Maya Rosow is a renowned lightworker who emerged from the tumultuous times of lockdownwhen the world was seeking claridty in the midst of chaos. With a profound understanding of higher realms, Maya embarked on her spiritual journey as a Starseed, aligning herself with the three waves of volunteers. As a multidimensional being, Maya has delved into various mystical practices and honed her abilities to become a shaman witchdoctor, an Empath, a psychic, a reiki master, isis priestess, and a pracititoner of Dolores Cannon techniques. particularly Aura Hypnotherapy and Psychic Surgery. Her vast expertise extends to the realms of energy healing and alternative therapies.Maya's website:✅✅🛸 Maya's Youtube: skeptic Podcast Tip Jar:✅🛸✅😎 still have a month till the end of july contest is over. Donate 15 or over or buy merch to be entered in our contest. Win a free hypnosis session or chance to host a podcast with me✅👀🤷♂️👽Follow typical skeptic podcast everywhere:✅join our discord group for free and stay in touch with what im up to✅Like, Comment, Share and subscribe, and leave a tip if you feel obliged:✅Or maybe Join the Patreon for bonus content New Unreleased shows every week for less than a cup of coffee: Help me keep making videos!✅Check out what I'm selling: Typical skeptic podcast t shirts:✅New typical skeptic affiliate Happy Hippo Kratom, take control of your consciousness and anxiety, use it as your limitless resource: Use Code Skeptic for 15% off and support the podcast✅-Natural Shilajit and Monoatomic Gold from Healthy Nutrition LLC.use code: ROB✅Tachyon Living- and use code SKEPTICFREEGIFT for a free gift#metaphysics #hypnosis #timetravel #multidimensional #dolorescannon #QHHT #podcast #typicalskeptic #sosqht #youtubeLiveBecome a supporter of this podcast: