cover of episode #FTOES | Gym dos & donts

#FTOES | Gym dos & donts

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Sam 和 Taylor 在本期播客中讨论了健身房的礼仪规范和建议。他们强调了尊重他人、妥善使用器材、维护良好健身环境的重要性。具体来说,他们建议不要为了不必要的原因使用器材,不要霸占器材,使用完器材后要将重量放回原处,要使用除臭剂,不要在别人使用镜子时走到他们前面,要自信地穿着自己喜欢的衣服(但不要穿拖鞋或赤脚),要乐于助人,在使用器材前询问他人是否正在使用,不要在健身房抽电子烟,不要扔或摔器材,不要在器械上长时间玩手机或打电话,要主动和健身房里的其他人打招呼,不要大声喊叫,除非对方即将受伤,否则不要随便给别人提建议,不要在别人做组间打扰别人,未经允许不要触碰他人的杠铃,要多练腿部肌肉,不要在别人锻炼时搭讪。他们还分享了一些他们在健身房遇到的趣事,以及他们对一些健身房行为的看法。 Sam 和 Taylor 还就健身房社交礼仪、着装规范以及如何与他人相处提出了建议。他们鼓励大家自信地穿着自己喜欢的衣服,同时也要尊重他人,不要在别人锻炼时打扰他们。他们还分享了一些他们在健身房遇到的不愉快经历,例如有人霸占器材、不收拾器材、大声喧哗等,并建议大家互相尊重,共同维护良好的健身环境。此外,他们还讨论了在健身房中如何与他人建立友谊,例如主动和他人打招呼,或者在别人需要帮助时提供帮助。最后,他们还强调了在健身房中锻炼时要注重安全,不要做一些危险的动作,例如在使用器材时玩手机或打电话。

Deep Dive

Sam and Taylor tease a big announcement they can't reveal yet due to legal reasons.

Shownotes Transcript


What's up guys, it's Sam and Taylor, and we want you to put your shoes on, pop open that energy drink, and go. What is up guys, we are back with another episode. Hello, we're so excited, I've been waiting to film this week, I missed it. I know, I feel like last week was the week I had no voice, now that I'm thinking about it, and I sound like a man, and now I sound normal.

Yeah, no, we're ready. We're so good. Even though it's just been a week since we last filmed, I don't know what we're recording. It feels like it's been forever. Right? I'm like, I miss sitting down for the pod. It's funny, too, because it's like, oh, it's only been a week, but we legit have so much life updates to tell them. Everything just keeps going back and forth, and part of me just wants to keep my mouth shut. Yeah, I want to keep my mouth shut, too, I feel like. But you guys, I promise you...

All of this will make sense so soon. No one knows what we're talking about or is expecting what we're talking about. And I know they hate us for not saying anything. But like... We have a big announcement, but we can't tell you yet. They're probably going to hate us. They're literally going to come into our DMs and be like, Sam, Taylor, you guys are the worst. Like, why can't you just tell us everything? It's legit legal reasons. We cannot. We cannot tell you yet. Like literal NDAs. Shh.

No one knows. No one knows. We get DMs all the time like, explain this. Like, oh my God, who's the boy? Who's in Dallas? What's going on? Guys, if we didn't say it on the podcast, we're not going to say it. I know. We're not going to say DMs. Yeah, no, another thing too is I notice is a lot of the times...

They, like, ask us, like, more... They're, like, asking for more information than we've given. I'm like, guys, the information we have said is the information you're going to get. Just be patient. I promise you we will do a whole recap on everything that we're talking about. Just very, very much down the road. Yeah. It's been...

It's been interesting, but it's going to be a fun month besides the chaos of things going back and forth. We're going to ACL this Saturday. We are. Oh, yeah, because this will be out before that happens. So if you guys are in Austin and you're going to ACL, and if you are going on Saturday, be on the lookout for us. I have no idea what I'm wearing. Yeah, me neither. But you can try to find us. We'll be together. That's going to be fun. I've never been to a music festival, so that should be fun. I'm going to vlog.

So that's super fun and cool. So look out for that, too, for, like, the content and the pics. That'll be on Monday. You'll be able to see us, like, getting ready for that, which should be fun. And then we have, like, some trips. Yeah.

We do have tips. We might as well just tell them. I guess. It's not like a secret. It's not really a secret. Yeah, we're going to LA. Yeah, we're going to LA on Tuesday. So we're going to do some wrongier stuff, which should also be super fun. There's some work things. Yeah, we're excited because the women's drop is like this month and we will be doing a lot of shoots and stuff. Yeah, that should be really fun, really just like busy. The time change is going to like F me up. Oh my God, yeah. Because we...

We leave at 8 a.m. and we get there at 9. So it's like technically it's like nearly like 11 for us. So we're already going to be like, we need like three meals by then. It's going to be 9 a.m. It's like over a three hour flight. Yeah. Oh, that's no. I'm like.

I'm like not really. We're going to eat like seven times that day. We already eat seven times. Okay. I lied. We're going to eat like 12 times that day. Yeah. It's like when we went to Dallas and there wasn't even a time change. Not every time. I act like we've been a million times. We've only gone at one other time. But when we go to LA, I feel like majority of the time is we are in the gym for like five hours. Well, now we know that there's a Chipotle down the street. Yeah. There is a Chipotle. I want to go to that place that Isaiah and Noelle are always posting, like that really healthy like food market. Yeah.

I fear what it's called, but it looks so good. I want to go. Air One? Air One? Is that what it's called? I think that's what it's called. That's where all the bougie people go. Yeah, I want to go there so bad. Yeah, we've got to go there. The food looks so good. They had a buffalo cauliflower thing. I've been addicted to it. It's probably Air One. Yeah, we need to go. Okay, we'll see all the bougie. Oh my God, I should try to... No, I'm not going to have time to meet up with people. Yeah, no. There's people I want to meet really bad.

We could try. Like, there's a lot of, like, health and wellness girls in L.A., and we should hang out with them. Like, Instagram girls. Oh, my God. I'm so down for that. And, like, a dinner. Yeah. Are you listening to this? Are you a health and wellness influencer in L.A.? DM me. Literally. No. That should be fun. Like, because last time I didn't do it, but this time, like...

I mean, if we don't have anything to do at night and we're getting food or something. Yeah. Network, you know? Yeah, network. But that should be fun. And then it's just going to get chaotic because then it's November and then I have to travel again and then it's Thanksgiving, which is more traveling. I'm excited to go home, but at the same time, I'm not. I'm like, oh, I don't want to go home. I enjoy being here. But then at the same time, I'm excited to see my family.

