What's up guys, it's Sam and Taylor, and we want you to put your shoes on, pop open that energy drink, and go. What is up guys, welcome back to another episode, I am Sam, and I'm Taylor, happy F word Friday. Favorite day of the week, actually I don't know, favorite day of the week is definitely Wednesday because we record on Wednesdays, but I do know it goes out to everyone else on Fridays. Yeah, well I mean I think I like Fridays better because then it's like we already did it. Yeah, that's true.
But I just look forward to it. I'm like, oh, it's Wednesday already. We get to record. We get to talk with our friends. Yes. We just got reunited. Yeah. I picked Sam up from the airport literally an hour and a half ago. Yep. Because we both just got back from Florida. I got back yesterday. She got back today. I had a good time. Did you have a good time? I did have a really good time. It was very relaxing. Although I did continue YouTube, which that's easy to do, I did feel really relaxed.
Yeah, I didn't do like anything. I didn't vlog because I mean, there wasn't that much vlog. I was just hanging out with my boyfriend and he still had baseball and stuff. So there was literally like a whole day where I was like home alone because he had an away game. But I was just chilling. Yeah. It was nice to just relax and vibe. Even before that, we have a lot to catch up with. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Some things were like
Captain of the BL. Yeah, Captain of the BL. But we're like ready to talk to you guys about it because like, why not? Mine's a little like deep. Yeah, I'm like, what one do you want guys? Good news or bad news? Bad news. Okay, bad news.
Also, I'm realizing I'm really far away from the mic. Sorry, guys. But what I was going to say is that if you guys have me on Snapchat, you know I dropped the tea earlier in the week, and I got such a good response and support of you guys being like, oh, I'm so sorry, but don't feel the need to share. I'm not going to share full details, but I am going to share what happened just because
I don't know. I think I can like laugh at it now. It's been two weeks. I think now it's kind of funny. Yeah, it is really funny. Like, it's not funny, but it's like that would happen. It would happen to me. Yeah. Like, so I guess I honestly will just share the whole story. I don't know. But basically what happened is me and Taylor, which is normal Monday, or was it Tuesday? Monday.
I don't know. I don't know. Monday, Tuesday. And we were about to, you know, we finished our breakfast, had our coffees, and we were about to go out to the car. So we go to the gym and we got up to the garage and my car is just not there.
And I am literally trying to convince myself that it was stolen because I wouldn't believe that it was actually stolen. Taylor was like, oh, I thought I'm like, your car got towed. Your car got towed. Why would it get towed? I don't know. I'm like, you left it downstairs. Yeah. You left it downstairs. I parked my car downstairs because that's where I charge it. Um,
So, like, sometimes my car is downstairs. So, I'm like, you parked it, you know, in the other parking garage. It's like, no, that doesn't happen. Like, you don't park it down there. And then I'm like, she got towed. She got towed. I don't know why you would get towed because it's like, if anything, I'd get towed because my car is registered at my apartment, but I actually don't have a sticker. So, if someone was looking for stickers, if anything, I'd get towed. No. Right? So, I'm like...
What did you do? What did I do? I'm like, you parked somewhere else and you don't remember. And this is all within, mind you, two minutes. No, but those two minutes felt like an hour. Of just staring at the empty parking spot. I had to repeat to myself a million times, my car was stolen, my car was stolen, my car was stolen. To get to the point where I had actually realized my car was stolen and I needed to call 911. So whatever, we go to the leasing office and while I'm walking to the leasing office, I am calling 911 and I'm freaking out.
And I have no idea. Like, I have no answers. Nothing. 911 answers. It was the dispatch. And they sent me straight to, like, a police officer who then, like, told me that they were going to be coming by. And that, like, they obviously had other big priorities for us. Because I live in the city. Like, obviously, I'm not going to be the top priority. But literally, 9 a.m., they did not come, like, a detective or a police officer or anything until 4.30. So, between that, those two times, like, the time I was like...
I'm freaking out. I'm, like, one, obviously bawling my eyes out. Like, what the hell do I do? And two, like, trying to do anything. Like, I called Jeep to see if, like, there was a tracker on my car. Taylor's on Google. Oh, also, this time, they said, like, the police could be there any minute. Don't leave. Yeah. So we're trapped. We can't leave. We can't go to the gym. And so...
I was just, you know, going on, like, calling my parents, obviously, like, on the phone, like, the whole entire, like, morning. I was calling 911 every hour. The dispatch... So when you call 911, you get the same dispatch person every single time. And I don't know how that works. Couldn't tell you. But she kept being like, like, Sam, like, I'm sorry, but, like I said, they're just... They're gonna come when they come. And I'm like, freaking out. I'm like, my car's definitely in Mexico at this point. Like, what the hell? Like, or, like, if it's not in Mexico, then you already sold the car. Like, I don't know what to tell you. So...
Taylor, luckily, is looking on Google and she's like, Sam. I'm like, what? She's like...
