Today marks our one year anniversary. Join us next Friday, June 17th virtually as we host our Ticketed Live podcast. Tickets will go live June 10th at 10 a.m. Central Standard Time. VIP and general admission tickets are available. Go to our Instagram at fword underscore podcast for more information. We hope to see you there. What's up, guys? It's Sam and Taylor. And we want you to put your shoes on. Pop open that energy drink. And go.
Hello guys, welcome back to another episode. I'm Taylor. And I'm Sam. And today is going to be a good episode. We've got another guest on. Two guests. We have the acne guru self-proclaimed, that's like their name on everything, from ClearStem Skincare. We're going to go all in on skincare, acne, products you should and shouldn't use, things that might be causing acne that you don't even know day to day so much. We're going to go very, very in-depth with them. Can't talk. We're going to go very, very in-depth with them.
So it's gonna be very informative and it's a topic we haven't talked about. Yeah not only we have not talked about it but also I am so uninformed on this type of stuff and over the last like few months with living with Taylor actually I've learned quite a bit just from her so I'm excited to learn from that. Yeah it'll be really informative but before that let's
First things first, let's do a little weekend recap. Yes. What did we even do? I always forget. We went to a little girls' night dinner. We did. Not dinner. Drinks. Drinks. Not dinner. But let me tell you guys, I don't know if it's because we haven't been drinking as much or those drinks were so strong. It's probably both.
They didn't taste like alcohol. I know. Also, another thing, if you guys know me, I do not drink anything other than tequila because I've noticed when I mix two different types of alcohol in one night, I go like crazy. I'm either like throwing up or I'm like, I don't remember anything. So what I've been doing is when we do our girls night drinks, I've been just getting like
A different drink because I'm like, oh my God, like let me enjoy like vodka or rum or whatever. Freaking whiskey. I don't know. So I don't know. Maybe it's because I had two vodka drinks and that was just like. I don't know. I had like, I don't know what it was, but they were, they were hitting. We went to P6, which is at the top of the line hotel. Not top.
Like, 6'4". I don't know how tall the building is. Whatever. At the Lion Hotel in Austin. Really nice, really pretty. We really stepped out with the fits. We looked really cute. We did. I stepped out... Or actually, I did not even step out of my room. Taylor came into my room, and I was like...
wearing like my like two-piece set from beginning boutique and she's like you're gonna wear that i was like yeah i want to be extra but just because like we can't like you can't wear that type of stuff out out oh hell no you'd flash everybody no yeah so like when i knew we were going to p6 i was like i'm just gonna dress well you could wear an out out in like miami
Yeah, not here. Or, like, Vegas. Not here. Not here. No. And it was, like, really hot, so it was, like, the perfect outfit to wear because P6 is outside. And I was like, I don't want to wear, like, jeans. Those are going to, like, stick to me. So I wore, like, the lightest weight, smallest set of all time. We were going to go out after that. And then we didn't really have plans to go out, so we were, like, we're staying home. And then we came to the decision, like, if there's not, like, a reason and a plan to be going out,
We're not just like going out for no reason. Yeah. Like we're not just going out to like for the sake of going out. Yeah. We honestly like used to do that because it was like our way of finding friends and meeting people out. And like we did. We found friends out. Yeah, we found friends. But now that we have friends, we don't really feel the need to just me and Taylor go out, just the two of us. When we have like a good group of friends, we can go with them. But none of them wanted to go out. Or even like...
like just as we're like scrambled to like find where people are like yeah I'm not doing that like I'm not like gonna go through all this trouble to like go out of my way to like show up to some like pregame or meet you at a bar at 10 p.m. like but no I just I would just rather like having a productive non-hungover Sunday is the most glorious feeling in the whole entire world oh my god like waking up and like
by 11 a.m having seven things done yeah it feels so good because if we go out on saturday we don't grocery shop like we literally grocery shop at like two before we know it's 5 p.m and like we're done for the day and we get everything done by like literally like you said like 11 yeah it's nice and we start going to central market which is a like irwan to texas and if you like know of irwan in california it's like the most bougie like grocery store slash like
Hot food. Thing where you can go in. It's kind of like Whole Foods. You can go in and like mix food and stuff. But we went and it was so nice. And we met one of you guys working there. So shout out to... What was your name again? Sorry with an M. I can't remember. I can't remember. I'm so bad. That was also like two weekends ago. Yeah, it was two weekends ago. But...
She was like, oh, you like this one? Well, the other one down south is so much bigger. We're like, bigger? This one is massive. We must go. So, of course, we went the next weekend. Did all our grocery shopping. Got all the little fun things. So much, like, fun, cool food. Yeah. I love fun, cool food. Best produce section. They had a vegan deli. Like... Yeah. Like...
Like meat. Not like a deli. Like when you go... Like cut meat. Yeah. When you want... I don't even know what you would call it. Like a butcher. Yeah. Like when you want like already pre-made like seasoned burgers or seasoned chicken. Like that's what it was. Like a meat section. And I'm not going to lie. Like the chicken... I don't know if it was maybe the piece I got, but all I could taste was just an aggressive amount of seasoning. See, I did not...
taste that at all so i don't know i don't know yeah i didn't taste it at all but i got ahi tuna like i literally just got a slab of tuna at the like seafood section from the grocery store it was so good yeah the chicken was like deep it had the best macros to any other vegan chicken so the thing with vegan stuff is sometimes you gotta sacrifice really good macros for like taste yeah because like other chicken patties are like way better but they're like two grams of protein this one's like 32 grams of protein
So you got to kind of sacrifice. Like it depends what's like more worth it to you. But also with my weekend, I stopped tracking food, guys. I decided I'm just going to go into the intuitive eating for the summer because I just didn't have it in me anymore. I really didn't want to. So I started that over the weekend. I was like, you know what? Fuck this. I'm just like done tracking for now. I finished all my cardio, still doing a little bit of cardio.
But I just don't feel like it. Yeah. I have, like, a few more days left. Her family's in town, so she's going to be spending a lot of time with them. And I am going to finish out the week strong. And next week is when I get my period. So I kind of just figured, like, this is the perfect time to stop. Like, I'm going to have my period. Workouts are probably going to get me off from it. I'm doing a deload week. And we just have a lot ahead of us in terms of, like, summer. Yeah.
Yeah, I wanted to stop tracking. Like, my family got here. We're recording today. They got here today on a Wednesday. And, um...
