I'm gone for like a month. No, I know. But like even before that, when we first started, so many of our episodes were over Zoom. Yeah, most of them were. I mean, thank God though with this. So like my niece and nephew are staying here, four and one years old, and they're very loud. And luckily they left. Where'd they go?
to their other grandparents house okay see them i was gonna say like they just go to get breakfast because like we gotta we gotta be speedy then i'm kidding they left for um to go say hi to like their other grandparents and i told my sister i was gonna podcast she's like oh thank god the kids left i was like yeah i was a little bit concerned but they're not we're all good
Yeah, so I've been just chilling here. Last time we talked with everyone listening, I think we didn't even mention that you changed your flight.
Oh, yeah. So guys, Taylor was originally supposed to go to Miami on Friday, but she changed her flight and didn't leave till Sunday. So we had a really eventful weekend. Yeah, I was like missing two weekends is way too much. Like I can miss one weekend. Like I'll be fine. I'll live because I'll have plans here. But two weekends was like way too much for most. I was like, I'll leave at the end of that weekend so I can stay and do things and hang out with our friends and all that.
And then I left on Sunday and then I come back next Wednesday. So a little over a week. I'm here if you're curious. That's what that is. But last weekend was pretty fun. We went out twice. I know. I just stopped doing this. It's so bad. I'm a friend of her.
It's like these people are just bad influences. I have way too much fun with them. Yeah, Sam's on a literal bender. We had a pregame at our house on Saturday because we like to have people over where in our new house because we just have so much space and it's so fun. But then I didn't leave after that because I had a flight the next day and I didn't want to wake up like stressed and a mess and like feeling like
gross and like I just like didn't want to deal with that so I was like I had fun at the pregame I'm gonna go to bed um and you guys are only gonna stay out for like an hour anyways yeah I was like I'll live I'm just gonna like go to bed so I don't wake up tomorrow feeling like absolute garbage and drinking makes me anxious and so does flights and I was like I think if I drink more I'm just gonna have a constant panic attack the whole day and I'd rather yeah I feel like I'm having like a full circle moment because
This time last year, like I could not drink. Like it would give me such anxiety. I just like couldn't do it. And yeah,
The fact that like continuously I've been going out like twice in a weekend. And every time I tell myself, I'm like, I'm not doing it again, but then I'm doing it again. But I used to be the biggest person where it was like, you cannot convince me to go out. Do you remember that? Like people would be like, come on, like drink, go out, go out. I would try to convince you because like, I just moved to the city. Like I'm young. Like I'm like, I think we should go. And you'd be like, no.
No. Yeah, no, like, my inner, like, fucking body, mind, like, could not get myself to go out. Like, I don't know what it was. It was just, like, social anxiety. But now I'm, like, fucking crazy. Okay, I'm not crazy. But, like, I'm just a social butterfly. Yeah.
I love it. I just can't be alone. That's like my thing. So, or, okay. So Friday we should like recap on this weekend because this weekend was just so much fun. So Friday I told myself, I was like, I'm not going out crazy. Like I'll get a few drinks. We're going to, we have a dinner reservation. So there was 12 of us. We were supposed to go to this really nice dinner reservation. A few hours beforehand, our friends then tell us that we're no longer going. They canceled the reservation and we're like, what the fuck, what do we do now? So we've,
decided to go to a different different dinner reservation so we showed up so keep in mind this entire friend group lives in the same apartment complex have we even mentioned that to them yeah we have so they all live in the same apartment with us it's always every time it's us we need to go to them to figure things out so we showed up to figure out the plans with them which keep in mind this we thought was like a group of people turns out it's one individual so
Yeah, we thought the dinner reservation was canceled. What actually happened is that our one friend didn't want to go to the dinner reservation. So he didn't go to the dinner reservation, but like the rest of the people did. Yeah. So annoying. You're trying to...
Really, you're trying to kill us. You're trying to corrupt us. Like, what's going on? Like, why are we not going to this dinner reservation anymore? Like, we thought everyone was going to a different restaurant. Like, everyone ditched the first place and was going somewhere else. And that was not the case. Yeah. So then we just decided on going to Gabriela's downtown, which is on what, 7th Street? Yeah.
Something like that. Yeah. Which highly recommend if you are in the area or visiting, go to Gabrielle's. It's downtown. It's owned by the same owner as Takira Mucho's. And you guys already know we love Takira Mucho's. So we went there and we're looking at the drink menus. I'm like, fuck, these drinks are a little expensive. And like, I know for a fact, because we've been here before, that the cups are really small. They're literally like an eight ounce cup. So I was like, guys, let's get a pitcher. Yeah.
And I feel like, like, our friend like looked across the table and he like looked at me where he's like, Are you serious right now? I was like, Yeah, let's get a pitcher. So we got a pitcher for the table. And those drinks were strong. I think if you are all drinking the same drink, a pitcher is
It's so much cheaper, dude. The pitcher was $45. That drink individually, if we were to get it was like $12. So I had, I had three drinks. You had two from the pitcher and he had four from the pitcher. So what is that? That's eight drinks.
Yeah, no, it's worth it. It's 100% worth it. Like crazy. And it was like, also you could like if you just want to go to a restaurant and get like a pitcher just to kind of like sip on and drink like obviously we kind of we thought that was gonna be the case but then like the drinks were really strong so then we ended up like going out out. Well like you could totally do that even if it was just like kind of a like ladies night relaxing type vibe like if it was me you and then like two other girls we could have gotten a pitcher too and I don't think I would have gone in a strong.
No, yeah, I think a pitcher's the move if you're all drinking the same drink. Yeah, they had so many. They had a Paloma, they had House Marg, they had a Spicy Marg, and one other one, I can't remember. But yeah, so what did we do after that? And we went to Bull and Bull. Oh yeah, that place was so much fun. It is fun. It like, it's not like, like there's a bar in it, but it's like an arcade, not arcade, like
bowling rideable like yeah it's just like games like an interactive bar yeah because it's not a bar like the lights are on the music is crazy loud yeah and we were there on a Friday at like what like 8 39 yeah
Yeah. So it was like on the earlier side and it was still like pretty decently bumping. And all our friends, we were, we were all in the same situation of being there for the first time. Everyone was like, this place is so cool. We should come back here more often. I was like, yeah, I agree. That was fun. I liked it. I liked it there. And then after that. Wait, don't wait. I want to say something. Cause I don't know, even know if you knew this, you know how Alex went on the bull.
Yeah. He was like, he literally like challenged everyone. I was like, guys, I'm going to stay on this bull for 15 seconds. Like it's happening. I'm staying on the bull for 15 seconds. Like no joke. So Derek overhears the conversation and goes over to the person controlling the thing and like tips him like five bucks and is like, make sure he only stays on for like five seconds, nothing longer than 15 seconds.
