Do you keep items around your house for no reason? Eric Riddle has been a lifelong packrat. His mantra has been: I would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Recent events led him to face the clutter in his own life with a new perspective. Getting your mind out of the clutter is an ongoing process.
Life can be hectic, which usually leads to physical clutter in our homes; like piles of paperwork in the office, mail on the kitchen counter, or children’s toys on the living room floor. Items we let accumulate can often become difficult to remove from our lives. How do we get rid of this STUFF?
As a STUFFologist (visit, Eric helps people clear the clutter from their lives. STUFFology is the art or practice of getting rid of STUFF we define as CLUTTER. Cluttergories include: Physical, Mental, Digital, Temporal, and Sensual. He has the ability to empathize and help others to achieve their goals.
In his spare time, Eric likes reading, attending Toastmasters, watching movies, and playing with his dogs. He lives in California with his wife, daughter, and their four-legged friends.