I was like, okay, I could stop on Wednesday or I could just stop, like, Monday. Like, start the week. Like, I like doing things on, like, the start of a week. Yeah. So, I'm like, if I'm going to stop Wednesday, like, what's two more days? Like, I might as well just start the week not tracking. It doesn't really make a difference. Yeah. So, yeah. That's pretty much that for the weekend. Oh, no, not even. Because I wanted to, like, talk about this because I don't know. Everyone on my Snapchat knows about it. But, um...
I do this solely for you guys, for your entertainment, but I went up to a guy at the gym.
And, yeah. I did. I stepped out of my comfort zone and finally did it. Okay, here's the thing is, I've been waiting for this one guy at our gym to come up to me or just be at the gym at the same time as me and come up to me. And I have a feeling it's never going to happen. So Taylor was just like, you need to start going up to the guys at the gym. I'm like, you're so right. And then someone said it. Who was it? Lori, I think, said it. No, our friends. Because it's true. And I've said it too. Like, guys aren't going to come up to you. One, they already know there's a little bit of a bad stigma to, like, going up to a girl in a gym. You're like...
good-looking, successful, like, knowing what she's doing, like, they might literally have, like, seen you on Instagram. Like, why would they come up to you? I probably wouldn't. Yeah. I probably wouldn't. Like, if it was, like, reverse, like, I don't think I would. If I was like, oh, that's that really famous, in-shape, not really famous, that's so dramatic. Yeah, no, stop! Stop!
That's so dramatic. I just meant like if it was someone to me that I thought was famous. You know what I mean? I probably wouldn't go up to them. Yeah. It took Lori to say that to me because we were at the gym with her. And then a few hours later, we were at the gym with her again later. She goes,
I'm intimidated by you guys at the gym. I'm like, well, why? I'm like, why? I don't understand why. So I was just like, you know what? Fuck it. I'm going to start going up to the guys at the gym. And I went up to one of them and, you know, big slap in the face. I went to look at his Instagram after he had a girlfriend. So I was just like, whatever. Also, I feel like I'm going to get like canceled for saying really famous. I don't think we're really famous. I was just making an exaggerated example. I just feel like people are going to be like.
This girl said she thinks they're really famous. That's not what I said. I was just making an example. And, like, to someone, like, I could think someone's really famous, but realistically, like, they might feel like a regular person. So, like, it's, like, per se. Yeah, but also at the same time, if you're gonna, like, we're, what, 10 minutes into this podcast already? If you're, like...
a hater listening to us 10 minutes into our podcast. Like, what else better do you have to do with your life? That's true. Like, get over yourself. I just want to make that clear. I don't hate it. I'm, like, so sick of, like, people hating on us. It's, like, the most, like...
pathetic thing ever. Now that I'm on TikTok, like, I can see old videos of people talking about me and I just laugh at them at this point because I'm like, that's just, like, embarrassing for you. You made, like, a six-minute or six-minute, three-minute long video about me and you don't even know who I am. Like, you've never met me in person before and you are taking all of these, like, things and accusations and just, like, assuming things.
That's tough. And observing. Like, I'm just like, you guys are pathetic and I'm sorry. Sorry, little rant. Anyways, in the spirit of ranting, let's do a little new little thing of our podcast. Yeah. Our little, we are going to start incorporating a high and low of the week. Maybe we'll come up for like a cooler name for it.
Yeah, if you guys have a name, let us know. Like a catchy jingle. Yeah, because there's so many like interesting ways to like say like highs and lows. Like some people say like, what was your like, what was like Rose and Thorn? I don't know. There's like random ways to say it. But basically high and low of the week. Good thing that happened. Bad thing that happened. Let's start bad.
And then with a happy. So what's your low? My low, and also these don't have to like personally do with us. It could be just like something we saw or anything. Oh, it's going to be anything. Yeah, literally anything. It could have literally damaged my whole week or pissed me off for one second. I don't, it could literally be anything. No, literally though. Mine has just been like the...
Like the fitness community to the sense of like, we've been working so frigging hard to like get rid of all that BS that's out there and like create more of like an understanding of how simple fitness can be. And I just hate to see like certain creators out there like
Still going against like what we believe in. Obviously, like we're not saying what we're promoting and preaching is like the right answer. But like the other day I was like, I think it's the right answer. Not the only right answer, but it's not damaging or bad.
Yeah. Whereas, like, I think it's the right answer in that sense. It's not damaging. It might not be right for you. And there's a million things that could be the right answer. But what we're saying is right in the fact that it's not going to hurt you. Yeah. But basically, I did see one. This was about two weeks ago. And I was just like, oh, my God. Like, it's been frustrating me ever since. But this one creator labeled her chest workout as...
The way that she grew her boobs, which is literally impossible. Like you can do a chest work at all you want. The only thing that's going to grow is your, your chest muscle. It's like higher up to like, and I do see, and I agree that maybe her boobs did get bigger, but you gained weight. Like you're probably just eating more food and that's what's happening. Your boobs are just getting bigger. When I went through my bulk, my boobs were so big at the peak of my bulk. And now I've cut down and my boobs are much smaller. Um,
And I just cannot stand, like, the labeling of videos or workouts and making it, like, eye-catching and drawing you in. And I think it's also to, like...
It depends. Like, let's say you're going to the gym and lifting weights for weight loss, but you also would want maybe bigger boobs. If you're going for weight loss and you're trying to lose weight, your boobs are not going to get bigger. If you're going to the gym for healthy weight gain, your boobs are going to get bigger. Yeah. Like, it has nothing to do with chest flies. Yeah. It's just, that's just not what it is. It was like a bench...
a dumbbell bent incline bench some chest flies and it was like how I grew my grew my like boobies I'm like what no you didn't grow your boobies like that I'm sorry but you I need to bring it to you but like why are you why are you labeling me and it's like at at least it's it's getting girls in the gym to go bench which I'm I'm all for like if that's gonna get you bench pressing I'm
Cool, but you're going to be really upset when, if anything, they might go away. Like, if you're, like, on a, I'm going to get shape, like, I'm going to lose weight. Yeah. I'm going to get, they might, they might kind of disappear. Yeah. Because especially when you guys work chest, think about it next time. When I, like, work chest and, like, feel a pump and feel a contraction, it's here. Well, you got to talk and say where because people are listening, not watching. That's so true. Okay, so, like, take your hands and, like, under your collarbone.
Yeah. Like, it's like, like, even like, I'm like flexing my chest right now. It's like literally my upper chest. It's not my fucking boobs, like my saggy. I'm sorry, I can't. Yeah, so it's, I agree. It's very, it's very frustrating. And, and to see, I think it also puts a little bit of a blow when like, content doesn't perform maybe well that week, and you see people, like,
literally having content perform well and making so much money because no yeah like crap it's like because it's hard i think when you're doing content to draw the line of like you know you can make way more money and get way more views on that youtube video if you just title it make shit up how to make my boobs bigger like so i think it's frustrating when like you're like damn
Like, damn, like, that, like, reel of yours is really gonna get, like, a million views of, like, your boob transformation. Like, I'm just, like, saying, I don't know. Boob transformation. I don't know if that, I don't know if that happened. I don't know if there's a reel of, I don't know, I made that up. But, like, and then it's, like, damn, like, like, you're not, I'm not gonna post that because I know it's not true, but it's, like, damn, man. Like. No, yeah. Agreed. So, um, Milo is, like, totally...
different my low is like actual like a meat yeah go ahead I was my high and my low like connect so I'm gonna go straight into my high after yeah do you want me to hold your hand are you okay yeah I'm totally okay I'm gonna say my low was that long distance is so hard it's hard as fuck man long distance
so brutal and like that's basically like I mean I don't know how else to just elaborate on that like it fucking sucks bro yeah and also this is like your personal life so you don't have to go into detail at all yeah I mean I think people just get like yeah I feel like there's nothing else to explain like it fucking blows yeah but some people in their mind right now are probably like why why did you fight like what did you fight about oh no no no just because we live in different states no yeah you know just fucking blows yeah like that's all but high of the week
David comes here tomorrow and he was surprising me and I didn't know when he gets in tomorrow. Yay! So because I've literally been a little baby about it like just so like like every time I'm on the phone I'm like man this fucking sucks. Like I'm like this like sucks bad. Like I'm like this like is ass and I'm always just like uh like I just can't wait for this to be over.
he's coming tomorrow so that's like so fun and i'm really excited and that was my high of the week also that my family's here but like i knew they were coming so i was like anticipating it so the surprise was like better but my family being here is like also high i have like all my like most like loved people you know yeah no i agree yeah it feels nice i had to ditch them to come do this podcast so that's how much i can't that's how much i care about you guys
Oh, God. I don't even, like, really have, like, a high for the week. I feel like nothing, like, crazy has happened. But I think what I can say a high is, and I've realized this. This isn't just from, like, this week. This is just, like, all kind of piled up into, like, now, is I can, like, really just, like,
like say like i'm mentally okay from like everything that happens like i can kind of just be like okay like all like some of you probably listening right now are probably what the hell is she talking about but like a few months ago something happened on social media and i would just say i'm like i'm good like i can kind of laugh at it obviously not laugh at it because like obviously yeah but like a little bit but yeah like so i'm like we're good cheesing and also if you're not watching the podcast
on YouTube you should because we've been making a lot of like facial features and stuff with our hands yeah talking with our hands so you don't want to miss out on that yeah it's really it's really good yeah it's really good but I mean that's a good high I feel like mental um
like good mental health weeks i just like like if like i said like if someone made a video about me that doesn't know me personally i'm just kind of like you're you're the pathetic one yeah i did a q a my q a i answered like three things because i forgot about it but on snapchat someone was like how do you stay so positive when like people are like talking about you really shit's going on
And one, I don't always stay positive. That's crap. What do you mean? I mean like sometimes because I take like antidepressants. Something that I said, I was like, if I still have my family supporting me and like my best friend supporting me and my boyfriend supporting me and the people that...
really matter then like nothing's really wrong yeah like if something happened where my family was saying horrible things about me or like my like the people that actually like know then that's different but like if it's just noise like social media or not if it's like people at your school or like like like random shit really doesn't matter like if the people that actually matter in your life are like
all good, everything's great, then there's no issue. Because those are the people that know you and matter. Yeah, exactly. And I feel like it's the same thing. If everything's good in your actual life, I would not remain positive if my parents disowned me. But other than that, what does anyone's opinion really matter? Exactly. Ha ha ha! And if you're still a hater listening to this, again, like I said, 30 minutes in now, move on. Yeah.
Okay, I like that. I like that little segment. I think it was good. It was. Drop name suggestions for what we should call the segment. Pet of the week. Pet of the week. I wouldn't say Mac did anything wrong this week. He did. I'm going to say Mac as redemption. Yeah. Because he went through a tough spell for a minute. Yeah, I don't know what happened. He went through like a...
many crate punishments, many... Mac, please stop. Yeah. No poopy butt this week and no pee. Or you peed once on the rug, twice on the rug. Yeah. That's not the best. Yeah. Which, guys, we have a new rug. You can't see it in the video. But...
I think he deserves a little redemption. I think he's done well. I think he's excited to come out with us. He played with the dogs. Really cute. Yeah, we brought him to the gym today, which was nice. It's been really hot here in Austin, and Lift ATX has a rule where it reaches about 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
not to bring your dogs and we went to the gym this morning around like what 9 9 9 30 and i looked at the weather and it was just 81 degrees so i was like hell yeah mac you're coming with us because i figured it wouldn't get above 90 while we were there and he had a fun time yeah um so i'll give it to mac for redemption i feel like neither of them did anything wrong i would just say phineas has like had like zoomies like times a million this week like when i was in my bathroom i
I was just like in the mirror doing my hair and makeup. And all I see behind me is him running around in circles and then like claiming onto my, my current. He's also like, I mean, he's always like Mac, but Mac's attention will be on something else and he needs Mac's attention and he'll fight for it. Yeah. He'll jump on them. Crazy for Mac's attention. Um,
um but they both perform i have like a niece and a nephew like little tiny kids they both did great with the little children mac is a gentle dog i would hope so yeah i'll give it to mac for redemption he redeemed himself so good for him um and then i would say we could talk about like our fitness especially cutting right now like well we kind of covered that yeah we did kind of cover that we're taking a little deload
I'd say right now there's just, like, a lot going on besides, like, being my best, most fit self in the whole world. Yeah, I honestly, like, energy-wise, it's very low. Yeah. Because, obviously, food's low, cardio is high, and... Mind. Yeah, mind is on, like, so many other things. So... It's just not my priority. Like, obviously, going to the gym is still a priority, but...
