On this week's podcast, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss Bob's recent trip to Big Bend National Park. Also, Colorado's new Centennial park pass for low income residents, and the Columbine park pass for disabled residents. Off the Beaten Path Adventures: https://www.offthebeatenpath.com/ Centenniall Pass: https://cpw.state.co.us/buyapply/Pages/CentennialProgram.aspx Columbine Pass: https://cpw.state.co.us/buyapply/Pages/ColumbinePassInfo.aspx Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information Hiking Bob website: https://www.HikingBob.com Wild Westendorf website: https://www.Wildwestendorf.com Where to listen, download and subscribe to this podcast: https://pod.link/outdoorswithhikingbob