What's up guys, it's Sam and Taylor and we want you to put your shoes on, pop open that energy drink and go.
What is up, you guys? Welcome back to another episode. I am Sam. And I'm Taylor. Glad to have you back on this lovely Friday. This catch-up's going to be slightly different because it's just news. Yeah, a lot of good news. But before we even get into that, if you guys are here listening for Katie Austin, hi, I'm Sam, like I said, and that's Taylor. We live together, and we're in our little apartment. So that kind of gives a little bit of background on our big news. Yes. Yes.
We are moving. Yes. We are moving into a four bedroom house out of our little two bedroom little apartment. We have big space. So the recording setup is just going to get even better. Yeah. Because it's going to have its own.
studio office it's gonna be so good i know and kind of backtracking on this i know you guys are probably like what the hell i thought you guys like totally agreed on the fact that you wanted to live separately all of that let's just say we were working with both different realtors and it is so expensive in austin and just for what we need we have outgrown this apartment to the max like if you could see right now there are so many boxes right now because one were packed but also because
We have like little things for our like business, like our merch, stickers, just things are constantly coming in and we're just outgrowing this space. So if we were to both be on our own, we would obviously need a podcast studio on top of that. Yeah. So we were like, you know what? Let's just save some money and let's live together and get an extra bedroom and just use the bedroom as our podcast studio. Yeah. We literally would have had to like sacrifice each of our living rooms as like storage office space.
Yeah. It would have been so hectic and really spur of the moment. We were like, maybe we can find a three or four bedroom house. And we did. Yeah. And jumped on it. Within 24 hours, we had that place signed and it was ours. It was perfect. It was exactly what we needed. We have a garage. We got balconies. We got a guest bedroom. Like it is everything we needed. Another issue is this apartment doesn't have windows. Yeah.
as you can tell, we're obviously using like a ring light. That's because if we didn't have this ring light on, even though it's a sunny day in Austin, Texas, it's pitch black in here. Yeah, it's dark. We don't have any windows. So our overall content is going to get a lot
Yeah, especially because I think it's very important for any content creator or anyone honestly just working from home It's very important that your living situation brings in more of that creative like ability for you And I just feel like i've been so neglecting that and I feel like once we move With the natural light and just all the different like rooms and areas we can go My creative ability is just gonna be so much better. I'm gonna love working at like in my office and not
At the kitchen counter. Exactly. Me too. So the entire moving process is going to be quite long. We move in on Friday, which is today when you guys are listening to this. But the entire process of getting it fully furnished is going to take a while. So join the ride with that on YouTube. We'll be vlogging that. Yeah. I'm going to be vlogging a ton of it. It's probably going to be quite a few moving vlogs. Yeah, for sure. For the next few weeks. And we'll definitely give you guys updates on that.
everything on the podcast but that's yeah the big news of our life is that we're finally moving and there was so much confusion on the internet so bad i can guarantee if we went on reddit right now people would be like sam and taylor hate each other like they're not living together there was so much confusion i'd post i'm moving and people like why i'm like guys it's just our lease our lease is gonna be up like we don't own this place like we're gonna have to go that's just how apartments work
I kind of want to have to dip. So yeah, now that it's all settled and squared away. So I finally telling you guys, cause it'd be really annoying if we're like, we found a house and we're like JK. Yeah. And then in terms of like an actual like tour of the place, please do not ask for that. We're going to be very private with where we're living because it's obviously now not an apartment. So yeah,
We're going to be private. Like it's you're not getting a luxury. Here's my front entrance. Here's all my doors. Here's all that. Like you're going to get very minimal like details, but you will get like the furniture and where it's from. Yeah. A hundred percent. It's going to be a really fun, fun new chapter to live in a place with just so much space. Like thinking that where we are right now is just going to be one level of our house. Yeah.
So crazy. I'm so grateful. And Mac can run free. It's going to be so awesome. And the content is just going to get so much better now that we have space and windows. So you guys aren't even...
Get ready, though. I'm coming back with those recipes. I've literally on a daily basis get so many swipe ups like where the recipes, where the recipes go. I don't come back. I swear. Even for me, like talking like I'm really excited to get my TikTok back. I'm really trying, guys, but I want to be like talking more on my stories, talking more on TikTok. And to make those videos do well, you need to have good lighting in the videos. It can't be a crappy filmed video. Yeah. And that stopped me from.
talking on my story so often because it just looks like garbage like it doesn't look nice like it's dark it's ugly it doesn't look nice so just really really exciting yeah i agree and then i guess we could just do like a very quick weekend recap because i know you guys are probably gonna want to know obviously i've logged the whole weekend on my camera but let me just say this was the most overwhelming weekend of my entire life i just wanted to kind of put myself like
in the environment rather than feeling like I have to vlog every fucking thing I'm doing. So the vlog, like there's a lot of things missing just because there was so much going on. But I guess what I'm going to take away from it is that like, I am so happy that over the last few months, I've like kind of like taken myself not necessarily out of the fitness industry, but kind of like taking myself out from like being what's the word I'm looking for?
Just like a full-time fitness creator. Yeah, exactly. Like I love that you guys can like see me as like a full lifestyle person rather than just like, I'm Sam Taylor. I'm with Alphalete. I work out. And if you see me in public, you call me Sam Taylor Fitness. Like I don't want that, you know? So that's another reason why we changed our handles like a few months ago on Instagram to not have like the word fitness in it anymore. Because I feel like it like kind of...
like stops the content like it makes you very stuck in a niche of things yeah and for me like i started vlogging alphaland and then i didn't because being in those environments just like doesn't make me happy and i didn't want to like take a vlog or like do things for the sole point of content that i didn't like want to be doing like you know what i mean like i didn't want to be like filming just for the sake of filming when like i don't like being in those environments which is like
fine. Like I just realized like big fitness meetups, not for me, not my vibe, not surroundings I feel comfortable in. Really for no like
Ralph Land's a dope place. Don't get me wrong. When it's like empty there. Yeah, it's so nice. Dope place. Like I was like my boyfriend though. I was like, you should come. Like it's a cool place. Like it's like besides like when it's like the giant meetup of every... When I tell you if someone has a fitness profile, they were there. Yeah. It was madness. But like on a random Tuesday, I'd go...
dope place yeah no I agree machines great I don't even think dope like the actual day of the event I couldn't even work out like I was like so mad I was like damn man like I really wanted to work out I could not work out
But I feel like I made a lot of good friends from it, where it wasn't involving filming, which was nice. Because I texted one of them. I was like, what the heck? We have no content together. But I was like, at the end of the day, that's kind of a good thing. Because it's really important to make friends outside of content. And that's one thing over the last year we've neglected 100% was making friends outside of the content. Every time we were hanging out with people, it was like, content, content, content. So it was good. A lot of...