I'm not like, stay in the gym for two hours, never leave. Oh, yeah. Like, make sure I'm PRing everything. Like, that is just not... I, like, don't have the... And we wanted to go to Solidcore this week, but guys, I don't know if we're just...
What's like the good class to tell me the name of the class that is like very much abs focused because they're all arms and legs. Yeah. Some of them were like lower body glute workout or like full upper body. And it's like, you're doing like rows. I'm like, I want to be doing like planks and pushups and like oblique things. We don't want to do a full body workout. We want to do like abs. Yeah. So what should we do? Help us out. And get this. Okay. We have beef.
the we were like oh my god we have a lifetime membership an expensive lifetime membership lifetime has classes we're like oh my god we could just do because we couldn't find a solid core class we're like we can do one at lifetime because we pay so much fucking money for a membership that we should just go to a pilates class at lifetime so fun the pilates classes are the only classes you have to pay extra for like what the hell is that that's like the biggest ripoff ever
That membership is not cheap. And you're telling me I have to pay? For that, we get Equinox. I know. Yeah, because there's not many cute boys at Lifetime. Yeah, but I mean, the group of men that go to Equinox that we know are all gay. Yeah, they are. So I don't know how that would be for you. I would have so much fun running around the gym if they were there. Oh, no, it'd be great. They're great people, but I don't know how that would go for your hunt for cute boys. No, I know. That's true. Because they wouldn't be into you at all. Yeah. Yeah.
Darn it. Yeah. I mean, that's really not all of them. That's just the only ones we know. Yeah. And would they be your type? You're telling me you're going to date a guy that equinoxes their home gym? Yeah. I don't know, man. I'm going to quest. We'd only go for the treadmills and the Pilates. I know. Wait. We haven't sauna'd. We haven't. It's so fucking hot. I sauna'd just walking to my car. I know. But sauna feels so good. I don't know. I got in my car today because I was parked outside at a restaurant.
My car's never been so hot in my whole entire life. It was brutal. It was like a sauna for like five minutes. But we do need a sauna. Yeah. Definitely. So should we get into the, you know, next part of the episode? Yeah, like the real part of the episode? Yeah. Yes, I'm so excited. Okay.
cue the interview okay guys so now we're here with danielle and kaylee from clear scam clear stem i literally keep stuttering today that is my thing today stuttering clear stem skincare do you guys want to introduce yourselves and what you do how you guys started working together whichever one of you wants to go first
Yeah, I'll go first. I'm Danielle Gronich. I'm the CEO, co-founder, formulator of Clear Stem Skin Care. I also own San Diego Acne Clinic here in La Jolla in San Diego. And helping clear acne is my passion and Kaylee is my amazing co-founder. Yeah.
I'm Kaylee. Nice to see you guys. So excited to be on this podcast. Truly, like we love podcasting because it's our, like the best way to get people really valuable information about their skin. So love this opportunity. Danielle, I started ClearStem.
five years ago and we can dive more into our story, but truly because nothing on the market existed that was anti-aging and anti-acne and non-toxic. And also it was so frustrating to get real information around acne. Like you look on Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Google, and you get a thousand different answers.
And Danielle and I were just so fed up, both personally of going through a really difficult acne journey, but then also working with clients and people who are just so exhausted of giving a million different ways to handle acne. And most of them were so incorrect. They were making their skin worse. So we knew we had to set the record straight. And that's why an entire pillar of our company is surrounded by education. Yeah. Love that so much. So I struggle with acne. I have for a while.
Sam is blessed with, you know, like that clear skin can kind of use whatever she wants, like doesn't break out. But one thing I was really excited to like have the idea to have you guys on because I think our podcast is health and fitness based and a part of that we don't talk about is like skin health. That's not really something that we've ever dove into on the podcast ever with anyone knowledgeable about it. So yeah.
And a lot of people, especially in the fitness space, a lot of people break out because we're like working out more, sweating more, which means our pores are open. So if you're using products that have pore clogging ingredients or not exfoliating properly, you're going to break out more, not only on your face, but potentially like your chest, your back as well. And yeah.
of course, everyone that listens to your podcast is passionate about health. And so your community is like dialing it in on the fitness side of things, dialing it in on like what they're eating. And the next step is always taking care of your skin for long-term health. Cause it's the, it's the same thing. Like taking care of your skin is very much like diet and nutrition just for your skin. Yeah, exactly. So,
I'm kind of ready. Let's get into the like nitty gritty, the info. Like, I don't, I don't want to like miss anything. I want to get right into it. What are like, could you say, is there different types of acne, like hormonal acne, like cystic acne, like is what we're going to say work for all types of acne? Like how like general is it? Is there different methods for each person? Does every person have different types of acne? Like what exactly goes into that? Yeah. Great question. So
Almost everyone thinks their acne is hormonal and hormones play a huge role in everything in our body, everything, but that I think there's a misconception that there's something like wrong with our hormones and that's why we're breaking out. Yeah. Sometimes that's the case, but, um,
basically the normal hormonal fluctuations that especially women go through with our testosterone lowering and raising at different times of our cycle that can trigger an acne breakout. So most women break out right before their period when their testosterone is a little bit higher in relation to their estrogen. And that is, you know, in essence, hormonal acne, but it could also be from the poor being clogged from a lotion and the surge in testosterone is what's like creating that particular breakout, right? So
Hormones are not the one thing causing acne most of the time. It is the thing that gets manipulated the most, like medication wise in order to make someone less acneic, but not all acne is hormonal. In fact, there's usually a lot of other triggers going on at once. Cystic acne is a type of acne. There's like inflamed and then there's non-inflamed and then there's like cystic and there's a couple other ones, but those are the main three triggers.
Cystic has to do with like the size and the level of inflammation. It's like the big red painful ones. And that is usually tied to more of an internal condition, but it can appear for a lot of different reasons. Basically some people they're only mildly acne prone. So they get like some tiny little breakouts here and there. But if you're really acne prone, that same thing that might be tiny on some other person could just turn up cystic on you. It just depends on your skin really. Yeah.
As far as like different types of treatments for different people, the first thing everyone who's breaking out needs to know is that there's probably something in their products that's clogging their pores topically.