where are your airpods like we can track your car through your airpods and i'm like this is such a good idea taylor why did we think of that because my gym bag was in my car and like so much other important stuff and i was like oh my god i'm gonna track my airpods so i go onto my phone i my heart sinks because my airpods are like two blocks down the road and i'm like it's down the road baby and they were there at two in the morning and five in the morning they were right there they were there they were active so i was like i was like
fuck like let's go i was like this i was like if the police aren't gonna come do it i'm doing it myself i was like i'm doing it myself i don't give a fuck we're going looking yeah so we get to like where the airpod location is and we are searching everywhere i'm like there's no way like it's not here i'm looking in dumpsters yeah that was my car is a car you're gonna see your car that was my thing i was like they probably because i was
I mean, I think we both were. I was under the impression like they were trying to sell your car, sell the parts. So everything inside they trashed, right? Like I didn't think they would want anything inside. They threw the stuff that was inside in the dumpster. They are literally selling the parts as we speak. Like the rims, the doors, like everything's being sold on the internet. But I'm like, but there's nothing in the dumpster. Yeah. So we're like,
okay yeah like that's weird i'm like i just want my airpods back in my gym bag i just want to be able to go to the gym no paddle boards so our paddle boards which are really big guys like they're inflatable paddle boards which you've seen on youtube like they go into a backpack they're pretty big and they're like 25 pounds and you wear it as a backpack they're like 300 they were gifts they're gone yeah and like we take pride in our weekends we love our weekends it's our little like treat at the end of the week like we love it and regardless of like
the, like, price of them, just the fact that if we weren't going to get those paddle boards back, I was like, you are not going to take away our fucking Saturday. Yeah, our Saturday. I was like, you're not going to take away our weekend in, like, the water. You're not going to take that away from us. So...
as we're pulling out of this like sketchy ass lot that we're in where like the dumpsters are we see this homeless man like that lives in an RV and he is like he has so much stuff like hoarded all around his little camp Taylor spots the paddle boards and goes Sam our paddle boards and I'm like no way like those are our
out of words and I'm freaking out I'm like do I get out do I go get them like what if he's gonna like hurt me like what's gonna go on Taylor's like no I'm like don't get out like we gotta go we left but I was like no like shoot we never took a photo for evidence like we need evidence so we circled back took photos and then we run right back to my apartment and then at that point it had been close like when the police showed up yeah pretty close and they were like why did you guys leave the apartment I'm like you weren't coming you can't hold me hostage I'm like you were not coming we were down the street yeah and so
The cops showed up and there's, you know, asking all the basic information, going through like the security footage and all that. They see my car leave that night around like two 30 in the morning. And obviously they're like, ask, like, I thought like my car had been like legitimately like broken into stolen, all this stuff. But like,
Whatever. I guess it's very common that people steal cars in Austin. So guys, if you live in Austin, lock your cars and just don't keep a lot of important things in it. But the next morning, I'm literally vlogging, like sitting down in front of the camera, and I get a phone call from one of the detectives that had ended up showing up later in the day. And he was like, Sam, it's 8 a.m., it's like...
Sam, we found your car, but we need you to come and see what the state of your car is like. And my heart sinks again. I'm like, it's totaled. Or if it's not totaled, like, the person that was in it, like, graffitied it or just did some really bad damage that's, like, out of my control and, like, insurance won't cover. And I get there. Guys, it was, like, up the woods, like, through this path that, like, this homeless man had been, like, living in.
And he was sleeping in my car. When I showed up to my car, my car was trashed. Like, all of his stuff was in it. And, like, I had to spend, like, 45 minutes with the cops going through everything that was in my car. One by one. And I'm not even kidding. Like, over, like, 200 things of just random... No, guys. Because...
Like, I was there. I'm taking my, I'm in my morning bathroom moment. Sam was like, Taylor, Taylor. I'm like, bro, I'm like peeing. I was like, what? She's like, they found my car. We got to go. I'm like, okay. So obviously I have to drive, right? Sam doesn't have a car. So I'm like, I throw on slides. And one officer waited for me to walk me through the path because I had to like park my car. He was like, just be careful because you don't have a closed hood shoes. I was like, yeah, I got it.
Ran out the house. I did not put sneakers on. Should have worn closed-toed shoes. I wasn't even either. There's so much stuff. Like, they didn't give me gloves, so I'm just standing. Yeah, they gave me gloves too. Because I was not touching it. Yeah, they gave you, yeah, there was like needles and stuff. They were like, you need to help with this. And I was like, wait, I'm helping you guys? But like, literally one by one. Guys, there was so much.
Is this charger yours? No. Like, literally, there was a laptop. There was a guitar. Like... Yeah. Like, there was so much stuff. So much stuff, guys. Like, it literally just kept... Like, legal things. It just kept literally coming out, coming out, coming out, coming out. I was like, is it... Yeah. I was like, in a day? Yeah. It was insane. So, and...
whatever. We ended up cleaning up my car. I brought it, got it detailed. It's, it looks brand spanking new. Like it looks like a brand new car. I was shocked that they were like, you're just going to drive it. Yeah. I was like,
Oh, wait, out of here. Oh, you guys said I could drive this away? Like, that's scary as fuck. Like, you just had to, like, sit in it and drive it. I was panicking. Guys, the seat was soaking wet. I was literally panicking. And I'm, like, really happy. So, another thing, too, is the cops found the guy when they showed up to the scene, him sleeping in my car, but the hood on my car was up. But they were, like, the cops were, like, oh, yeah, we, like, checked the hood. Like, it seems like everything's in place. Like, you're fine to drive off. Two days later, my car literally breaks down on me. And I'm, like...
thank god that didn't happen while i was like legit driving on the highway or something my car like i guess the homeless guy had tried to take the battery out of my car and he was struggling to get it out wasn't able to get it out so like the wires were just really loose along with my like all the locks on my car on like the inside of like the glove box and stuff were also all like destroyed and
He ruined all of that stuff. So my car is currently in the shop right now. I have no idea how long it's going to be in there for. I have no idea if it's going to be covered under insurance or warranty because I bought my car within the year, so it's under warranty. And yeah, I have no idea. Keeping the car, getting a new car, could not tell you guys. I don't know what the damage is on my car and how much it's going to cost. Yeah, it was insane. That was pretty much our week last week. It was insane.
It was nuts. Yeah. It was crazy. Like, we're going back and forth to the leasing office, and we're telling all our neighbors, because, like, it's just crazy. Like, it was actually two cars. Yeah. Two people's cars got stolen from the building, so I hope the other guy... And this is, like... I hope they found your car. Yeah. But...
It was nuts. Like, it was so crazy. It's also so intimidating. Like, even when, like, you did nothing wrong, when the cops are, like, asking you questions. Yeah. They're like, are you sure about that? Like, looking in the eyes. They're like, did you lock your car? Are you sure? As if, if your car was unlocked, you would be like, like, I don't know, someone still stole your car. And sometimes it's just still so nerve wracking when they're questioning you.
No, I, yeah. Like, even though you did nothing wrong, they're just, like, kind of scared. They're like, we still have to ask this anyway. I guess one of the other cops was also, like, under training, too, because he kept looking at the other cop, and he was like, did you ask her this? Make sure you ask her this. I'm like, hmm. I was like, am I in trouble? For real. But, like, literally, at the end of the day, this just goes to show, like, you guys don't know anyone's life, whether they're, like, showing their life on social media or not. Just be kind to those around you. You never know what they're going through. Um.
I'm just choosing to share this with you guys because at the end of the day, it's kind of funny, but like you really just don't know what someone is going through. I guess it's not even like funny is the right word, but it's like interesting. It's like when you watch like true crime or like... My life literally needs to be a movie or a book. It's like now it's like everyone's fine, everyone's safe. I mean like your car's in the shop, but like...
We're good. We're safe. We got our answers. Yeah. We can like talk about it. I just need to get a lot of new like things like sunglasses. I got my sunglasses. Yeah, she did get sunglasses. I need to buy headphones. I need to get a new gym bag. Unfortunately, those HydroDugs to those girls that were supposed to get that giveaway aren't getting the HydroDugs. Yeah, we didn't think you guys would want them. Yeah, we don't think you. They were like, do you want these water bottles? And we're like, I don't think you should ship those. Yeah, no. They were like, they're in the plastic. I'm like, yeah, no. No.
I don't think you guys would want them. Yeah. I was like, you need to get rid of those, actually. But on a more positive note. On a more positive note, why is Mac sitting like that? Oh, he sits like that now. It cools himself off. Yeah, isn't it weird? It's called spooling. Okay. That was, like, really weird. Mac was sitting so strange.
I got a cat. I got a little kitten. He's the cutest thing in the whole entire world. I'm posting on my Instagram story. Found him for like two weeks. A little over two weeks, I think. He's the cutest man in the whole world. I love him so much. Like he literally is just like the light of my life. I love him. Him and Mackerel Russell. I was gonna say they're best friends. Guys, they've already been living together. Yeah, they like live together. They're besties. We did like the slow introduction thing where you like...
kind of let them sniff each other through the door and then we like held them and now as we're recording this right now they're just free see yep they're free they're free right mac yeah i'm saying what's up it's because i'm holding his collar i should probably not but um yeah they're they're just great he's great literally i mean he's literally kind of psycho like ever since i got back from my trip my neighbor watched him she took such good care of him and
and he was very excited to see me. He's still excited to see me. I think it's calmed down, but he, like, didn't sleep, and he normally naps a lot. He's going insane. Like, he just wants to play at all times. I was taking a shower, and he tried to come in the shower with me. He's very needy for attention, but he's the best ever. Aren't you the best? I'm looking at him right now. I'm like, aren't you the best ever? His name is Phineas, like, Billie Eilish's brother, Phineas. Not like Phineas and Ferb.
I call him Cheese. Mac and Cheese. His last name is Cheese. Because my mom said I should name him Cheese so that they'll be Mac and Cheese. I said no. Sam said I will call him Cheese. Cheese. He doesn't really know his name anyway. I'm trying to teach him his name. Let me know guys. Do I give up on that? Or do you have a cat that it worked and it knows its name? DM me. I feel like people are like yeah it knows its name but I think it's just because you're like talking to it. You're like yelling.
I don't know. Let me know. Let me know. Like, be honest. Because if you, like, are, like, no, like, the cat, like, knows its name. Like, you yell the name and it comes. I will continue. I don't know. I don't know if I should try. Yeah, no. But, yeah, he's great. He's the best. And, yeah, I just wanted to, like, have my own little thing on social media for a little bit. But then he was in the background of a vlog. He's very hard to hide because he runs and jumps on everything. It was very hard to film a video without him being in it, especially from, like, All My Better or something. Yeah.
So, yeah. But I got a cat. Yeah. And everyone's always like, well, like, you're, like, I'm just an animal person. I wouldn't say, like, I'm a cat person. Like, I do want a dog, but I just like animals. I'll take anything. No, yeah. The cat definitely, like, suits you right now. It does. Yeah, it's, I just, like, it's just something to, like, cuddle with. Like, something to cuddle and hang out with. That's really all you, like, do with it and play with it. I play with him so much. Yeah. But, um, yeah, I just like all animals. I'm not, like, a, like, I don't think I'd ever have more than one cat.
I say that now, but, like, I mean, like, I'm a sucker for, like, adopting an animal, so you come with me with, like, a baby cat, I'll take it from you. Yeah, Taylor and I are going to go separate ways after our lease, and she's going to end up having, like, five cats. Yeah, I don't know. I just love animals, and, like, he's just so cute. He's so pretty. Matt is also just jumping all over me right now. Anyway, should we get into the important stuff now? Yes, this episode has been long-awaited since, like,
I feel like since we started the podcast. Yeah. Which we've done, like, little episodes on, like, weight loss, like, how to make weight loss easier and, like, just, like, overall stuff like that. But we haven't did, like, a cutting episode. Like, what is, like, cutting and, like, all the deep dive into, like, calorie deficit. Yeah. And I think it's also, like, it will kind of go full circle as to why this is the last one, too. Hey. But, like, basically, at the end of the day, like,
Well, I'll explain it later. We'll just get into it, I guess. But at the end of the day, what is cutting? In other terms, you know, calorie deficit, cutting, I call it both things, honestly. But it is when you are eating less calories than you expend during the day, which is going to be your maintenance calories, and you just need to be in a calorie deficit to optimize overall fat loss.
Um, so that is what Taylor and I are currently doing right now. We went through the phase of, you know, bulking back down to reversing. And now we're in a calorie deficit where we're now eating less than our maintenance calories. Right. And this is not for everyone right away. If fat loss is your goal, because you need to have a really, really, really solid background before you just take food away. Um, you need to, um,
really have that solid foundation of being consistent in the gym. Like this could all be at maintenance. It's not that everyone needs to go through like a bulk before you cut. Um, you just need to be at a healthy maintenance because if you're like, I maintain on a thousand calories, so I'm going to eat 600 calories to cut. No. So you need to really be eating at a solid maintenance before you can cut for some people. Um,
That could take... You're already kind of there. That could take, like, six months. You've had a pretty normal relationship with food. You could just do it, right? You're just the odd one out that's just so average, has had a perfect relationship with food, and you could just, like, drop into a calorie deficit. It's probably not most of you listening. Especially, like, I know...
our like demographic of girls are like, we really push for like eating more and like wanting to put on weight, but there is that other side out there that is, you know, struggling, they are overweight and they're looking to lose weight, but you still fall into that same category of like needing to eat more because you may be under eating and you are like, you know, really, really like fighting with your body, with your metabolism and where you need to reverse diet, eat more, uh,
So that way you can approach that calorie deficit, you know, weight loss journey. So I would say actually, so we don't, we have a whole episode about this. I will actually link that in the description box below the whole episode about why a reverse diet would be better for you than cutting. We have a whole hour long in-depth video.
why it that would be right for you you should definitely go listen to that i will link it down below because it's definitely all in there you can get so much information from that but a cut it's not always losing like a bunch of weight i know i got a comment one time being like because i would obviously our videos are titled about us like being in a calorie deficit whatever and like i used to always say like stop time and shrink and they're like oh but now you're like trying to i'm just losing we're just losing body fat we're not really losing like
Yeah, no. Right? Like, it's like I'm losing – I'm getting more, like, definition in my quads, but my legs aren't, like – Like, we're not trying to shrink. Like, it's just, like, showing the definition in my muscles. It's not really, like – for us, personally, obviously, everyone's, like, goals are different, but it's, like, I'm still trying to, like, keep my shoulders big. Like, I'm still trying to have, like, a wide back. Like, it's all that, so –
So they're just showing a little bit more definition, maybe like tightening up like in like your stomach a little bit, but like overall your muscles are still good.
Still jacked. Yeah, exactly. And there's like a big list of people that we really think and believe that should not jump into a calorie deficit right away. And if you feel like you do fall into any of these, please listen to that episode that Taylor will link at the bottom. But first being is like the under eating, like we had mentioned, if you've never gone through a reverse diet, I think everyone needs to go through a reverse diet before they even go into a calorie deficit. And the next being someone who's never even tracked before because
Because you're probably not even going to know where your maintenance kind of lies. And if you just kind of jump right into a calorie deficit, how do you know where your start point is? So I think people need to actually start tracking, getting comfortable with tracking macros for a little bit before you jump into like taking away from what you're trying to track.
Um, and then another one is going to be someone who's still working on the relationship with food. And if you have a like very recent past of like an eating disorder or restrictive like habits or anything like that, I definitely think you need to work on your relationship with food before you kind of go back into that spiral of like,
being so on the numbers and stuff. Yes, 100, 150%. Yes. So all of those people, if that's you, please click the link down below. Yeah. It's a great episode for you.
But for the rest of you, if this is something you're looking to do right now, go into how we're doing it right because this should be something that's slow and healthy. And I was about to say sustainable, but actually not – like it should be sustainable in the fact that for the months that you're doing it, you should sustain it, but you're not going to be in a calorie deficit forever. So it shouldn't realistically be like – we're not talking lifelong sustainable, right? No.
You should not be prepared to live off this food for longer than a few months, really. Like you shouldn't go years of being in a calorie deficit. But it should be sustainable in the sense that we're not starving, right? We are living day to day. We're not going on prep. We're enjoying ourselves. We're still eating. We still have energy, right? And the way you do this is you go slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow.
25 to 200 calories a week bi-weekly. I feel like 100 calories a week is a good middle for like a good like average. I feel like the more meticulous with you go, maybe the more like advanced your nutrition knowledge. Like, you know, these prep coaches that are changing carbs by like the gram. Like for the average person, if you stay around 100 calories and pay attention to your weight, that should be like...
pretty decent yes of course I'd say um and then kind of like Taylor was saying before you know with it not being sustainable oh my god I can't speak but I you can obviously put your input on this as well but I typically don't think anyone should be in a calorie deficit for like longer than like six eight months is honestly pushing it in my opinion just because what actually happens with your body is when you are eating your
Your body's very smart. So when you're eating that low of calories under maintenance for a long period of time, your body is going to start to adapt that. That's when you're, it's called metabolism adaptation. And again, that we have that whole podcast episode about it. So basically just kind of sum it up is, is,
your maintenance calories will drop to what you are eating at that quote unquote deficit because you've been in that deficit for way too long. So it is important to, I'm not trying to scare anyone, but it's important to remember that you cannot be in a deficit for longer than six to eight weeks. So that way. Months.