There are like a good amount of people where I was like, you can come visit Austin. Like, let's hang out. Like, let's have a good time. So yeah, it's just a
very overwhelming industry of people yeah it is at the least it's very overwhelming but um but that's basically that i posted i was like the tea is alphaland is not fun it's everyone's like wait why like spills like it's nothing to spill do you see how many people it's overwhelming as shit yeah i was like i was like it's not like drama or tea like it's an overwhelmingly crowded cameras people like
It's not tea to spit like and then some people were like no yeah that totally makes sense I've never thought that that's Yeah, no, I was like, that's all i'm saying. It's just over like it's It's nothing to spill. It's just a thousand people with cameras Yeah, no, it really was I even like put my camera in my friend's bag and I was like
Wait a second like the whole entire day went by I was like shit my camera was in his bag the entire time which it was nice because a few of my guy friends have like big ass like nice cameras and they took a lot of photos of me which I never get that like I never can get someone here in Austin to take photos for me so I can't wait until they send those to me because those will be going on the gram like I already know it but um.
Yeah, that's about it. Yeah. It's very exhausting to say the least. Monday, Tuesday, I'm so tired. Yeah, it's just a lot. It's like some people like said dope, like really dope people. She's like, I would rather just hang out with you like in a more low-key environment. Yeah, low-key. Like this is insane. Yeah, I will definitely like go back not in like a big like event like that. It was a lot. Yeah, that's about it. We don't really want the catch up to be too long just because this is like one of...
our like biggest guests we've had in a while and we really want to take the time to like get the most out of it so i'm really excited yeah i'm super excited we're gonna talk so many amazing things just you know having like a mom that was like also in the fitness spotlight doing sports illustrated like so many cool things so definitely stick around it's gonna be a good one and with that let's get into the interview
Hello guys and now we're back for the interview with Katie and we're so excited to have her over zoom with us and just talk all about her whole entire journey doing what she's doing because we can go into so much and we're so excited to go into a deep dive all of it um for the people that don't know even though I think a lot of them do do you want to introduce yourself what you do
Yeah. Hi, guys. Thanks for having me. First up, my name is Katie Austin, and I have my own workout app. I am a sports illustrator, a swimsuit model. I'm a content creator, literally on every platform you can even think of. I feel like these days, the content platform just keeps growing. I'm like, how on earth are
Are there, what, I would say 11 platforms now. Like Be Real just came out and I'm like, what even is that? So yeah, I'm an all type of content creator, but mostly workouts and healthy recipes. And my entire brand is just kind of to help people feel their best selves, kind of like what you do as well. And yeah, that's kind of the gist of it. And if people don't know, you come from, your mom was like the OG of the OGs. Your mom did fitness content before fitness content was...
I always say she was like the original influencer because my mom had her own workout show for 20, 60 years, which if you know, 26 years is a long fricking time to do a workout show five days a week. So on her workout show too, she had like always promoted, you know, either an orange juice or like a different hotel or resort that she was filming at. So she was seriously the original influencer. And it's funny because people are always like, Oh, did you,
following your mom's footsteps. And to be honest, I really didn't directly follow in her footsteps because what she did back then doesn't exist today. You know what I mean? Like she would like the queen on like ESPN and Lifetime and VHSs, DVDs. And there was no such thing as like YouTube or workout apps. And so we're actually very different. But at the same time, I was in my first workout video when I was like seven years old. I saw her choreographing her videos at a very, very young age. And my first like
anything was when I was like six weeks old, I traveled with her. I was like on the show with her. She like was showing the TV show that like how six weeks old and like how to shape up after baby. So she definitely instilled a lot of things about the fitness industry for me. She was not only my mom, but like a mentor, but at the same time, it's so vastly different today. Yeah. I love that. What would you say in terms of you and your mom, like in terms of demographic currently, um,
what is different between you two right now? Like, is she still have like more of like the older audience? And do you think she's kind of given up like, and has brought on more of the younger audience as well? I think her audience is full on, you know, how to stay in shape after 50. She focuses a lot on like menopause and like how to, you know, tone when you are 65 years old, she's never had any work done. She's 65. So I think
One of her things is like how to make sure you're still going about life and most positive attitude and how to work out when it's not like intimidating you kind of like what I do, but you know, for the older generation, but it really comes full circle when, you know, daughters come to me and they message me and they're like, oh my gosh, this is crazy. I just realized who your mom is. My mom worked out to your mom and now I'm working out to you. And I think that's kind of the coolest part. Like we really do hit two different demographics for the same time.
trying to like, you know, connect that mother daughter bond is really, really special. And it's really never, in my opinion, I haven't really seen it out there before, you know, like mother daughter bond, like you guys can work out together and, you know, hang out at the same time. She's definitely more into like yoga Pilates and her walks and low impact. And I'm definitely more like the high impact hit workout girl. So we're definitely different that way too.
Yeah, no, I love that. What would you say is like the reason being as to why you got into like health and wellness at like, was it at a young age or did it kind of take a while with school or whatnot? But like, when would you say you actually really started it and took it seriously?
So I was actually a college athlete. I played lacrosse at USC. And so if you know that you're a college athlete out there, it's your entire life. Like I've literally played tennis and lacrosse since I was five years old. And so I couldn't really think about, you know, a career in the fitness industry ever because, you know, in college, it's actually your job being an athlete. At the same time, I...
I never worked out to, you know, get abs, get like amazing booty or like burn calories. I was always working out to be like the strongest and fastest on the team and like compete in that way. And so like compete in an athletic way rather than like thinking about the aesthetic of my body. And so I was really, really lucky to grow up that way and not having such a different mental state when working out. Like I have to burn calories. I have to do this amount of cardio.
it was always more about building mental strength and for my actual health and competing as an athlete. So I would say after I moved on from lacrosse,
I started doing at-home workout videos because to be honest, I was an athlete my entire life and I never really worked out without a coach like at 6 a.m. or even 5 a.m. telling me what to do. And without that, I was like really lost. And I went to USC as well. And to be fully honest, I was not comfortable in that gym. Those girls looked to the nines when they went to the gym in Los Angeles. And I was like, wait, y'all don't wear like your hair up and wear like a
like baggy shorts. I'm very confused on this life. And so I was really intimidated by the gym, to be honest. And so I started doing at-home workouts and then it like almost hit me that I was like, wait a second, this is what like my mom's done her entire life. I should probably like
focus on this. And it's kind of cool that I'm like really intrigued on at-home workouts because it's exactly what my mom did. And that was really the first time it hit me. And so I thought, you know, there's probably other girls out there that are struggling ex-athletes with no coach, don't know what to do for a workout. They're not really training for anything anymore, but they just want to feel really good. And so I started, you know, doing workouts on my own. I became a certified group fitness instructor and I started teaching workout classes. And then
I kind of just transferred it online. I saw the impact I was doing in person and I was like 25 people in class. And then all of a sudden I would post a workout video online and hit like a hundred people. And so it kind of just spiraled from there, knowing that I can hit more people online than in person.