So the way that you fix that is to check for pore clogging ingredients. We actually made a really nifty search bar on our website that you can literally just copy and paste an ingredient deck into the search bar and it will tell you if there's a pore clogger and then there's like a master list that you can cross-reference because unfortunately, even like clean and organic and organic
all the trendy skincare that like you'd think would be good for you because it has herbs and other nice stuff in it. Most skincare has pore clogging filler agents, like the thicker substance that's in most people's lotions and sunscreens and makeups is a pore clogging agent. So no matter what type of acne you think you have, you want to make sure that your first step is to check for pore clogging ingredients. And then from there, you can look at things like diet and maybe getting some labs run for hormones, et cetera, et cetera.
It's so wild how pork loin ingredients is so easily overlooked. Like, so when I met Danielle, this was like six years ago. I just fell into like whatever marketing was in front of me, like whatever someone was posting about on Instagram, whatever videos I saw, you name it. So I was buying all
all the products just based on like what the marketing was telling me. And when Danielle, I first met and I brought it into her, she's like, no pork, or no pork, or like throwing out like all of like my hair conditioner, all these oils I was using moisturizer, like you name it. And it's so wild when we talk to people right now, they'll be like, I was breaking it. I've been breaking out for so long, all this, all that. And we'll find like two products in their routine that have pork like ingredients, they remove it and their skin's clearing up right away.
And so it's so easy for us to jump to hormones, which it can very much be hormone related, but we forget like the easiest thing to check is her pork clogging ingredients. Yeah. Would you guys mind actually just plugging your website real quick, just for anyone listening? Absolutely. So it's clear stem And then when you go to our website, just go to like the menu bar and it's under, if you click resources, it just says pork clogging ingredients list.
Again, it has the master list on there that's alphabetical and then a little search bar on there that again, you can just Google your product, copy and paste the ingredient deck in there to check. And then you always just want to double check through the rest of the list too. Perfect. I used that and talked about it on the podcast, how I used it.
um in one episode and everyone was like what was that again like I I need to use it and most of my stuff I was actually surprised that it came back like pretty good because I do like suffer with breaking out fate there was this brand of face masks I mean I'll just say it's like the loops beauty face masks I put those in and they like it was like no and I was like wait what I was like this
I was like, what? So now, cause I really liked those and I'd like buy them. And I'm like, oh my God, we try not to buy those. But if someone's not necessarily, not necessarily acne prone, like let's say for Sam, like you don't really break out. Like, would it even like for someone like her, should she really like care to check or like, she's fine. So she like, doesn't really have to, to, to worry. Like she can use it if she wants kind of thing.
I mean, you can use it. If you don't break out, then you're lucky. You can kind of use whatever you want. You should still watch out for toxins. So our line is also completely free of toxins like parabens and hormone disruptors and like the synthetic dyes and all that stuff. You should still watch out for that regardless of
acne. Um, but as far as like pore clogging ingredients, if you just don't break out, then you really don't have to care that much, but it's important to know that skin does change over time. A lot of people are clear, clear, clear, and then they switch birth controls or they get off birth control or something, or they start taking a ton of B12 or something like that. Um, and it spikes, it changes their, their hormonal profile right there. And, um, then they become acne prone. So that is when you would definitely still want to check.
There also one more thing to note with that. There are some people that are like, oh, I don't break out. I never break out. But I have these little bumps over here on my jawline. Those are still breakouts. So just because they don't like rise to the surface and look like a whitehead or cystic, like the little bumps, like essentially like the uneven skin texture, like those are clogged pores. And so that I mean, that can be fixed with just proper exfoliation and a proper acid use to that, too. Yeah. OK. Yeah. I definitely notice more of my breakouts during like
my time of my period, that's when I see it the most. But if obviously I can still prevent even those little tiny things, I'm going to do it because obviously I'm young, but as I get older, I'm going to want to take care of my skin. Exactly. Okay. Good to know. So now that we talked, cause you touched on the B12, I wanted to go into triggers to acne that people don't realize. Cause like I said, I listened to your episode on the Skinny Confidential and I was like,
I'm shocked at specifically the vitamins because, well, I'll let you share and then I'll give my story because I don't want to like spoil it. But I just realized some of the things I was probably taking and didn't know and have never heard anyone talk about because when I had...
in high school pretty bad. I just got prescribed an antibiotic and really, really intense topical, like topical creams. So intense that my skin would just flake off.
They destroy your barrier and they create a purge. If we're talking about like retinols create the purge, like pretty much all the topical stuff just annihilates your skin barrier. Right. So I was given so much accelerated aging is yeah, it's frustrating. So I was given these super intense creams and antibiotics, which just aren't great for you if you don't need them and had never heard about any of these other things. Yeah.
So if you guys want to go into maybe your top like five or however many, if you think there's a lot like things that people literally are consuming day to day that they have no idea can help, like can trigger acne. Yeah. I'll take that one. I'll kick it off. So my favorite one to dive into first is the supplements. Cause I feel like this is the one that's
That number one, I was shocked by, but especially a lot of people in the health and wellness industry, if you like work in it or just like, or just really care about your body, you're taking supplements. You're always interested in like, well, what's the next supplement I can take to like feel even more better and help with this. So the ones that are going to trigger breakouts are excess and excess is the keyword in all of this. Excess B12, vitamin D and zinc.
So all three of these trigger testosterone, which...
does two things. When you trigger one hormone in excess, it's going to grow off the rest of them because your body wants to just constantly balance your hormones. You're causing a hormonal imbalance, but two, when testosterone is triggered, it produces a thicker and excess oil production in your skin, which is going to get like a thick sticky oil, which is going to clog up your pore even more. So if you're already using something that's clogging your pores a little bit, and you're not even, you're not seeing a ton of breakouts from it yet. It's just basically like
pouring gasoline onto the fire for that. So again, that's excess B12, vitamin D and zinc. You know, over the last two years, we've been told to take vitamin D and zinc nonstop because it's really good for our immune system, which it is. They are amazing. But again, this is in excess and people are just taking way too much of it. And now in addition to B12, it's snuck in so many different packaged foods and drinks.
If you look at the back of a Celsius, it's like out of control with the amounts of B12 in it. Any other like immune-based drink or immune shot. There's this company that came out with these really healthy immune lozenges and it had like 400% of your daily value of vitamin D and zinc just for one. And if people like pop in these all day, like...
That's absolutely outrageous. And then the other one, this doesn't have much to do with testosterone, but another vitamin that triggers acne really, really bad is biotin.
