Mindi Huebner is a certified life coach, health coach, and belief healing coach extraordinaire. Mindi helps entrepreneurs with body, mind and soul to up-level their life and their business. She shares her top tips to increase productivity including the importance of water, breaks, and some different perspectives on nutrition as well.
Go grab her new freebie at: www.mindihuebner.com/meditation)
Join the****PLAN-A-PALOOZA ANNUAL PLANNING WORKSHOPOctober 17 + 18, 2024www.megansumrell.com/plan)
Overwhelmed? Frazzled? Tired of your calendar controlling you?You are in the right place! Sign up) for this free, on-demand training and learn how to gain control of your time no matter what life throws at you!>>> https://www.megansumrell.com/freetraining)** ****Thanks for tuning in!Megan 💕🐝**www.megansumrell.com)****www.instagram.com/megansumrell)****https://www.youtube.com/@the_pink_bee)****www.linkedin.com/in/msumrell)