I love that because I am, I used to play lacrosse and field hockey in college. And I kind of, in a sense, can relate to you in terms of like transitioning into like not having anything. And even the gym clothes, like you would go into the gym, like I would do the baggy shirts, like the boy shorts and just like try to get a workout in. Whereas everyone else was looking like super cute with their matching sets and everything. I was like, where do I start? Where do I begin? It's such an overwhelming like transition. But I love that you really strive to like
make that transition so much easier because I know it's really hard no matter like what your background is with like sports or whatnot to get into the actual like fitness in the gym. I also think it's really interesting because I think a lot of people assume someone like you who grew up with a mom who's like an icon in the fitness industry to be like, well, how could she be uncomfortable or insecure in the gym? Like how could she feel like she doesn't belong in the gym? Isn't that like,
How if she like grew up in that environment and how like relatable it is that like I feel every single person regardless feels uncomfortable to start working out and start going to the gym. So I just think that's so relatable and important for people to know that like someone like you whose family came from a background of that still feels uncomfortable. Yeah.
I fully agree. And honestly, I think it's something that more people should talk about feeling uncomfortable in the gym because you see us online and we go in like it's no problem. I still sometimes get uncomfortable. Sometimes I double think about it because when I go to workout classes in Los Angeles, I sometimes get recognized. And then afterwards, I'm like, damn, do they think that maybe I was out of breath during that workout class? I'm not out.
as fit as I seem. And so there's still like little things here and there that like really get to me about like going somewhere else for a workout. Sometimes I get super intimidated. Sometimes it's just not the day that I want to see anyone working out or I don't want to like anyone looking at me working out, you know? So that type of stuff does get in my head. And to be honest, that's why in-home workouts are literally my favorite thing in the world because you can work out in your pajamas and look like absolute shit and no one cares and you're doing it because you just feel better.
Yeah, I really like that. I mean, especially with everything that went on, this is kind of like a total tangent. But do you feel like COVID was like huge for you in that sense when everyone was at home? Absolutely. And I think, you know, I always –
veered more towards home workouts, to be honest. But I think for other people, it really helps them realize that you can work out at home because we all kind of had to for those few months, especially those first few months. And the biggest thing that I always hear before COVID was I can't get motivated at home. I need to go somewhere. And, you know, it's really hard for me to just like
work out in my living room when like my couch is right there. And I think people kind of actually learned that they can work out at home. It's all a mindset. And if you just like set aside a little dedicated space and schedule the exact time that you're going to work out, just like you would a workout class or
you're going to the gym, you're actually going to save so much fricking time. Like driving to the gym takes what? 15 minutes on average. And so they're back 30 minutes with dilly dallying here and there, you are saving a lot of time. And so I think for the busy person, they're actually realizing that this is a very realistic lifestyle. You can work out for 30 minutes at
home. You just need a few pieces of equipment. And also it really helps when you're traveling too. If you are, you know, always on the go and in a hotel room, you can learn how to work out in just five feet of space. Yeah.
Yeah, I love that. Especially because like Taylor was just saying, like the whole COVID thing, like it really caused a lot of people to kind of learn to adapt to that environment. Even if you were working out beforehand in the gyms and you were being forced to put yourself into the environment of being home and having to work out. So it goes both ways.
Yeah, we got asked by a few like when we were signing with Podcast One, actually, they were trying to talk about brands and they were like, what do you think? Do you think the gym is like out now? Do you think home workouts are all the way in? Do you think people are still doing home workouts? And I feel like now it's a total combination of both. Yeah. Like we don't really work out at home anymore.
So often we don't really have the space for it in our current apartment. I mean, if we tried, but it's chaotic in here. But like we like going on walks in COVID, like huge. And like that stuck with us all time. That takes no time, no money. Like you don't have to commute anywhere, like go on a walk. We had, I got a treadmill in my house in COVID and like my parents still use it. So I think it's made such like people can do it all. Yeah. Yeah. It has really impacted like the-
just like health and wellness industry. Like, I think it's definitely bigger now given like the home workouts and like the stuff that you can adapt to at home, which I love. It's all about versatility. You know, I think that's what really helped, you know, some days, like you said, you know, you can go to the gym, some days a workout class and some days you can work out at home. And before someone was just sticking to like the stagnant, like gym every single day. And now they're switching it up. I do think there does crave a little bit of, you know, that community aspect with at home workouts. Like I
think going to the gym or going to a workout class, you know, is a really great way to socially get involved. I would say that. And so switching it up is absolute key, especially not to plateau. Yeah. Well, now the thing is to online community is so huge. Like online community is such a big thing. Like we have a Facebook group for this podcast and like we have girls meeting up in person through like their online community. So it's
It's crazy now you can still find the community for your home workouts or whatever you're doing, whether you're working out at home or working out in the gym, like the online community is still there. So I just think that's crazy, like the way it's evolved to be such like no matter where you are, what part of the world you have community everywhere in this like health and wellness space, which is so amazing.
amazing and I'm so happy that now it's so accessible to so many people yeah I agree I kind of want to backtrack um a quick minute because I know when you mentioned um you know growing up living with your mom and made it very easy for you to kind of really focus on being like your best self like physically rather than like appearance wise what do you think was the biggest thing growing up with that that kind of helped you not focus so much on your actual appearance rather than the actual you know performance in the gym
Yeah, I'm really big on getting young girls involved in sports at a young age because I think it teaches them discipline, how to work out, not too worried about, you know, calories, but how food actually fuels your body and how you need it for energy. And if you are doing strength training workouts, like the difference of, you know, the type of food you're eating, not to lose weight, but to actually gain strength and muscle. And, you know, if you're doing a cardio workout, what type of food you should be eating. And so I'm a huge,
advocate for young girls in sports just because of, you know, it teaches teamwork too. If you don't grow up with sisters, it really helps you, you know, get friends involved as well. And so I think overall athletics for sure, for sure. And being on a team, but at the same time, something that I really like really appreciated that my mom did, because I would say if you're looking at me, you're like, well, the same time, like your mom's videos and your books are all about like losing weight and like
looking good and fully agree with that. I'm not, I'm not saying anything against that. But at the same time, my mom was never the type of mom that was like,
ever worried about really what I look like. She would always tell me I'm really smart. I'm really kind. I'm really important. I'm really, you know, talented on the lacrosse field. And she would always focus on attributes about myself and not as much like how I look all the time. I mean, obviously she told me how beautiful I was, but I think as a mom that really helped me, you know, focus on things that actually matter beyond look.