For me, it's just getting off of my routine. Yeah. I hate getting off my routine. I like being comfortable. Yeah. Like, and I just know I'm not going to be on my routine, like, at home. I mean, yeah, I want to see my family, too, because it's, I mean, it'll be, like, what, like, a little over three months? Yeah. Since I saw them. So, I mean, I'd like to see them, but getting off my routine is, like,

Yeah, it's the worst. Like more plane rides. Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. Plane rides are the worst. Like I'd rather my family come here. What's the ride for you to get here? A little over two hours. Oh, see, mine's like four hours to get home. No, mine's a little over two hours. It's not bad. But I'd much rather them come here. Like I have no desire to be like, I'd be a-okay if we like literally did Thanksgiving dinner at this table. I know. I have no problem saying this on the podcast. I was going to like kind of keep it a secret, but I was like,

I want to go back to my alumni field hockey game back at LaSalle very badly. I want to go so bad, but I haven't booked the tickets or anything. So that's like still up in the air because I want to see how we feel like when we go back from LA. If I'm like super like jet lagged and like just don't want to literally hop on a plane a few days later, then I'm not going to. But yeah, that is that. What else do we have in October? Halloween. Halloween.

I know like we have the whole month of October like talk about that but I still have no idea what I'm going to leave for. Barely dude. September flew by in like one second. By the time this LA trip's over we're going to be halfway through the month basically. Yeah. Like we're literally going to go to LA the weekend's going to be over and we're going to be like halfway through the month. That's crazy.

Wow. No, it's actually nuts. But I think you should go to your alumni game because you've been talking. I know. I miss field hockey so bad. Yes, I am so like, what a freaking athletic queen. Stop. Like, she was in college sports. Who is she? Can I be...

Sorry, guys. It cut out real quick. But I just wanted to say, like, I go into severe depression when it is field hockey season and I see all the memories. I see, like, my teammates still there. I just want to be able to, like, continue playing. I don't know. Obviously, I've said it before. I want to be able to do, like, a pickup league. But right now, I'm bulking. So, there's no point in me doing, like, extra cardio. And we're in Texas. So, I don't know if there's much field hockey around here. But...

Yeah, anytime I'm not, like, when I'm in season. Technically, I'm not in season, but, like, when the season's happening, that's when I get sad. Yeah, I kind of feel that. I miss, well, like I said, I think I said it on here. I'm not sure, though. I do miss dance, and I really wish I could take, like, dance classes. But, again, that's a lot of cardio. Yeah. Like, if I was going to do dance once a week, that's literally, like, so much.

I know. Literally, so much. Because when I played Phil hockey and, like, when I was playing Phil hockey, thinking about, like, running around for, like, two hours for a game. I don't know how my buddy did it. I can't even run for, like, five minutes now. I want to do it, though, like, eventually, like, maybe when I'm trying to cut. Because I used to take, like, just, like, open dance classes in Miami, and they're so fun. Like, go with your, go with my friends and, like...

do a dance class and be like everyone films it for Instagram it's really hype and it's really fun and I miss it and I kind of want to do it so maybe when I like want to cut but right now I'm also like they're at night normally yeah they're normally at like like literally 8 p.m. that's not bad it's not bad though but like imagine energy wise you wouldn't want to we already went to the gym we already did all of our work and then someone's gonna tell me I'm gonna change and go to a dance class for like two hours yeah I

That's how I am with my friends back home. They like always... We have like a group of us, which shout out to all of them if they like listen to this. I don't know if they do. My little South Shore gang, Angela and Maddie and all them, they are like cycling classes and they're always at night. And I'm always like...

I just don't want to do that after working out. I don't know how people have the energy to do that. Props to you if you can get yourself to go to a night class, spin, dance, anything like that. I feel like I could do it, like a spin thing, if I had a bike in my house.

But, like, to put on an outfit and go somewhere and do all that, that's just a lot. Yeah. I'd be so tired. I couldn't wake up in the morning and do another workout. Yeah. Oh, my God. No. Couldn't be. But what else is going on? Not much, really. Everything's kind of been... We have to just, like, there is a lot, but we just have to keep our mouth closed, like we said. So our life's not that boring, I promise you guys.

Yeah, that's the thing. Like the big thing. Like we're just working on a lot of stuff for like this podcast. Yeah, really focused on a grind. Really? Like, there's just a lot of secrets. I've realized it's just like, I'm big. Like it is like put yourself first. Like, yeah, like everything about like my freaking work comes first. Yeah, no, I agree. So if it's not like serving me my work or like my mental health.

But we have been having fun going to like Tequila Muchos. Like that's so fun. Tequila Mucho is the best place in Austin. Did we talk about that last episode or no? No, but if you guys go to Austin and you want a fun place to like pregame with your friends, 1,000 million percent Tequila Mucho. Their drinks are so strong. Me and Sam went in hoodies. How much are they?

Yeah, they're not bad at all compared to Boston. Drinks like that back in Boston would be like $18, $20. But you can literally get tipsy off of one of them. Takeru Mucho is the best place in Austin. That was so random, but that's just a wreck. Yeah. Oh my god, every episode we should give a wreck. We should.

Literally anything. Anything. Okay, we're going to add to it, so we've got to get that nice combo down for you. Never had the food at Tequila Mocho's, but if you need some tacos, literally a few blocks down the road, go to Fresa's. Their tacos are amazing. It's literally a drive-through taco place, and you would think it would be low quality, but it is the best taco place.

high-quality, like, fast food tacos I've ever had. Yeah, so let us know. Do you guys want us to, like, do that? We could. Yeah, we could do that. We could, like, totally just end, like, in our catch-up, just recommend a place that we went to during the week or something. But, yeah, Tequera Muchos is it. It's a good vibe. It's a good vibe. But today...

We are going to go into like gym etiquette 101 basically. Just do's and don'ts. Yes, do's and don'ts. There's a little bit more don'ts than there are do's, but I feel like some of them are pretty funny. Like we want you guys to have like...

humor with these. Like, some of them don't take them too seriously, but some of them do take it pretty seriously. But we're gonna, like, switch off from, like, don'ts and dos so that we're not just, like, constantly, like, bitching. Yeah. Yeah, and it's also hard because the dos are also, like, just the opposite of the don'ts, you know? So...

It's kind of hard. There's definitely more don'ts, but it's also just easier. It's easier to find the negative. Yeah, it is definitely easier to find the negative. It's easier to look around the gym. And we'll give you stories, too, like each of these that we have. Yeah. Do you want to kick us off? Yeah, of course. So first, don't in the gym. Do not use equipment for unnecessary reasons. Guys, I got so frustrated the other day. It was a Saturday, and I needed a squat rack, and there was this man inside of a squat rack dumbbell pressing.

You heard that right. Dumbbell press or not dumbbell pressing. I'm sorry. Dumbbell rowing.

