cover of episode CM 272: Julia Hotz on the Connection Cure

CM 272: Julia Hotz on the Connection Cure

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Curious Minds at Work

Gail Allen
Julia Hotz
Gail Allen:对社交处方的介绍和其重要性的强调。她认为,现代许多健康问题可以通过社交处方得到改善,并强调了与他人相处和做自己喜欢的事情的重要性。 Julia Hotz:详细解释了社交处方的概念,它源于社会决定因素对健康的影响,并通过非医疗资源和活动来改善健康和人际关系。她分享了多个案例,例如弗兰克的自行车课程、希瑟的自然处方、库恩的艺术疗法和乔纳斯的文化体验,这些案例都证明了社交处方在改善身心健康方面的有效性。她还探讨了社交处方的历史渊源,指出其并非新科学,而是根植于古老的医学智慧,并强调了其在现代医疗体系中的重要性,特别是面对当前医疗体系面临的压力和挑战。她还讨论了社交处方在美国的发展现状和前景,并指出其正在逐步发展,并展现出良好的前景。她认为社交处方不仅是一种具体的实践,更是一种生活方式,能够帮助人们获得更多快乐、意义和人际关系。 Gail Allen:就社交处方的作用和影响与Julia Hotz进行了深入的探讨,并分享了她自己对社交连接和社交健康的看法和体验。她特别强调了参与群体活动,例如读书会,能够促进人际关系,帮助人们认识自我,并指出社交处方在美国的应用正在逐步发展,并展现出良好的前景。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

Each day, millions of doctors write prescriptions for drugs intended to help their patients. But what if many of our modern health ailments, like depression, anxiety, and chronic pain, would benefit as much, if not more, from a social prescription?

What if nature, art, movement, and service could reduce our symptoms, decrease doctor visits, and improve our health?

These are questions Julia Hotz set out to answer. Julia is author of the book, The Connection Cure: The Prescriptive Power of Movement, Nature, Art, Service, and Belonging. By sharing research findings, as well as people’s stories from around the world, we get to see a whole other side of medicine.

After reading her book, I’m more convinced than ever we need to seek out and prioritize healthy social time.

Episode Links

New Horizons in Medicine: Why Art, Service, and Nature Might Be What the Doctor Orders

What If Your Doctor Could Prescribe Fishing Trips or Art Classes? Social Prescribing on the Rise

Doctor’s Orders: A Social Prescription for Health

Interview with Geoffrey Cohen

The Team

Learn more about host, Gayle Allen, and producer, Rob Mancabelli, here.

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