And when I got to LA, to be honest, thank God I grew up in that environment because now in LA, it's like all based on that, especially if I see and being surrounded by a lot of people who have a lot of work done, it can be very hard on me, but I'm really happy that I grew up with such a strong foundation of my family. Yeah, I think that's so important because I know a lot of people when they grow up with parents who are very like fit and healthy, sometimes it takes a negative turn on their view of food because it becomes...
obsessive and too much and it sounds like
there wasn't much negative impact on you in terms of like being anywhere near like a quote unquote like obsessed with like body image or food or anything. It doesn't sound like that at all, which is amazing. And I feel like rare for a lot of people. And I think it's just because sometimes, like you said, the videos, you know, obviously called how to lose weight, how to look your best, blah, blah, blah. It's just the times. And a lot of I feel like of that generation doesn't realize like the impact of that stuff. But yeah,
That's amazing that it didn't have any like negative effect on you considering that's just the way it was back then. Like, you know, my parents like –
My mom would do like the crazy diets and like that kind of stuff. Like just because that's like all they – I feel like that's all people like kind of knew. Like it wasn't because we didn't have all these people like us, like you and all these people on the internet sharing the correct ways to go about things. So it's really awesome that it didn't have that negative effect on you in any way and it was just like a positive experience. Yeah.
It was very positive. My mom really never died. And to be honest, like I would come home and there would be like our family healthy dinners were like, like big portions of lasagna, baked potato loaded with like cheese and sour cream. And like, that's how we just, that's how I grew up eating. Obviously it was healthy and it was all homemade, but at the same time, like,
She was never a stickler and she never is like, we're very all about balance. And I hate that word balance. Cause it's like, what does that actually mean? But like balance is the only way I could describe it. You know, like enjoying life and making sure that you're not too worried about the carbs and your fat intake and all that stuff. Like people always ask me, do you count your macros? I'm like, you think I have time to count my damn macros? Good for anyone who can, but like, I literally could never have time for that.
Yeah, I know. We can definitely relate to that in a sense. We just stopped tracking macros because we went through like a whole bulk cut process. And now we're like intuitive eating and just doing eating whatever, of course. But it is very time consuming. And it has been very refreshing to kind of stop that because obviously I don't think tracking macros is like a lifetime thing at all. It's very unrealistic to be doing it for the rest of your life. So I think intuitive eating is like
been something especially watching your content like the food that you put out like has been such an inspiration you posted a banana muffin recipe yesterday and i am 100% going to be making that we're moving next week i what i saw was the mashed potato thing that you just posted i saw it like this morning and i was like that looks so good i was like it's so good i was like i'm gonna bring that up on the podcast that looks so good
The whole thing that I love to do is like sneak in vegetables anywhere you can. And I know like the whole mashed potato, mashed cauliflower thing is not new and everyone's everyone does it. But like, that's what I love to do is like making your foods that you love, like a burger, like tacos, like mashed potatoes, just a little bit more healthy. And at the same time, like sneak in more nutrients.
It's not really necessarily about like less carbs, lower calories. It's all about nutrients and like meeting, you know, half potato, half cauliflower. You literally cannot taste the cauliflower at all. And you're just getting so many more nutrients. Yeah. This is like a perfect segue. Cause I wanted, cause you do like the healthy hacks, like thing you're always sharing, like the recipes like that. And I feel like this is the perfect segue. Cause I wanted to talk with you about like,
Things for people like that that don't know where to start because everything you do is very simple, very attainable. It's nothing crazy. Like we already said, it's working out from home. It's eating mashed potatoes. It's eating burgers. And I think a lot of people don't understand where to start with that. It's something I've tried to explain to my family or we try to explain to our audience because some people will ask us like, what's your favorite cheat meal? And it's like...
okay, we would say like tacos, but we make tacos at home all the time. Like it's not like, like I would say a burger, but I always like have burgers in my freezer. Like, so it's, it's weird for us because we're like, we eat the foods we like all the time. We just adapted them to our lifestyle. So what, what would you say are some of the things that you tell people when they don't know where to start in doing stuff like that and just making their daily habits just a little more healthy? Yeah.
Yeah, I would say every little thing adds up in terms of workouts. I always say, you know, progression is key. Every single person started somewhere. And so 10 minute workouts can go such a long way. And then you can go to 15 minutes next week and 20 minutes. And so it's just all about not intimidating yourself.
I think, you know, no one's ever ready to start, but once you just do, you'll progress from there and you'll start to understand what works and what doesn't work. And it will take time to realize what doesn't work and what you like. I would say, you know, after I moved on from lacrosse, especially it took me so many workouts. Like I would say nine months of workouts to figure out like what works for my body and how to work out to make me feel my best self. Um, and
And so in terms of, you know, food, I would say keeping it simple is really key. It all goes back to not being intimidated, being excited to do, get to do these things, like excited to cook healthy for yourself, excited to work out, you know, for 15 minutes. And so starting simple with just five ingredient recipes is what I would absolutely suggest starting with, you know, just like brown rice, not a too, nothing too crazy. Maybe don't try out like
crazy superfood recipes yet you know and don't go to the grocery store buying all these ingredients that you never bought maybe just starting with like one new ingredient a week try putting in you know make i want tonight i want to make a broccoli recipe and make it really simple start with like five ingredients of like brown rice you got good base in there and then like you know a healthy lean protein like grilled chicken and then broccoli uh zucchini i try to do at least two vegetables per
meal, to be honest, or per dinner more so say, and then like a healthy fat, like avocado. Um, and so starting really easy and just basing them out on each ingredient is really key. To be honest, I would say the easiest way in my opinion to eat healthy are making bowls. Like I just said, like a bowl, three different shapes
of bowls, four actually, four different shapes of bowls in our cabinet because we're big bowl people. Bowls can go any way. And the whole thing about bowls is just the sauce. And so on the street, you just make everything and then the sauce makes it. It's that and a baking sheet. I love baking sheets.