You said weeks. Oh yeah. I'm sorry. Um, because you want to then go back up. You can reverse diet statements for some time and then go back into a deficit. You just cannot be in a deficit for a very long time. Right. And it's not that you'll gain weight, right? You'll just stay the way you're at. You just don't need to continue to lose weight. It's not like, Oh, if you got, if you hit your weight loss goal and you're really proud of it, um, you cut to the
body you want, oh, now, like, I have to gain weight back. Like, not really. You just don't keep losing weight. Yeah. You just kind of take a little plateau in the weight loss because you need to really make sure you are paying attention to your metabolism. Like, that is, like, the most important part to it because, again, I don't feel like we need to go into the universe to help everybody. So food is one thing and then the working out is another thing. So cardio, right? Yeah.
Cardio is going to be something you're adding in to keep this calorie deficit because, again, calorie deficit, eating less than you burn off. So obviously we already covered the eating less, but then we got to burn off, which is the cardio. If you guys know us, this is nothing new. We are all about our 10K steps a day. Of course. That is a huge one. Just your NEAT, your non-exercise activity thermogenesis. I'm so science-y. Yeah.
But just like you're literally moving around day to day, like increasing all of that movement, taking the stairs, all that, walk a lot. And then cardio in the gym, whatever you want to do.
We're going to get into it for you guys on the cardio. But that's another thing you're going to be doing is adding cardio. You can also take that slow too, right? If you haven't been doing cardio, we don't need to do an hour or six days a week, right? We do just steps and then we add in one day, two days, right? You don't need to be going crazy. Everything can start slow. Everything starts slow.
Yeah, and I think there's a big thing to remember too is that everyone's fitness journey is different. It's all what you prefer. There are two different types of cardio. It's the list cardio and the HIIT cardio. Obviously, in some cases, one is going to be more beneficial than the other, but do what you are happy doing and what you find more enjoyable, okay? Right. So...
List cardio is what Taylor and I have been doing. We've been just doing like incline walks and the stair master. Basically what that is, is a low intensity, steady state cardio where you are just keeping a constant low impact workout.
Um, out of energy. And that is going to be a little bit longer than your high intensity cardio. You are going to probably be needing to do that for around like 20 to 60 minutes at one period. Um, whereas with a HIIT cardio, which is high intensity intervals, you are going to be wanting to do that for maybe like five to 20 minutes.
because it's more of a short burst high intensity with little slow or little small increments of like rest between so like you can do circuit training and stuff like that but the list is like like I said treadmills yeah and with HIIT like I'm glad you kind of said circuit training because I was going to like talk about that if you are choosing to do HIIT to do HIIT properly and I know like I've done this too like HIIT and circuit training kind of get
used as like one but like for it to genuinely be as beneficial as you want it you need to be doing burst of energy that are literally taking everything out of you like sprints like sprinting as hard as you can for 20 seconds like I'm talking you cannot go more than 20 seconds like that 20 seconds is your ultimate push breaking for a minute you
And then continuing doing like sprints on like a bike. It could be like a circuit, but like the circuit would have to be the most all out you've ever got in your entire life. Like there's some things that are like hit on social media that again, I've put like, I've called it that because it's like a buzzword. But realistically for like weight loss and cardio purposes, like don't just do like a little circuit where like one of the things is like crunches. Yeah. Because that's not like.
all of your energy you want to be like dead like pushing a sled that's like freaking hard like you shouldn't be able to move anymore like that type of not like circuit that like instagram girl does that like i used to do i'm like scroll back on my instagram page all the way down not that i'm like don't do what that girl's doing don't do that scroll go like find like actual people that like do like sprints and like hardcore shit um but that's going to be more taxing on your body and more
more stressful on your body, which that's why I prefer personally. I don't know if that's why you prefer it. The Liss cardio because I just – I don't need that extra stress on my body. Exactly. Because stress is stress. Even if you enjoy it, like obviously I'm not talking mental stress. It's like it's stress on your body no matter what. Yeah. So that's why we just prefer it. And again, like another thing too with both of these is like your heart rate. I –
I think it's very beneficial to get like an Apple watch or any of that if you are going to be going into a cut and you want to be paying attention to your heart rate because that's what I've been doing throughout this entire cut is paying attention to my heart rate rather than paying attention to, you know, the level I'm on, the speed I'm going because at the end of the day you want to like maintain relatively like the same heart rate. Um, so if you guys are up to date with like my YouTube series, I have been talking about this a lot on there. Um,
what with cardio, you want to start off small, like Taylor was saying. So you don't want to jump into your first week of your calorie deficit doing like cardio three, four times a week. You know, you want to slowly work your way into it because I'm sure you haven't probably been doing cardio in a while. So your heart rate is definitely not like in the best place to be able to maintain like a long time on the, you know, I do the stairs, um, for instance. So what I like to do at the very beginning of this cut, I was just starting off with
twice a week for 10 minutes because I needed to figure out where my heart rate kind of averaged at um like I think it was level six so my heart rate was really high it was like 170 and that's like pretty high for me so I knew that I had to you know continue to ease myself into it and then the next week after that that's when I turned those two week or those two days into 20 minutes
And then after that, I turned those 20 minutes into three times a week for 10 minutes. And then I was just adding like increments of like time of more cardio to be doing. But at the end of the day, the entire time, once I got like my heart rate into a good spot is I was maintaining around like a 140, 155 heart rate. And that's, in my opinion, what I think has been working best for me is paying attention to my heart rate rather than just like
the level i'm on on the stairs because one for instance the stairs are always different with the with the levels stairs are crazy different guys like i didn't even know that they were like obviously i assumed they were a little different as like every machine is but at lyft at lyft atx specifically i normally do like an eight to ten on the stairs when i was like i finished i would do like an eight ten if i was feeling freaking insane like an eight seven or eight whatever
So I put that on the one I left. It was flying. Like, I was doing a three. And someone was like, what level are you on on the stairs? When I posted it, I was like, this is going to sound weird because I'm using like a seven. I'm on a three right now. Like, when I tell you guys the eight was like a full-on sprint, I was like, what the hell? Like, and I feel like that's very, like, I feel like treadmills are pretty, like,
The same. Yeah. Like I've never been on. They definitely are. Like I've never really been on a treadmill where I'm like, oh, that level three is like faster than this level three. But like the stairs. Jesus. Yeah.
