Offering Vedic Astrology for all listeners
Astrological global patterns affecting us
Her UFO Sightings & Crop Circle investigations
This episode is a conversation on UFO’s and Intuitive Vedic Astrology. My guest, Serena Wright Taylor is an award-winning conference producer. Intuitive Vedic Astrologer, UFO Researcher, Writer, Creative Artist and Humanitarian. Serena is an Ambassador for the Love Button Global Movement which fosters acts of kindness all over the world. An Intuitive Vedic Astrologer for more than 35 years, Serena combines her psychic ability and astrology to assist clients worldwide. Go to: https://vimana.org/
Award-winning "Dare to Dream" podcast, enjoyed by listeners for over 14 years with host, Debbi Dachinger, offers strong conversation on metaphysics, quantum creating, law of attraction, healing, and extraterrestrials.
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Debbi Dachinger is a certified Visibility in Media coach. She coaches people to write a page turner book, takes their book to a guaranteed international bestseller, AND teaches clients how to be interviewed on radio and podcast for massive results.
Get your free media visibility information and start now: https://debbidachinger.com/gift
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The show is sponsored by DrDainHeer.com and Access Consciousness.