put, you can even put like raw chicken, um, you know, raw vegetables, bake it on a cookie sheet, come out and that's your dinner. You toss it in a bowl, toss a little sauce on top, boom, healthy dinner. Yeah. Are you big on meal prepping during the week or do you like to not sit down, but like go into the kitchen and cook for every meal? I love meal prep. Um, I personally don't eat a lot of meal prep because to be honest, like my entire job is
cooking in the kitchen in that moment. But my boyfriend travels a lot for work and he goes to the office every single day. And so I honestly meal prep for him. So basically he's kind of like my guinea pig of like real life nine to five jobs of like, you know, you have to go to the office, got to go to work dinners, got to do all these things. And so I meal prep for him a lot. I don't have the regular nine to five job. And so I can't really like say like, I love to meal prep because I'm so busy when my job is literally to
cook. Um, so I love to meal prep for him, but at the same time, like this morning for breakfast, I meal prepped yesterday, egg salad. And I had egg salad for breakfast because I have a little bit more of a hectic morning. So yes, I always plan ahead. If I'm especially traveling on an airplane and I don't want to eat the airplane snacks, I will meal prep. I think that's the biggest thing, especially this summer. If you are traveling a lot and
just take the extra 20 minutes or if you're cooking dinner the night before, cook a little extra. You could take it on your plane. I'm pretty sure. I have TSA pre-check and I take it on the plane. You can take pretty much anything on the plane as long as it's not a liquid. Okay, cool. Because someone asked me how to get through on the plane. I'm like, I've never had an issue with that. But you take a few extra minutes to meal prep if you're traveling and it goes the longest way.
Yeah. Something we do when we travel is if it's a short trip, like road trip, sometimes we'll bring like actual food meal prep if it's just like just like a little bit away. But when we like fly or like wherever we're going, something we always do is bring breakfast stuff. We'll bring like instant oatmeal packs and like a little container of nut butter. And then like you can even get fruit when you're there, like from like Starbucks or like a 7-Eleven. They have like bananas, like whatever it is. So we always have breakfast. Yeah.
Like, we always have, like, your hotel probably has a microwave. You can just microwave instant oatmeal, get a banana from, like, a gas station, and boom, you have breakfast. That's what we do when we travel all the time is, like, have oatmeal on hand. It's not only for, like, the staying on track, but it's also, like, the budget of it, too. Yes. Because eating out can definitely add up and get very expensive, so. That's so true. Yeah, that's, like, our travel thing is, like, the oatmeal package. Always, always. Okay, so I want to, like –
one idiot and talk about sports illustrated because I'm so into that I so before I got into fitness I was very into modeling I wanted to model so bad unfortunately it led me down a very bad path with food I was the skinniest I've ever been in my entire life
But I really wanted to get signed to an agency. I really wanted to model. Like I wanted to do all these things. And then I found fitness and that kind of went away. And I think it's really cool to see with Sports Illustrated and people like you, like being swimsuit models in this space, yet not making young girls like me when I was in high school stop eating. Yeah. Basically, because that's what I did watching like Victoria's Secret fashion shows and
Yeah. So I fully agree with that. Just first off, I think the huge difference between
reason I really always want to be a part of sports illustrated swimsuit was because they highlighted the athletes, a part of it. Um, and so growing up, I would always just go straight to the athletes and being like, Oh damn, she's so strong. Dang. Look how good she looks instead of rather like the skinniness of, um, you know, models in general. And to be honest, you know,
right away when I got the call that I got Sports Illustrated I was thinking to myself oh man I maybe I should work out a little harder or even right now as I'm getting ready for Miami Swim Week to walk down the aisle like run runway I sound like I was about to get married walk down the runway I'm like damn I have three weeks should I like you know eat a little healthier should I not eat so much I'm like whatever and at the same time
The reason I love SI so much is because their entire motto is get booked, eat a burger. They want you to come as you are. They don't want you to ever lose a pound. Of course they want you to feel your best self, but at the same time they embrace every single body type and they want to show
Joe, the real woman. And so I've never really felt the pressure to be honest, like any other, I would say any other regular modeling job where it like, it's like lose weight. I've never, and I don't think any other person on is on SI like ever
feels like pressure to like lose weight ever. Um, cause it's just not like that. It's really just, um, an environment that's wants you to feel your best self mentally and come as you are. So I first actually got started with sports illustrated by auditioning for swim search in 2017. Um, so it took a little while, but basically from
is where they open it up to every single one person without an agency. I don't have a modeling agent and not necessarily a traditional model. So basically they open it up digitally online where you can submit a video on Instagram for a startup like that. I first did that 2017. And then I also submitted in 2020. And then I heard back, I think like early 2021 that I actually got top 15 out of like 22,000 girls, which was crazy to me. And like to even get that far is just crazy.
And I was so grateful. And the whole swim search process was about a year and a half and like consisted of like different little times throughout the entire year and a half. So it was a long process, like 15 girls. We were all in the magazine. And then I actually ended up winning with my best friend, Kristen Harper, which was like the coolest part ever is when you win with someone that, you know, you have absolutely no competition with your best friends and you get to do everything together.
So that was my favorite part about it. And we really grew close through Sports Illustrated because we both like have the exact same values and the exact same thoughts on everything. And so I shot in Montenegro about a couple of weeks after I found out I won, was in the issue this year. And honestly, it's still surreal to me because I just remember like growing up being like, one day I want to be in Sports Illustrated. And like, you just really think about it as a dream and kind of like unattainable for some reason. And then when you're actually in it, you're like,
wait, what? How did this happen? How did I get here? Like, what is happening? And I just think back to like my 19 year old self. And I'm like, dude, if you only knew what was about to happen in your life, that is so crazy. Yeah.
Yeah, that is insane. I like honestly got the chills from you talking about that because like I think it's very important to like I love that swim illustrated like the way they kind of brand themselves is so important because I'm personally not very into like the whole modeling thing. Like I never really like got into it like looked at it that much or watched like, you know, Victoria's Secret like runway or anything, but I think it's very important that they represent themselves the way they do. It's huge. Yeah.
Yeah. And that's so I didn't realize that the process was I've seen girls post about it on Instagram, like when I guess it's like I don't know if there's like certain times they do it or whatever, like SI Swim shirts, like applying and applying. And I was like, I just never understood. I was like, so anyone can get this literally anyone. I was like, so I could just post this on Instagram. Like I was like, I'm very confused.
But that's cool how the process works and, like, how many people it is. I did not know. Yeah. And I think that's the coolest part about it. You know, that's why I really wanted to be a part of it. And now I can, like, kind of spread that message that really anyone can do it. And thinking back to the time of, like, I filmed my audition tape and I've already tried out. And I had, like, you know, I had a following already. And I was...
very, it's really nerve wracking because you're just so nervous about what everyone thinks of you. Like if you don't get it, you know, you're like, oh man, that's like so embarrassing, but I didn't get it the first few times. And I still kept trying and thinking back, if I didn't try out or audition and didn't press send on that audition tape, I literally would not be here today and talking about it. Um, and so it's such a crazy surreal moment for me to like
see myself in the magazine all off just like posting and audition tape and like going for it. Yeah. And I also love how you never gave up either like all the years of like trying and trying and you just kept going for it. Like what would be your advice for somebody that like either one has not done it and they want to like, you know, apply or two, they did not make it like next round or whatever the process is and they are too scared to do it again because they feel like they're going to get rejected again.