Either way, if you are doing a complete opposite exercise of what needs to be done into the squat rack, please don't use it. I was like so stressed because I was like, oh my goodness, I am not going to be able to squat right now. Like this is the worst. But then I just went up to him. I'm like, hey, like, are you using the squat rack? He said, obviously he said no. So I was like, can you please get out? Like you don't need to be rowing inside of a squat rack. Yeah, I had a time where a guy, I was waiting for a bench press and the guy was using the bench press bar standing like behind.

the bench press and using the bar to do front raises. Oh God. And I was like, you could literally do that with so many other things. Like an easy bar. Easy bars, metal weight, dumbbells.

Another barbell that's not literally the bench press. Like, there was so many other reasons. That guy also was a curl in the squat rack type dude. Always. He was always using a machine. Yeah. Just that typical, like, a dude. Just, like, every day is an arm day. Using everything. And I'm like, you really have to do front raises on this bench press? Especially when someone's...

It's not like there was like 10 empty bench presses where he can front raise and like no one was there. Like I was waiting. Yeah. And if I saw someone waiting and I was doing something stupid, I'd be like, oh, you could use this. Oh, yeah. No, of course. I would like if I was like, like if someone, I don't know, especially if the gym's crowded, you know what I mean? Like, I just feel like I would have common sense not to like use like, I don't know. I can't even think of something because I would never do it. Yeah. And I'm also like, you've got to be aware. I feel like I'm always like.

I'm just trying to think of an example. Let's say I was going to use another cable attachment or the other side of the cable machine. I was going to use it. Someone's like, are you using this? Okay, maybe I was, but I could just do both when I'm using. You know what I'm saying? Don't be just an ass and know I'm using it. Can you do it in one spot? Can you give up that piece of equipment? Just don't do that. It's not worth it. That kind of leaded us into the other don't, which was don't hog the equipment.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like also same thing applies. Like I get there are like CrossFitters out there that like love like, you know, circuiting and running around. But if you are literally running from one end of the gym to the other end of the gym to use two different pieces of equipment for a superset,

someone isn't going to know that you're using it and they're going to hop on it. And then the person that's supersetting is going to get mad. So just like, don't hog equipment like that, like running all over the place. Like if you're doing a superset, make it convenient for yourself. So that way, like the equipment's all in one place and like you're using it for like 10, 15 minutes max, and then you're done. Yeah. And also like she said, there's people that the workouts they do are very like,

There are gyms and or areas of your gym meant for that. Like there's gyms that are literally set up to be like hit style workouts. So if that's the workouts you want to do, don't go to like a bodybuilding gym. Yeah. Hold all the equipment that people are trying to use for long periods.

like sets and reps that's so so annoying especially if like you leave for like you see someone's stuff is at a machine and they just like don't come back yeah and it's been like yeah there's like there will always be like a water bottle with like keys next to it you're like where is this person like where are they like can i use this it's like a lap pull down it's like you know someone's gonna use this lap yeah it's not like a random machine yeah it's a lap pull down there's 10 people that want to use it yeah there's one i know yeah there is one i feel

I feel like most gyms, like, that's, like, the most minimal piece of equipment is the lap pulldown. Yeah, everyone is going to want to use it. That's super, super annoying. I even get super self-conscious about it. Like, if I'm with someone and they, like, want to just, like... Like, I don't even know how to explain it. Like, that's something that, like, I get so, like, oh, no, like, don't, like, put your stuff there. Don't, like, take that bed. Like... Yeah. Like, literally today, I literally told you... I don't know if you could hear what I was saying because, like, you have headphones in, but you were using a different bar...

to do the rows and I was using the... There was no one in the gym today, by the way. And I was still like, eh. So I was going to be like, oh, I'm going to use a different bar than you, but should we just use the same platform? Because I literally like...

Didn't want to take up another open platform if someone wanted to deadlift. And there was no one there. But still in my head, I'm like, I don't want to take up a platform for someone that wants to deadlift. Yeah, that is true. I honestly didn't even think about that. Obviously because the gym was not packed. It was empty. It was empty. I get that. But if it is packed, then I get what you're saying. Yeah, I just was going to use the same barbell, but use it on the same platform.

yeah um should we do something positive yeah let's do a positive like they're not even like positive the dues put your weight back where it came from rack your freaking shit dude you know nothing gets me more frustrated than lift atx the weights are everywhere literally that's everywhere oh i know i remember your gym la fitness is the worst of every la fitness it's like an la fitness thing yeah to me lift is like

Great. Yeah, no, no, no, not even like sometimes I'll be like, there's a 15 and the next to the 15 is like a 40. I'm like, but where, where'd the 20, 25, 30 go? Like, where are these? And then I just like look everywhere on the rack and I'm like, I am, I look like an idiot walking around and then someone will ask me like, what are you looking for? And I'm like, Oh, 30. And they're like, Oh, it's over there. I'm like, Oh, thanks. No, if you work out in LA fitness, you know the pain. And I thought it was just mine. And then I'd see jokes about it on TikTok about people being like,

When you work out at LA Fitness, the dumbbells aren't even in the wrong space. They're like, they're just everywhere. Like straight up everywhere. Like in the corner of the room, the open room where you can do like workout classes on the turf. I remember that. The few times. And it's so... There were times where I'd post a workout and let's say like...


And re-rack, like, put your weight back. Your giant plates, if you load up, like, 20 plates on a leg press, take them off. I can get, though, keeping, like, the one plate. You can keep one plate. Everyone is going to at least be using, like, one plate. Keep it. But if there's, like...

If you're a big-ass guy and you're capable of picking up your weight, please put it back. You just look like a straight douchebag when you're leaving your five, ten plates on both sides. Yes, leaving one plate is totally, like, acceptable on...

I feel like a lot of machines, like most machines, especially like if somewhere. Okay, guys, I'm so sorry that there might have been little like cuts back and forth in that garage band does not want to be our friend today and will randomly stop recording mid sentence. Don't know why we just took a little break to try to figure it out.

As you can see, the technical difficulties just don't like to go away with this podcasting. No, not at all. But that's what happens when your job is about technology. I have no idea how to fix it. I literally looked it up and no one can give an answer. So someone's going to be in our DMs like, I know why. I hope you do because this is really, really annoying. But anyways, the last thing we talked about was re-racking.

Yeah. And really big dudes leaving the weights on. Yeah. It literally makes your workout ten times harder when you have to, like, go, like, press and you have to take off, like, ten things. Yeah. The worst. Speaking of big dudes, we can... Let's talk about wearing deodorant. Yeah. Sam hates when people don't wear deodorant. Guys, I... Okay.