but so going back to like the list cardio with your heart rate, your target heart rate when you are performing less cardio. So like the two that Taylor and I do is going to be 50 to 70, 70% of your max heart rate. You can find your average max heart rate on your Apple watch if you do have one. Um, and then for your hit cardio, you are going to want to get 80% to a hundred percent of your max heart rate. Um, from that like five to 20 minutes that you are, um,
Your max heart rate is also like 220 minus your age. That's like the general equation for that. Nice. Didn't know that. Yeah. I'm so smart. Yeah. That's like just like the those my two things. Me knowing the what meat means and me knowing the heart rate equation. Yeah.
But yeah, I like I do incline walking. Sam does the stairs. I like semi pay attention to my heart rate. It's been like the same every time. I also just try to push myself with like I try to push myself with like the level I'm using. But I do pretty much like the same thing every single time. I started with like a 10 and like a three for 20 minutes. Sometimes I'll do like an 11 or 12.
Um, it is what it is. My biggest thing for me with the, this too, is I'm very competitive with myself. Do you want to be better at it? So I want to either maintain where I was, but I don't want to do, I don't want to do worse than I was the day before, like the day before I was doing cardio. So like if I'm doing the 20 minutes and like my heart rate's at like 130, I'm like, Sam, pick up the speed. Cause you know, you can maintain like a 140, like pick it up. Right. Um, that's true. That's very true. Um, but yeah, that's what we do. And like for stairs or the,
treadmill it doesn't matter do whatever one you want like the only reason i do treadmills because my quads will like burn more than like my cardio like my lungs give out like my heart gives out i mean my heart gives out but like more than before like my cardio self gives out so like i don't really like it like i tried to do stairs the other day after i hit legs and i literally just can't like my quads were done like i could not walk but like cardio wise i was fine so i was like f this and i walked so like that's just why i prefer it but like it doesn't matter yeah
Doesn't matter at all. And on top of all of this with your cardio, the biggest thing to know too is to make sure you're doing your cardio at the end of your lifts. Lifting is going to be most important.
biggest thing to be doing at the beginning because that's where you want to put all your energy into. And then that's when you'll do your cardio, which is another prime example as to why we do less cardio after a workout. I don't think I would have the energy to do a high intensity cardio session. But the reason being is because our bodies use our glycogen stores, which our glycogen stores are carbohydrates as our main energy source. So you want to completely deplete through all of that while you're doing your lifts, take out all your energy. And then that's when your body is going to, you know,
have no more of that left in your body, then we'll start to use your second, um, primary energy source. And that's going to be your fats. So use all your glycogen for your lifts and then go into your cardio pretty much using your second primary energy source of the fats. Yeah. So that's obviously going to help her in the fat, but even besides all that, like science-y stuff, right. You want to be building muscle. You want to be
keeping that muscle on lifting heavy. So you want to put the majority of your energy into the lift. The lift is going to take energy out of you. Cardio is mindless. Yeah. So that...
You just took your pre-workout. You just did your thing. Put your energy toward the lift because you want to build muscle. You don't want to be fatigued going into your bench session. Another thing with the whole weight loss aspect is going to be the more muscle you have is going to make weight loss so much easier. Which is why we bowl. Yeah, that's why we bowl. So that way weight loss is snap of the fingers. Which is...
So much easier because the more muscle mass you have on your body, the higher maintenance will be, the faster your metabolism will be, and all those great things. So it makes weight loss so much easier. Yeah. So that's pretty much all for cardio, right? Do you have anything else to say about cardio? No. Okay. I hate it though. I hate cardio. I like it when it's done. When cardio is over and you're sweaty and you finished it, so good. Oh, one more thing now that I'm thinking about it is diet.
Do not include your cardio steps. In your 10K steps. In your 10K steps. So what I've come to realize is that I need to get around like 12 to 13K steps with my 20 minutes of cardio. Same. Yeah, if you don't want to look at your watch and be like, how many steps now? And then subtract it. I walk about a three for 20 minutes on the treadmill. It's roughly 2,000 steps.
roughly so mine is also 12 to 13 so if you do like 20 minutes on the treadmill at around that speed i'm giving you the favor that's how much it is for me so it's probably roughly the same for you exactly man um and then we lift as normal guys which is probably a huge question we both get all the time is like oh so now that you're cutting do you do like low weight high rep no no no we do the same exact thing
Because you're not going to get weaker in a normal cut. People on prep sometimes still hit PRs, right? Like, which, and if they got weaker, that would even make sense to me because, hello, their food is, like, crazy low. But you should never be cutting a normal, you know, lifestyle, average person just doing a little bit of fat loss should never be that low on calories, right?