and then he went on and he lasted for like 13 seconds or something and he got off and he was like he was like I told you guys I could have done it I could have done it I don't know what it was he was just really against me I was like yeah sure that is funny if anyone fought it against me like that I'd be so sad no that is really funny I mean I should have ridden the bull it sounds fun that's one whatever my top would have 100% came off that's one thing that Miami just doesn't
you can't just go casually ride a bull I know no there is a restaurant kind of close to my house you can ride a bull I lied yeah there is I think that's like the only place I don't know any other place for that and it's like a restaurant like it's not it's like you're eating dinner and you can go ride a bull super weird yeah that no that's not the vibe yeah no um and then after that we continue to like go around where do we go right after that
we went to that place that was on 6th street i can't remember the name of it but it was like so like exclusive oh no we went there first we went there first yes that was the first place we went we went to roosevelt no we went to roosevelt room first right after gabrielle that's what we did i just this seems so long ago that i just can't remember but that's what we did first oh shit
yeah that place was sick guys you walk in there and there's a massive curtain behind the hostess stand so you can't even see into the restaurant and we're like where are we our friend is up there with another friend and we're like we're just trying to meet our friends up there he said there's room up there can we go up there and they're like no no no you like don't have a reservation there's not enough room and then we eventually somehow got up there I don't know how I think our friend like kind of like was like come on just let our friends up here we get up there
to the second floor it's so exclusive and private like couches a private bar like it's kind of dimmed like it's cool vibe but it was empty like empty so like the hostess were completely lying saying there was no room there was no one up there literally no one and then it's like an older crowd too yeah there was a lot of old people yeah it was definitely an older crowd sorry to all our older audience listening that's so bad
No, well, I mean, it was just, you know, it wasn't like college kids. Like it was like, there was a group of people at a little, like that definitely reserved like the couches and they were like in their forties. Like they were. Oh, a hundred percent. Yeah. And then one of them called one of our friends, like old, like he was like, or no, he goes, you don't look a day under 30. And then he was like, well, good thing I am or I'm not. Yeah.
Yeah, that was funny. That was actually really funny. But then after that is when we went to the bowl place and then we went to Cat's Pajamas. Oh God. Yeah, guys, Cat's Pajamas. I don't know if we talked about this last episode, but it's our new favorite place. You know, we used to talk about Buford's. We love Buford's. Cat's Pajamas, the place to be. Yeah, no, we did talk about it last time because you called it Coconut Head. Yeah, I did Coconut Head. It's so fun. So now from here on out, if you guys want to see us in Austin, Texas, don't go to Buford's, go to Cat's Pajamas.
Typically on a Saturday night, I'm probably not going to be going out on a Friday night ever again. Well, that's a lie. That's the biggest lie of all time. Yeah, I know. My brothers are literally going to be in town next weekend. So like, yeah. You're going to go out tomorrow. No, I'm not. We already have dinner reservations and we're going on the domains. Where?
I don't know. I have to make the reservations. We don't actually already have them. Okay. So Alex told me to make the reservations and just say that we already have reservations. So everyone just pipes their mouth and just shows up. But yeah, so. Interesting. Yeah. But that was kind of our night. It was really fun. It was a good time. And then the next night we did the pregame.
and just had everyone over and it was so last minute I hate last minute things because I'm not prepared for it and then like our girlfriends already had other plans so it was just like the ratio was so bad it was like 30 30 percent female 70 percent male hey whatever yeah we're good we don't care about it but the boys are are like oh I don't know where's the ratio yeah I mean I like kind of care about it because I'm like I would like
Girl, like... Yeah, but there was enough girls where I was like, okay, we can, like, we can all stick together and vibe. There was, like, ten girls. Yeah. Yeah, fair. Yeah. Fair, fair. Very true. Yeah, I like having people over. I think it's fun. Then you just have so much trash after it, but I think it's a good time. Yeah, so much trash. Like, three trash bags. Literally. And I need the trash bin to come because it's sticking up the garage. Ew. Ew.
Yeah, it's bad. But anyway, the weekend was so much fun. I loved it. Taylor went home, flew home on Sunday. And then on Monday, I got my lips done. I love the guy I went to. He was amazing. I highly recommend. His name's Cable. Caleb Martin in Austin, Texas. He has an Instagram. He has like 40,000 followers on Instagram. Not how I found him by any means. He just happened to be like a cup tank creator once I went to him. I was like, oh, damn, like,
I was like you're cool and we have a mutual friend so I was like this is a vibe they look good thanks they're so bruised but I told him I was like I love the bruised look so I don't care if you bruise me you love the bruised look yeah because it looks like I'm wearing lipstick that's what you're wearing but they look good yeah but I can't you know what I'm sad about is I can't kiss any boys for a week
Sorry, mom. Mom's listening. My mom was like, your mom wants you to like, I know my mom. I went on FaceTime with my mom yesterday and I go, mom, I just want to let you know right now. I don't have a boyfriend because I keep posting. I keep posting boys. And yeah, I know all of you guys keep asking this too. I don't have a boyfriend. Okay. I wouldn't just do a reveal like that that quickly.
Hard launch, hard launch right away.
one thing about me is that I like friendship before anything like that you know like I'm super bachelor up in Austin Tech the bachelorette I know I'm super into like being besties in like that type before jumping into a relationship like I need to make sure you like I can be myself around you you know yeah it's literally the bachelorette over there
It is. And then our friend, then one of our other guy friends, he's like literally like the therapist. He's like, he comes to me every day. He's like, so what's the update? What's the update on the boys? Stop it. Literally. Literally. Also, guys, before we like kind of get into like the actual episode, I was going to say continue to buy merch. I'm going to be packing them this week. But then I realized I don't have a laptop.
My laptop got water damage and I don't have it for a week. So I can't pack packages until Taylor comes home and we have a laptop. But merch is still live. Merch is still active. Get your hands on it. The reason I thought about that is because there's one right here. So if you order it now, don't worry. You will get it within two weeks. We'll ship them as soon as I get back. So they will be shipped out to you on August 4th.
And then you'll get them. People are getting them like two days after. Yeah, really quickly. Like I literally think we're paying for like property mail. We'll get them like that first week of August. So it won't take long at all. Do not worry. And they're packing. I'm wearing a shirt right now. My family's always wearing their shirts. It's so cute. They're always wearing them. I love that.
Yeah, my dad's always wearing it. My sister wore it on the plane so much. No, I love that. All right, well, should we get into the juicy topics? Yeah, well, what about your high and low of the week? Oh, yeah, fuck. Sorry. I'm just so excited about this episode. High and low of the week. Low is that my laptop's broken. I cannot do any work. So, guys, if you want YouTube videos, I'm sorry. That's just not happening this week. And I'm kind of sad about it because I really wanted to, like... Well, I mean, I probably could still...
like if Taylor was here I could probably use her laptop but she's not here so I can't but like when Taylor does get back here next week I could potentially use her laptop hopefully so um yeah that's my low of the week and then my high of the week is just our friends like they just make me so happy I like I said this last week it's so fucking cheesy but like
Taylor and I work so hard and we get so, you know, tunnel vision with work and like any other things, maybe even it's just like a bad thing that's going on in our life.
And when we hang out with our friends, like all of that just goes away. Like I completely unplug. I try, you know what, you know, you surround yourself as a content creator, you know, you surround yourself around really good people when you aren't thinking about work, when you're hanging out with them. Like if I go into the hangout with the intentions of vlogging and then I completely forget to vlog, that just goes to show that like, I genuinely enjoy being around these people and I can unplug. So, cause like this past,
Friday I was supposed to vlog and I just completely forgot I was like shit but at the same time I'm like kind of reflecting on I'm like oh wait like this just goes to show like I can just unplug with them and I love that yeah no I totally totally agree and I think it's like if I'm overthinking things just like hanging out with your friends like totally like
Like you just don't think about anything else besides like that you're having a good time. Yeah. Mine. So my love is that I really miss my cat. And I forgot to bring a camera charger and I'm trying to find a cord in my house that fits in my camera because I really wanted to vlog.
And I wanted to do like an unedited day in my life, like home in Miami, like whatever. But I forgot a camera charger and I'm like searching for a cord that will fit in my camera. I also haven't even checked how much battery it has. So after that, I'll like look because maybe I'll be able to get away with it. But yeah, I forgot a charger and that's super annoying. But then my high is just being, well, one with David, obviously, because we get to like hang out and like that's really fun. I also surprised my grandma that I was here and she was like really excited and it was really cute.
um yeah and that was funny and you know just being with my family like my niece my nephew my niece is like my pride and joy I love that little girl so much um it's just like fun to be here yeah a lot of people yeah I don't have any plans to go home sorry fam Miami weather is so trash and disgusting like the humidity is out of control gross it the rain is
Is absolutely insane. Like woken up by like huge lightning and thunderstorms every single night. The humidity is like 70%. It's gross and horrible and disgusting. And I don't get why people visit here in the summertime. It's just literally terrible. Like after, like, I don't understand. It's gross. It's gross. Like the amount of rain and the amount of humidity is literally disgusting. Yeah. You know, it's funny too.
I was looking at the humidity yesterday because I was on FaceTime with my mom and we were talking about the weather because she's trying to prepare for it. Humidity yesterday in Austin was only 30%. Yes, and that's why when people tell me Austin's humid, I'm like, the humidity there this hot day is 35. Do you know what it is here? 65. It's double. Yeah. It's literally double. Outside here, it's wet. Yeah.
Like, it feels wet and sticky. Oh, my God. It's gross. It's literally gross. Yeah, no, I could not. But some days, it's weird, though. Some days, if I look at it, some days it's really high. But it's not, like, consistently high. Yeah. No, it's definitely gross and nasty. And I don't really miss the weather here at all. It's nasty. And, yeah, with that, we can't really do pet of the week. I mean, I guess, like, you can, but I'm not there. They're both being really good boys. Yeah.
Good. Besides the water part, but I love that voice. Good. Cool. We didn't even say what the episode was going to be, but obviously you guys can read the title. We're doing unpopular opinions, hot takes and popular opinions, whatever you want to call them.
I really think that people on Reddit are going to love this episode. If you hate us already, you're going to hate us even more. Honestly, like, and I'm glad, like, yeah, like talk about me on the internet. Like, isn't that why I'm not doing my job right. If you're not talking about me, that's what I'm saying. Like, if you're talking about me on the internet, that means I'm doing something correct. So like, yeah, like if my Reddit thread is dying, please make it active again. Please update it.
oh god give it an update give the people what they want even if you're like a loyal fan ghost or drama on the internet no I'm kidding no it's fun it's really funny though because like
like there's so many burn like anyone that has a burner account that comes to our instagram leaving hate 110 still listens to the podcast oh yeah especially when the hate is very specific i know like oh you're up to date you're up to date you like you know more about me than i do it's so funny
All right, let's get into it, though. Let's let the people know what our opinions are. So Sam was able to come up with a longer list. I have many unpopular opinions, but for some reason, making the list this morning completely drew a blank. No ideas. No, like my mind was just empty. So I have some, but mine are probably going to be thought of as we talk because it's going to spark my interest. But I really had trouble writing them down. I don't know why. I feel like you're going to agree with a lot of mine, though. Like a lot of mine are what you also think.
Yeah, yeah, 100%. I'll throw one out there to start because we've talked about this before, but not for a while. Those posted on post pictures are weird. Yeah, I don't I, I can't with them. Those pictures are extremely strange. And here are the reasonings. If your Instagram pictures look so crazy different than what you look like in real life. That's weird.
If you are exaggerating the unposed picture,
that's weird. Like you're not like to try to get likes to like force yourself to have like a stomach roll is strange. Like just look how you look. And I think for most people, like we literally both, you showed me a girl, like she was sitting by the pool laying. I was going to say that. Yeah. Sitting by the pool, kind of laying back and sitting, standing up. So obviously when she's sitting more upright, you have a little bit of like
lines in your stomach because your skin is like folding over right like duh that's kind of just how like your body works and it's like shouldn't you be able to get that that girl that's kind of laying back if she stood upright her stomach would have lines in it like isn't that like implied don't we all know yeah like if you saw her at the pool and she leaned back she would obviously look like that and then if she leaned forward
I think it's pretty much common sense that she would obviously look like that as well. I just think, here's my opinion on this whole thing. We need to be more self-aware of like real life situations. Like you need to look at a girl in person and be like, okay, yeah, like that's fucking real rather than like looking at social media and being like,
that person walking around looking like the like post photo 24 seven. Like if I was, if I looked so deeply into someone's Instagram and like the way they were looking and the way they were posing and how perfect they looked, Oh my God. Like I would just, I would hate my body so much, but you need to be more like, like you need to be more involved in like real life scenarios and just real life people. Yeah.
Yeah, and like, obviously there's people that like their body looks like these Instagram models that look so just like fake and not real. But for the average person, like people that like just like us that do Instagram, like how you post should just be like how you look. Yeah. That should just be how I look. Like I posted a bikini picture yesterday.
that's how I looked I felt good yesterday if I sat up and leaned forward like yeah I'd have rolls in my stomach like why do you need to like pose like don't we just kind of yeah like why do we have to validate yeah like why do we have to validate the fact that like if I lean forward then I have like rolls in my stomach I don't know obviously this is for lights it's for lights and engagement like they don't actually know 100% obviously this can be a touchy subject for some people and I totally get that but it's just like
Like some people need that validation of the post and un-post, but then that's when you need to sit back and reflect and be like, wait a second. Why do I need that validation from that Instagram post when there is just so much realness and
In person, like go to your local pool, go to the beach and just stare at people and look how like natural everyone is. No one's walking around posed 24 seven when they're at the beach. Yeah, 100%. And like when the posed, when the unposed is posed, like the unposed is purposely posed in a certain way. It's weird. And if you're unposed looks completely different than your Instagram pictures, you need to reevaluate why you're
You post how you post, why you're using such filters, why you're using the apps, why you only stand as your, like, I think you need to go in depth on yourself if, like, you are unposed and you look like an entirely different person. Yeah. All right, next one, and this is mine, and I feel like this could be an entire video.
podcast topic is men's fitness is way more toxic than the women's side of fitness online. And here's just a few reasons why there are just so many uneducated males out there that are coaching that I've seen firsthand taking on clients, putting them on keto, putting them on fasted diets and just like causing all of these guys to just lose a drastic amount of weight with no education, no cert like certification, no nothing. And, um,
everything they do is just so fucking toxic. I feel like in the sense of like food workouts, like supplements, steroids, like all of it, it's just, it's so bad where I feel like the woman's side of fitness is just like, not a little bit, way more sensitive. Obviously I think in a, in a sense, sometimes I feel like women's side of fitness is a little too sensitive, but I would rather see the sensitivity side than like the toxic side.
And I feel like we could do a whole episode on this. No, guys are literally insane. One of mine, I'm just going to, like, add it in because it ties in. I just wrote that gym bros are the cringiest people on the planet. That, like, the intense, insane gym bro culture is insane.
literally fuck it's insane like gym bro culture is crazy like absolutely wild the amount of supplements these people are taking like you said and they're all on steroids and they're all just they're so obsessed with food like them eating something quote-unquote like bad is like the topic of their instagram story for like two days
Yeah, like they literally eat a pizza and like they literally need to talk about it. They like, oh my god, don't even get me started with that. The amount of times I see like fitness men creators eating pizza or eating like all you can eat sushi being like time to go do fasted cardio I'm not eating for like three days. I'm like, you can't post that. It's so weird.
One time I swiped up on one of them and this, this creator has like a million followers on Instagram. And I swiped up and I was like, do you really think that's okay to be posting about when you have an audience of young male? I would assume his like audience is probably like 16 year olds to like 20 year olds. And I'm like, do you really think that's okay? Like, do you think that's a good thing?
mindset to have for your younger audience and he was like what are you talking about I'm like exactly you guys you're just you don't understand like how like men eating disorders are like the same exact thing it's just girls talk about it more than guys do yeah and girls like you said I think it's like the sensitivity and like also I think the the whole more like wellness is more popular with like
girl like to be balanced like to do all that is like way more of a girl thing and guys are just like get big get strong and like nothing else matters and they do like the crash diets like the carnivore diet like you're insane like why can't you just enjoy some like
bread or oats yeah it needs to be pure raw red meat like they're carnivore diets and they do low carb days and they like carb cycle and then they're cheeto and then they're like it's it's wild it's wild so yeah i 100 agree i think gym bros are absolutely crazy um
Yeah. And then I'm going to do another one and I'm going to lead this into the girl's side of fitness. And my unpopular opinion is that the girl's side of fitness does not talk enough about steroid use. Facts. I'd agree. It's actually insane being in the industry, seeing how many creators actually use steroids. And I would not have known about it if I wasn't like in person with them, having the conversations and just like,
knowing more about behind the scenes it's just like in a sense like I by no means like I'm like putting anyone down for their hard work or anything but it it made it just makes me feel like holy shit like I'm never gonna get like like that if I don't take something like that you know what I mean so it's like I just feel like it needs to be talked about more
I think a lot of guys are very like, this is what I take and this is my cycle and blah, blah, blah. And there's girls that are clearly, clearly on something. Like, I'm not talking about, like, random fitness influencer girls. I'm talking about, like, girls that compete really high level, like, bodybuilding, powerlifting, that are, like, clearly taking stuff and it's never mentioned. Yeah. And they'll do the... To me. Yeah. I, like...
I don't know. I just, I wish it was more talked about in the sense, like, I don't think anyone's going to judge you for using it. Like that's you, that's your body, but I definitely think it needs to be more normalized because there will be younger girls that are going to look up to a specific individual and think that they can attain that specific physique. But then they don't know in the back of their mind that that individual is probably on something that is enhancing their performance. And it's,
it's a shitty feeling when you find out. So it's just better. I feel like if you were to be more transparent about that stuff. Yeah, a hundred percent. And it's not something a lot of people know that if you see like a fitness creator, that's a girl that is just like so incredibly shredded or had a crazy transformation in such a short period of time, like whatever it may be like,
don't like completely disregard the idea that they could be taking drugs. Yeah. And don't get it twisted though. Like we're not, we're not trying to put anyone down by saying that like, obviously with taking steroids comes a really good diet, really good training. Like you can't just take fucking steroids and just snap your fingers. Be like,
like incredibly and my god incredibly shredded and big like they obviously put in the hard work with it but you just need to keep that in mind right 100 so um I'm gonna go into another one um it's still it's back to like a picture thing but on the internet there's a lot of people that say posting before and after pictures of yourself after a weight loss weight gain whatever it may be
mostly weight loss. I feel like people say this. They think posting before and after photos are problematic. And I don't understand that one bit. I see nothing wrong with showing a weight loss that's done in a perfectly healthy way. I think it is very crazy that people think
that it's problematic to show a weight loss and that every single weight loss is toxic and unhealthy. I think that's 100% on you if you feel that way. Exactly. Like, I really don't get that. Like, I don't see how someone making positive lifestyle changes for themselves in a totally healthy way is problematic. And there is a big section of the internet that thinks that before and after pictures for weight loss is toxic.
Yeah, no, really believe that. And I just really don't get that at all. I think for a lot of people, like it's motivating one. And if you made that progress for yourself, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to share that on the internet. And people don't need to be responsible for the fact that weight loss is triggering for you if it is. Yeah, I totally agree on. I totally agree on that because I've definitely been in those situations where I've
post something maybe about weight loss or cutting my cutting series on, on YouTube, that cutting series triggered so many fucking people. It was insane. And I was like, maybe you shouldn't be watching my YouTube videos. If my cutting series talking about decreasing calories or decreasing food or anything like that is going to trigger you, you should not be here sitting here right now watching my YouTube video then, because I'm trying to do this to help those that need the inspiration, need the little bit more of, you know,
motivation to actually go into a cut or just like help in general, because they're probably in a healthy mindset and can do that. And if you're just not in that healthy mindset, I don't think you should be consuming that type of content. Exactly. And I think most people, yeah, there's a lot of people who have unhealthy weight loss, but a lot of people have very healthy weight loss. Yeah. Lots of people like, honestly, probably,
The majority, because we're not talking about girls that are already small losing crazy amounts of weight that they don't need to. Like, a lot of people are achieving healthy weight loss and should be able to celebrate it and post about it without getting attacked for it. Of course, yeah, because this is already, like, a vulnerable, like...
place for them, like even posting that before photo could be so fucking vulnerable. And you're telling me that they're going to get out, like get out there and open up to the internet and post their before. And they're like current and like where they're probably continuing that weight loss journey. And they're still not, you know, done. And they're just showing like their progress so far. And someone's going to go into the comments and say like, this is so triggering. This is so toxic, blah, blah, blah. Like that doesn't help that person with their
transformation that they're trying to go through. Not at all. Okay. Ever since moving out on my own and becoming an adult, I'd say the most stressful part about it is money, but that's where Dave comes into play. So Dave can help you get out of a pinch when you really need it. It's the banking app that can help you get up to $500 instantly with extra cash. That's more money to fill your tank, especially with these gas prices, buy a wedding gift or catch up on bills.
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is going to be, I have so many, this is like kind of like more of a fun one. And I feel like our gym does a really good job at this one. And that is going to be, there just needs to be more in-person compliments handed out at the gym. And I say this all the time when we talk about this topic, try doing it once, once a day, because I don't think our gym is a bad space where we're not doing that lift ATX best vibes ever. But I think that type of energy needs to be put out there into so many other gyms because I,
the amount of times where I hear someone saying like, Oh, like, I don't want to go to my gym. It's too intimidating, all that. But then if you show up to lift ATX, lift ATX is not intimidating at all. You get warm welcomes the second you step into that gym. So I just think that in gyms, one compliment a day, whether it's Oh my god, I love that sports bra. Oh my god, I love your sneakers. Oh my goodness, like you're lifting so strong right now and just walk away. It doesn't have to be a conversation. But I think there just needs to be more of that.
That's a good one. If I had more of that when I first started in my fitness journey, like I went to a planet fitness, like when I first started and I was so intimidated to be there, no one would talk to you. Everyone would just give looks like there was no interaction at all. But if I feel like if I had more of that, I think I would have been a little bit more encouraged to show up every day.