Yeah, I have. I said this in my audition tape when I got it. Yeah. Because I tried out a few times. And so I said it in my audition tape. It's so cliche. But if you really think about it, it's like the truest statement ever. You miss 100% of the shots that you don't take.
And we've heard it a million times, but how fricking true is that? No matter what you're doing in life, you miss the shot if you don't take it. And so just, just really apply that to whatever you're thinking about doing. Nothing else matters. And if you want something really bad, you can go get after it no matter who you are.
I love that. Yeah, a million percent. So what does it look like for you doing Sports Illustrated now? So you said you're walking in Miami Swim Week, which is so crazy. I'm from Miami and I've never been to Swim Week and I've always wanted to go.
I've always wanted to go, but I've never been. So you do that. Like, what does it look like for you being a sports illustrated? Are you, are you, is, are you like a rookie? Is that the word? I'm a rookie. Yeah. It's wild because like, I would say last year I wasn't a rookie yet. Right. And it was still part of the competition and, you know, you could feel that it was a competition. And for me personally, you know, this year just really changed everything. Like,
I was on the other side last year, like looking up to these girls and listening to these girls. And then all of a sudden within a year it can switch. And then these girls are looking up to you. And so I would just say, keep in mind, you can be anywhere in a year. You can be anywhere in six months. That's the craziest part to me is your life can change so fast. No matter if once you put yourself out there, be prepared for it to like flip a switch and, um,
Yeah, I would just say it's just still a surreal experience. And I feel like I'm a part of the family. And, you know, as as I was an athlete, and so were you guys, it's, it's so amazing to feel part of a team again. And I really miss that team factor. And so I finally get to feel like I have like these, you know, teammates that are really looking out for me in a non competitive way anymore.
Yeah, that's really cool. Yeah, that's awesome. I didn't know. I mean, I've never heard anything bad about Sports Illustrated, but I didn't know exactly how good of an organization and a brand to be a part of. Something that people don't understand about Sports Illustrated Swimsuit is how fun everyone is. It looks it. I personally had this fear of when I first got it and when I was first surrounded by all the models in it, it was like,
oh man, maybe like, I don't know if anyone eats. Does anyone drink alcohol? Like, is anyone fun? Does anyone have a personality? Like, you know what I mean? Like have this like horrible stereotype of like models.
And when I got there, everyone eats every meal, of course. Everyone parties. Everyone has fun. Everyone has an amazing personality. And it's just like such a different thing that I think people would expect, if you know what I mean. Yeah, I know. I watched that last trip that you went on. Where exactly was it for Sports Illustrated? It was in Miami. It was? Okay, yeah. Looking at all of those, because I follow quite a few of you guys, and I was like, this looks like so much fun. I want to be there right now. But I just love how like-
Is it as fun as you make it seem? Yeah. It's actually funner. Like that's just the surface level you should see like behind the scenes. Oh, I can imagine. That's awesome. Awesome.
um so is there anything else like you do so you do like the shows you do like the shoots for the magazine is there anything else it entails and far as like a work aspect or is that yeah I would say what they're really trying to do also um you know they're trying to grow beyond just the faces in the magazine and so with that partner with different brands that really uh you know unite with like women's rights which I absolutely love and at the same time like
That comes into play because both our brands can actually work together on that level. I've done like panels with them as well, where we speak on like either empowerment or how to build a brand as a female and how to stay healthy and about mental health. And so there's different aspects for sure. And there's hopefully more coming as well.
That is so awesome. I learned so much about that. I had no idea. What would you say in terms of like work outside of Sports Illustrated? Like obviously I know you have the Snapchat, but what else is a – what is it like for a day for you in terms of work? Yeah, totally. So I actually – I just actually recently pimped.
pivoted, I would say. So basically for the last like year and a half, I've had a podcast as well. And to be honest, mine was all in person. I never did anything virtually. And so I would have to go into my podcast studio about two days a week and I'd have to schedule with my studio availability, my team who films it, myself and my guests. And
And to be honest, I reached a point very recently where that was like way too much for me. I still really want to do it, but I want to find a way that like it makes sure like I can still work and be productive on my own, not be too overwhelmed and burned out. And to be honest, I just like wasn't in the cards this summer. I have like 17 weddings. So every single day really is different. And right now I'm fully filling my time in ways that will help me grow. Meaning instead of, you know, uh,
I don't know how to give an example, but like instead of focusing on things that like are money makers right away, I want to focus on things that are like going to help my brand grow. And I think that's really taken me a while to like realize that. And so right now, every single day, like first off, I just wake up, I drink my coffee, I work out and then I get going on like either admin emails. Like I have my app in my, um,
you know, my site where I do like customer service emails and it's like a subscription. So basically like, you know, a lot of thousands of people are on it and I have to tend to them. And then editing, I do so much editing.
it's out of control. And so I think people don't realize like the backend work of what it takes to create content for every single platform, including your own app, a lot of editing and then filming of my Snapchat show, which I absolutely love to do. It's like a cooking show with like healthy hacks. That's what it's called. And,
And then right now I'm focusing on a lot of YouTube videos too. And to be honest, I'm finally at a point, it has taken me eight years being a content creator to feel like I'm okay with where I am and I don't need to rush. And I can focus on more of my mental health because I think being a content creator for so long, you can get really burnt out. It's like how many...
fricking squats can you do? How many fricking recipes can you do? And so just taking it slow and taking it one day at a time, like making sure that I'm in the right head space to do what I'm doing and stay passionate about it. Something about being a creator is you have to have passion and passion can show whatever you're doing. And I don't need to get a piece of content out every single day. So taking care of my mental health right now is absolutely priority.
Yeah. Yeah. I'd say we're definitely in the point of feeling rushed and stressed. Yeah. The workload and the content. So I don't know if it's hopeful or like scary that it took eight years. No. Because I'm like, oh, eight years. We can do it. Like.
