On this week's podcast, Bob goes solo as he talks about his trip hiking and photographing waterfalls in North Carolina. He discusses the scenery, the trails and the people he's encountered. Also, a short discussion on when you should go with a tour group and when you should make your own arrangements. Also, Colorado Springs E-bike survey and El Paso County's Paint Mines Park Master Plan. E-bike Survey: https://coloradosprings.gov/Ebike-input Paint Mines Master Plan Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6LDXKRR Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information Hiking Bob website: https://www.HikingBob.com Wild Westendorf website: https://wildwestendorf.wordpress.com/ Where to listen, download and subscribe to this podcast: https://pod.link/outdoorswithhikingbob