Yeah, I'm going to tie that into one of mine, which I forgot to write down, but this is a huge one for me. I think Planet Fitness is the most judgmental gym out there. And people, when they start their fitness journey, are scared of bigger gyms. So they go to Planet Fitness thinking it's like the safest gym. I think Planet Fitness is the most judgmental gym of all gyms.
um people on tiktok are always like recording people doing like the wrong thing at planet fitness and now we got joey swole oh yeah that guy yeah he's always the king of this stuff yeah like so many people record like planet fitness things like recording people it's just like unwelcoming it's not vibes like i i
I don't like Planet Fitness. Someone once, they actually gave this podcast a bad review because they said they liked it until I started hating on Planet Fitness. I don't like Planet Fitness. I don't think it's a good gym. Again, I get it's cheap. It's $10 a month, but I've told you guys this a million times. They get you with the fees. They load fees on there. It's not just $10 a month. They're going to charge you $100 annual fee. They're going to charge you
a heck of an initiation fee they're going to charge you a heck of a cancellation fee they're going so no it's it's not just ten dollars a month okay they're going to get you with hidden things and i'd rather pay 30 40 a month and not get charged extra things on my card me personally okay so if that lady's still listening i gave a bad review because i hate non-planet fitness i don't like planet fitness i don't think it's a good gym and i think people in there mean and judgmental
And they charge you a lot of money for no reason. I literally charged like $150 after COVID because I canceled my membership because I got the membership and then the gym closed and they were like, it doesn't matter. You still have to pay the annual fee and you still have to pay the massive cancellation fee. And I was like, isn't this gym supposed to be like affordable?
crap. So yeah. Yeah, no, they definitely get you with that. You know what the funniest thing is too? Well, not funny. I don't know why I said fucking funny because it's not funny is the way big gyms get you commercial gyms. And the reason they are so successful is because they're low, like membership rates, people that think that they're like, Oh, like I'll start going to the gym. It's only $10 a month or $20 a month, whatever it is, they'll sign up.
And then majority of the time, they probably won't show up again. The way that they make such profit is because they put it so low. And then once it's so low, they don't even reach out to you.
Or they don't email you. There's no notification saying like, Hey, we haven't seen you in a while. Like, do you still want this membership? That $10 a month is just rolling and rolling and rolling in their bank account. And I can't remember the statistic, but when I, a few years ago, when I used to work at that fucking stupid nutrition shop,
and herbal life nutrition shop, we would always talk about like all these gyms and there was a really big percentage of people that had memberships that never even actually showed up to the gym. So like they were getting like, even say it, even if it was 50% of people,
That had memberships that were paying the $10 a month and weren't even showing up within the month. Like that's a big margin of people. Now is if you had a, let's say $80 a month membership, I guarantee nobody, no individual is just letting that $80 a month.
run through their account yeah they are consistently using their membership and they are making sure that they are getting the most of their money whereas if it's ten dollars a month those people are just going to let it roll it's like the same thing as like a netflix account or a hulu account like you're just letting that five dollars roll through yeah a million percent you also have to go in person to cancel gym memberships yeah um so let's no one will yeah let's say you got like a ten dollar plan of fitness and then you move if you're not near planet fitness
You literally need to go cancel it. That happened to me in college. Yeah, like you need to- And I was in college with no car. Like you can't call. You need to go physically into the gym. So yeah, like those gyms like are, they're scammy. Like I think Planet Fitness is like,
scammy i think what they stand for of the no judgy thing scammy not really true again i think people take that as like if planet fitness is because i get some people live in small towns there's not like lift atx type gyms like they only have like a few that's the only gym near you you've got to do what you've got to do like yeah the ten dollars a month even with the hidden fees that they're gonna get your ass is like oh they like is in the cards right now like whatever but
I think even if I went there and that was my only option, I'd still have my opinion. Yeah, totally agree. And I think I'm going to jump into the next one. And this is kind of going to be a little bit similar in the sense, like it's very like,
It's well-rounded, like very common. It's just ladies wear whatever the fuck you want. Like I'm so sick of like it being so judgmental, not only on the guy's end of things, but also the girl's end of like judging for wearing like a bando sports bra or a one piece set to the gym. Like, like the onesie ones are wearing just a really small sports bra with like the really short biker shorts. Like, you know, the ones where your ass is like kind of hanging out a little bit.
like wear whatever the fuck you want like who cares I would never look at a girl in the gym and be like oh my god why is she wearing that like if anything I'm like what that picked me like I'm not like other girls like one time I made a tiktok being like get ready for the gym with me and I was picking my outfit I was trying to match my flannel I put on a hat and then like there's the girls it's like oh my god like you guys put that much effort into your gym outfit I could never like I just wear a t-shirt and like roll out the door good for you
yeah and I like to pick out my outfit what like it's just like I'm not like other girls like I'm easygoing like uh like you guys really like do your hair for the gym like you're so weird like same thing with makeup as well like if you're having a low self-esteem day and the only thing that's going to get you out of the bed and get to the gym is throwing on a little bit of makeup and a cute outfit for the gym what's wrong with that
Also, when people judge girls for having makeup on the gym, what if you just came from work and you literally already have it on? Yeah. I don't understand it. How does it bother anyone else at all? Someone's wearing something. Unless someone's naked because that could be problematic, then why do you care? Yeah. So basically what I'm trying to say is unpopular opinion, wear whatever the hell you want to the gym.
And just like, let those people judge you because it's like, they're clearly not like, I don't even know. Like what is like, what is so wrong with someone's brain that they are going to judge another woman for like what they're wearing? No, keep in mind, like if I look at a girl wearing like those one piece sets, like that one girl from lift ATX the other day, that's like a very like out there outfit, a hundred percent out there.
Do I think I could pull that thing off? No, I don't think I could pull it off. But would I look at her and be like, oh my God, why are you wearing that? No, it's just not something I don't think I could wear. Well, that's probably why people would say that because they'd look at her. This girl's like about to compete. She's literally shredded, gorgeous, body amazing. Like literally insane. I get, I'm like, can you stop showing up to the gym when I'm here? Yeah, no, it's like,
I'm like you're making everyone else scared but it's someone's gonna look at her and know that they could never pull that off because guess what most people like 90% of the population does not look like that girl and they're probably gonna be like I could never pull that outfit off so I'm going to actively hate on her and insult her because I will never look as good as her and that is so sad because if I was one of those bodybuilding girls that look like that I'd wear those too
yeah he looks literally great I don't have the confidence to wear it I wish I did and if you're gonna hate on someone because you can never wear it that's really sad you know what I love and I I get tagged in this all the time not all the time but like a good amount where like these conversations that we have do have an effect on girls in a good way whereas like I'll get tagged in like
So when I would say this is like two weeks ago, one of you guys tagged me in the fact that you guys were wearing shorts for the first time ever to the fucking gym. And I'm like, I love that. Like, why were you doing that beforehand? So like, if we can just have these conversations and normalize these conversations to allow you to wear whatever you want to the gym, I'm all for it. I'm here for it because I want you guys to be comfortable wearing whatever the hell you want. And if that's shorts for the first time or no baggy t-shirt for the first time,
run it up yeah it could literally be anything like maybe you are the type of girl you're like no but I do wear the super cool outfits and I do my makeup and I do my hair and I wish I didn't have to like I wish I could just show up in a t-shirt and put less effort like then I hope you do that like I hope you like don't wear makeup and you go in like your comfy your more comfortable outfit and like get it done but then if you're the type of person that feels like they're not maybe you
worthy enough to like wear a cool outfit like cool enough to wear it like fit enough to wear it fuck that wear it oh my god I hate that that's okay that's another unpopular opinion is like like
like I don't even know how to word this but like the whole rants of like I'm not fit enough like stop it stop saying that in your head like you are like there's no description for being fit enough like what is that description because I was gonna say what does that mean because I right now can barely run a mile I'd say that that means I'm not that fit
I can exactly like I hate that it's pretty good but like I can't even run a mile so where does that put me in like fit enough yeah like everyone's fit enough is so different yeah and I don't like like
Like, I feel like I get this a lot. I keep saying I feel like I get this a lot, but I don't. I promise you guys I don't. But like people will say like, oh my goodness, like I can't wear that or I can't do that. I'm not fit enough. And it's like, no, your term of fit is so much different than my term of fit. Like maybe I've been doing this for X, Y, Z amount of years and you're just starting. You know what I mean? Like, or I...
here's a random one, like a fucking pistol squat. Like I can barely do a pistol squat. Like you can do a good amount of pistol squats. And it's like, oh, well maybe I'm not fit enough. No, maybe it's just because I haven't really been working on it. I don't know. I just think the term fit enough needs to stop. Yeah. And I think like, let's say like myself in quarantine, my at-home workouts, my HIIT days,
was I strong and had the muscle mass I do now? Absolutely not. Let me tell you my stamina and like willpower willpower and determination in those days was more than I have now. I could not do one of those workouts. I was doing like no shot. I was doing like burpees and like, I was going, I couldn't do that now, but like, it might not fit now. Like it makes no sense. Like it makes no sense. Um,
I'm gonna went on quite the tangent with that, but throw one out there that inspired me to just add it to my list. Cause we were talking about clothes, unpopular opinion. I don't understand why camel toe is something girls have to hide or deal with or find hacks to cover or market shorts to be like, no camel toe. Like who the fuck cares?
yeah like you're telling me what cares you're telling me guys can walk around with like very tight shorts and like i can literally see their ball sack and i have to be self-conscious about the fact that my camel toe is showing and they can shirtless with like their nipples out yeah literally shirtless with their nipples out listen i i saw this girl on tiktok because these girls were in her comments like how do you not have a camel toe with those shorts
She takes a bra padding, takes it out. I saw that. And like puts it in the slip of her underwear. You got me fucked up. I am not doing like an arts and crafts project before I put him. No, no, no. Guys, we're ladies for a reason. We have that fucking body anatomy. So just embrace it. Who cares? And you know what? You want to know something really fucked up that a guy did to me once?
Is he literally went into my DMs. He goes to the same gym as me, literally went into my DMs and was like, you think you're all that walking around with that massive fucking camel toe up your fucking vagina like, like it's all the guys can stare at blah blah blah like saying all this ruthless shit about my camel toe at the gym.
What did I do the next day? Nothing. I showed up to the gym the next day with that same camel toe. Do I care? No. Like, that's the guys- If that's all you can stare at where you have a whole ass workout to complete and that's distracting your whole workout, that's a big, like, you problem. He's on way too much tests. Like, his testosterone levels are probably fucking through the roof or some shit. Yeah, that's my favorite argument. Oh, it reminds me a lot of our homie, um, Wazim. Have you guys- Yeah! Yeah!
Being like, you wearing shorts like that is just so distracting. Like, me wearing shorts is literally distracting. Like, you need to go to therapy. Like, he needs to be neutered. No, literally. Like-
Is that really causing you that much? Like, are you that attracted to him? He's going to call the, remember, he's going to call the cops on me. Yeah. Yeah. No, that's weird. I wear my, not even that, wearing a baggy t-shirt and pulling it up above my shorts. That's going to call the cops on him. And I'm not wearing a thong. Oh my God. Crazy. Crazy.
I just look at her so deeply that you can tell if she's wearing underwear or not. Yeah, I know. Weird. Like, I'm going to go to the gym today and I'm going to look at everything and be like, who's wearing a thong and who's not? Like, no. That's so incredibly strange. Yeah. So incredibly strange. At any rate. So as you guys know, I'm currently home in Miami traveling for the summer, seeing my family, still trying to stay on top of my fitness goals and, you know, look great for the beach and whatnot. And I'm going to go to the gym today.
And, of course, trying to not get burnt in the sun, but there are some burns that are good for you, like the kind you get after a good workout. And yes, it's summer, so we're all trying to relax and have fun, but it doesn't mean you have to put a hold on making the progress that you've been working on all year long.
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And this is going to fucking piss some people off. But the competition world has way too many people covering up their eating disorder habits with I'm going to compete. I was trying to think of a way to put this in mind.
um, because there is some insane red flags. Guys, the red flags could not be brighter. Like they could not be brighter. Like they're basically like a flashing red light. Like they are in your face and people just, oh my God, so proud of you. What? And I'm not talking about like when people post show eat a cookie and they want to eat it and people are like calling them disordered. I'm not talking about that. Okay. Cause that's stupid.
yeah I'm talking about I don't even know if I could talk about it you go no I just think in general like I've seen this one nutritionist that I follow on TikTok I can't remember her name and I would give her a shout out if I could but she did a whole series on this and it triggered so many people but she was just basically saying that like she's seen way too many clients and just way too many people on social media in general that one either come to her or just talking about their comp like their
competition, fucking prep, like experience. And they are basically just covering up their really bad disordered habits with saying, now I'm going to compete. Now I'm going to make it even more, more strict on myself and normalize the fact that all of my habits and all my routines are now
putting in place for a competition. And that's just, it's not normal. It's not okay. Now keep in mind, this is, I wouldn't even say like a large majority of people, I would say maybe this is like 10%, 20% of people that compete are probably covering it up with competing, like their disordered habits, but like,
It is really, like, it's something that you see. Someone's, like, very restricted on eating, already has, like, a really bad relationship with food and doesn't really branch out with the types of foods that they're eating. So they just hop into prep and they make it worse for themselves. Especially when then right after the competition, they have to address that they...
relapse into an eating disorder yeah and it just it obviously is really sad to see like I wish oh like it was easier it I wish it was easier to kind of like help these people out or like
normalize the conversation but when you're in that situation of like being very restrictive you are very like in your head that everything you're doing is right and and it's healthy and it's what you need to be doing you don't really like reflect on what's going on until after the case when it's too late so it is a touchy and hard subject but it's definitely something that
needs to be talked about more where a lot of people will just cover up their disordered habits with jumping into prep. Especially when people in the fitness community like to put out the idea that they're just like friends and besties with everybody. So everyone likes to, not in a bad way, obviously, but be like, you know, you're going to hype up what everyone's doing when they make a choice to do something with their fitness. And I think it's a little bit irresponsible to let extreme red flags when it comes to doing that go unnoticed because you are going to cause problems
sometimes irreversible harm to your body from doing that like there is serious consequences to under eating like the amount that prep causes you to and doing it wrong and starting from a bad like there's there's very serious health consequences that come with it so of course it's irresponsible to ignore it and be like yeah congrats like you should do it like
Usually a hundred percent. Like I've had clients who back in the day, she was very restrictive, very hard on her body. And one of her family members competed and she's like, I think I want to compete. And I was like, you're not ready for that. Like I'm not prep coaching, but I was like, no. And people are like in that same situation, like on social media and people are just like, oh yeah, congrats. Like, cool. And it's like, no, no, I totally agree. It's really like, really like actually like,
scary like that like you could like never have kids you can like I don't even know like you can damn I would love to get yeah I would love to get that nutritionist on um and have a a whole topic episode with her about it because she talks about it a lot on her tiktok and I'm sorry I can't think of her name on the top of my head um just because I think her instagram handle doesn't even have her name so that's why I can't think of it off the top of my head but
Yeah, no, so that's a very big topic. So do you have another one or do you want me to jump into another one? I have another one. So I wrote down that a good lift, a good workout is between 45 minutes to an hour and more than that on a consistent basis is excessive.
Agreed. And if you're training like specific power lifting that like literally I get like you take a long time and that's your style of training. But like if you're just a lifestyle lifting to lift to put on muscle and you're consistently in the gym for like an hour and a half to two hours. And I'm not including I'm saying lifting. So like if you walk before you walk after you do a long warm up, you stretch. I'm not including that. I'm saying like the time you're lifting is consistently like longer than an hour. Like you're pushing like two hours every single time you lift. That's excessive.
Yeah, I 100% agree. I used to think that I needed to go to the gym for like two hours in order to have an effective workout or I wasn't working hard enough or like I had my Apple watch and I would be like, oh, these rings need to be closed or else I didn't have an effective workout. So yeah.
we've definitely come to that place where I can go to the gym 30 minutes and I'm like okay I got a good workout in I'm done I don't need to stick around here any longer yeah I just think it's like not a flex to be like yeah and two hours lifting wow yeah all right I have another one and this has to do with like food but anyway um you my unpopular opinion is that you need to stop
going to your favorite influencer on Instagram or TikTok or whatever it is and stop asking them to figure out your macros. Oh, a million percent. Because every time Kenzie Vance does a Q&A, she writes, do not ask me what my macros are or like what macros you should eat or I'll block you. No, literally it is like, it's crazy that like,
The understanding of macros is just like not clearly not there and not like understood enough to the fact that everyone's macros that literally lock this in your fucking brain right now. I'm not even kidding. Everyone's macros are different. If you see me and Taylor, yeah, we look alike.
like same height type, same body weight. You literally do the same thing every day, pretty much. Yeah, pretty much almost every day. Our macros are so different. Macros have everything to do with your height, your weight, your body fat percentage, your activity level, your age. Taylor and I, our age is like three years apart. The way you feel after eating certain things, because also just your personal preference of food. Yeah. Yeah.
Like I feel more fatigued when I have too much fat. Taylor's a vegan. She needs more fat. So there's just so many factors that go into it. So if you're going to come to us asking us just to hand you macros, because I get like, I get like massive paragraphs all the time of like, hi, like I'm,
this height, I'm this weight, I work out this many days, what should my macros be? And I'm like, I can't, I can't decide that for you. I don't, I don't know how much you're currently eating. Like, what you're currently eating is a very big factor. Because I can't just have you jump from like, X amount of macros to another one, like you need to work into getting to where you need to be, whether it's reverse dieting, going to a bowl cut, like whatever it is, like, there's just so much that you need a coach to
In order to figure that out, or if you're educated enough and you can feel like you can do it on your own, then do it on your own. But I don't think it's okay to be going to an influencer and asking them for macros because a lot of times those fucking influencers will give you macros and they shouldn't be. Literally. Like they should not be giving you macros. Literally. So it's very personalized. So just please be careful with one, who you ask for macros and to understand that
It's very personalized to the point where like everything needs to be evaluated about your life with health and fitness. Literally agreed. Well said. Yeah. Just a little tangent rant because I get it like on the daily basis. Yeah. My next one, I feel like all my next, like,
they like kind of relate. So on the same basis of kind of asking someone exactly like their macros, I think asking someone's workout routine makes absolutely no sense because it's about the lifestyle and the ideas they follow. What I mean by this, someone has a weight loss on TikTok, right? They post a transformation, get television. What's your workout routine?
First of all, it's about food. One, that weight loss was about food. You could do any workout that you want. It doesn't, you don't have, you literally don't have to work out. It's literally food. If it was like a weight loss thing, it was food. Why does it matter the workout?
routine. It doesn't matter. Same thing when people ask me, like, I like to post like we work out, we put workouts out for ideas. Sometimes you need ideas, but if you are like, what is your workout routine? Because I want to look just like you. So I want to do the exact exercises you do so I can look like you. I lift, I do like power building style lifting. It does not matter in my workout routine. If you're doing like
a dumbbell shoulder press or like a machine shoulder. It doesn't matter. Like it doesn't matter. Like asking someone's workout routine to that specific being like, I do cardio three days a week. And someone's like, what cardio? Like what incline, what speed? It doesn't matter. Like it doesn't matter. You don't need to ask someone's workout routine to the nitty gritty to think that you're going to look like them.
If you do the, like you need the exact same workout right now. Yeah. And I think that if anyone's really that caught up in either like their first
fitness routine or their nutrition, you need to get a coach. You need to reach out to someone. You need to get some guidance because that will help you realize and understand that everyone's different and you'll start to learn more about your individual body with weekly check-ins and how your body's responding to specific changes and all of that. Definitely consider that. Obviously, Taylor and I at the moment are both not coaching. I would love to get back into coaching at some point, but
um yeah so understanding that like genetics like seeing a girl that looks great who maybe didn't even post a transformation she just looks great just because she's born that way and being like what's your workout routine yeah what I've just never understood that I think that's a really weird question yeah I agree all right I have another one and this is gonna this is gonna I'm
What's the feathers saying? Ruffles and ruffles, ruffles some feathers. And that is that first, I got to stand up for this one. I'm literally standing. First forum is the most toxic fitness supplement brands out there. And you know what? I'm coming from a bias standpoint because I have worked with them before and I, it's my experience. And so this is where I'm coming from with this, but I,
First forum is a, now keep in mind things could have probably changed. I would hope so, but it's an MLM. And it's an MLM. Okay. They reach out to absolutely everyone that has a
even a few thousand follower following on Instagram, seeing if they want to become a legionnaire. And what happens when you get back to that DM and you want to become a legionnaire is now you are under that person that reached out to you. And whatever commission you're making, whatever hard work you're putting into working with them, they are getting a cut of that.
So it's a pyramid scheme. The pyramid just keeps going. And my favorite thing about this entire thing, not favorite, but like something that really makes me mad is that within the Legionnaire program, you have this database, you have this portal that you're able to log into and you're allowed to learn about every single supplement and how to go about sales,
through that supplement. So you study the supplement for an hour on this database. You're taking quizzes. You're learning how to talk about it on your social medias. And it is so manipulative to the point where like, if you follow a bunch of Legionnaires or like anyone that works with first form, they are most likely talking about the supplement and
The same exact way that the other person is talking about the supplement. And I've noticed this so much with other really big creators. They'll sit in their car and be like, all right, guys, I just took my post-workout snack. I just took my fast-degested carb with my protein. And you make sure you're taking it like 30 minutes after your workout. It's like everyone talks about the supplement the same way.
And they're not talking about their own experiences. They're just talking basically like a robot. Sorry, Taylor. I'm not really letting you speak because I'm going on a tangent right now. But I just, I think the whole supplement industry is really toxic and it's super unrealistic. There's no need to be taking all of these supplements. And I would say first form has to be the absolute worst one because it's
they manipulate you with their sales aspect, making it seem like you need this certain supplement in order to see X, Y, Z results. A hundred percent. If you still believe or fall for any sort of MLM in this 2022 year, where you can find all the information you want ever on the internet and you still believe in MLMs, stand behind MLMs, that's super weird. Yeah.
Same thing with like the Herbalife crap. If you are a fitness influencer, fitness professional, whatever it is in this age, 2022, where you should be educated about things and you literally go to Herbalife shops and post them like all the time. I literally don't understand how people talk to you with fitness advice. Also, I just want to make it clear.
um because i knew it totally looked like an urban life place i got a shake at my gym the other day it's not an urban life place i was gonna swipe and beg bitch where the fuck are you at they have like really they have like raw nutrition protein on the counter like they have like protein brands like yeah no i knew like um when i first went to that gym and i was like they put another urban life place in here because it was just a shake place but i looked and they had like raw nutrition protein and like this protein like they had like actual protein brands i was like oh
Okay, good. They're making like shakes with like not Herbalife protein. Like it's just normal protein. Like they're using like normal brands. I was like, okay. Yeah. Anytime I do, anytime I do see a fitness influencer that I follow posting Herbalife, I instantly swipe up.
And give them this massive rant as to why they should not be supporting fucking Herbalife every single time. But another, I want to back up. I saw a girl was like, girl, is this Herbalife? I was like, no, it's not. I saw her put the protein in and it's not Herbalife. She literally used like raw nutrition. Like it's not.
I want to backtrack real quick before I forget. But another thing to also understand with First Forum is that they use a link system. So if you notice, there's no discount code. There's a link system. So when you shop through their link, you're supporting them. Well, guess what?
The very first time you ever buy anything from First Form and use their link, from here on out for the rest of your purchases, even if it's not through that influencer's link, they're getting commission off of it. So say you use their link the first time, and then another time you want to go back and purchase, but you do it on your laptop. You don't even go to their link. You just go to your laptop.
because that first time you used their link, you are now giving them commission every single time. So even if you shop through another person's link, so say Taylor and I both had links for first form, say you used my link and you wanted to support me with that purchase. Well, now if you try to go through Taylor's link thinking you're going to support Taylor through that link, you're not, you're
You're now only supporting me for the rest of your purchases through first forum. So that's another really scammy thing that I don't like about first forum is that say you're just like your support for another creator changes. You can't now change your support. You're continuously supporting that same individual the entire time. And you're just, you're just, the commission is constantly going running through the,
even if you didn't use that person's link anymore. So if you want to buy first form still for some reason and you don't want to support who you're getting it from, like you literally have to go make like a new account. Like yeah, new email, put like new, like use a new email, make a new account. So it's like a different,
Yeah. Someone's new link to like get it off their commission. Yeah. Fun facts. Fun fact. That was all of my, I already said all of mine. Okay. Well, I have one last one and I really want to go out with a bang with this one. Okay. I'm ready. And my screen just went black. Hold on.
The online fitness community is extremely toxic. Now keep in mind, I said online fitness community, and I don't want to be a part of it anymore. It's just people are trying way too hard to tear each other down for clout. And I really started to realize this once I realized we were not the only ones within the last six months to get basically canceled on the internet. And I've realized that all people care about, especially on TikTok, is other people's drama.
You can't go on TikTok and scroll through Fit Talk and not see a video where another creator is bashing another individual. It's something that I just don't want to be a part of. And I'm really, really happy to say that like my content has kind of
taken a step back from being a part of like any like fitness quote unquote community. Now keep in mind, I still want to be a fitness creator. I want to be in the fitness community, but I want to be in my own fitness community. And I just don't want to be associated with all of the fit drama that is going on on social media. It's so bad. So many individuals or so many content creators have been like tearing down that I've seen in the last like six months where it's like, who wants to be a part of this?
you know what I mean? It's like, it's so bad. Like Marshall Cruz, I love the kid. He is like one of the sweetest, like heartwarmed individual I have met in this community. And he made a YouTube video. I definitely recommend watching it. It's like a 10 minute long video explaining why he doesn't want to be in the fitness community anymore. And he touches on it so well, explaining just like his thoughts, his opinions on like everything with like
the fitness industry and how toxic it is. And I commented on his video and I was like, I love you so much, Marshall. You're like, literally like he, his opinion is like, he doesn't care what people think of him. He's just like, whatever, this is my opinion. I'm going to talk about it. So definitely recommend watching his YouTube video. Yeah. It's really the group of people that like all started around like the quarantine time.
all of those fitness creators there's a lot of them like it's not a small group it's like all the like it's a big chunk of people um because we're not really talking about like the Whitney Simmons like the like that age of fitness like there's like different like yeah it just keeps evolving yeah you know so in this like newer age group of like the people that started in quarantine the it is all for clout going I've
said this before, like, I realize, like, fitness influencer trips are just not for me. Off-Lance Cool Gym, I absolutely despise going at, like, big fitness meetups. I don't like it. And the reason for that, it's a weird dynamic. So it's all about people, like, you just watch people, like, take pictures with who's the most popular right now. It's like high school. I'm talking about, like, fans. I'm talking about, like, or, like, supporters. I'm talking about, like, other creators being, like, I'm going to take a picture with this person.
because like they're blowing up right now and like be their friend if something happened to you on the internet they're gone yeah they don't want to take a picture with you they don't want to hang out with you they don't want to be seen with you they're not doing it no it's not even that like they'll be seen like they like they'll hang out with you they just don't want to take a picture with you it's because it would be a bad image for them like it's so unbelievably weird everyone is just like
clout chasing like no other it's also everyone is very very um oh I don't know how to explain it these people most people are just like yes you can make great athlete salaries and stuff but you're basically an employee for the company you are basically an employee spokesperson for these companies and so many people hit like 10k doing fitness get one athlete deal and they're like
I'm dropping out. I'm quitting my job. I'm moving across the country. Like I'm, and I'm like, whoa, y'all like, like that's great. Like with no like plan and it's crazy. And they're doing it by like the hundreds. I definitely think at this point, like within the last year, like social media has definitely evolved. And I think that who said this was Emma Chamberlain. That was like,
The word influencer is going to quickly change because now so many people are trying to become an influencer that it is just so fucking... What's the word I'm looking for? Like...
There's just so much of it. So saturated. Yes, saturated. That's the word I was looking for. That it's so saturated now to the point where it's like, who cares if you are an influencer or not? So the really cool thing about this is the fact that, like, I can now do my own thing and not feel like I need to be part of, like, a specific group, if that makes sense. I think that that group, like...
the like group of people we're referring to, like, it's like, it's literally so toxic. It's, it's, it's incredible how. You got to watch your back, man. It's incredible how fake the industry is. Incredible. And I definitely, Ooh, this is another, another shout out I want to give too, is I, I listened to it partly. I'm not huge on like guy podcasts,
guy podcast, but Alex Eubank did a entire podcast episode with two other individuals where they were talking about this. And like, he's another individual that I think like he went through it. He went through the whole cancel like thing. Like you got a lot of shit on social media, but he did say, and I totally agree with this is that he,
So many people put so much energy into other people and other people's lives, giving their opinions. Whereas if you took that energy and you put it somewhere else, like,
You could be so much more successful with your own goals and your own like ambition to do things. Like if you spend hours on hours, either making a TikTok about somebody or just being invested into the drama, you could take that energy, that time, that two, three hours of your life and put it into maybe reading a book, going on a walk outside, going to the gym or getting an extra cardio session in or whatever it is, or learning how to cook.
Learning how to do Legos. I don't know. Other fun activities. But instead, some people just decide to invest more of their time into other people's lives and create these fake narratives about others. And it's just so sad to see how saturated the fitness industry is with that type of mindset. Yeah. No, it's insane. I...
It was really sad to me because I was like, oh, like, I found these, like, community people online. This is so cool. We, like, all support each other. And it's like no one actually gives a crap about you at all. No. Not at all. They don't. They give a crap if you're currently doing well numbers-wise and maybe they can get some off of you and that's it. Yeah. So that's just our opinion. Take it with what you want. You can go complain about us on fucking Reddit. I don't care at this point. I'm just so happy to say that, like, I have –
the individuals here listening to our podcast that truly support us. And that's all I could ever want or ask for. And I'm just so happy that I'm happy with my content and the people I'm surrounding myself with. Yeah, 100%. I really like doing these little unpopular opinion hot takes because I think we're full of them. Yeah. But yeah. This is a long episode for sure. It is long. It's been like way over an hour. Yeah.
Thank you guys so much for listening. Rate the podcast. Follow us on Instagram. We've been throwing some funny little meme-like content on the podcast page. So make sure to check it out and follow us on Instagram. Yes. All right, guys. Hope you guys enjoyed this juicy episode. Super juicy. Bye. Love you guys. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
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