cover of episode 第116个故事:珊越旅行系列之没有去阿勒泰的新疆之旅


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蒋灵珊: 我和家人一起去了新疆旅游,这次旅行的灵感一部分来自于电视剧《我的阿勒泰》,但我们并没有去阿勒泰,而是去了喀什和伊犁。在行程规划中,我主要参考了小红书上的信息,但同时也发现小红书的商业化比较严重。这次旅行的费用很高,机票占了很大一部分,我们选择了自驾游的方式,在伊犁地区游玩了大部分时间,喀什则作为对异域风情的探索。 在喀什,我们参观了喀什古城和牛羊大巴扎,古城商业化程度较高,而牛羊大巴扎则更贴近当地生活,但环境比较脏乱。我们品尝了当地的酸奶和哈密瓜,我对新疆的肉类食品并不感冒,因为我不太喜欢羊和牛肉的味道,更喜欢猪肉和鸡肉。 伊犁地区的行程主要以自驾游为主,我们去了特克斯、琼库什台、昭苏县和下塔景区等地。伊犁地区的自然景观很美,但我觉得可替代性比较强,而喀什的异域风情则更独特。在喀什,我做了旅拍,并与当地维吾尔族人进行了深入交流,了解了她们不同的生活方式。 在琼库什台,我们住在一个当地人开的民宿,并与一个哈萨克族的小弟弟进行了交流,还与一个维吾尔族家庭一起跳舞唱歌,感受到了当地人的热情好客。 总的来说,新疆的水果非常好吃,特别是杏子,而新疆的自然景观和人文景观都各有特色。这次旅行让我对新疆有了更深入的了解,也让我对旅游业对环境和当地生活的影响有了更深刻的思考。 唐: 我与灵珊一起分享了对新疆之旅的感受,并结合李娟的原著《我的阿勒泰》和同名电视剧,对新疆的自然风光、人文风情以及旅游业发展进行了探讨。 灵珊的旅行经历让我对新疆有了更直观的了解,也引发了我对《我的阿勒泰》电视剧和原著小说的思考。电视剧呈现出一种轻松治愈的氛围,但原著小说则更贴近现实,展现了当地人生活的艰辛和挑战。 电视剧中的一些细节处理与原著有所不同,例如外婆被改成了奶奶,一些关于环境破坏和社会问题的描写也被弱化。这让我思考,电视剧为了追求美感和商业价值,是否牺牲了一些真实性和深度。 灵珊在新疆的旅行,也让我看到了旅游业对环境和当地生活的影响。旅游业的发展固然能促进经济增长,但同时也可能带来环境污染和文化冲击。如何平衡旅游业发展与环境保护和文化传承,是一个值得深思的问题。 总的来说,《我的阿勒泰》电视剧和原著小说都各有千秋,电视剧更注重娱乐性,而原著小说则更注重现实性和深度。希望大家在欣赏美景的同时,也能对新疆的文化和社会现状有更全面的了解。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Linshan decide to visit Xinjiang instead of Malaysia?

Linshan chose to visit Xinjiang because of the popularity of the TV series 'My Altay,' which her mother and aunt were very fond of. They were inspired to experience the local culture and scenery depicted in the show.

What were the main challenges of traveling to Xinjiang?

The main challenges included the high cost of travel, especially for a family, and the long distances involved. The flight tickets were particularly expensive, with each person spending around 5,000 to 7,000 RMB, and the need to transfer flights in cities like Guangzhou added to the complexity.

What was the most memorable part of Linshan's trip to Kashgar?

The most memorable part of Linshan's trip to Kashgar was visiting the Kashgar Old City and the local bazaars. She was particularly impressed by the vibrant atmosphere and the unique, exotic culture that felt different from anything she had experienced before.

How did Linshan perceive the natural landscapes of Xinjiang compared to those in the US?

Linshan found the natural landscapes in Xinjiang beautiful but not entirely unique, as she had seen similar scenery in the US. She mentioned that while places like Yuhu and Xiata were stunning, they didn't feel as distinct compared to American landscapes.

What cultural insights did Linshan gain from her interactions in Xinjiang?

Linshan gained cultural insights through interactions with locals, such as during a photo shoot in Kashgar where she learned about the lives of Uyghur women. She also experienced the hospitality of a Kazakh family during a stay in Qiongkushitai, which left a lasting impression.

How did the TV series 'My Altay' influence Linshan's perception of Xinjiang?

While 'My Altay' initially didn't appeal to Linshan, she later appreciated the series for its portrayal of a simple, rural lifestyle and the scenic beauty of Xinjiang. However, she felt the hardships of life in Altay, as depicted in the book, were somewhat glossed over in the TV adaptation.

What environmental issues did Linshan observe during her trip to Xinjiang?

Linshan observed significant environmental degradation caused by tourism, such as littering in natural areas like Qiongkushitai. She also reflected on the broader impact of tourism on local communities and the need for sustainable practices.

  • 新疆之旅预算超高,机票费用占很大一部分
  • 行程规划主要依靠小红书和携程
  • 新疆地区内部也需要飞行交通

Shownotes Transcript

林珊其实在看了《再见爱人》之后就很想去新疆(虽然在节目里完全忘提),而不是众所周知的《我的阿勒泰》。不过,新疆之行中阿勒泰不断被亲人提起,也是一件小小的插曲。这期节目中,我和趟分享了自己的新疆旅行经历,也把李娟的原著和电视剧改编放在一起,分享了其中的看点和反思。 BGM: Long Road Acoustic Travel by Dmytro Kuvalin from Pixabay