Yeah, because one of the causes of acne is hyperkeratosis. And so it's the overproduction of protein in your skin. And so biotin basically ignites that. So if you're already dealing with hyperkeratosis, again, pouring gasoline on the fire and just speeding that process up so your skin can't exfoliate as fast and your pores are getting really clogged significantly.
So a lot of people who are acne prone will know right away. They're like, I steer clear of biotin because they're like, that breaks me out the next day.
Interesting. I didn't like quite know that about the biotin because I was taking like a hair, skin and nails thing. And I thought it was making my skin better, but like it could have been something else that was maybe coincident. Like I could have started doing something else. I was making my skin better and it wasn't biotin. Like it may have not been the biotin, but what I did notice about the zinc. So I was taking a mult or I am taking a multivitamin that has zinc. And then I got these vitamins and
That were supposed to be for your skin for like acne prone skin, basically like a cleanse type. It has like all this like stuff in it. I don't even know exactly what it is. But one of the things it has in it was zinc and my multivitamin had zinc. And after I heard you guys talk, I was like, hold on a second. I'm taking these like skin health for acne vitamins and they have so much zinc and I'm already taking zinc.
zinc and a multivitamin. So I stopped taking them. Yeah. That's what happens. Yeah. We might be taking a normal dose and just an everyday supplement of it, but then it's like hidden in these additional drinks. We're taking other multivitamins. We're taking certain, like it's just sneaking in everything now. It's now like anything immune related, like whether it's a bar or a drink, like has vitamin D and zinc in it. So we're getting just so many doses of it. We're just, we're
throwing off our hormones all day. Right. And obviously just to reiterate, it's not that the vitamins are bad for you. It's just too much. Yes. Devils in the dosage always. There's an old like saying in pharmacology or the difference between a medicine and a poison is the dose. So anything besides the vitamins, anything else?
Yeah, certain foods that are viewed as... So certain foods people kind of know are unhealthy, but they don't just like know, like they don't understand the direct impact they have on their skin. So dairy is a huge one. There's something called insulin-like growth factor hormones in dairy. And those hormones immediately start acting on our hair follicles. And we start like hyperproducing like more oil and skin protein. And they're pretty inflammatory for a lot of people. Dairy is just...
really not the best for you after like the age of like four or five. So people that are acne prone notice that when they have pizza, for example, that they will break out. So that is absolutely a correlation. People can, I recommend people avoid
dairy like all dairy of any form for at least like a month and a half and then you can try to reintroduce it to see what you can get away with some people are fine with goat cheese some people are fine with like a little bit of cheese once in a while but it's just like everyone's unique quantity is like that's what you need to figure out for yourself so dairy is number one number two is gluten everyone knows gluten is not healthy for you i don't think anyone is um
has that misconception, but they don't understand just how bad it can be for skin. Um, it is bad for everyone because of what it does to our gut. But if you're acne prone, it can really affect your skin. Just the level of inflammation is super high and it can create like cystic acne specifically, um,
specifically in like the mid cheeks or like, uh, like down the neck and just like pretty much like in the lower face, but it'll be in like a weird pattern. Um, so if you're eating a lot of gluten and you have like cystic acne in your cheeks, definitely look at that, um, to get rid of it. Dairy will mainly get you on your chin. Gluten, um, will get you like in your cheeks, same thing with eggs.
Eggs are ridiculously hard to digest for a lot of people. And if you're acne prone, that means that it's going to clog up your lymphatic system. And in the face, that can be like the parentheses shape from your nose down to your chin, like around your mouth. Yeah.
So if you're breaking out and you eat a lot of eggs and you kind of have like cystic acne around your mouth or like in the middle of the cheeks and a weird pattern, definitely give those up. And you should see a difference in a couple of weeks after giving both eggs and gluten up. You should definitely notice. And then again, you'll have them once in a while and you'll see what you can get away with. For some people there, they've gone keto and they're just eating like five eggs a day as a snack. You know, that is when it can get that's when the quantity is simply too high.
Interesting. So I didn't know if the location, cause I've seen little posts about the location of acne. Like you can tell the signs of what it is. I wasn't sure if that was true or not, but that is true. Like where it is on your face can be telling of like what it is. It can be, but those charts are really misleading. They're, they're so incomplete that to me that they're just inaccurate. Cause they don't take into account for clogging ingredients. They don't take into account like
most things in your diet. You know what I mean? Like some of these charts, it's like, it points to like one spot on your cheek and it's telling you that that is your gallbladder. Like that, that's just not really accurate. And I think that creates a lot of confusion for people, but there are some, some areas where it does present itself. Like dairy mainly gets you on the chin. Eggs mainly gets you, um, like in certain patterns on your cheeks and on your neck. Um, sugar generally gets you on your forehead. Like there's, there are some commonalities. Yeah. But
It's not quite, it's not quite as specific as those charts would have you believe. Okay. I want to get like specific. And I mean, I don't know if you guys are like doing this, but is there like a specific product or something you guys see people using everywhere that you like know a hundred percent, like that's pork clogging ingredients and like everyone's using it. That's pretty common. Yeah.
Um, I have a kind of recent new one I've been getting a lot of DMS about, because they reformulated they did they used to be like borderline poor clogging where a lot of people could get used to it and then they just reformulated it is the Ilya serum foundation.
Okay. It's the new formulation of it is really poor clogging. Now that before they had like one tiny poor clogging ingredient low on the list. So a lot of people could get away with using it, their new formulation, which is very poor clogging. So that's a big one. Um,
I'm trying to think of like specific brands. To be honest, it's most moisturizers, like moisturizers, moisturizers and like moisture masks. So we recently came out with a moisture mask because I feel like for the last two years, I've been like, Danielle, I still can't find a moisture mask that doesn't have
ingredients in it. Like we need to make one, like one physically does not exist in the market because my skin naturally runs dry. And I also see like Haley Bieber posts all the time, how she does a moisture mask before she does her makeup and like skin just, I mean, makeup just goes on flawlessly. So I'm like, I need that. And I can't find one. So a lot of like really thick moisture masks and moisturizers, like 99% of the time have ingredients.
Okay, good to know. I'm going to need to, I think I'm going to need to get that. I'm like sold. I'm going to, I'm going to do some online shopping for some new skincare. I'm going to, I just got new makeup and stuff, like some new like foundations. I'm literally going to hang this up and go in my bathroom and like, I'm going to like literally copy and paste every single thing into the store.