I got it. But in a way it's hopeful because- Yeah. The reason that sometimes as a content creator, it can really get to you is you see other people blowing up so fast, right? So some of these TikTokers, you're like, I'm like, oh my gosh, I've been doing this for so long. And this girl, two weeks ago created this video and she has more followers than me. And so it can really get to you because you always want more. You always want more. But at the same time,
You cannot compare yourself to anyone else. And you have to make sure you are like staying in your own place because you are exactly where you need to be. And also with that note, like, like,
Speaking of comparing that you shouldn't do, but at the same time, like there's a lot of other people that would love to like switch positions with you that are like, you know, at like 10,000 followers would love to get to 300,000 followers. And so you really have to put it in perspective and just be grateful for what you have because one follower is better than, you know, nothing. Yeah, 100%. I know. I totally agree with that. And I think it's, it's crazy because one thing that you just said was like the, the
what was the quote you just said? Basically, just like finding the value in your content and like actually being fulfilled with what you're putting out. And I think that's the biggest thing. Before we actually hopped on with you, we did like a little bit of a weekend recap and we announced that we're moving next Friday. And we're getting out of this space because this space has very much like kind of been holding us back with the creative ability. And so that's a reason why we're moving because I think you're
living environment is very important or your work environment as well because we work from home but
Yeah, we've been trying to put a lot of our effort into things that are fulfilling to us, like in actually bringing like a lot of joy. Like right now you can't see the rest. We're like in our dining room of our apartment. So like we don't have a dining room. We have a studio. But we're going to have like an extra bedroom for our studio. And so it's like we're putting so much effort into like the fulfillment of things. And like, yeah, like.
it's gonna like maybe cost a bit of money to like furnish a studio like like you know at first we did this sitting on like our couch with like microphones and then it's like it's gonna like cost a little bit of money or it's gonna take a hell of a lot of time to like order the stuff set it up learn how to use the mics like learned how to use a mic stand like try like but it's putting that effort into like the long term like you said for sure and yeah and to go off that too it's like
you'll have to see you guys as like a startup company, right? And sometimes I get like upset when I'm like, oh my gosh, I just spent like $500 on groceries for the week because I have so many recipes to cook. Like that is so much money. I can't even fathom it. I cannot believe I'm buying all these things. But like at the same time, switch the perspective. You're a startup company. Some startup companies put in like...
$10 million, right? You're a company. You're a brand. Even though you're people, you're a brand. And so I think that's really, really important to remember that you have to put in money to be successful. Of course. Right. Very important to remember. So back to your day, like the day in your life and what you've been doing. Do you have non-negotiable morning, night routine type things? Absolutely. Go deep into them. I would say my
my non-negotiable that I didn't do this morning, um, is going for like a 10 to 15 minute walk. I absolutely love walking in the mornings. Just like really resets my mental health and helps me like get, you know, oxygen, uh, like fresh air and moving my body, blood circulation. It kind of just like helps me wake up. Um, so I love going on a walk in the morning and, um, I'm, I'm really, really working on not really checking my phone as much in the morning at night. It's really,
really hard, but I'm also most creative at those times. So I have to like work on how to be creative at other times, I would say. And then another non-negotiable that I have been really focusing on, we kind of touched on it earlier, you know, being a content creator, it's really hard to turn off
I would say, because a lot of people have like nine to fives and I go on vacations with my best friends. And when I go on a vacation with my best friend, they're fully unplugged for me. I'm like looking at a beach. I'm like, well, that would be a really good place to film so-and-so. And my brain just works as a creator. And so to be able to unplug is really, really important and kind of set that boundary of like when you're working and you're not working. And so my non-negotiable right now is like, stop working after 7 PM. You're done. You're not allowed to edit. Okay.
it's over you have to like clear out your mind and so I would say that's what I'm working on and but or my non-negotiable I guess I love how it's very simple because I know a lot of creators maybe if they do it or don't actually do it they're like my non-negotiables are all of these like super foods in the morning and a 20-minute journal and read half a book and like all this like craziness so I love that you're like a 10-minute walk and then like get off my phone
Yeah. Nothing crazy. I just don't have, I I'm kind of like, I know that I have a different type of job, but like, just like anyone else listening, I don't, I don't have 30 minutes to spare in the morning. Like sometimes I'm waking up and I'm like, shoot, shoot, shoot out the door. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. So my mornings can tell you to be very hectic as well. And so finding little things, like even just for like two minutes that like make you happy to me, a non-negotiable
honestly is have a piece of toast in the morning. I just have, I had my piece of toast this morning too with my egg salad. And so just something like that, that like brings you joy, just a little bit of gratitude in the morning. Yeah. My non-negotiable is definitely oatmeal in the morning. I gotta have that. But, um, and celery, you've been doing celery juice. Yes, I have been doing celery juice, but, um, I, we never really talked about this and I kind of wanted to ask, I've been noticing with your eating, you've been eating less like meat and,
How would you explain your current diet or like what you are kind of working towards with your way of eating?
Yeah, I would say I incorporated Meatless Mondays a few months ago and I am so happy that I've done it. My best friends are actually vegan. And so they kind of inspired me to like mandatory. They never even said like, you should try it. It was just more just like very natural of like, they don't eat meat. I've been around them a lot. And so I kind of just like adopted like tofu and like lentils more often. And to be honest, I really found myself cooking so many recipes with meat that
and I would have chicken for lunch and then like ground turkey for dinner. And I was like, I just feel like I, my body doesn't need this much meat. And it really is just a personal decision. It has really nothing to do with anything else. And people always ask me why, and it's personal and it's what I feel like that I want to do. Um, and so I'm doing it. And that's what I think everyone should do with their diet is making sure that
A, you love what you're eating and you, you know, you're making sure you're getting good nutrients and B, it works for you. And that's what works for me. I'm trying right now to eat less meat just because I want to. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm vegan. Um,
So, I mean, I love that. I don't like talk about it that much on my platform, surprisingly. I want to start talking about it more like some people follow me and don't even know that I'm vegan, which I think proves how easy not having meat in a meal really is. Like I can post a whole full day of eating and someone might be
be like, wait, you're vegan? Like, I didn't even know. Like, and I'm like, right, because it's not that weird to not eat a bunch of meat at every single meal. It's not that strange and it doesn't stand out to a lot of people. I've known people for months before they realized that I'm vegan and she doesn't eat red meat. So we're not a big meat, like, household. Um,
So it's just come like very naturally to us. But again, for me, it's a very personal decision too. Like it's been a long journey. I haven't even. Wait, so I have a question for you guys. Yeah.
I have been eating less meat and been feeling so much hungrier. Do you have any advice on how to fit more protein in your diet? I'm fully aware of like plant-based protein, nut butters, beans, lentils, tofu. But like is there any other way that I can feel more full or is it something that I need to get used to? I would say it's definitely the protein aspect. But let me tell you right now, I'm going to plug you the like best protein.
protein is from whole foods i find their protein vegan protein selection is amazing like i definitely look into it and check it out they have so many great new brands like i think over the last like year or two they've come out with so many different types of like vegan protein sources yeah for sure and also for me it was realizing because i went through a struggle with it i was vegetarian and then i've been vegan for about two years so i haven't eaten meat in like over six years
Wow. Yeah. And I have I used to feel that way when I was first kind of eating. I was trying to eat more healthy, but realistically, I wasn't eating enough. And I realized it's the portions of the food like to get enough protein.
