Want to get out of your own way and stop being the best kept secret? My guest is **Michael Neeley who is a mentor and business strategist for visionary solopreneurs. He is a former professional actor and medieval knight, an author and speaker, and he hosts the podcasts - *****Consciously Speaking, Buy This – Not That, Something to Wine About, *****and *****The PodQuest Show. *****As the founder of The Authority Academy, Michael trains and supports heart-centered entrepreneurs in professional speaking, virtual summits, getting published, and designing and hosting their own podcast to massively grow their business and expand their audience. Michael is also a mindset master with a gift for helping people to get out of their own way. **WEBSITE: www.MichaelNeeley.com)
#podcast) #health) #MichaelNeeley **#DebbiDachinger #**business#strategist #knight #TheAuthorityAcademy #DareToDream #publish # actor #coach #author #speaker #podquest
KEYWORDS: interview, Debbi Dachinger, Dare to Dream, Consciousness, transformation, success, Entrepreneur), law of attraction, heal, bestselling book, Podcast, motivate, media, inspire, author, wellness, spiritual, Michael Neeley business strategy, Consciously Speaking, Buy This Not That, Something to Wine About, The PodQuest Show, The Authority Academy, event, new media summit, mdma, plant medicine, rythmia, ayahuasca