One more thing that like everyone has gone through a phase of or is currently using is like Cetaphil. In my humble opinion, the Cetaphil line is pretty much garbage. Loaded with parabens. The moisturizer has a ton of pore cloggers in it.
And the cleanser itself has sodium lauryl sulfate in it, which is like a known irritant, strips the skin. Like all the big no-nos that people who know skincare avoid, Cetaphil still has them. Like they haven't bothered to reformulate. CeraVe is a little better, but their moisturizers still have pore-clogging ingredients. So most of their moisturizers have something called Satirith 20. It's just a random chemical most consumers would never know about, but it is pore-clogging. And the thing that kills me, these products are marketed...
usually they're, I think part of their marketing system is they give little trial sizes to dermatologists. So the dermatologists give them out to everyone and that's like how they get in people's hands and it's like trusted context. And yeah, like they're marketed toward acne people. It's the,
the ingredient like that, sorry, the, the marketing would have you believe that it's like safe for everyone. And then it's like, it's your dermatologist gave it to you. So it's totally good. But if you look at the ingredients, they're pretty gnarly. And there, there's a lot of data that show that the ingredients they use are terrible for us. So it's one of the most common things that people use that could be breaking them out that they would never think of because they got it first from a dermatologist office.
One other one, I guess two other ones I thought of too. I'm not gonna mention the brand names unless you guys want me to, but one is strictly coconut oil based and they like market themselves as that. And another one is strictly like algae based and they market themselves as that. Coconut oil and algae are two of the top pork log ingredients in the clean beauty space. So again,
Um, you might not have issues if you're not breaking out, but if you're currently breaking out coconut oil and algae are just like going to trigger you right away for that. So anything that's marketed as like deep sea, um, from the sea, like anything like sea or ocean related, it's typically going to have an algae in it. That's why it's marketed like that. And then of course, anything coconut oil or shea butter related. Yeah.
Okay. Good to know. Interesting. I'm learning so much because like, I'm so new to like the skincare area. I've never really focused on it until like living with her and we've lived together for like a year now and I'm slowly learning. So this is great. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. I've tried it. Like, I feel like I've tried it all at this point. I like, I do it all, you know, like I drink my water, like I'm washing my pillowcases frequently. I'm taking off my makeup every single night. Like I'm the person, like, I don't care if I'm drunk at three in the morning, the makeup's coming off. I'm doing my skincare. Like I try so hard and like, I still just break out and I still have blackheads. A fun little fact about the pillowcase. So we were like
I feel like told for the last, I don't know, like last two or three years, like our pillowcase breaking her out, breaking us out and like,
scaring us into having to wash our pillowcase all the time. But in reality, it's usually our hair product we're getting on our pillowcase. It's breaking us out. So it's typically a hair conditioner is the biggest culprit of ingredients. So when people are breaking out extra on their sleep side or on their back and base of their neck, it's like 99% of the time from conditioner. And so it's not as much, we don't need to excessively wash our pillowcase. It's more of the conditioner getting on the pillowcase, getting on our skin. Wow.
life-changing because it is on i that i do sleep with my hair up quite a bit though but i guess i would still be on my pillowcase yeah yeah and then it's still yeah i do too yeah i guess i would still be on my pillowcase yeah still getting on your skin that is so i think that's something a lot of people definitely overlook and it's not that's the same too with acne like near your hairline or like on your back like saying yeah from hair products
When it's like that close to the hairline or where your hair falls or where your ponytail falls and you're working out all that. See this way, I just find this stuff so important because knowing that young me, you know, took all those antibiotics and the stuff that made my skin literally like come off and flakes. Like, I'm not even kidding. I would touch my face and it would just shed forever.
Like I had this weird habit for a few months. Cause I was on that cream too. I think it was called different at the time. And I like, it would get so dry and flaky that I, this habit of like opening my mouth to, cause it was like so uncomfortable that my mom would be like, Kaylee, stop, you're doing it again. Like for a few months, because it was like my skin breaking apart and like opening my mouth was the only way of like giving it relief. But
But like, how awful is that? Like I was in so much pain and literally skin flaking off everywhere. And no one before they do stuff like that or like Accutane like tells you and sits you down and is like, well, what's in your conditioner? Well, what's in your makeup? What's in... No one...
No one asked you about that. They just like put antibiotics in you. Zero questions asked. And I find that insane that they just go straight for that.
Yeah, our medical, it's not the dermatologist's fault. Like no derm wants to be like part of the problem, but the way that our medical system is structured, it's a prescription based medical system. It's not consultative. It's you get to see people for like 12 minutes. You have a day full of people. Your job is to match them with the best prescription that might work and then move on.
There's very little follow-up. There's very little like consultation around diet or lifestyle or going through all these things. So that's why acne specialists like me exist because we're like the inverse of, of the traditional dermatologist experience. And most doctors will tell you this freely, but like, they don't get a lot of nutrition training in medical school. Like it's very shockingly low. Like
under 20 hours for most programs. And it's mainly just like contraindications, like, you know, don't have grapefruit if you're on statins or something like that, you know, it's not eating for health, it's not focusing on like gut health or digestion optimization or food sensitivities or anything like that, which matters so much for your skin. So that's why people are struggling and feel kind of like lost is because like the current way of addressing skin issues is
doesn't encompass the things that really matter and impact the skin like diet and products. Um, so I wanted to go into like, get kind of nitty gritty into like morning and night routine, like a product you use in the morning. That's like, you think is like crucial if you can only have one. And then when you use at night, that is like the best for like overall skin, maybe not just acne, but like skin in general. Well, morning is SPF. Okay. Yeah. Yeah.
For me, I'll just pick a different one for fun. For me, the morning is our no Botox serum. It's our bounce back serum.
I feel like it just gives me like the best hydrated glow for the day. Like I'm obsessed with my skin being hydrated at all times. And it just gives it like, I've noticed if I'm like traveling and I either run out or just forget it. Like I noticed the like most difference in my skin from looking a little more dull to just like bright and glowy from that serum. Okay. Non-negotiable every morning. Okay. And then night, what's your number one? Nighttime.
