cover of episode EP15肯塔基吸血鬼少年杀人事件:割裂社会的微众文化


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Shownotes Transcript

From Music: Legendary Shack Shakers - Blood on the Blue

肯塔基州南部的一个小镇上 Way down south in a Kentuck' town

所有的麦田在那里生长 Where all of the stubble fields grow

一个男孩站了起来,眼中有魔鬼的力量 One boy did rise with the devil in his eyes

他的心像西田的煤一样阴暗无光 Whose heart was dark as Westfield coal

心像西田的煤一样阴暗无光 Heart was dark as Westfield coal

罗德里克费雷尔和温道夫姑娘 Roderick Ferrell and the Wendorf girl

跪在黑暗坟墓上 Knelt down upon a darkened grave

他拔出匕首向下一挥,红色的东西流到了地上 He drew his dagger down and the red ran to the ground

他们舔着刀刃上的血光 And they licked along the bloody blade

舔着刀刃上的血光 Licked along the bloody blade

血红色的血在蓝色的草地上,蓝色的草地上 Blood-red blood on the blue, blue grass

它在神圣的猎场上呐喊 It cries from hallowed hunting ground

那是那块血腥的黑斑的午夜诅咒 'Twas the midnight curse of that bloody black patch

让另一个可怜的孩子倒下了 That took another poor boy down

夺走了另一个可怜的孩子 Took another poor boy down


Ridin' in the night down to F-L-ATo bid her folks a foul farewell With his claw hammer high he drew

在深红色的浪花中翩翩起舞 And danced amidst the crimson spray

在深红色的浪花中翩翩起舞 Danced amidst the crimson spray

鲜红的血液流淌在蓝色的草地上 Blood-red blood on the blue, blue grass

它从神圣的猎场上呼啸而来 It cries from hallowed hunting ground

那血腥的黑斑的午夜诅咒 'Twas the midnight curse of that bloody black patch

夺走了另一个可怜的孩子 That took another poor boy down

夺走了另一个可怜的孩子 Took another poor boy down

请注意你们这些失去母亲的孩子 Take heed all ye motherless children so lost

不要困在你自己心灵的洞穴里 Dwell not in the caves of your mind

罗德里克费雷尔的罪孽之路,已经带他走到了死路上 Roderick Ferrell's trail of sin did lead him his to his end

但血腥的田野在时间中开出了蓝色的花朵 But bloody fields blossom blue in time

血色的田野在时间中绽放出蓝色的光芒 Bloody fields blossom blue in time

鲜红的血液流淌在蓝色的草地上 Blood-red blood on the blue, blue grass

**它在神圣的猎场上呐喊 **It cries from hallowed hunting ground

**那片血淋淋的黑土地的午夜诅咒 **'Twas the midnight curse of that bloody black patch

夺走了另一个可怜的孩子 That took another poor boy down

夺走了另一个可怜的孩子 Took another poor boy down

是的,它使另一个可怜的男孩倒下了 Yes, it took another poor boy down