Actually, this is really funny. So Lyft ATX is obviously outdoors. There are porta-potties there. It's the same thing as the porta-potties at Lyft when we're like working out and like they're re... They're... What is it called when they're... What are they trying to do to them? I don't know, like... Yeah, like when they're emptying the porta-potties. Either way, if you got like...

shit smell whatever or bad bo smell if i am mid-set and i inhale it i'm not kidding i can't like lift the weight up all of a sudden i just become super weak and i'm about to drop the weight on me so please wear your deodorant to the gym please i beg you okay that's all i ask and if you still smell like crap from your deodorant maybe buy a new one i don't know yeah and i feel like there's a difference between like oh like you're a little sweaty and like oh 100 and like

you are like reeking up the room yeah like you clearly forgot to put deodorant on before you left the house like i get the different there's so many different levels of smelling like shit but there's like one level of smelling like shit and i'm just like how can any how can you not smell yourself and if you're meet someone like like literally today on the way home i was like dude i smell like shit like i knew i smelled like shit but like

I just left the gym. I'm going to take a shower. But, like, I smelled like shit. Like, let's just be open and honest. Yeah. Like, no one could have gotten close to me. But that's Sam's, like, biggest pet peeve. Yeah. You do, right? People smelling like shit. Oh, my God. Something about in Austin, I've seen it with people. Yeah. There are some times where it straight up smells like a high school football ball. And I'm like, oh, hell no. You know? We should just start bringing...

care packages of like body spray and deodorant. Literally like little like travel size. Yeah. Little travel size ones. Do you want to hit us with the don't? With the don't? Sure. Um,

I'm going to say this is one of my pet peeves or something I try to do to be courteous and no one else does it ever. And it really pisses me off. Don't be walking in front of someone in the mirror if they're clearly using the mirror and you have a million other places you could be walking. Like sometimes if I'm doing something and I'm mad concentrated looking at my form, I

And you can literally tell I'm probably almost done. I'm not doing like 50 reps. And someone just stands in front of you while you're looking at yourself to like grab dumbbells. And it's like, you couldn't have waited one more second or gone one step around me.

me nuts because I try to be courteous. I'm like, look at that guy using the mirror to like finish his step. Let me not like get up all in his business. Yeah. Especially with like a big squat. Like if it's like a back squat too, when I'm like back squatting, I have to stare at something specific. And if I'm locked in staring at something specific and they walk through it,

my like zone just like goes away but it's just like and sometimes because I posted about this and people are like are you kidding me like I'm not like watching where I'm walking for you okay if it's like literally like sometimes the gym is so packed no matter where you walk you're gonna be way too close to somebody and that's just that's just how it is sometimes sometimes it's just packed but if you have room it takes two seconds to be courteous that someone probably doesn't want want you

dumbbells right in front of them mid set when they're trying to focus and especially especially that could maybe be excused if you continue to stand in front of them when they picked a spot in front of the mirror for a reason if you just stand in front of them like what yeah that that is like no other that is so rude yeah so rude

And then I guess the next one, let's be really positive right here for a minute, okay? Just balls of sunshine. Yeah, balls of sunshine. Rainbows, sprinkles. Wear whatever the fuck you want to the gym. Yes, do be confident and rock whatever outfit you want. That is so important. Just because some stupid-ass guy says that you're wearing a sports bra and spandex to show off for somebody...

Don't listen to them. Do it for you, okay? Be the badass individual that you are. Yes, my TikTok comment said, this is a gym, not a strip club. Okay, F off. Yeah, like wear whatever you want. If you want to like wear, like I don't even freaking know. Like you're allowed to wear anything, but the only exception I'm going to say is do not wear flip-flops, okay? If I can see...

Your toes in the gym. No toes. No toes. If I can see your toes in the gym or if you're barefoot...

Like there was a guy in the gym the other day, he was barefoot and he was back squatting. And I'm like, you could at least put socks on. You're going to have the worst like bacteria on your feet. I was like wanting to throw up. It was so gross. No toes. No gym toes. No toes. But yes to wearing whatever makes you confident. If that's the littlest outfit of all time, cool. If that's baggy ass, completely covered. Yeah. Also sick. Yeah. Doesn't matter. Wear whatever the hell you want. That is.

go to guys too yeah you guys want to do we don't really i mean like yeah like actually gyms have rules of like guys aren't allowed to take their shirts off yeah i think that's kind of sexist yeah because girls would be really mad if gyms were like there are a lot of gyms though you can't wear a sports bra i've seen it all over tiktok like gyms being like oh i got kicked out for wearing like my sports bra i'm like oh my goodness like go on strike i literally go on strike and never go there

I just think a gym is a gym. Like, take off your shirt. Yeah. Like, if you can wear a full-on outfit while you're working out, I don't know. Couldn't be me. So wear whatever the hell you want when you go work out. It's your time. Have fun. Be confident. Wear something that's going to make you feel good. Maybe we continue being bright. Yeah. Let's continue. So also, do these two. Should we do these two that are going to go hand in hand?

Yeah. Okay. So do, let's say overall, be nice to people in the gym. Example, do let someone work in your set. So if someone's like, hey, can I work in? That means in your like 30 seconds of rest, could they do a set on the machine you're using? The correct answer is yes. Most of the time, 90% of the time.

Then there's the 10%. And the other day, I literally had these two guys, two of them, ask me to jump in and work in. And I was like, I literally looked them in the face. I was like, hell no. I was like, there's two of you. I'm like, I would need to like a, I don't know what the hell I need to do. I'd do a super set in between like you guys doing your thing. But definitely let people work in. Also, I know it's a little different because like COVID and whatnot. So if you're not trying to be like,

close to people yeah you could just tell them because like COVID or whatever but like COVID circumstances aside if it's just a machine where it's so easy to switch the weight you just take a little pin out and put it in another way like it's really just common courtesy to say yes to letting someone work in I've also had it's also really nice like on a rack that's like also a deadlift platform like the squat rack in the front deadlift platform for the back I

I was waiting to deadlift, and it's just really nice if someone's like, hey, I'm only squatting. You can use the platform behind me. That's super nice. Let people use your stuff unless you are not trying to have people near you because of COVID. Especially creepers. Yeah, I mean, obviously, if they're making you uncomfortable, but you can normally catch a vibe, then you should just let them work in. And then on the same...

path of being kind ask if someone is using equipment if someone's standing near it maybe their water bottles like on the floor kind of by it maybe they just did a set and they look like they're done but you don't know ask just ask seems self-explanatory but it's just nice to be like hey are you using this no no you're like okay good

Yeah. Or like if like there's been so many times where just like I turn my back for five seconds and I look back around and like the thing I was using is just being taken and I'm like, damn, I was using that. And then I get like so scared. I'm like, it's like some majority of them. It's like a big guy. I'm just like, you know what? I'm just going to let him have it. Yeah. Half the time I'm too like I'm not going to be like I was using that. Yeah. Yeah.

today, I literally was about to use a cable machine. The only reason I didn't was because I was waiting to ask the guy that was on the other cable next to it if he was using that one too. Waiting to ask that, someone just grabbed it and used it, and I was standing one foot away. And I was like, okay. Okay, never mind. It's just common courtesy to ask. Sometimes it's funny, though, because you could literally be back squatting, and there's a bench press next to you, and they're like, are you using that? It's like, sir, does it

Does it look like I'm not pressing? Like some people are too kind. And they'll literally ask like in the gym. That actually happens more often than the other way. Oh, it does. Like if I'm like standing like two pieces of equipment over, they'll be like, are you using this? I'm like, uh, does it look like it? No, like I'm not. Yeah. Like straight up hitting legs. Like, are you using this lat pull down? No, no, definitely not. No, no, not. Yeah.

Thank you for asking, though. But, I mean, it's just good to ask. It shows you're, like, not just being, like... Or it's, like, a guy that's, like, trying to, like, hit on you. Like, trying to start the conversation. Like, oh, are you using those weights? No, we're actually re-racking our weights. A.K.A. the man, the mystery man. Are you using these? No, we're actually re-racking our weights. Thank you, though. Okay, so just overall, just, like, be...

Kind to people in terms of equipment. But let's... Let's crack down on some don'ts. Yeah, some don'ts, guys. This is my... I realized... We were talking about the ick in our life a lot. Like when guys give you the ick. Yeah. And I was like, I feel like I don't have that many. Couldn't really pinpoint anything. Oh my god, I found one. I was in the gym and literally nothing wanted to make me be like, Sir, you are the most disgusting human being I've ever seen in my life.

vaping in the gym. Yeah. I like don't care what you do in your free time. Couldn't care less. Okay. Our gym is an outdoor gym. He was like near the picnic tables. I don't care. Oh no. But the next day I saw him using like the bicep curls. Vaping? Vaping. And I was like,

We are mid-workout. Why are you doing that? See, I almost excused him. Even though... Okay, like, the picnic tables... Our gym is all outdoors, so there is picnic tables that I guess are technically, like, not in the gym. Yeah. Like, you're still only, like, two feet away from people getting in a workout. So I'm like, do you really need to be, like, blowing smoke out of your mouth, like, in the gym? But if you did it on the machine... That's so gross. Yeah. It's literally disgusting. It's so disgusting. I was like... And...

Yeah, no. It's so disgusting. It's just so, like, rude. Like, if I was on a machine and I, like, got a cloud of smoke in my face, it would be like, blah. Yeah. Like, why does it smell like strawberry and why is there... Strawberry. That's so gross. Like, I don't know. Just, like, it's just, like, a respect thing, I guess, for, like, the people and, like, the gym. Yeah. Why are you vaping in there? Also, are you not...

The gym is, like, healthy, strong. Like, you're supposed to be, like, working on you, and you're, like... Doing the opposite. What if someone was, like, drinking a beer? Oh, my God. Stop. To me, it's, like... It is, like, the same thing. Right? Like, if someone was just, like, drinking a beer, like a bicep cry, I'd be like, what? Oh, my God. Someone's probably done it. Yeah. I bet there's people whose water bottles are, like...

Ew. Oh my God. I don't want to think about that. No, but that vaping in the gym, like that was genuinely, I wasn't interested in the guy in the first place. He was just standing there, but I was like, Oh, absolutely not. Like I was like, that was disgusting. So. Yeah. I definitely want to see the next one because kind of got a story behind this one.

Don't throw or drop your weight, okay, guys? If you think you're, like, a big, hulky man, like, you think you can just, like, toss your weight over, like, re-racking it, like, aggressively, you're not that cool. You're not that guy, okay? You're not that guy, pal. Yeah, you're not that guy, pal. You're not that guy. We were at Gold's Gym. If you guys are friends with me on Snapchat, add it, by the way, SammyT711. Taylor Wilson with three Ns. Yes, plugging it.

You probably saw that last week there was a man who threw his plate back. He was trying to throw the plate back into like the plate rack and he completely missed. No guys, take a moment. Threw it. Like threw it. Like, like a baseball. Like, no, like a fucking Frisbee. Like he was like frisbeeing it into the thing and he completely missed and threw it onto my tripod and smashed. Whole 25 pounds. Yeah. Smashed my tripod. I was like,

Like, I appreciated him, like, offering to Venmo me and everything, but I was just like, come on. Like, you can't delicately just put your weights away. Like, why did you need to throw that? He tried to play it off that he threw it at us because we were lifting too light and that we could have been going stronger and, like, we're so strong and we should have added a 25. So he wanted to, like, give us the weight. And I know he was trying to compliment us by saying that, like, we look strong and, like, he thinks we could do more. But I was like...

I'm aware of how much weight that we can lift and, like, I'm using this weight for a reason. Yeah. Like, I just hate the, like... He was kind of talking like we didn't know what we were doing a little bit. Yeah. Like, you guys can be... And I'm like, I know how much weight I can do for a deadlift. I don't... Yeah. Didn't need your opinion. Like, I'm aware. But just dropping...

Especially when it's just unnecessary. Yeah. Like, you do not need to be throwing your weights on the floor. That was, like, definition of unnecessary. Yeah, no, guys, like, he threw it. Like, I hope you get that in your brains. I feel like you might be thinking, like, kind of dropped it kind of aggressively. No.

He was like a few feet away and was like trying to toss it back into there. Do you know how badly that could hurt somebody? Yeah. Like luckily it broke your tripod and not your foot. Yeah, that's what I was going to say. What if that was like my legs standing there? Not my tripod. Oh, game over. So be careful. Don't be doing that. No.

Try to control your dumbbells on the way down. Yeah. Like, you don't need to, like, drop them from up in the air. Some people confuse this, though, with, like, people do. I've seen TikToks of people doing, like, Olympic weightlifting in, like, an Olympic weightlifting gym. And in Olympic weightlifting, you, like, drop the weight from up here. People are like, don't drop the weight. And I'm like, they're Olympic.

Yeah, like what else do you want them to do with it? Like people, they like take it like too. Literally. Yeah. And they're like, you're not supposed to drop the weight like that. I'm like, they have 300 pounds over their head. How are they going to get it? Down. So like literally though. That's just like funny because don't be those people on TikTok that if you see a video like that, you're going to be like, wait, like I've just seen that too many times. I think it's funny. Another don't.

Um, using your phones on machines, guilty, guilty, guilty. But I don't, I don't do it that much. Yeah. I don't do that. I definitely, I definitely do it, but it's like, notice the times of like, if the gym's busy or not, you know? Also, okay. Going on your phone for three seconds to like answer a text and sitting and scrolling are two different things. Like the equipment isn't like a chair. Yeah. It's like someone's waiting to use it. Yeah. No. No.

But I'm definitely guilty. I mean, we use our phones in the gym a lot. I like to give the excuse. Oh, I'm sure so many people are staring at us like, oh, these bitches, they're filming themselves. Oh, 100%. Like, I just want to use that machine. They better hurry up. I'm like, I'm sorry, sir. I don't care. But I don't really care about, like...

Like, film yourself, dude. Like, who cares? Yeah. Who cares? I don't care. Like, if you're taking long to set up because you're filming yourself, who cares? Film yourself. Like, you pay gym membership. Yeah. Film yourself. But don't just be sitting on the machine. Because then, if you're sitting on it, if you were standing, someone could ask you, what are you doing with you?

phone calls on the machines. Oh my god, how do you even do that? Gyms are so loud. I don't know. But it happens a lot. Like, people will be on phone calls, like, on their AirPods, and like... Oh, yeah, and they're just... Yeah. Like, and they're just rambling. I don't think they realize how much time has, like, passed. I'm like, hello? Or if they're doing the going through motions, but they're, like, having a full-on phone conversation in their earbuds. Like, let's say they're, like, leg extensioning, and just on the phone. I'm like, you're clearly not doing anything, because you're just having a... I could not have a conversation if I'm getting, like, a legit workout in. It's, like, just a waste of time.

waste of equipment let's go back to the positive vibes okay i'm down so do this is so cute of us do introduce yourself to the other girls in the gym yes you listen to the f word podcast we're gonna be

Oh, you, I feel like you can, like, easily, like, catch it out, too. Like, I, like, notice, like, I'll be, like, we'll be at the gym, and, like, they're wearing, like, shorts, and it's, like, they, I'm, like, do they, do they listen to the pod? Literally. At my gym at home, every single girl, they wouldn't really say stuff to me. Some people would, some people wouldn't. Sometimes I'd see my Instagram on, like, I'd see my Instagram on the girl's phone, like, while they're looking at my workout and doing it. Like, I'd see my photos, and I'm, like, oh, yeah.

I'm just, like, right there, and they don't say anything to me. But then everyone in my gym switched up their outfits and started wearing big T-shirts and shorts. Yeah. Like, one day to the next. And I was like, where'd you get that idea? Where'd you get that? So, if you, like, if you see a girl, shorts, wrong-ear T-shirt, hydro jug. Beret bag. Energy drink. Be like, hey. Yeah, hey. What's your name? I know you. Yeah. What's your name? Be my friend. Be my gym partner. Yeah. Introduce yourself. Another way, I think I've said this on the pod before, but...

If someone's filming themselves, this is such a great way to make a friend. I actually made a friend in college like this.

They said it to me, but now I know this is such a good way to get someone else. If you see someone filming themselves, so many people have fitness pages. Be like, oh, do you have a fitness page? Or like, oh, do you want me to film you? Do you have a fitness page? Yeah. Asking to film is a big one. That's such a good friend pickup line. That's an amazing friend pickup line. Oh, do you want me to film you? Oh, do you have a fitness page? Because they're filming it for a reason. Maybe you have a fitness page. You follow them. You go to the same gym.

Best friends. Bam. Right away. Best friends. Did it. And if they have a fitness page, guess what? They're probably also lonely, bored, need a friend. Yep. I feel like we're all like that. And if you're not lonely, bored, and need a friend, and you have a fitness page, damn, you're cool. I said this on the podcast with Patty. No one starts giving their whole entire life to the gym because they...

Have so much fun. They're busy. So that's such a good friend pickup line. So you should do that. You should go up to the other girls and become their friend. Yeah, I agree. We just gave you so many good ideas of how to like. Because then if you asked about the podcast, if someone looked like they listened to it, and they said no, you still have a conversation. Yeah. You'd be like, oh my God, you should. You would like that. Yeah. Still a conversation. Still your best friend. Plugging it for us as well. Yeah. But that's just...

That's just such a great way to make a friend. Back to the don'ts because we pretty much have don'ts left. Guys, we did make a list by the way. Ew, you just played footsies with me. Taylor just played footsies with me. Stop, I'm going to pee my pants. I'm just sitting in the middle of the table.

Damn it. To make it worse, it was just her bare feet. Oh, God, I'm going to sit on my feet so you can't do that again. I'm just feeling my water now. Oh, God, I'm crying. She literally just touched my bare foot. Okay, moving on. Guys. I'm literally crying. We made eye contact, too, when we did it. I can't stop. I'm sorry. I'll stop making jokes about it. We got to be serious. Okay. Okay.

Alright, guys. Next one is... Oh, I love this one. Yeah, do not scream your head off. Like, this goes for girls and guys, too. Like, I don't know. I don't know if we should, like, say this story or not. Like, don't... Oh, my God. Like, every single day we're in the gym...

Just yelling. Like screaming, like aggressively. Like our gym has like floors, like there's like stairs, like levels, and you're like one level up and it's like. You can hear them. No, it's like who's dying. Oh my God. And the joke is the weight's not heavy. There was this guy, this mucho macho man doing like hack squats in the swimming machine with just one plate. He was using one plate.

On both sides. And he drops to the ground. First of all, he's screaming the entire set. He's like, like screaming. And we're like, okay, what the fuck is going on? And then I look over. Massive man. Like massive. Like big. Like Bradley Martin big. Like he was big. And then all of a sudden he just drops to the ground. He grabs his legs and he's like, ow! Like crying. I was like, what is going on? He racks the Smith machine and just collapses the floor in a moment.

And we're on the treadmills and the treadmills look above. Like, no. And we're just watching this man. Like, he's literally, like, he's in, like, fetal position. Like, holding onto his legs and he's like. I was like, wait. Maybe go. There's, like I said about the HIIT workouts, there's gyms for big, big dudes to scream and be. Go there. Imagine if they were all just in one gym together. Sir, this is a gold.

Dude, someone needs to make a gym that is just, it's literally labeled like big juicy meatheads that can scream. And you can just walk in there and everyone's going like screaming their heads off because they all need their own environment. But there's girls that do it too. Yeah, there are girls that do it. And I'm telling you guys, it's a little bit obnoxious. Like I make a little bit of noise when I lift sometimes. Yeah, me too. Like a little.

I'm like, I don't even fucking know what it is. Like, I will make a little bit of noise, but not enough noise that in the room over. Yeah. Someone can hear my like people that are literally like a hundred yards away can hear. And if you're going for like, I don't know, like one PR, like, and it's like, Oh wow. Sick. Like I just did something really cool. But if you're just doing like four by 10 thrust, why are you screaming? Like,

Maybe lower the weight. Yeah. Maybe you shouldn't be yelling. Not even. I think it's just like, I don't even know what it is. Probably burns hella calories on her watch. Yeah. Because she's like screaming. Yeah. Your face, you just made. No, but I'm so serious. The amount of energy, you're exhausting. Oh my God. Oh my God. No, that's actually like guys, like this man falling down off the Smith machine. Like I...

I thought he was going to have tears coming out of his eyes. I thought he was going to like explode. Like every vein. You know, his brain, his veins in his head were like popping. He was also like pressing 30 million plates screaming. Yeah. Like, Oh my God.

Guys, we need to hire someone to just come with us to the gym and just record us. Because some of the scenes, just the things we do, it's just funny. We laugh a lot. But anyway, moving on. Another don't. Do not give form advice unless they are legit about to injure themselves. I've seen it way too many times, even to myself, where I've gotten form advice when one did not ask for it. I'm literally putting...

Like I'm just working out, you know, and there are specific things like people, everyone's body anatomy is completely different. So if I'm doing a low bar squat and my chest is down, my head's down. So be it. I don't need a man. Yeah. I am not even getting back at like my normal, like normal athletic club, the club I went to back at home. I had a guy that had the audacity to come up to me when I was doing, keep in mind, I had 185 on the bar.

And I was doing one of my five for probably like two reps. And my form probably looked like shit because it's a two rep max. Like it's not going to look perfect. He comes up to me and he's trying to give me advice on like where to place the bar on my back. I'm like, get out of my face, sir.

But yeah, no, there's a lot of times where like, just let the people, let the people do what they're doing. They're going to learn on their own and they don't, it's a little discouraging to have a stranger come up to you and like try to nitpick everything you're doing. Cause then you're going to feel so in your head, like, Oh my God, am I doing this right? Am I doing this wrong? Like,

Majority of the time, you're probably fine unless you're about to injure yourself. Then that's when form advice is necessary. Yeah. Like, I've had people try... And there was these guys at my old gym. They were just trying to be nice. I know. But it's so... Especially when it's, like, older guy to, like, younger girl. It literally just makes me want to leave. Especially when there are times where it's like, I know what perfect form should look like. Like, I'm trying. Yeah. Like...

I'm here to work on myself too. Like if I was perfect at doing this, I wouldn't be here. Like, let's say I'm literally doing something. I'm like, Oh, like I need to work on bringing my elbows like back this way. And I'm not doing it right. But I'm like looking at myself in the mirror to try to like really make sure I'm doing it correctly. And someone wants to correct you. It's like, I know, like I'm literally like,

Like, I'm trying to work on it. Like, that's why I'm here. That's why I'm here. I feel like people think that because they say something, it's just, like, easily fixable, and that person's just automatically going to do what that person said. It's not like that. Yeah, it could take so many workouts of someone cuing you and cuing you to, like, get them, like, tried. Yeah. Like, for example, like...

Like, my bench press form. Like, I don't have that down yet. Like, at all. And, like, people coming into my DMs, like, giving me, like, advice on, like, my arch and, like, what and all. I'm like, guys, little do you know I'm trying to figure out the best form that's going to work for myself. So you don't need to give your unsolicited advice. That's it. I did... I posted a bench press video a little bit ago. Not the one I just posted, but... And my wrists were a little bit, um... Like this. You guys can't see. I'm, like, bent and not, like, straight up. And someone commented... Now...

I got good reps, though. Like, they were clean reps. I couldn't feel my wrist in the moment. I know that your wrists aren't supposed to be like that. I'm aware. Like, I'm aware in the moment. Did I notice? No, because I'm not freaking perfect at benching. And I got comments like, oh, like, watch your wrist. And I feel like a lot of the time it's people that just want to, like, make sure the world knows that they know things. Yeah. Like, they just want to be like, I know what bench press form is. And it's like, okay, I know. Like, but can we also just...

Like, was I going to die? No. Literally, people make it seem like it's the end of the world. Literally, it's like, am I going to watch the video back and see it myself and think, hey, next time, next time I'll fix that. Yeah. Because I'm like educated on what I'm doing. Yeah, probably. You didn't need to say anything. It's just so discouraging when it's something so minor. Yeah, I agree. Or when the form tip is just wrong. Yeah.

Sometimes people are like, oh, you should do this. And sometimes like in like a TikTok comment. Yeah. Literally the arch on the bench. Yeah. Like I got a million comments being like, um, you're going to break your back. What? Like, how are you going to give me form? The low bar squat. I get that all the time. Yeah. Chest up. Say what you were saying to me earlier. Remember how you were saying like how like someone said that

you giving attitude back to someone that was saying like, Oh, like, Oh yeah. Someone was like, I literally commented, I'll give attitude on my TikTok. I don't care. I was like, you guys literally know nothing about lifting. It's embarrassing because everyone was just repeating random words. Like they hear other cues when people lift of like, keep your back straight. So since I had an arch, they just keep spitting out.

Keep your back straight. And I'm like... It's so embarrassing that you guys are commenting that. And someone was like... They're just trying to learn. Learning and calling someone out and saying that you're doing it wrong... Is not learning. No. Learning would be like... Hey...

I was told this is it okay to do it like that yeah or like why do you do it like that why do you do what are the benefits of this like yeah that's learning not telling someone not to do it yeah not like oh my god like you're gonna hurt yourself be careful you shouldn't do that yeah now you're just making yourself look

Kind of dumb. I get that with the low bar squat all the time. Chest up. It's a low bar squat. I'm like, I don't... I'm like, I wish I could keep my chest up because I'd love to see myself in the mirror, but I can't. I have to look down...

It's, like, different for everywhere you squat, but I have to look at, like, a specific parallel when I'm back squatting. So, like, we can't get our freaking chest up. Also, with form, people that think every single thing is a powerlifting competition and if your depth isn't, like... Good, it doesn't count. Like, they're like, that doesn't count because you're one millimeter, like, slightly above parallel. Yes, it did. Like...

like who is that a power lifting me right now not me yeah like it literally counted like and people just want to be so like bringing people down with their form yeah that's huge on social media I got comments using the one arm row machine like that mind you I had someone holding my back against it so I was like I was being held so I couldn't move I'm literally the most isolated my back has ever been and people are like

Because that machine, you, like, lean forward and, like, pull it back. And people were like, oh, my God, like, you're, like, swinging the weight around so much. Like, everyone was coming at my form. You're using so much momentum. Mind you, I was being held. Like, I was being held with force. And the only girls, like, I follow back that literally lift were like, none of these people know how to use this machine. And it shows. They're like... I don't remember this video. It's, like, pretty old. But I was like, how else do you guys want me to do... What? Like, I was like, what the hell? Like, people just...

Repeat. Yeah. Like repeat nonsense. So dumb. So your unwanted form advice, no one wants it. Yeah. Nobody wants it. No people want it. It's good for the gym trainers too that think they're like experts on everything. Oh yeah. I don't want it. Yeah. Next we can move on to don't talk to someone mid-set.

Self-explanatory. Especially if I had headphones in. And then you have to, like, pause your music and take out your headphones. Oh, that's the worst. Like, when they already said it and you have to say what and then they have to say it again. I'm like, ugh. I'm literally, like, one second trying my phone to pause the music. Huh? Yeah. I'm like, what? What do you want? Yeah. That's, like, literally self-explanatory. Yeah. Very. So, it happens a lot. So. Another don't is don't touch the bar unless they want you to. Okay? If someone's going to ask you for a spot...

I think it's pretty explanatory if you have a gym partner and you know their do's and don'ts of it. But if you're doing it with a stranger and you don't necessarily know, do not go for that bar unless they literally say, I can't or help or just something along the lines. Then that's when you should grab it because you don't want to just barely be touching it because...

That barely touching it is a good resistance or assistance with the bar. So like they're going to get a good assistance, whether you think you're not helping them or not, like just by putting your fingertips on the bar.

It helps them. So that is that. We obviously go into more like topic when it comes to like how I like spot someone because there are different ways to go about it. Or you can listen to the podcast with Jay Lane. We talk about that a lot on past failure because that's a different form. That's like helping someone do reps, which is different. This is more like...

Literally on the bench. Just, like, a last rep type of thing. Yeah. Because someone... If someone's going for, like, a PR or something, if they already half got it up there and they have more in them and you touch it, they probably won't do it again because they just exerted so much force trying to even get it halfway up. Mm-hmm. And, like, now you just messed it up. Yeah. So you got to pull a Sam. Like, get that video of me benching with her. Like, weighed it. Like... Yeah. I ain't fucking touching this shit. Because also with the bench, they're not going to, like, drop it. Yeah. Like, you could...

Just hold it there. Yeah. Like, if I literally didn't have a spotter, I could hold it on top of my chest with my own arm. And someone can run over and get it. Someone would run over and get it. The person's not going to die. Yeah. Don't... I've seen too many TikToks of random strangers coming in and just, like... Trying to be the hero? Yeah. Oh, my God, I'd be pissed. Yeah, I'd be real mad. Someone did that to me once at...

At LA Fitness, like, yeah, I was, like, struggling a little bit, but it was definitely, like, it gave me the energy of, like, you don't think I could lift this. And I was like, sir, this is, like, my, like, 10th rep. Like, I'm good. Yeah. Like, you could leave. Yeah. So let's finish off with one more positive, and then we'll go back to, like, the don'ts after. Okay. So the positive, the last positive is guys. Yes.

Or I guess it's a pause. No, I guess it's not. Do hit legs. Okay. We'll say this in a positive attitude. Do hit legs at the gym dudes. Okay. Okay.

that fat dumpy. You don't want to be hitting your arms, chest, upper body every single day of the week, okay? Looking like an upside down Dorito. Yeah. And then the girls, do hit something other than legs, okay? Be a bad bitch. Go into the gym. Get a nice upper body pump. I've been telling you, if you are neglecting upper body at the moment and you're just going to the gym and doing legs, once you start to go and start hitting upper body and you get that start to get those pumps, you're going to be addicted. Addicted, dude. It's way better. Now, I curl 20s

I literally feel like the baddest bitch in the gym. No one can touch me. Like when I used to, that moment when you used to be like arm day, time for the tens and the fives. And then all of a sudden it's like time for the twenties to the thirties. Yes. Fuck yes. Like, like it's so rewarding to get strong. There's nothing more rewarding than like, and you're not going to get bulky from it. So don't tell me otherwise. Yeah, no, shut up. Don't want to hear it.

So the last one, guys, is going to be don't hit on a girl mid-set dance.

Or while she's working out. Okay? We really want to go into more detail on this, but we're just going to leave it at that. Just don't hit on a girl mid-set. And then if you want to hear more about us talking about how to approach a girl or how to approach a guy in the gym, definitely stay tuned on the podcast episodes because that will be coming. Yeah, so let us know. Do you guys want a whole episode on that? Because obviously that's a very broad topic and we don't want to give away too much because we can get talking about it forever. There's so many...

Different scenarios, ways to go about it. But I think that'd be a great whole episode in itself. Yeah, and we will bring people on for it. Maybe guests? Yeah, guests. A guy's point of view? Yeah, a guy point of view. That'd be freaking amazing. Okay, so you definitely have to, when you're listening to this, on the new episode post, leave a comment. Yes. Do you want that episode? Let us know. We want that episode, so I hope you guys do. Yeah, we want it. So...

Please say yes. Desperately looking for the yes. Please say yes. We want to do it. I think it'd be really fun and just funny. Like honestly, just funny. Especially because Sam, I feel like now you're known for that concept on TikTok. Yeah, I definitely am. Sam is like queen of like guy and girl Jiminy. Yeah.

So that should be super fun. This was a really good episode. It's pretty long. It is really long. Yeah. So if you guys enjoyed it, I hope you did. Give it a nice share. Show some love. Yes. Give Sarah, our graphic designer, some love on the post that's going to be going up today for it. Yes, of course. Show love to Sarah. I know obviously you guys comment. It's mostly about us and the podcast and tagging us. But if you ever, you know, I don't know, just any post or anything, like...

Saying you like the graphics, saying you like the post, go show some love because it's not just us. She's tagged in the highlight page on the team page.

I wanted to also put out there because we're always saying Instagram. It would also be amazing if you go on Apple podcast and review our podcast, give us a five star rating and you could just literally all you have to do is tap five stars. That's all you have to do. You can write something nice if you want to. That'd be so sweet. But just give us a five star rating on Apple podcast. Yeah, really appreciate it. That would do a lot for us.

because we just want this podcast to keep growing. So if you guys could do that, it would mean the world. And our biggest goal is to try to get to top 25 in the fitness. Is it a leisure? What is it? Fitness and health. Oh, fitness and health ratings up in there. We are working our way up, my friends, but we cannot do it without your help. So the world...

It would mean the world to us if you guys could show the love that way. Yes, you can't review on Spotify, I don't think at all. So all you got to do on there is download it and listen to it. But on Apple Podcasts, which already comes with your phone, you probably already have it, just tap five stars. So that's it for this week. Yeah. Yeah, make sure to just follow the Instagram, do all the things. That is on Snap. We love y'all. And we will see you next Friday. Bye, guys. Bye. Bye. Bye.

See you on Friday.