The number one thing, well, they all do such different things. So. Okay. Two or three. Okay. Thank you. Two things. That would be our clarity serum. Our clarity is like the, the one in the little yellow pump bottle and it's,
a blend of mandelic acid and vitamin C and turmeric. And so all of our formulas are anti-aging and anti-acne at the same time. So that's something that like really sets our line apart. So every single formula tackles that.
aging and acne equally. So, but the mandelic acid one, it's called clarity. It's mandelic acid, which is a form of alpha hydroxy acid. And what that does, it dissolves the outer layer of your skin so that your body replaces it with brand new fresh skin. So that helps get rid of brown spots, wrinkles, rashes,
It unclogs your pores, which is the part that helps with the acne. And then the vitamin C gets to travel down because it's an acid and then it brightens you and the turmeric calms inflammation. So it's just like, it's really going in and you leave it alone for 10 minutes. And in that 10 minutes, your skin is becoming different and it's going to be better in the morning when you wake up. So that's my number one part to your question.
And then the second one would be moisturizer because you do need to moisturize at night, especially if you're exfoliating because you don't, you want to make sure your barrier is still restored.
I literally cannot give another answer because mine was going to be like exfoliation and then moisturization, like the exfoliation with like with the clarity, like using our vitamin scrub and clarity creates like the biggest, most massive change in your skin, both like texture, clarity, brightness, wrinkle, like everything. And then you have to moisturize after that. So like the two in combination is like the non-negotiable evening routine.
I'm going to leave this podcast and meet another person. I know. I'm like, this took, okay. So Sam is like, since she doesn't struggle with acne, she just buys like clean and clear on sale and is like, and is like good to go.
I can't wait. Okay. We're going to send you some of our products to try. I want you to take a before and after picture since your skin is already amazing. Like I want to see what that difference looks like. Just upgrading to it. Yeah. Like just like next level. Like you will have not a, not a pore. Yeah. Okay. Porcelain skin. Literally we have like
um, only a couple minutes left and I wanted to go into, cause this is stuff that I see all the time and I need an expert's opinion on it. The skincare like fads on the internet. I wrote down a few and I just want to kind of want to know like really quick, like, like bullshit or is it like actually doing something? This is going to be fun. Okay. So this is one that I kind of do and I'm going to be mad if it's like bad, but like, but like the aquaphor. That was actually fine. That's called slugging.
Yes. It's so counterintuitive, but like, here's your, I don't know if we're going to get a visual of this, but like, here's your little pour and then here's aquaphor. It like is so thick. It can't go in. Right. Okay. So the benefit of using aquaphor at night. So my point in that little demonstration there is that it's, it won't break you out and it's shocking because it's so thick and
Like you would be, you would never think to put that on your face if you're an acne sufferer, but it is actually fine. And what it does, like the point of using it is to trap the moisture in your skin and prevent what's called trans epidermal water loss. Basically when you're asleep, you're to think of yourself as dehydrating while you sleep. So this actually prevents your skin from dehydrating and it seals in your moisture and your serums and everything else you put on underneath. So the best way to do that, you don't want to use just a plain aqua
on your skin as a moisturizer. It's the wrong pH and you won't be able to breathe and it doesn't have good ingredients in it, right? So what you do is you layer, like in our case, when I do it, I do our stem cell serum, which is the bounce back that Kaylee talked about. I do that one. And then I do our moisturizer, which is Hydroglow. So that also has stem cells in it. And then once that has soaked in, I then seal it with Aquaphor.
Um, and that is like, well, that's when you wake up like a new woman because all the good stuff has been fully absorbed. It literally could not wipe off on your pillow. Cause that wasn't an option. Cause the aquaphor was there. Okay. I'm so glad. Cause that's like what I do. Like I do like my base, like skin here and I put it on top and I like feel like it worked. So I was going to be really disappointed if that wasn't a no. So I'm happy about that. Yeah.
there's a better way to do that though. There's the Alba botanical brand has something called unpetroleum jelly. It's a bright yellow little tube. You can get that off Amazon prime and it's just a healthier version of Aquaphor. We also have a moisture mask, but that's a separate thing. But yeah, for, for this, for what you're doing, get the Alba unbotanical jelly and it's just a healthier way to do that same thing. Okay. We'll do. Okay. My second one is like,
the ice slash when people like freeze a cucumber and then like put it on their face. Ice, yes. The freezing of the cucumber is literally just another version of ice. So like, yeah, it doesn't make that big of a difference. Like it's,
Yeah, it's pretty much just it's it's ice packing. So really good for reducing any inflammation like puffy skin in the morning. The best thing to do if you have a breakout is to ice pack it, especially if it's cystic and do not pick at it because that's going to help calm it down, take down the inflammation, comedy redness. So icing. Absolutely. Just like if you like hurt your ankle or something, you know, I used to bring down the inflammation. Same for your skin.
Okay. Yeah. I've always thought that made sense. Like if any part of your body was red and inflamed, you'd probably put ice on it. So if your face is red and inflamed, it, it only really makes sense to put ice on it. Okay. Cool. Cause I've been debating, like, I really want to get an ice roller.
And I used to like put ice on my face and I feel like I need one. The ice roll is just easier because like you're putting ice on your face, like you're just like sitting there and then the ice cubes melting. If you can get like a really good ice roll, you can just like walk around the house and do it. And it helps with lymphatic drainage too. So you're like getting the-
in with the cold therapy so it's a good yeah so it's it's generally best to put an ice pack or like a frozen water bottle or an ice roller or something um on your skin direct ice can be a little too traumatic especially if the skin's been compromised or if you picked at it and the skin's raw it could just be a little too intense okay i feel like we covered so much i learned so much i learned so much i should have like brought a notepad i hope everyone was taking notes yeah
But I love this. I feel like it brought so much information and value to everyone. Do you guys want to like plug yourselves? Give like one last like website, your personal Instagrams, like anything and everything. Give it one. Absolutely. So you can find more information for ClearStem. We're like, of course, huge on education. So our website's full of it. Same with social media. So, ClearStemSkincare on all social media accounts, Instagram, TikTok, you name it.
Um, my personal Instagram is Kaylee dot Christina and Danielle's is Danielle, the acne guru. Cause she lives the world's acne guru. Truly like we could go on for hours about all this. I feel like I need to go to like your, um, your clinic. Where do you guys live?
We're in Austin, Texas. Amazing. We go out there every once in a while. I think we're going to go back in the fall to actually record again with the Skinny Confidential. Oh my God, yes. Well, maybe we'll do a part two when you're here in person. Yeah. So fun. Okay, well, thank you guys so much for coming on. Thank you for having us. You guys are so fun. Thanks for coming. Thank you, guys. See you on Friday. Bye.