cover of episode CM 273: Kasley Killam on the Art and Science of Connection

CM 273: Kasley Killam on the Art and Science of Connection

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Curious Minds at Work

Gayle Allen
Kasley Killam
Gayle Allen: 本期节目讨论了社交健康的重要性,以及如何将社交健康与身心健康同等对待。访谈嘉宾 Kasley Killam 强调了社交联系对身心健康和长寿的积极影响,并提出了衡量和提升社交健康的方法。 Gayle Allen 还探讨了工作场所作为社交健康资源的潜力,以及如何平衡工作与人际关系。 节目中还介绍了 Kasley Killam 的著作《连接的艺术与科学》,以及她提出的四种社交健康风格(蝴蝶型、独行侠型、萤火虫型和常青型),以及“531”准则(每周与五个人联系,维持至少三个亲密关系,每天花一小时进行社交)。 Kasley Killam: 社交健康是整体健康和福祉的重要组成部分,它源于人际关系和社区感。大量的研究表明,高质量的社交联系可以降低患多种疾病的风险,并延长寿命。社交健康与身心健康不同但相互关联,提升它们的方法也不同。 社交健康不仅仅是社交,更注重高质量的联系而非数量。孤独只是社交健康不佳的一个标志,但即使不感到孤独,也可以主动增强社交健康。人们往往低估了社交联系对健康的重要性,将关注点从孤独转向社交健康更有益。 评估社交健康需要考虑主观感受,例如社交互动量、亲密关系和社区归属感。我们可以通过伸展、休息、强化和展示这四种策略来增强社交能力,就像锻炼身体一样。社交健康会随着时间而波动,这是正常的,在生活过渡时期,我们需要更加关注社交健康。 消极的思维模式可能会阻碍社交健康,而积极的心态和好奇心则有助于提升社交健康。技术和社交媒体对社交健康的影响是双面的,关键在于使用方法。 我的丈夫的祖母 Nancy 是社交健康生活的榜样,她始终将人际关系放在优先地位。工作固然重要,但我们也需要平衡工作与人际关系,从长远角度来看待工作和社交联系。 在大学期间,我进行了一个为期108天的善行实验,这改变了我看待世界和人际关系的方式,也提升了我的身心健康和学习效率。志愿服务可以帮助人们减少孤独感,并增强社区归属感。 “Talk for Ten”是一种简单的社交技巧,即每周与某人进行几次10分钟的电话交谈。工作场所可以成为重要的社交联系来源,它能提供一对一关系和社区感。

Deep Dive

Social health is the dimension of well-being that comes from relationships and community. Decades of research show that strong social connections are linked to increased longevity and reduced risk of various health issues, highlighting its importance alongside physical and mental health. While distinct, these aspects of health are interconnected, influencing each other.
  • Social health is about relationships and community.
  • Strong social connections are linked to increased longevity and reduced risk of heart disease, dementia, diabetes, and depression.
  • Social health is distinct yet interconnected with physical and mental health.

Shownotes Transcript

It’s become common knowledge that we need to prioritize our physical and mental health. In fact we’re encouraged to commit to regular exercise and good nutrition, and to engage with mental health professionals as part of a healthy lifestyle.

And if public health experts like Kasley Killam have their way, social health will become just as important. It’s why she wrote the book, The Art and Science of Connection: Why Social Health is the Missing Key to Living Longer, Healthier, and Happier.

Kasley’s book is the proactive solution to today’s loneliness epidemic. It’s also a research-backed argument for why social health needs to be on equal footing with mental and physical health.

Episode Links

Shifting the Focus from Loneliness to Social Health

What is Social Health? The Little-Known Idea that Could Make All the Difference

The Mental Health Industry is Booming. Next up? Social Health Innovation

Interview with Malissa Clark

The Team

Learn more about host, Gayle Allen, and producer, Rob Mancabelli, here.

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