Normally, let's say if you're eating meat, it's like a very small piece of chicken has enough protein. So you might be mimicking the physical like eyeball looking amount of protein. But realistically, the portion sizes of the food is a lot bigger. Like when I eat tofu, I eat half the block. I don't eat. Whoa. Yeah. That's crazy. I had like a sixth of the block. Yeah. So I used to do that as well. Like one block of tofu would last me like the whole week. Yeah.
There's also different brands of tofu. So at Whole Foods, again, they always have it. Some grocery stores also have it, but it's hit or miss. At Whole Foods, I believe they have the Wildwood one. It's kind of like it looks almost like vacuum sealed in there. Like it's not a plastic container. It's totally tight wrapped in plastic. It's like double to maybe triple the protein than regular tofu. It's super, super firm. Wow.
So, yeah, get that one. I'll check that out. Yeah. That's the most protein brand of tofu that there is. I have so much fun going to Whole Foods and looking at their vegan selection of protein. It's literally crazy. Yeah, it's crazy. They have so many different like types like chorizo, like hot dogs. Hot dogs. Hot dogs have been a huge hit. We love hot dogs around here. But yeah,
Yeah, definitely like outsource and find other brands because you can find them. But for me, like I said, it's definitely getting used to the volume of the food because like just from like the eyeball amount of protein, it's very, very different. And like I eat a lot now and I realized that that was a big problem and why I was always hungry when I was trying to eat more plant-based. It's because I just simply wasn't eating enough because I thought I was like looking at the same amount of food, but it wasn't.
And it was like lower calorie and whatnot. I also like, I mean, I just eat a freaking lot. Like I eat a lot. I've always eaten a lot. And like I've always told people like if you're hungry, like tracking food helps when you're vegan. Like I know tracking is such like a pain and it takes a lot of time. But I did have to track for a little bit when I went vegan because I just wasn't sure the amounts that I was eating. So I was like, okay, I need to track for a little bit to make sure that
that I'm eating enough because I had no idea and that helped me a lot too.
Yeah, I would say, honestly, those days that I'm meatless, I should definitely at least understand a little bit, a gauge on how much protein that I'm intaking because I don't think I am eating enough protein on those days. Yeah, it's definitely possible. There's really like fun recipes with it too. Like you can make like chicken salad or like tuna salad out of chickpeas. Really good. I made that before. I haven't. Yeah, I was like, that sounds like something that you like probably would have made. There's like really cool things.
that you could make and stuff but definitely just going to that meatless section of whole foods and getting like one of everything it's so good yeah so good yeah so it's like my biggest like thing but it's also always come so naturally to me that it's really hard for me to give people advice because it's just how I've naturally eaten since I was like a kid I'd never liked meat so I
To me, I'm like, it's normal. And that just goes back to like full circle, like what works for you might not work for anyone else. And like everyone should find like their own diet per se, you know, and their own path of lifestyle of way of eating. Yeah. Right. And I've always said to like with being vegan, technically like real vegans get mad at me because I eat honey and I eat gelatin, which aren't vegan. But like if I –
Take those things out of my life. I feel way too restricted. Like that's way too restrictive for me. So I keep honey and gelatin in my life. So I always tell people like there's no reason to pick a label of a diet. Like I get DMs being like, I want to be vegan so bad, but like I literally love like chicken nuggets too much. And I'm like, so keep chicken nuggets in your diet. Right. And like cut the rest. Right.
It doesn't – you don't have to like pick a – you don't have to like label yourself as vegan one day to the next. I fully, fully agree with that. That's exactly how I feel right now in this current moment. Yeah, exactly. Like one day a week, like meatless, that's awesome for like the environment. But like that's super dope. Like love that. And I think a lot of people because –
people that don't eat meat are insane sometimes think that they're all insane which is why for a while I didn't talk about it because people think I'm people are like oh my god you're crazy like blah blah blah they're like impossible meat is so unhealthy I'm like I didn't say it was healthy I just said I wanted a burger I never said it was I never said it was healthy like I just want to eat it so it's like a hard thing to juggle online yeah
Absolutely. I can only imagine because I've just started doing Meatless Mondays and the stuff that I get online is already out of control. Really? Yeah. I mean, I will say though, I don't know what
I don't know what it is. Like I have a lot of influencer friends and they don't get as much hate as I get. I get so much hate online. You guys, it is out of control. It is getting worse and worse every single day. I get a hate. I get at least three hate comments a day. About what? Like DMs, like not comments, like DMs, like people go out of their way.
I don't know. It's crazy. It's wild. I really hope, I really hope that's not the case for you. Maybe I'm hoping you're in your head a little bit. Cause I feel the same way sometimes when I'm like, Oh my goodness. Like the world is coming down on me. Everyone's being so mean to me, but realistically maybe it was just like one or two really mean comments. Then I just think it's like everything. Yeah. And that's the thing that sometimes like it hurts. Like I,
if I give them any power, then I'm actually in turn hurting the people that actually say nice things to me. You know what I mean? And I'm not focusing on that because for every person saying a nice thing to you, there's also another 50 people saying something nice to you because not every single person's like write a paragraph on how much they love you. They follow you because they love you. And so I'm not focusing on that is really, really important. Very important. I did not know you get hate DMs. That's just like so crazy to me. Cause like,
And I feel like normal people's eyes and not like internet trolls. I'm like, what is there to hate on, on someone like making like food in their kitchen? Like, why does that anger you? No, it's crazy. In what world does that make you so angry? Yeah. I also, I also post a lot of my political beliefs as well because I'm a huge advocate for things that I believe in.
And, you know, with everything going on in the last week, I lost 3,000 followers. And I'm like, at the same time, I want those people following me. If you, like, I don't care for you guys to follow me. I'm very, very into women's rights. Oh, a million percent. That's a different story, though. Yeah. No, yeah, we definitely could go so much into that. But, you know, I'm sure a lot of people have heard a lot. And I know some people need another escape of content that's just...
Lighthearted. Fully agree. Yeah.
But that is wild. Oh my God, that like makes me sick. I know. I feel like we got a lot though out of this episode and I really loved it. Like I feel like I want to like listen back on it. I don't usually listen back on our episodes, but I feel like this one I could definitely do that. No, I loved it so much. You're such a positive energy. Well, thank you for having me. I really, really appreciate it. Of course. You were really easy to talk to. I loved it. Yeah, you bring like a really good energy. And I can imagine if we were in person, there'd be like more energy, but...
Yeah, I loved it. Awesome. Well, thank you guys. I really appreciate it. Thank you so much for being on. Okay. Bye guys.