that you are that weak, especially if you are eating at your normal times, having a big enough pre-workout meal, all the things, you really shouldn't be losing strength. The only thing that might happen is you're not gaining strength as quickly. Like in a bulk, it might seem like it's just like PR, PR, PR, because you have all these carbs in you, all this energy, and that mental strength of I'm eating more so I'm stronger. You also put on maybe a little bit of weight, obviously, because you bulked, and when you're heavier,
You can typically move more weight. So you might not increase weight as fast, but the strength won't disappear. I've been hitting PRs pretty often already since starting a little bit of a cut. So your strength won't disappear and you don't have to train in any sort of different way. I am prioritizing like a program right now because I just want to make sure I'm staying on top of my strength and being good about it because since I don't have that
I was just eating more, so I was probably going to get stronger no matter what I was doing. Realistically, I'm just really, really, really narrowing in on my lifts and even trying to go as heavy as ever before to really keep that muscle mass. Yeah, I think the only big difference with our lifts that we've changed is the time of when we're working out because now that we're eating a little bit less, we are now waiting a little bit longer. We do get now two forms of food in us, so we do...
breakfast and a snack. And I think that's helped a lot. Whereas, you know, when we were bulking, it didn't really matter because I was just freaking full 24 seven. But now I feel like I like to get a little bit extra carbs in me. So we have been doing a breakfast and a snack and then we're going to the gym. Yeah. And it's a lot of it's mental guys. Like,
thinking that you're weaker. Like if you go in being like, oh, I'm cutting, so I'm weaker, you're going to be weaker. So it's literally all mental. You should not lose strength. And just because you had like an off day doesn't mean you're losing strength. I had weekdays in the peak of my bulk. And you'll also have weekdays in the middle of your cut, but it's not because you're cutting. Yeah, exactly. And that's how your lifts really shouldn't change. One thing I am trying to do though, I am trying to be, like I said, more –
Now this is, I mean, this would probably be if I'm cutting or not. I'm really trying to be more intentional with my lifts. Like I said, to make sure I'm really keeping on all as much muscle as I possibly can and still putting on a little bit of muscle while cutting, but also just keeping my body not on too much stress, really controlling the amount of like volume I'm doing, not doing too many exercises, paying attention to like percent to my max, things like that. So yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
I think we pretty much summed it all up and I guess we can kind of just like jump right into like, cause I was saying to Taylor at the beginning of this before we hopped on is that like, I obviously want to be like more, you know, sensitive and more aware of like the people that, you know, find like the whole weight loss terms, calorie deficit terms and like the
tracking food and like they find it like a little bit triggering or in a way like they just can't do it because they're not in a good state where they can so you know it is totally possible where you can be in a calorie deficit without tracking if you just are one don't want to even track because there are people that are just like fuck it I don't want to try I don't want to track yeah I just want to be you know a college student that doesn't track or there are people that are like okay well I I've tried tracking before and I've gotten way too obsessed with it and I need to not do it so
So, um, there are plenty of ways you can go about a calorie deficit without tracking first and foremost, being a prioritizing your protein intake. I am
I am going to be doing this when it comes to eating intuitive like this summer. I'm not going to be tracking. So what I'm going to do with prioritizing my protein is that every time I sit down to eat anything, I'm going to make sure that I'm getting at least 20 to 25 grams of protein in during that like meal, snack, whatever I'm eating. So really focusing on like high protein things when you are like making a meal.
After that is also with prioritizing just like your fruits and veggies, the things that are good for you, the things that are lower calorie, more voluminous. So that way both of these things are going to keep you really full. Fruits and veggies mean high volume meals. You can eat like a whole tub of strawberries for like 100 calories. So it's keeping the volume really, really high and prioritizing your protein is keeping you full. So in turn, you'll probably be getting in a calorie deficit because those things are less likely for you to overeat.
Exactly. And then, obviously, the other things we said, the cardio and the steps, those things obviously aren't, like, tracking food, but do them. Yeah. Get them in. Be active. Get extra active. You know, if you think you're already active, go on that extra five-minute walk after dinner. If you have a dog, take your dog on, like, that extra, you know, half-mile walk. Yeah. Whatever it is. And also, this is...
I guess for anyone, so this isn't about tracking food, but also do incorporate other activities just into your plans. Me and my boyfriend went golfing. And then it's like, that's more steps, that's just more movement. Obviously, it's not crazy movement, it's just golf. But it's outside, moving around, doing something. Add more just physical activities into your daily routine that's not just a walk around.
or the gym yeah that'll like add up so much activity in your life just by doing simple things um we're gonna be active queens this summer i already know it yeah like even like like paddleboarding like that is a shoulder workout and a half of it seriously
It's the warmer weather it gets, yeah. But another one is going to be those food swaps as well. This can also go with anyone that is going to be tracking and they aren't probably aware of whether there's some good food swaps. But some could be obviously the basic PB2 versus peanut butter. That's a really good one. I typically, guys if you know me, I don't like peanut butter so I don't do that a lot. I'm an almond butter person.
But yeah, so PB2 and peanut butter, another one. I'm trying to think of what other ones are. Oh, I don't even know. Why can't I think of any?
food swaps popcorn versus like chips is a good one yes that is a good um drinks i mean diet drinks are a huge one like i'm drinking a diet coke right now yeah the liquid calories as much as you can much as you can gotta go if you like a sweet coffee you can get a sweet coffee but literally have it be like 200 calories or 100 calories versus like five six hundred so it's not like you need to drink like black coffee no sweetener but like
You could definitely go from like a 600 calorie coffee to like a 200 calorie coffee. Get like really low calorie sodas, diet soda, Olipop, Poppy, whatever, like things like that.
Yeah. Um, and then next is going to be your fibrous carbs. So anything that is one going to help you go to the bathroom, but also keep you a little bit fuller, a little bit longer. And that is going to be things like oatmeal, sweet potatoes, quinoa. I've been having quinoa lately and I really like it. I'm going to get that for meal prep to get a little extra protein. Yes. Yeah. I'm going to start cause I was going to make tofu rice bowls again for like lunch. And I was like, I'm going to make instead just for like extra like protein. Um,
Yeah, again, like Sam said, that's just going to keep you a little bit more full rather than, like, something like plain white rice. You can still eat white rice, but it just might just help keep you a little full. And then, of course, lift and do your cardio. Push yourself in the gym. Hell yeah. Important. Always important. Always important. Bulking, cutting, weight loss, maintaining. Push yourself in the gym. Yeah, always. Yeah. Yeah.
But yeah, that's pretty much like our cutting. I have so far really liked it because like we said, like we're not starving, right? You shouldn't be dying.
Obviously, do you have all the room in the world for food to have like a pint of Ben and Jerry's every night? No. But I'm not starving. You heard me say before I was like hungry. It was just like the little switch. Now I'm fine. I'm totally fine. It was just a little switch of the amount of activity my body was like, whoa, what? You're moving? Because I had not done cardio in like forever that I think my body was like, hello? Like you're moving a lot.
And I honestly don't think, like, I even got this question the other day. It's like, someone was like, am I supposed to be starving 24-7? You shouldn't be starving 24-7 because you can make so many high-volume meals. You're probably, like I said, eating the wrong foods or you're just in a place where you should not be in a calorie deficit because you're already eating too little. Right. I've had people come to me saying, like, I'm eating, like, 1,500, 1,600. I'm in a calorie deficit. It's not working. It's not working.
I'm sorry, I hate to break it to you, but you should not be in a calorie deficit if that's how much you're eating. You need to really work up your metabolism before you do that. So being starving 24-7 is not normal. Right, if you're doing cardio three, four days a week, lifting, getting 10K steps, maybe you also just are doing, like I said, those other little activities in your life that aren't necessarily working out. Obviously, this is very general. I would agree 1,500, 1,600 calories and below is...
really pushing it um for amount of calories that is like very low um some of you might be like but i'm like she was four foot eight like okay maybe you literally wave so little it was your first week to intercut yeah so that's why i'm saying very cutting more like very very general
That's probably too low for you, right? Like I know people that have been on like bikini competition prep at more calories than you. Yeah. Like you, like, you know, like you should, like they're only hitting below those calories like a few weeks out from prep. Like, so take that into consideration. If you're starving, you're probably eating too little, but maybe you're eating the right amount. You're not spacing it out, right? Maybe, maybe like,
You're eating these super high calorie meals and then after dinner you have no room for like a snack. Whereas you could have sacrificed 200 calories to had a little snack before bed and just rearranged your day better. Yeah.
I find that helps me. Like, sometimes, like, it's sometimes not the amount of food. Like, we said about, like, eating, changing time. We go to the gym. Like, rearrange your day better. Like, if you know you have a sweet tooth before bed, track whatever you want to eat before bed. Yeah. Like I said, you're probably not going to have calories for, like, a whole pint of ice cream, but you have calories for, like, two cookies. Unless it's delights. But, like, you could have calories for, like, two cookies. Yeah. That would fit. Yeah. Like, when I got, like, vegan, like, pudding cups, you know what I'm saying? You can fit that stuff in no problem. Yeah. Your calories should not be that low where you're starving. You would need to re-
rethink that one exactly but i hope this was like really helpful for you guys um pretty much covered everything we could possibly think of in terms of like if you guys asked questions and we needed to answer it so yeah and i feel like this one like with bulking people like why do you do that but i feel like with cutting people get why you like to look shreddy for summer and it's not even like it's not like in a toxic way like there's nothing wrong with wanting to look a certain way
Yeah. There's nothing wrong with it. Especially if you like learn to do it. In a healthy way. Properly. There's nothing wrong with it. Exactly. Like why not? Why not? It's also just like I highly recommend doing this like after a growing phase because I find this very easy. I would never cut unless I bulked right before. Like I find this so easy guys. Like once you come, you don't know the beauty of not having to like try to shove over 3000 calories into your face. It
until you don't have to do it anymore and you also appreciate your body so much more when the cardio is like i feel so much like healthier yeah like but um i like it a lot cutting versus bulking for me all the way yeah oh we also still drink on our cut yeah which we did we had the episode but like i saw you talk about it in your story i'm assuming if people click on this and you haven't heard any of our content before i just want to throw that in there for you guys too for the people that just like
happened upon this podcast we do still drink we do still have days of a week where we don't really track like maybe one day a week or like half a day a week where we don't track well we're mindful okay not tracking doesn't mean like throw it all in the garbage but we do still do that yeah um on pretty much a weekly basis which check out our youtube channel because we do full days of eating pretty much weekly yeah and i do a weekend vlog
Like almost every other weekend. I'm doing like a weekend vlog. It just happens that way. It's not like a schedule. I just happen to film the weekend a lot. Yeah. So if you need that visual, you want to see what we're eating for like snack and meal ideas, definitely check those out. If you want to see like the bout, like literally all of it. Like the days where we're perfectly to a tee on track, the days where we're like drinking on a Saturday, like it is all ready for you to watch the whole day. Binge it. Yeah.
you can see all of it it'll really put what we're saying just to like a visual and you can see our faces do you guys all right because some of you just found us by like like typing in like fitness podcast and you found us you need to like we do all the things yeah so i went to the podcast page once and was like it's so weird putting like the faces to the voices i'm like really i listen to some podcasts that i don't know what the girls look like yeah which is so crazy yeah please go stalk us so you at least know what we look like yeah
But yeah, that's pretty much it for all of this, the long-awaited cutting episode. Yeah. It was exciting. I felt very informative. Yeah. Like, informative cleans. Of course. Love you guys. Love you guys. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.