On this week's podcast, Bob talks about problems he had recently with his feet when hiking, and how he resolved the problem. He and Kevin discuss dates this summer when the Pikes Peak Highway will open before dawn; a new feature to Google Maps that integrates National Park maps; a special deal on locally produced Pocket Pals Trail Maps, and much more. Special Events on Pikes Peak: https://coloradosprings.gov/special-events Pocket Pals Trail Maps: https://www.pptrailmaps.com/ Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information Hiking Bob website: https://www.HikingBob.com Wild Westendorf website: https://www.Wildwestendorf.com Where to listen, download and subscribe to this podcast: https://pod.link/outdoorswithhikingbob